Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Smoke and mirrors >

McCain Agrees to Debate, Citing Progress on Bailout

Obama campaign officials dismissed as a political stunt Sen. McCain's vow to suspend his campaign in order to deal with the financial crisis. "I went on TV with [McCain spokeswoman] Nicolle Wallace today, so if they suspended the campaign, she didn't get the memo," senior Obama aide Robert Gibbs said at a breakfast with reporters on Thursday.

"Make no mistake. John McCain did not "suspend" his campaign," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in a memo to reporters. "He just turned a national crisis into an occasion to promote his campaign."

Who could possibly believe McCain has not been taking catnaps to prepare for NOON our time today?
Re: Barack 2008!

Thanks Doris

PS I notice SBS coverage starts at 10.55am - :eek:
So I'll probably tune in then and doublecheck.
(Sorry I'm being too lazy to work it out - but I'll trust SBS on this one ;) )
just before the debate gallup has it Obama 48 ; McCain 45.

The graph is dancing around bigtime - and as ZZd argues - that's a rolling 3 day average - so there must be big swings going on on a daily basis :2twocents


  • gallup 20080927.jpg
    gallup 20080927.jpg
    21.1 KB · Views: 62
Re: Barack 2008!

4 more days down the road ..

Obama on.... 8/13 ($1.62)... steady from ($1.62).... in from ($1.67) ... in from ($1.70)
McCain now 7/4 ($2.75) ... out from ($2.50) ... out from 7/5 ($2.40) ... out from ($2.25)

2 more days down the road :-
Obama on ..... 1/2 ($1.50).. in from ($1.62)... steady from ($1.62).... in from ($1.67) ... in from ($1.70)
McCain now 39/20 ($2.95).. out from ($2.75) ... out from ($2.50) ... out from 7/5 ($2.40) ... out from ($2.25)

The debate is ON!!
11 am Sydney Time on CNN
Thanks green
PS I wonder will they have a worm? ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

2 more days :-
Obama on ..... 1/2 ($1.50).. in from ($1.62)... steady from ($1.62).... in from ($1.67) ... in from ($1.70)
McCain now 39/20 ($2.95).. out from ($2.75) ... out from ($2.50) ... out from 7/5 ($2.40) ... out from ($2.25)

He's the favourite alright.

Re: Barack 2008!

People are only interested in the financial situation, for the moment. The debate may not be able to get away from that.
Re: Barack 2008!

Thanks Doris

PS I notice SBS coverage starts at 10.55am - :eek:
So I'll probably tune in then and doublecheck.
(Sorry I'm being too lazy to work it out - but I'll trust SBS on this one ;) )

What happened to Miss time being 9 hrs ahead... the day before???

Yes... on SBS live now. Hot!
Re: Barack 2008!

I like that post-debate comment ... All those international leaders' names ... Palin must be getting "really nervous". Remembering she got her first passport a year or two (or whatever - recent) ago.

I'll indulge and enter the world of hyperbole that our McCain supporter friends might use ... that famous American phrase of when someone is "really nervous" i.e "she'd be unsure on whether to **** or go blind" as they say.
Re: Barack 2008!

OMG! How much is Obama killing him!

'using a hatchet where you need a scalpel.'


I loved that metaphor too!

Barack was so frustrated at the lies and misconceptions that McCain kept throwing up but he contained himself and only corrected him on essential points. A lesser opponent would have been consumed and misled from the salient issues.

How wearisome was McCain in his condescending, patronizing histrionic verbals.

And history. He spoke more about Reagan than he did about his policy plans!

I'm old and wise. Obama's a pup.

What a ploy to assure veterans he loves them and will take care of them! As Obama highlighted... no help is being given for their post-traumatic stress conditions.

Obama won hands down on the economy, resounded more common sense on foreign affairs and I think won this debate because he did not get sidetracked with ego and histrionics.
Re: Barack 2008!

I was disgusted with what Obama said about Pakistan. I don't agree that a country like the US should cross boders into another country like Pakistan UNLESS Pakistan agrees and authorises their presence.

Anything else is essentially 'invasion'.
Re: Barack 2008!

On Pakistan's lack of action against AQ/Taliban :-
Senator Obama defended his vow to launch military attacks on extremists in Pakistan if Islamabad was unwilling or able to act (in fact he said if the US had Osama Bin Laden in their sights)...

McCain.. "You don't say that out loud," he said.

But Senator Obama (clarified yet again, and) hit back, recalling an unguarded moment by Senator McCain months ago on the campaign trail in Iowa.

"Coming from you, who, you know, in the past has threatened extinction for North Korea and sung songs about bombing Iran, I don't know how credible that is."

Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran

As for McCain's.. "You don't say that out loud," he said.
I guess he'd argue you just bomb Cambodia - without saying anything whatsoever. :eek:

On Russia :-
Senator McCain also accused Senator Obama of being wrong on Russia, seeing he had been too soft on Moscow over the showdown with Georgia.

"Again, a little bit of naivete there, he doesn't understand Russia committed serious aggression against Georgia," he said.

Obama responded that he treated it as aggression as well.

I was surprised neither mentioned that Georgia had started it :eek:
Re: Barack 2008!

I was disgusted with what Obama said about Pakistan. I don't agree that a country like the US should cross boders into another country like Pakistan UNLESS Pakistan agrees and authorises their presence.

Anything else is essentially 'invasion'.

This is not as simple as being preemptive on 'any' country.

Pakistan has accepted $millions in US aid in return for their cooperation in finding bin Laden but have not bothered to try. Bush has said they will attack Al Qaeda strongholds and tell Pakistan as they do it.
Re: Barack 2008!

This is not as simple as being preemptive on 'any' country.

Pakistan has accepted $millions in US aid in return for their cooperation in finding bin Laden but have not bothered to try. Bush has said they will attack Al Qaeda strongholds and tell Pakistan as they do it.

I still don't like it and nor do I accept it. Big deal if you capture and kill Osama Bin Laden. USA has now made thousdands of enemies of people who HATE the US. Capturing Bin Laden would only be a symbolic achievement. It won't wipe out terrorism. They obliterated the infrastructure and hurt many innocent people with their war in Iraq in the name of Oil. I'm sure there are LOTS more potential terrorists originating from Iraq now given the damage they inflicted on that country's infrastructure and the innocent civilians who were either hurt or killed.

By invading the borders of yet another country is not going to improve the reputation of the US around the world which is something that Obama preached at the end of his speech.

Let me be clear. I don't like either canditate. I think they are both hopeless on the issue of war. The US is likely to enter a depression from an economic stand point AND surprise surprise they are talking up the prospect of war or conflict with a number of countries including, Russia, Iran and Pakistan. They would talk up this confilict because IF they get into a economic depression THEN by going to war would create jobs and act as a stimulas to their economy.

All of these types of comments disturb me greatly.

Please correct me if I'm wrong guys. I only want to learn.

edit: where I mention killing Bin Laden, I'm also referring to the attacking of terrorist cells in Pakistan. I think that there will always be these types of cells operating throughout the world. If they are so keen to destory them then they need to work with Pakistan in a join military initiative to do this. NOT just invade a country. Furthermore it does not take a terrorist cell in Pakistan to cause the big damage to the US. All it takes is a suit case and the US is a vulnerable as ever to this type of attack. By invading a country they only worsen their reputation around the world.

Also it is a bit rich for the US to critisise Russia given what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan recently along with many other wars where the US went to war with someone. Also is a joke that the US doesn't want nuclear weapons for other countries like Iran etc when they themselves obviously have them. The whole thing is a joke.
Re: Barack 2008!

Poll Results Suggest More Uncommitted Voters Saw Obama As Debate Winner

66% of uncommitted voters think Obama would make the right decisions about the economy.
44% think McCain would.

39% of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought Barack Obama was the winner.
25% thought John McCain won.
36% saw it as a draw. has tallied 73% saying Obama won.
Re: Barack 2008!

I watched most of the debate, trying to be quite objective. I thought they both had their moments of strength, but McCain did tend to waffle, particularly when attempting to score a point in referring to his past experience. Given the chaos over which his Party reigns right now, I'm not sure that doing that would have worked for him.

Obama came across to me as measured in his responses and definitely better on economic issues.

One thing I did notice was that when the moderator continually asked the two candidates to address their remarks to each other, Obama did do this, and referred to McCain as 'John', while McCain clearly had difficulty in dropping his more aggressive stance towards Obama, continued to address the moderator and maintained the "Senator Obama". It may be quite unimportant, but it reinforced for me Obama's apparent willingness to engage verbally with an opponent, something which perhaps can be extrapolated to his approach to difficult negotiations with other countries.

I'm very nervous that Mr McCain would regard war as a first option, apparently rejecting any suggestion of discussions with Iran and/or North Korea.
Re: Barack 2008!


You are right in pointing out that attacking another country is a blatant breach of UN chartered law for the respect of other nation's soverignity.

I think they don't understand the situation in FATA afghan/Pakistan border. They will create a disastrous situation soon. Already skirmishes are happening between US and Pakistani forces on the border. When some US troops will die then that will give them reason to launch an attack on Pakistan. Which can be avoided if US can abstain from attacking another sovereign nation especially their "so called" ally on war on terror.

I think preemptive strike (Bush's new paradigm) is something we have to live with. Kill the sucker first and ask questions later. Typical American way to solve delicate matters.

I don't think there is much of a difference between the two candidates and I seriously doubt president can do much in US. It is all a hog wash to keep the sheeple happy and think that their voices matter.

The only candidate who make any sense at all is Ron Paul IMHO.
Re: Barack 2008!

On Pakistan's lack of action against AQ/Taliban :-

Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran

As for McCain's.. "You don't say that out loud," he said.
I guess he'd argue you just bomb Cambodia - without saying anything whatsoever. :eek:

On Russia :-

Obama responded that he treated it as aggression as well.

I was surprised neither mentioned that Georgia had started it :eek:

That's a very disturbing video :(
Re: Barack 2008!

By invading the borders of yet another country is not going to improve the reputation of the US around the world which is something that Obama preached at the end of his speech.

They are talking up the prospect of war or conflict with a number of countries including, Russia, Iran and Pakistan. They would talk up this conflict because IF they get into a economic depression THEN by going to war would create jobs and act as a stimulus to their economy.

All of these types of comments disturb me greatly.

Please correct me if I'm wrong guys. I only want to learn.

edit: where I mention killing Bin Laden, I'm also referring to the attacking of terrorist cells in Pakistan. I think that there will always be these types of cells operating throughout the world. If they are so keen to destroy them then they need to work with Pakistan in a join military initiative to do this. NOT just invade a country. Furthermore it does not take a terrorist cell in Pakistan to cause the big damage to the US. All it takes is a suit case and the US is a vulnerable as ever to this type of attack. By invading a country they only worsen their reputation around the world.

Also is a joke that the US doesn't want nuclear weapons for other countries like Iran etc when they themselves obviously have them. The whole thing is a joke.

The whole world is disturbed - - that is why this election is critical (economically too) to us all.

You are right about bin Laden being a relatively minor player now.
As Obama said... Al Qaeda is in fifty countries...

But you have to agree with Obama's stance on negotiation and not ignoring adversaries, having merit of resolution rather than inflammation.

Maybe having nuclear weapons might be the US's wild card and saviour.
I wondered if terrorists listening to the debate would chuckle as they plan an imminent attack with their suitcases!