Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

...Polls on the debate from

Obama won overall 164 to 135. Tight - but a clear winner!
howdy doris ;)
Interesting that according to that poll, just looking at the "Independents", Obama won every issue, (although only a few percentage points in it in a few cases), viz

61/39 Financial Recovery Plan
56/44 Economic Plans
53/47 Govt Spending
60/40 Lessons Learnt from the iraq War
57/43 Sending More US Troops to Afghanistan
62/38 Threat of Iran
67/33 US Relationship with Russia
57/43 Liklihood of another 9-11 Attack
61/39 Who won the Debate :2twocents
Re: Barack 2008!

just before the debate gallup has it Obama 48 ; McCain 45.

odds :
Obama now 4/9 ( $1.44) .... steady from ($1.44)... in from ($1.50) just before debate
McCain now 39/20 ($2.95) .... out from ($2.75) ... in from ($2.95) just before debate

And going by this graph (which I'm assuming was polled after the debate), Obama sure didn't lose anyway ... - but nothing dramatic, and (given the 3 day average) time will tell .


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Re: Barack 2008!

Having listened carefully to the debate, as a neutral, it became obvious that both sides were treading carefully with the decisions in Washington upper most in their minds.

It was expected that Barack Obama would have a resounding victory but he seemed unable to slam home his points. Or putting it another way, the goal was wide open but he couldn't score.

I got the idea that Obama supporters were a little disappointed with the final result and McCain supporters very relieved indeed, in the end.

McCain should be able to claw back more supporters in the coming polls.

Howdy, I guess we must wait 'n see how it goes, and only the pols carried out in a weeks time will give us the whole story.

The strong steady hand of John McCain may win out in a war situation and he needs President Bush to win through well on the $700 billion financial bail out.

Barack Obama has the voice and the ability to sound Presidential and will win if the American people buy it.
Re: Barack 2008!

lol - classic may. Hope they made it to the pub on that bike :eek:

I won't ask you to listen to the middle of that youtube to prove it, (it's like some sort of torture on the ears listening to her), but she says she was for Hillary, lol.

BUT ... it does bring up an interesting point - if he's favourite to win (albeit narrowly, cliff hanger, etc ) with a name like Barack Hussein Obama .... Imagine what he'd have won by if he was christened Barry Hank O'Brien ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

From: David Plouffe, []
Sent: Sunday, 28 September 2008 9:21 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: In case you missed it

Doris --

We put together an ad today that captures Barack's victory in last night's debate in 30 seconds.

After his erratic and reckless response to the economic crisis, McCain needed a game-changer last night to restore his campaign. He didn't even come close.

In a CBS News poll, uncommitted voters see Barack as the debate winner. When it comes to the economy, 66% say Barack would make the right decisions versus 42% for McCain.

The CNN poll results are also clear:

Who did the best job tonight?
Barack: 51
McCain: 38

Who would better handle Iraq?
Barack: 52
McCain: 47

Who would better handle the economy?
Barack: 58
McCain: 37

These are not the kinds of reviews John McCain needed, but they show that Barack is offering the change we need.

Barack broke through last night with voters who were watching -- but we need to get the word out to the millions who didn't tune in.

Please watch our latest ad:

Thank you for everything you are doing,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Re: Barack 2008!

There are very many meanings for neutral "a person who takes no part in a contest or war", is is the one that applies here.
Ahhh thanks for clarification. So you're neutral in the sense of being a spectator at a football game but barracking for one of the teams over the other.


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Re: Barack 2008!

Ahhh thanks for clarification. So you're neutral in the sense of being a spectator at a football game but barracking for one of the teams over the other.
neu·tral –adjective
1. not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others:
a neutral nation during World War II.

2. not aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy:
The arbitrator was absolutely neutral.
wayne, :iagree:

1. yes (unless posting "gee-ups" on an international website is considered as "giving assistance")
2. no - suspect your alignment is clear ;)

nice play on words (and/or subtle meanings) , lol
keep that up, you'll get a job with the McCain spindoctors lol

"If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken,
twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools" .. Kipling's "If"
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama Is Right: McCain Was Wrong

Some accusations by Barack in the debate, that are proved correct, using past news footage:

If only McCain had to prove his accusations. There should be a legal obligation to prove false claims.
Obama has serious disagreements with John McCain, starting with Iraq - where John McCain was unequivocally wrong:

1 min 22 secs
Re: Barack 2008!

From: David Plouffe, []
Sent: Sunday, 28 September 2008 9:21 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: In case you missed it


Please watch our latest ad:

Thank you for everything you are doing,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Thanks for the DONATION add Doris. Isn't it an offence to advertise for donations outside the United States or for the campaign to accept donations from foreigners?????????????
Re: Barack 2008!

Ahhh thanks for clarification. So you're neutral in the sense of being a spectator at a football game but barracking for one of the teams over the other.
No need to thank me as I offer assistance where ever I can.

A neutral person, an examiner for instance, may well be sent to a football match to watch and report the performance of the referee.
In doing so, that person would make a report and may well
say that the referee would do well in a higher position within the game, and what that persons strengths and weaknesses are. THAT does not mean he is a supporter of the referee.

So you see, I remain neutral but feel free to put forward my report of what, imho, were the strengths and weaknesses on the day.

I think I must agree, however, with the quote by 2020 from Rudyard Kipling's poem "if". Yes indeed, you have misrepresented what I said.
Re: Barack 2008!

No need to thank me as I offer assistance where ever I can.

A neutral person, an examiner for instance, may well be sent to a football match to watch and report the performance of the referee.
In doing so, that person would make a report and may well
say that the referee would do well in a higher position within the game, and what that persons strengths and weaknesses are. THAT does not mean he is a supporter of the referee.

So you see, I remain neutral but feel free to put forward my report of what, imho, were the strengths and weaknesses on the day.

I think I must agree, however, with the quote by 2020 from Rudyard Kipling's poem "if". Yes indeed, you have misrepresented what I said.
Interesting spin on the facts there.

Because I'm a nice guy, and intelligent folks can discern for themselves, I'll let that one go through to the keeper. :)
Re: Barack 2008!

odds :
Obama now 4/9 ( $1.44) .... steady from ($1.44)... in from ($1.50) just before debate
McCain now 39/20 ($2.95) .... out from ($2.75) ... in from ($2.95) just before debate

And going by this graph (which I'm assuming was polled after the debate), Obama sure didn't lose anyway ... - but nothing dramatic, and (given the 3 day average) time will tell .
Just a quick correction ..
actually I was wrong when I assumed that that yesterday's gallup poll would include some effect of the debate (if indeed there was any effect).
Turns out today's is the first chance for that ... gone from 49-44 to 50-42., i.e. 5 points to 8 points.

Odds unchanged, although I notice you can get McCain at $3.05 , where that website shows 39/20 (only $2.95) as best odds :confused:
Likewise you can get $1.49 on Obama where they show 4/9 (only $1.44 ) as best.
Re: Barack 2008!

Could this be the "October Surprise"?

Rezko talked with prosecutors, may aid probe, sources say

By David Kidwell, John Chase and Jeff Coen
Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a convicted influence peddler who was once one of Gov. Rod Blagojevich's most trusted confidants, has met with federal prosecutors and is considering cooperating in the corruption probe of the governor's administration, sources told the Tribune.

Rezko's possible change of heart—after years of steadfast refusal—has sent ripples through a tight circle of prominent defense attorneys who represent dozens of potential witnesses and targets in the wide-ranging probe.

His cooperation would give prosecutors investigating the governor and his wife access to someone they have described as an ultimate political insider at the center of a pervasive pay-to-play scheme.

Rezko's trial this year laid bare a culture of scams, bribes and backroom deals stretching from City Hall to the Statehouse. It even became fodder in the presidential campaign of Democratic nominee Barack Obama, whose fundraising and personal ties to Rezko go back more than a decade.

Rezko has made no deal in the wake of his June corruption conviction, sources familiar with the situation said, but has had preliminary talks with prosecutors before an October sentencing that could put him in prison for years. Still, there are indications Rezko has already provided investigators with information.

rest of the article here:,0,2882759,print.story

Rezko knows where all the "bodies" are buried in Chicago, and Barack must be sweating. This is the same prosecutor that got Scooter Libby of the Bush Administration. Right now, he is going after corrupt Chicago officials. Barack is joined at the hip with this guy. Rezko is the guy that gave Barack the corrupt sweetheart deal on his mansion in Chicago. Mr. Obama ain't no angel.
Re: Barack 2008!

Ohio is, of course, the most critical of the critical states.

Ohio voters correctly picked the winning presidential candidate in the last 11 elections.
However, in 1960, Ohioans chose Richard Nixon, but John F. Kennedy was elected president.

Ohio Now a Toss-up

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Ohio finds:
John McCain with 47%
Barack Obama picks up 46%.

That's a slippage of 3% for McCain since Sunday night.
In four previous surveys conducted over the past month, McCain has held an advantage ranging from 3 to 7 points.

McCain Only Ahead By One Now in Florida

The race for Florida's Electoral College votes is closer now than it was just a few days ago.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds McCain on top 48% to 47%.

McCain Holds 8-Point Lead in West Virginia

McCain Maintains Solid Lead in Arkansas

McCain Holds Solid Lead in Louisiana

Obama Takes 5-Point Lead in Virginia

Obama Takes 4 -Point Lead in Pennsylvania

Obama 58%, McCain 38% in Massachusetts
This is to be expected in Mass... the influence of Boston Legal! ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama's luck may turn as votors see it was the Republicans that stopped the bill going forward. A smart move by McCain here could turn things to his advantage, as it needs a tough guy now, proven that is.