Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Hi, Is your book "How to get Barack Obama elected in 500 espicate lessons."?

Please edify me Noirua...

What does espicate mean? :confused:

My dictionary is replete but alas - didn't incorporate it.

A google brought it up... Your ASF quote was fourth from the top of the list!
However, the other sites were in Italian, French or Spanish. 'Translate to English' - translated to English!

The internet's language dictionaries didn't recognize it either.

I can't even interpret it in context even though I know you would mean to be facetious! :)

How can I sleep not knowing what it means? :(
Re: Barack 2008!

Suspect - auspicate /ˈɔspɪˌkeɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[aw-spi-keyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
to initiate with ceremonies calculated to ensure good luck; inaugurate.
[Origin: 1595–1605; < L auspicātus consecrated by auguries (ptp. of auspicārī), equiv. to auspic- (s. of auspex) + -ātus -ate1]
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris you are bit one eyed here. There is no need to deify poor old Obama.

All politicians are untrustworthy.

Its perception that counts.


Your eyes seem to be wide shut.

Did you listen to that press conference I posted today and watch his eyes for validity of integrity?
Do you bother to gather facts and interpret them or just look at pretty pictures of Palin?

It irritates me when people make stark generalizations. It is intellectual ignorance. Sad.

Sure, perception counts. Not all politicians are transparent. It's bigotry to say none are.

Politics: compromise for survival.
The calibre of a politician should be judged by his actions not by stereotype.
Vince Lester was a friend and a fine, honest minister under Joh. Both individuals were individual.
Dorothy Pratt is a current poli with the highest of integrity and hard effort for her salary.

It is almost two years since my first impression initiated a lasting impression.
As a woman I am perspicacious and my X-chromosome instincts have not disappointed.

Bias based on knowledge is opinion.
Shallow grunting may be an opinion but has no discernible substance.

I cringe when people grunt statements devoid of application of salient knowledge for the purpose of hollow argument.

If Obama did what McCain did to him yesterday... or to Letterman... I would drop him instantly but the man has the gift of integrity and a masterful strength that is unique.

McCain is a prime example of your stereotype. And the world does not deserve him.

Trains are annoying if you live near a track. But if you compete to see who can hear one coming first, they can be fun.

It's perception that counts.
Re: Barack 2008!

Not sure if this is the correct thread for a joke at Obama's expense but here it is.

I laughed out loud when someone emailed me this a few weeks ago. Hilarious!
This is indeed an attitude of far too many - including Caucasians - so immigrants thrive. (in Oz too)

Responsibility and self-sufficiency are values Obama has strongly advocated, that make so many (Republicans too) have hope in Obama making a difference.

The US has our problem with so many lethargic students who grow into adults who don't make an effort.
No passion to work on so they can make money as a bonus! Schools have their work cut out.

Hope. Change. Yes!
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama and McCain are probably the best candidates we have had in the US for a while.

I'd prefer McCain. I like Palin.

I do not trust the leftie orthodoxy on everything, everything :banghead:

They are godbotherers in humanistic clothing, nagging and telling us ordinary folk they are our betters, what we should be driving, mining, farming, eating, how we should deal with our lovely earth, how we should reproduce, how many kids we should have, and all the time lining their own pinko pockets with largesse, bribes and super.

Now after that epiphany you have got buckleys, (remember buckley) of getting Obama over the line.

but I will defend your right to get the poor wet bastard over that line.


WHY would you prefer McCain?
WHY do you like Palin?
Can you justify your claims of denigration by Democrats?

Your arguments are ramifications of inefficacy of the Republican government!

Did you see Boston Legal this week? Cloned pigs are sold as food in the US and not labelled. They are now trying to clone beef cattle for meat... to 'purify' it.

Eating? The Republicans have not initiated dietary education and have millions of diabetics flatlining the economy as they die miserable deaths after limb amputation, blindness and painful kidney failure.

Reproduce? No sex-ed in schools - 3 in 10 teenage pregnancies... breeding perpetual poverty. :eek:

Don't you know Obama is fighting lobbyists and PACs having ANY puppetry influence in his new government? :confused:
Re: Barack 2008!

Agreement Reached on Bailout Ahead of High-Level Meeting

Proposal Breaks $700 Billion Into Installments

The agreement could require all companies participating in the program to agree to limits on executive pay—such as restrictions on "golden parachutes."
It is also likely to give the government equity warrants in all participating companies.

Still unresolved is whether or not to include changes to bankruptcy law
that would give judges the right to change the terms of mortgages. Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois made a plea for it to be included, even though many lawmakers and the White House are hotly opposed.

Emerging from the meeting, Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.) said: "I believe that we will pass this legislation before the markets open on Monday."

Messrs. Frank, Dodd and other key lawmakers were scheduled to meet with President Bush and the two U.S. presidential candidates late Thursday to discuss the bailout plan. The White House said earlier Thursday that "significant progress" had been made on the legislation, which many policymakers hope calm the tumult in the credit markets.

Mr. Frank, discussing the White House meeting, said lawmakers will be able to offer good news when they meet with the President. "We will be able to go and tell them that there really isn't much of a deadlock to break."

Hmmm... so maybe Friday night will be free for a debate?

Maybe McCain will look a fool for his errant, impulsive, maverick unethical behaviour? Redundant SuperMac.
Re: Barack 2008!

The debate will go on... or McCain will look a fool IMO.

Obama, who delivered closing remarks via satellite to the same session, said he also plans to head to Washington Thursday to help craft bailout legislation --
and then head to Oxford, Miss. for the debate.

"The American people deserve to hear directly from myself and Senator McCain about how we intend to lead our country," Obama said. "The times are too serious to put our campaign on hold, or to ignore the full range of issues that the next president will face.",0,5325928.story

Barack Obama's September 24 Economic Crisis Remarks:
5 Communication Best Practices

Whether one is Republican, Democrat or Independent, most people agree that Barack Obama is a master of highly effective communication.

Well worth a read... based on the press conference Obama gave yesterday.
A 'how to succeed like Obama in a speech'.
Re: Barack 2008!

Whoa Doris, your proselytizing is becoming very boring. It is not wise to adopt your school ma'am attitude to dissenters. I hope your book is in a lighter vein.
Re: Barack 2008!

Maybe McCain will look a fool for his errant, impulsive, maverick unethical behaviour? Redundant SuperMac.

McCain has come out looking like a leader. He has again put country first. He has shaken up the establishment to get off their butts and make an agreement.

The American people are watching, McCain is working on the problem, and Obama is clueless.

Overnight polling, for what it is worth, has taken McCain's side on this. Did you see today's Gallup tracking poll? It is back to even, with just one third new people added in. McCain was behind by 3 yesterday, which would be an effective 9 point swing if you multiply by 3.

The American people are expecting action, and will reward the person that shakes things up and gets this problem solved - NOW.
Re: Barack 2008!

Did you see Boston Legal this week? Cloned pigs are sold as food in the US and not labelled. They are now trying to clone beef cattle for meat... to 'purify' it.

You sincerely need to get your news from somewhere besides Boston Legal. It is a TV show, entertainment. I've seen this show several times, and it is really more of a comedy than a serious legal show. Please come back to reality. Those shows EXAGERATE things to try to make a Hollywood liberal point.
Re: Barack 2008!

Please edify me Noirua...

What does espicate mean? :confused:

My dictionary is replete but alas - didn't incorporate it.

A google brought it up... Your ASF quote was fourth from the top of the list!
However, the other sites were in Italian, French or Spanish. 'Translate to English' - translated to English!

The internet's language dictionaries didn't recognize it either.

I can't even interpret it in context even though I know you would mean to be facetious! :)

How can I sleep not knowing what it means? :(

Espicate means, well researched and well written, expert knowledge and a great deal of thought put in. It is on page 522, volume 2 of my dictionary.
Re: Barack 2008!

You sincerely need to get your news from somewhere besides Boston Legal. It is a TV show, entertainment. I've seen this show several times, and it is really more of a comedy than a serious legal show. Please come back to reality. Those shows EXAGERATE things to try to make a Hollywood liberal point.

Have I given the impression I don't read news reports widely or daily watch several news programs, current affairs programs, interview programs, topical debate programs for my edification? How remiss of me! :rolleyes:

David E Kelly uses his (comedy/satire) show to target social/political issues.
There are one to two serious issues in each one that provoke any mindless TV addicts to sit up and take notice. These issues often challenge what many take for granted as mandatory acceptance. They challenge the viewer to think outside their box and develop an educated opinion.

Every targeted issue is thoroughly researched and all sides are projected.
Alan Shore's character is brilliant in his arguments and summations.

Past issues include:
* fine print in credit card contracts which allow higher interest for simply inquiring about a loan
* The US govt's use of Guantanamo Bay's illegal abuse of innocent detainees
* The sub-prime trap for mortgagees whose interest rates automatically trebled after three years
* Farming of salmon creating diseases that proliferate in waterways to destroy indigenous salmon
* The right of employers to sack workers who smoke due to their increased healthcare charges from their illnesses.
* The use of high-fructose corn syrup in food to addict consumers to their products.

The latter is a particular concern of mine as fructose is promoted as a low GI ingredient in food that purports to be an aid to satiety. I noted last year that Canada has bright labels on juice etc: "Contains NO high fructose corn syrup".

Fructose is not metabolized into glucose until it reaches the liver. Meanwhile, when it's in capillaries, cells prefer it to glucose and their uptake leads to their demise. This is similar to carbon monoxide. When it's breathed in, body cells prefer it to oxygen which they ignore and because it's not an oxidation source, they consequently die. Sugar digests into one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose. So high sugar intake is almost as bad as ingesting high fructose corn syrup of which the targeted company in this show had research conclusions of its addictive traits... hence its addition to their products. Just as cigarette manufacturers increased nicotine content for addictive success. It also bears mentioning that high sugar intake progressively kills brain cells which cannot be regrown.

This reflects the ignorance of many who read headlines and do not delve further... to their demise.
Re: Barack 2008!

Larry King had Chris Rock on to talk about Obama and McCain. Chris put it like this - 'the American people are broke now McCain is worth 100 Million and has 12 houses, Obama has one house he can't afford to lose his house. McCain could lose 6 and still have some where to live.

Which guy do you think is in touch with the public?

When McCain can back from the war his wife had had an accident and was wheel chair bound. He left her for Cindy whom he meet during the War and whose family had a huge beer empire of which she was to inherit. So you leave the wife because it's too hard and marry the rich girl. What does that say?? No Commitment, lack of empathy, selfishness, money over responsiblity.

Obama for the most part of his life has been poor and had to work to where he is. He has become a wonderful example of manners, morality, empathy and intelligence.

If the Clinton's put alot of their own money in why hasn't McCain? But uses public money to fund this campaign - and at this stage isn't turning up to his debate which many people are disappointed in and some already saying they have changed sides to Obama. Yes a President has to do more than one thing, two things or three or more. McCain is very much like Bush Old, running out of ideas, bactracking and pulling a distraction out constantly.

CHANGE change bring it on.
Re: Barack 2008!

Great post Green08! So true!

McCain has said his biggest regret was his behaviour with his first marriage... as though forgive and forget.

"Bring it on"... isn't that what Palin said about Troopergate? ;)

Barack is so cool and calm under pressure. I'm surprised McCain hasn't criticized this as a fault yet!
Re: Barack 2008!


The start of things to come? McCain got into a shouting match and said it's Obama's fault! Democrats differed.

Did his mom kiss him better? He should have been given time-out when he was a boy!

Should someone tell McCain he is not the president nor a member of congress?
... Obama said they needed to be careful not to complicate talks between the administration and Congress.

A session aimed at showing unity in resolving the financial crisis broke up with conflicts in plain view. McCain would not commit to supporting a plan worked out by congressional negotiators, said people from both parties who were briefed on the exchange.

McCain's campaign said the meeting "devolved into a contentious shouting match" and implied that Obama was at fault ”” on a day when McCain said he was putting politics aside to focus on the nation's financial problems.

Obama tried to press McCain into showing up for the debate, saying they should be able to handle the 90-minute forum and the financial crisis at the same time.

"Senator McCain has no need to be fearful about a debate," Obama told reporters. "He's a person of strong opinions and he's been expressing them on the campaign trail."

Re: Barack 2008!

Just some general stuff, including the history of these debates ...

McCain's call to postpone the debate, and whispers from other Republicans of scratching the vice-presidential debate, too, may now cast him in a harsh light, said Paul Levinson, a communications professor at New York's Fordham University.

McCain, ... has suggested delaying the debate in the spirit of putting aside politics while Washington negotiates a plan. Obama has said this is exactly the time voters should hear from the candidates and assess their differing positions.

Tomorrow's debate still in doubt (less than 12 hours to go :eek:

In 1980, then-President Carter skipped the first debate against former California Gov. Ronald Reagan and John Anderson, a Republican Illinois congressman running as an independent. Carter showed up for a second debate with Reagan - one week before the election - did poorly and decisively lost what had been a close campaign.

"The combination of not showing up and him not doing well in the debate really buried him," Levinson said of Carter. "If (McCain) doesn't show up, it's going to hurt his campaign even further. McCain has gambled a lot already. He could lose everything."

In the relatively short history of presidential debates, none has taken place against such an urgent backdrop.

Modern debating began in 1960 with John Kennedy, then a Massachusetts senator, and Richard Nixon, then the vice president. Those four televised debates still hold the TV ratings record and are widely cited as helping Kennedy win the tight 1960 campaign.

the first presdidential debate gets the highest ratings ..

The first in the series of presidential debates usually gets the highest ratings, according to Nielsen Media Research. This suggests tonight's debate could be especially important for McCain and Obama.

After record-breaking TV ratings for both conventions and intense voter registration nationwide, it is likely these debates will keep viewers watching.
"If the first debate is a disappointment ... people start to disconnect," she said.
Re: Barack 2008!

Tomorrow's debate still in doubt (less than 12 hours to go) :eek:

the first presidential debate gets the highest ratings ..


Mississippi is 9 hours ahead of us -- the day before.

So 9pm Friday there -- is 12:00 noon here -- on Saturday.

Will Obama star alone? ... or will McCain pull his socks up?

I got confused when I first tried to work it out... thought 8 hours (but... no daylight saving yet) and added it on!
... figured 5am Saturday. - - I always do things backwards when I'm tired!
Re: Barack 2008!

McCain will come out of this as the new power behind the thrown. If he can be seen as a strong steady hand, once the dust has cleared, then Obama will be on the ropes.
Re: Barack 2008!

McCain will come out of this as the new power behind the thrown. If he can be seen as a strong steady hand, once the dust has cleared, then Obama will be on the ropes.

Do you really think people won't see through him? Read his 'negotiations' statement and weep!

NOW THE DEBATE IS ON ... today at noon our time...

Will John McCain hold his temper?
Will Barack live up to his reputation as a great orator?

... when they face off in 8.5 hours for their first debate?

$5.5 million to stage this debate... now it will have the biggest ratings in American TV history!

Ah McCain... you've done it again!