Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Wesley Clark is allowed to say this surely, After all, he was shot down not once but four times. :eek:

You know what 2020, you really don't know anything about Wesley Clark, do you? First of all, he wasn't shot down 4 times, he was an army officer. You have probably misconstrued this:

Clark was then given command of A Company, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry of the 1st Infantry Division in January 1970. In February, only one month into his command, he was shot four times by a Viet Cong soldier with an AK-47

Are you embarassed? Probably not, because you are a liberal. He was not shot down 4 times (not a pilot), he was shot with an AK-47 4 times by the same soldier.

Hopefully, you won't use this false information again, you've used it many times, time to do real research for a change.
Re: Barack 2008!

What Obama groupies like Doris and hindsight have yet to come to terms with is that Obama is not the Messiah. He is a smooth talking salesman. D & h and a small band of admirers and imitators are so keen to save the world from the evil Republications that they are keen to buy this bright shiny new untested model. They are not all that different from the Sarah Palin admirers. The only reasons they have both been nominated by their parties is because they are both demagogues with the ability to attract bigots and muckrakers. But that is America's problem not ours.
Re: Barack 2008!

because you are a liberal.

Just to confuse you, and point out a curiosity of Australian politics, a "Liberal" here is a conservative like your Republicans. What 2020 is Aussie terms is a Laborite.

Liberal = Republican

Labor = Democrat

Strange, but true.
Re: Barack 2008!

You know what 2020, you really don't know anything about Wesley Clark, do you? First of all, he wasn't shot down 4 times, he was an army officer. You have probably misconstrued this:

Are you embarassed? Probably not, because you are a liberal. He was not shot down 4 times (not a pilot), he was shot with an AK-47 4 times by the same soldier.

Hopefully, you won't use this false information again, you've used it many times, time to do real research for a change.
ok I stand corrected - unreservedly. (a peripheral point surely).

Now will you admit you stand corrected about the Vet's opinion of McCain?

and the shadows that hang over his alleged hero status.

And his habit of using those arms for an excuse for anything from corruption to lack of knowledge of keyboards and the internet (which you seem to think is a criminal slur by Obama :rolleyes:)


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Re: Barack 2008!


Just to confuse you, and point out a curiosity of Australian politics, a "Liberal" here is a conservative like your Republicans. What 2020 is Aussie terms is a Laborite.

Liberal = Republican
Labor = Democrat

Strange, but true.
For this one wayne, I'm an ex- military officer who's looking for the truth -

and who smells a rat when someone uses the excuse of POW status to try to wriggle out of corruption charges . :2twocents

and PS I voted green ;)
like I imagine you would have.
Re: Barack 2008!

ok I stand corrected - unreservedly. (a peripheral point surely).

Now will you admit you stand corrected about the Vet's opinion of McCain?

and the shadows that hang over his alleged hero status.

And his habit of using those arms for an excuse for anything from corruption to lack of knowledge of keyboards and the internet (which you seem to think is a criminal slur by Obama :rolleyes:)

You apparently still haven't done research on the fact that McCain has the Veteran vote, and the current military vote in his corner. Pointing out one vets opinion does not mean all the other vets agree. Far from it.
Re: Barack 2008!


Just to confuse you, and point out a curiosity of Australian politics, a "Liberal" here is a conservative like your Republicans. What 2020 is Aussie terms is a Laborite.

Liberal = Republican

Labor = Democrat

Strange, but true.

Wayne, I did know that, after watching the 2007 elections in Australia. I knew Howard was the Liberal. I'm probably more informed than the average American. But, I should have remembered I was posting on an Australian forum.
Re: Barack 2008!

You apparently still haven't done research on the fact that McCain has the Veteran vote, and the current military vote in his corner. Pointing out one vets opinion does not mean all the other vets agree. Far from it.

hey don't get me wrong
he's done a brilliant job of covering it up.

btw, that was an official veteran's website - (not one man's opinion) - just like the other posts I've posted here which you've ignored , or blamed on "lunatic right wing GOP elements dobbing on him" - (for reasons that defy logic)

PS And it's a clever political ploy - noone is allowed to challenge whether the king's clothes are real or not. It would be "unpatriotic".
Re: Barack 2008!

But, I should have remembered I was posting on an Australian forum.
I have to do the same now that I live outside Oz... after suffering acute confusion at first.

I kept referring to the Tories (Conservative Party) here as Liberals at first... and getting very strange looks. :eek:
Re: Barack 2008!

hey don't get me wrong
he's done a brilliant job of covering it up.

btw, that was an official veteran's website - (not one man's opinion) - just like the other posts I've posted here which you've ignored , or blamed on "lunatic right wing GOP elements dobbing on him" - (for reasons that defy logic)

Ha, an OFFICIAL veterans website? No such thing. Provide the link, and you will find it is a left leaning source, and there are many more veterans websites that are on the center and right.

Official vets website? Ha!
Re: Barack 2008!

ok here it is again (in fact for the third time, since I also posted this on the McCain thread - where it probably belongs.

It's from the era when McCain singlehandedly stopped release of info into POWs and MIA's - much to the total disbelief of people wanting such info about their loved ones who had gone missing.

Then there's this one (non official obviously) .
"Hell hath no fury like a veteran spurned".

One says McCain's codename was "songbird" etcetc

Jack McLamb (veteran) :- "His arms are broken because he didn't pull him arms in properly when he ejected."

"All the POW's I've spoken too talk about MvcCain as a lying skunk" etc
"32 propaganda videos for the communists etc"
"What won't be spoken about is how much Vets hate John McCain"

"In fact US Veterans Dispatch is an organisation of Vietnam veterans that just detests John McCain for being a traitor tho the country , and then we have other orgabisations , eg "Vietnam Veterans against McCain" that talk about him being a manchurian candidate. and how he was the worst one in the house and the senate to trample on and to disparage and to ridicule any POW family that came forward to the Congress and Senate who wanted them to find the POWs that were missing ... etc

POW's Say John McCain Is A Lying Skunk !!!!! HTS 020908 p2
Re: Barack 2008!

A little research on Ted Sampley came up with this:

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell exposed Ted Sampley's anti-McCain attacks

As a guest on MSNBC's Scarborough Country (with guest host Pat Buchanan), MSNBC senior political analyst Lawrence O'Donnell exposed Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry co-founder Ted Sampley's attacks on Senator John McCain (R-AZ) in 2000, which Media Matters for America has previously documented.

From the August 10 edition of MSNBC's Scarborough Country:

BUCHANAN: What did they say?

O'DONNELL: Ted -- Ted --

BUCHANAN: What did they ...

O'DONNELL: Ted, after you were convicted of assault and battery on a Senator McCain staffer and you said that Senator John McCain was a member of the KGB, is there anything about that that you'd like to retract to show us what journalistic standards you want to use today?

SAMPLEY: If you would like to invite me on this show to talk about John McCain, let's do it. I can back everything I say about -- I'm here to talk about --

O'DONNELL: We have to talk about you.

SAMPLEY: I'm here to talk about John Kerry.

O'DONNELL: When you come forward to criticize someone else, we then have to talk about you.

SAMPLEY: Let's ask about --

O'DONNELL: You said John McCain -- you said John McCain was brainwashed and is a "Manchurian Candidate" and is an agent of another government. That's who we now have. That's who we're sharing this broadcast with right now.

SAMPLEY: Let's ask about --

O'DONNELL: You've said those things, haven't you?

SAMPLEY: Let's ask about John Kerry in Kansas in 1971.

Apparently, Mr. Sampley hates veterans from the right and the left. This is from Media Matters, 2004. 2020, can you admit this guy is NUTS?
Re: Barack 2008!

Ah, bad news 2020, Ted Sampley also hates Obama too:

But enough with the snark. As Dr. Allen pursued her cutting-edge google search across the interwebs, a familiar name emerged in connection with the Obama-is-a-Muslim smear: Ted Sampley.

Around the same time Ted Sampley, a North Carolina man who runs his own Web site, published a similar piece. In an interview, he denied authorship of the e-mail, but said he did not doubt that his article had provided source material. “That’s the miracle of it,” Sampley said. “Once it takes off, and people start posting it on Web sites, you really have no idea how far it goes or who reads it. You get a ripple effect. It’s like a little pebble and then it gets bigger and bigger.”
Sampley is the fantasist who says (and has said for years) that John McCain is a Manchurian Candidate, reprogrammed by Hanoi to…I don’t know, do something Communisty when he gets into power, I guess. Sampley also formed an anti-Kerry group of Vietnam Veterans in 2004 that is often confused with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and in fact is usually lumped in with them on lefty websites in order to discredit the actual Swift Boat Veterans led by John O’Neill. (Dean Esmay explained the difference in those groups here.)

I’m not surprised to see Sampley involved in the Obama-is-a-secret Muslim-smear; the man has an amazing talent to place-kick John Birchy conspiracy theories into the mainstream.

Can you stop using this guy to smear John McCain now? If not, I might have to counterpost with his Obama smears
Re: Barack 2008!

Ah, bad news 2020, Ted Sampley also hates Obama too:... If not, I might have to counterpost with his Obama smears[/B]

ZZD - your talents for ad hominem are showing. maybe try answering the facts - video statements from witnesses from the Saigon Hilton days (and subsequent Senate hearings etc).

You still have to reply properly to my post #828.. ;) (and #831)

ok zz, but now you have to also try to discredit :-

Dr Joseph Douglas Jr
Tracey Usry fmr Chief Investigator , US Senate Minority Staff
Delores Apodaca Alfono – Chairperson, National Alliance of Families
Lynn OShea Dir of Research National Alliance of Families
Al Santoli, American Foreign Policy Council
Rep, Bob Dornan (R-CA)
Cpl Bob Dumas, POW
Dr James Lucier Former US Senate Chief of Staff

Here's a transcript of that youtube :-

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain
Re: Barack 2008!

ZZD - your talents for ad hominem are showing. maybe try answering the facts - video statements from witnesses from the Saigon Hilton days (and subsequent Senate hearings etc).

You still have to reply properly to my post #828.. ;) (and #831)

I replied, you just didn't like my reply. There are no ad hominem attacks in my above posts. You just have gotten off onto a tangent on John McCain, and when it is clearly pointed out that your main source is an equal opportunity hater - John McCain and Barack Obama, you ignore it. So, why aren't you posting the same guy's Obama smears? If he is telling the truth about McCain, then surely he is telling the truth about Obama too? Right?
Re: Barack 2008!

In the gutter?:headshake

It sure seems to hold out the most promise, especially intertwining his POW status with the fact that he was being investigated for corruption . :rolleyes:

calliope, given your attention to any detail whatsoever, other than personal attacks on posters, I'm guessing your level or research into this bloke resembles this bird here ...

btw, you know what a Manchurian Candidate is? Hell,Bush was surely planted in the whitehouse by AQ. He played right slap bang into their hands :eek: And question is, is McCain any better? - (if he can be blackmailed for instance).


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Re: Barack 2008!

2020. I think I now have you pegged as to why you have such a large chip on your shoulder. You are a war hero who never got the recognition he deserved.

And as for personal attacks on posters, that is what you do.

All I am trying to do is to prick the arrogance of know-it-alls and smartarses. This is not easy when they have hides like a rhinoceros, and some of them are just ignorant. But I will persevere.