Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Judgment is the key to being a leader...

Sorry Doris, I think that is a load of kibosh. The most important factor is being able to make the correct decisions without delay.
Unfortunately, trying to be the good judge or the wise old sage, ends up not looking like a wise old sage but instead, a worn out sag.
So, to say Obama leads in foreign policy, is only on the back of his Vice-Presidential running mate.

My post #933 cites four (4) stands that Barack took that the Bush administration ridiculed yet has now implemented.

Four decisions Obama made after gathering and listening to intelligence.

Four strategies Obama urged his country's leaders to consider, from his 'low' position in the hierarchy.

Four examples of good judgment based on intelligent decision making that Bush delayed adopting.

Four examples whereby a bi-partisan-respect philosophy would have yielded wiser decisions by this country.

If you're a Palin you'll make a choice without 'wasting a blink'!
* she has done well listening and memorising with her GOP trainers...
* she considers she's ready to make CinC decisions without a blink!

A decision is made when all available information and consequences are considered prior to judgment.

All four of these cited examples, of Obama's prescience, dated pre-VP
... but yes, Biden will be a valuable source of intelligence gathering and consideration prior to making decisions.
Re: Barack 2008!

... but yes, Biden will be a valuable source of intelligence gathering and consideration prior to making decisions.

Doris - Biden has made many bad decisions over the years.

He voted AGAINST the Alaska pipeline in the 1970's - imagine what America's energy situation would be without the Alaska pipeline. Instead of importing 70% of our oil, we would be importing more than 80% of our oil.

He voted against the Kuwait war, but voted FOR the Iraq war.

He wanted to divide Iraq into 3 countries - Shia, Sunni, and Kurd. Apparently not realizing that the Sunnis and Shia in many parts of the country overlap. There would have been no way to draw lines for that. Massive uprooting of the populations would have taken place with this plan. Civil war for territory would have been inevitable.

Biden's main claim to fame is asking 25 minute questions in Senate hearings, and giving the person less than 5 minutes of answer time. He loves to hear himself talk - the ultimate Senate blowhard.
Re: Barack 2008!

The s--t has hit the fan now. Biden says that Hillary would have been a better choice for VP than he. Apparently it's the Palin factor.
Re: Barack 2008!

A pretty objective analysis of the uphill struggle that Obama now faces:

Barack Obama under fire for ignoring advice on how to beat John McCain
By Tim Shipman in Washington

The Democratic presidential candidate's slump in the polls has sparked pointed private criticism that he is squandering a once-in-a-generation chance to win back the White House.

Party elders also believe the Obama camp is in denial about warnings from Democratic pollsters that his true standing is four to six points lower than that in published polls because of hidden racism from voters - something that would put him a long way behind Mr McCain.

The Sunday Telegraph has learned that senators, governors and union leaders who have experience of winning hard-fought races in swing states have been bombarding Obamas campaign headquarters with telephone calls offering advice. But many of those calls have not been returned.

A senior Democratic strategist, who has played a prominent role in two presidential campaigns, told The Sunday Telegraph: "These guys are on the verge of blowing the greatest gimme in the history of American politics. They're the most arrogant bunch Ive ever seen. They won't accept that they are losing and they won't listen."

After leading throughout the year, Mr Obama now trails Mr McCain by two to three points in national polls.

Party leaders and commentators say that the Democrat candidate spent too much of the summer enjoying his own popularity and not enough defining his positions on the economy - the number one issue for voters - or reaching out to those blue collar workers whose votes he needs if he is to beat Mr McCain.

Others concede that his trip to Europe was a distraction that enhanced his celebrity status rather than his electability on Main Street, USA.

Since Sarah Palin was unveiled as Mr McCain's running mate, the Obama camp has faced accusations that it has been pushed off message and has been limp in responding to attacks.

A Democratic National Committee official told The Sunday Telegraph: "I really find it offensive when Democrats ask the Republicans not to be nasty to us, which is effectively what Obama keeps doing. They know thats how the game is played."

(the rest of the article linked below)
Re: Barack 2008!

2020hindsight on 10Sep said:
Obama now 4/7 ($1.57) out from 1/2 ($1.50)
McCain now 6/4 ($2.50) out in from 34/20 ($2.70)

like I said somewhere else, about the same as the odds for the NZ Allblacks (about $1.50) vs the AUS Wallabies (about $2.50). (Rugby Union this weekend).

And like I added there, I wouldn't be putting my money on the Wallabies (this weekend anyway). ;)

Over the last 4 days ....

Obama now 7/10 ($1.70)... out from 4/7 ($1.57) out from 1/2 ($1.50)
McCain now 5/4 ($2.25)..... in from 6/4 ($2.50) in from 34/20 ($2.70)

btw the wallabies lost (after a nail-biter) ;)
And likewise, looks like this election will go down to the wire as well . :2twocents


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Re: Barack 2008!

A pretty objective analysis of the uphill struggle that Obama now faces:

Barack Obama under fire for ignoring advice on how to beat John McCain
By Tim Shipman in Washington

The Democratic presidential candidate's slump in the polls has sparked pointed private criticism that he is squandering a once-in-a-generation chance to win back the White House.

Party elders also believe the Obama camp is in denial about warnings from Democratic pollsters that his true standing is four to six points lower than that in published polls because of hidden racism from voters - something that would put him a long way behind Mr McCain.

The Sunday Telegraph has learned that senators, governors and union leaders who have experience of winning hard-fought races in swing states have been bombarding Obamas campaign headquarters with telephone calls offering advice. But many of those calls have not been returned.

A senior Democratic strategist, who has played a prominent role in two presidential campaigns, told The Sunday Telegraph: "These guys are on the verge of blowing the greatest gimme in the history of American politics. They're the most arrogant bunch Ive ever seen. They won't accept that they are losing and they won't listen."

After leading throughout the year, Mr Obama now trails Mr McCain by two to three points in national polls.

Party leaders and commentators say that the Democrat candidate spent too much of the summer enjoying his own popularity and not enough defining his positions on the economy - the number one issue for voters - or reaching out to those blue collar workers whose votes he needs if he is to beat Mr McCain.

Others concede that his trip to Europe was a distraction that enhanced his celebrity status rather than his electability on Main Street, USA.

Since Sarah Palin was unveiled as Mr McCain's running mate, the Obama camp has faced accusations that it has been pushed off message and has been limp in responding to attacks.

A Democratic National Committee official told The Sunday Telegraph: "I really find it offensive when Democrats ask the Republicans not to be nasty to us, which is effectively what Obama keeps doing. They know thats how the game is played."

(the rest of the article linked below)

Agree, Obama needs to listen to the Democratic party machine if he has any hope of winning.

It would have been like little Kevvie not listening to the unions and NSW Labor during the last Fed election.

These party machines know better than the pollies what is going on in voters' minds.

Folk in polls traditionally hide their racism and sexism, so I would believe he is 6 or 7% behind the published figures.

That is why the figures for McCain have increased, it is now seen as acceptable and respectable for people to openly support him.

Now that the pivot turn has occurred with only 7 or eight weeks left Obama would be a good bet to take money on, i.e for losing.

Re: Barack 2008!

I enjoy Jim Lehrer talking to Mark Shields and David Brooks. Brooks had trouble defending John McCain and the current ads Shields told it as it is

"Dishonest and dishonorable. And that's not the kind of campaign that one expected from John McCain. It is certainly not John McCain's lifetime. And one hopes that he is not going to trade his self-respect for political victory, because I will tell you, it will be ashes if he does win that way. It will be ashes. There will be no chance of bipartisanship."
Re: Barack 2008!

Barack talks to some students a few days ago. Some good advice for our students too! A leader leads...

Re: Barack 2008!

Obama's smoozing with the Hollywood elite, an herpetic mob given to narcissistic beliefs , bodes ill for his chances of election.

Why do the left associate with wankers who doom their campaigns.

Next he'll cut a cut a song with U2 and whattisname, the Irish git with the sunnies.

Re: Barack 2008!

Obama's smoozing with the Hollywood elite, an herpetic mob given to narcissistic beliefs , bodes ill for his chances of election.

Why do the left associate with wankers who doom their campaigns.

Next he'll cut a cut a song with U2 and whattisname, the Irish git with the sunnies.


Bono is who you are refering to I think.....

Obama has been groomed to come across as a Hollywood celebrity but its a mistake.....

Americans are happy to elect a celebrity to office if they are already celebrities....for they are humbling themselves to serve God and country (music playing in the background).....Arnie terminator, Regan war hero.....

Appearing as a celebrity by hanging around with the Hollywood elite without having earnt it paints a visual picture that is hard to ignore....

Also the "pig with lipstick" comment was just horrible...
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama's smoozing with the Hollywood elite, an herpetic mob given to narcissistic beliefs , bodes ill for his chances of election.

Why do the left associate with wankers who doom their campaigns.

Next he'll cut a cut a song with U2 and whattisname, the Irish git with the sunnies.


And Ronald Reagan was a.......
Re: Barack 2008!

And Ronald Reagan was a.......

Oh...don't you know who Ronald Regan was...

He was the 40th president of the United States of America born on February 6th 1911.

In 1937 he took a screen test for Warner Brothers and won a nine year contract. In the same year he signed up for the Army Enlisted Reserve but it wasn't until 1942 that he was called up for active duty...

His political career began in the early 1950's and culminated in his election as President in 1981....For a comprehensive account of his life here is the link:
Re: Barack 2008!

Over the last 4 days ....

Obama now 7/10 ($1.70)... out from 4/7 ($1.57) out from 1/2 ($1.50)
McCain now 5/4 ($2.25)..... in from 6/4 ($2.50) in from 34/20 ($2.70)
and over the last 4 days

Obama now 4/6 ($1.67) ... in from ($1.70)
McCain now 7/5 ($2.40) ... out from ($2.25)

Gallup confirms that things are still "up and down" (changes and leads barely within margin of error surely) ...

The Palin factor is surely a thing of the past - it's getting down to serious consideration of the economy. :2twocents


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Re: Barack 2008!

and over the last 4 days

Obama now 4/6 ($1.67) ... in from ($1.70)
McCain now 7.5 ($2.40) ... out from ($2.25)

Gallup confirms that things are still "up and down" (changes barely within margin of error surely) ...

The Palin factor is surely a thing of the past - it's getting down to serious consideration of the economy. :2twocents

Whatever you say 2020.

Mines a VB by the way.

Re: Barack 2008!

Obama has a five point lead:

In a sign that John McCain's convention bounce has dissipated, Barack Obama has taken a 48 percent to 43 percent lead over his Republican rival among registered voters in the latest CBS News/New York Times poll.

The survey has some disturbing news about the Palin pick.

More than 6 out of 10 voters surveyed said they would be concerned if McCain couldn't finish his term, and Palin became president.

By contrast, two-thirds of those surveyed felt that Sen. Joseph Biden is qualified to take over from Obama.

The poll was taken between Friday and Tuesday, as the crisis on Wall Street intensified and stocks began their tumble.

Matt Damon: She's gonna have the nuclear codes!

Re: Barack 2008!

Matt Damon: She's gonna have the nuclear codes

gr8 post doris ;)
Damon sounds like he's a Bourne-again Democrat since this bird turned up ;)

you do the actuary tables, there's a 1 in 3 chance he doesn't survive his first presidency

… It's like a really bad Disney movie ...

the hockey mum .. facing down Putin using the folksy stuff she’s learn at the hockey rink - it's absurd - totally absurd ...

I mean ... I really need to know does she think that dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago ...

because ... She's gonna have the nuclear codes :rolleyes:
Re: Barack 2008!

McCain blames "a casino culture" for the current Wall St problems - yet lol , he's an avid casino attendee (provided he has his favourite rabbit's foot) :cool:

According to a national CBS News/New York Times poll, Sen. John McCain has not succeeded in convincing Americans that he is an agent of change, and Sen. Barack Obama is seen as more likely to shake things up in Washington, D.C.

The poll puts Obama ahead by a margin of 48 percent to 43 percent, a figure virtually unchanged from a mid-August survey completed before the Democratic and Republican conventions.

The survey revealed wide differences in how Americans of various age groups intend to vote.

a) The 46-year-old Obama leads by 16 points among voters aged 18 to 44.

b) The two candidates run even in the 45 to 64 age group.

c) The 72-year-old McCain is, however, 17 points up among voters 65 and over, and holds a similar lead among white men.

Other polls agree ....
Several opinion polls on Wednesday indicated that McCain's "bounce" from the GOP convention is over.
The Gallup daily tracking poll put Obama two points ahead, 47 percent to 45 percent, his first lead since Republicans convened in St. Paul two weeks ago.

A poll for the national political Hotline gave Obama a one-point lead.

The Research 2000 poll, for the liberal dailykos website had the Illinois senator ahead, 48 percent to 44 percent.
Re: Barack 2008!

Damon sounds like he's a Bourne-again Democrat since this bird turned up ;)
Lovitt... lol...

The debates start in a week and will be interesting to say the least.
McCain wanted weekly town hall squables but they will consist of:

1. First Presidential Debate: – Date: September 26– Site: University of Mississippi –
Topic: Domestic and Economic policy – Moderator: Jim Lehrer –
Staging: Podium debate – Answer Format: The debate will be broken into nine, 9-minute segments.
The moderator will introduce a topic and allow each candidate 2 minutes to comment.
After these initial answers, the moderator will facilitate an open discussion of the topic for the remaining 5 minutes, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment.

2. Vice Presidential Debate – Date: October 2nd – Site: Washington University (St. Louis)
– Moderator: Gwen Ifill – Staging/Answer Format: To be resolved.

3.Second Presidential Debate – Date: October 7 – Site: Belmont University
– Moderator: Tom Brokaw – Staging: Town Hall debate
– Format: The moderator will call on members of the audience (and draw questions from the internet).
Each candidate will have 2 minutes to respond to each question.
Following those initial answers, the moderator will invite the candidates to respond to the previous answers, for a total of 1 minute, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment.
In the spirit of the Town Hall, all questions will come from the audience (or internet), and not the moderator.

4. Third Presidential Debate – Date: October 15 – Site: Hofstra University
– Topic: Foreign Policy & National Security – Moderator: Bob Schieffer – Staging: Candidates seated at a table
– Answer Format: Same as First Presidential Debate – Closing Statements: At the end of this debate (only) each candidate shall have the opportunity for a 90 second closing statement.

All four debates will begin at 9pm ET, and last for 90 minutes.
Both campaigns also agreed to accept the CPD’s participation rules for third-party candidate participation.

Each debate will be broadcast on the major broadcast networks, including CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX.
They will also be aired on cable news channels such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and C-SPAN.

Will Barack remain cool and calm with his photographic memory on any topic thrown out?
Will McCain lose his cool? ... talk in rhetoric with a lack of details?