Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Thanks Doris !

and wayne, we agree lol - God I hate OReilly too.

I mean, you feel like you're watching one man of IQ 150 vs another of IQ 15!
Re: Barack 2008!

Thanks Doris !

and wayne, we agree lol - God I hate OReilly too.

I mean, you feel like you're watching one man of IQ 150 vs another of IQ 15!

Give Barack some credit, his IQ is probably a little higher than 15. :) I'd say at least 50. But with all those uhs and ahs and no teleprompter..... not so bright.
Re: Barack 2008!

Give Barack some credit, his IQ is probably a little higher than 15. :) I'd say at least 50. But with all those uhs and ahs and no teleprompter..... not so bright.

Let's be sensible, both are highly intelligent men. I wanted to hear what Obama had to say, but Bill wouldn't let him flow.

It is O'Reilly's attitude that gets up my nose. It was a hatchet job. (And I'm not an Obama fan... or a McCain/Palin fan either)
Re: Barack 2008!

Let's be sensible, both are highly intelligent men. I wanted to hear what Obama had to say, but Bill wouldn't let him flow.

It is O'Reilly's attitude that gets up my nose. It was a hatchet job. (And I'm not an Obama fan... or a McCain/Palin fan either)

Wayne, you are right of course. I've said as much about O'Reilly many times, he needs to let people talk. But, he is the ONLY one in the American media that will ask him the tough questions. Everyone else gives him softball questions, and no followup. If you want to see the other side of the equation, you should watch the Olbermann/Obama interview. I thought they were going to kiss each other. Olbermann fed Obama his own talking points - it was too easy.

The funny thing in the Olbermann interview - when Palin was mentioned, Obama said "when you have Palin on" or something like that. Doesn't Barack know that Olbermann NEVER puts anyone on his show that doesn't agree with him? NO ONE. Olbermann would hide under his desk before he would give Palin and interview.
Re: Barack 2008!

Thanks Doris !

and wayne, we agree lol - God I hate OReilly too.

I mean, you feel like you're watching one man of IQ 150 vs another of IQ 15!

O'Reilly often backed off, actually listened intently and respectfully despite his signature attempts to be a know-it-all.

He asked some penetrating questions and Barack held his own, kept his composure and dignity and thus exemplified diplomacy for future Putins.

Wayne - I thought that O'Reilly genuinely was impressed that he couldn't rattle Obama and this shone through.

He was lauded by Obama as he disarmed his pit bull attacks by giving him credit where he could to foster and maintain an amicable attitude.

Obama found common ground and acknowledged it giving O'Reilly the self esteem boost he continually craves.
Obama personified the conversational style of diplomacy he has preached is needed with adversaries. Discuss -- not fight!

I have not seen this with any O'Reilly interviewee in the past.

Good to see some real debate at last without distractive, small minded, irrelevant muck raking.
Re: Barack 2008!

Olbermann interviews Obama

You could even see how uncomfortable Obama felt with all the softball questions.

"I'm sure she'll be appearing on your show" comment at the end of the second one. Yeah, right.
Re: Barack 2008!

Barack was a guest on Letterman tonight in the US but this interview will screen in Aus tomorrow night.

The transcript can be read:

Some good fun... e.g. about Obama's grandmother voting for him:
Dave: "At 87, are you worried that she may not vote for you and vote for someone maybe closer to her own age?" (audience, Obama laugh; audience applauds)

Obama: "You know, I, uh, I have been sending her out to some of her bridge partners trying to peel off votes from that demographic." (Dave, audience laugh)

...and serious strategies:
Dave: "Is there a way for this country to do that without pushing people around and being resented?"

Obama: "Well, no, I think that if we send a signal, and this is true whether it's in Africa or the Middle East or anywhere in the world, if we say we want to be a partner with you, we respect you, but if you're getting our help, then we've got certain expectations, that we're not just helping the wealthy or the people who are going to send the money to Swiss bank accounts, we expect to actually see results on the ground.

Just holding people accountable but doing it in a respectful way, I think that could make a big difference." (audience applauds)
Re: Barack 2008!

Three new polls from Quinnipiac University out today:

Florida: McCain 50-43

Ohio: Obama 49-44

Pennsylvania: Obama 48-45

That means Obama is ahead in two of the Big Three... historically essential to win POTUS.

With Hillary and Bill campaigning in Florida this may change.

Obama and McCain are patriotically off the campaign for 911 remembrance while the GOP prepare their new 'puppet':

The next two days, at least, figure to belong to Palin:
She's home now, ready to see her son off to Iraq -- and sitting down for interviews with ABC's Charles Gibson, spread over two days. (The first piece of it will air on "World News" Thursday, with more to come on "Nightline," "Good Morning America," and a special "20/20" Friday night.)

"The sessions could be the first test of Ms. Palin's ability to parry substantive questions on foreign and domestic policy, and as she flew back to Alaska on Wednesday, she brought with her a squad of McCain's top policy advisers to help her prepare."

"In a broader sense, the interviews will also provide fresh material for what is now an intense war between the campaigns to define Ms. Palin in the public mind, a battle that both campaigns consider potentially critical to the election outcome."

They add: "Aides traveling with Ms. Palin have reported back to associates that she is a fast study
-- asking few questions of her policy briefers but quickly repeating back their main points
-- who already has considerable ease and experience before cameras."

The New York Times editorial page sees significance in the timing of her rollout: "Just in time for that appearance [on ABC], Ms. Palin, who was proclaiming her family's privacy a week ago, will make a political event out of her son's deployment to Iraq.

But as for talking to reporters in general, the McCain campaign sniffishly says they must first show 'some level of respect and deference.' "
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama said yesterday that u can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig and he was referring to Palin. He is a blatant sexist.

1. Obama wasn't refrring to Palin - he was referring to McCain policies.

2. in any case McCain was first to use the phrase in relation to Hillary Clinton's campaign , three months ago:-

(McCain squealing like a pig, more like it - fabricated penalty :2twocents)

John McCain likes "Lipstick on a Pig" references too


Oh, that John McCain - you'd think he'd at least remember he used the phrase "Lipstick on a Pig" when it was a mere 3 months ago - but this old fuddy duddy is losing his brain.

John McCain is showing that dispite the boost they got to their base from Sarah Palin's nomination as VP, the numbers still aren't in their favor for the election and they will play the victim to try and get sympathy votes for their ticket.

I love how out of one side of their mouth they cry maverick and leader and out of the other side they cry not fair and be nice. What's the matter, can't they take a joke? I thought that was the big deal with the McCain campaign.

Seriously, I think the McCain campaign is losing their marbles - and they didn't have too many to begin with. Keep this up, and as the news starts to seep out of Alaska, you are going to see a titanic shift for their campaign towards the toilet. They are circling it now as we can see.

Their new campaign slogan:

"McCain Palin: We have no plans. Just slinging Republican mud to prove the last 8 years are going to be continued just the same"

Baby or no baby, John McCain is the one who needs the change - not his campaign.

Doris said:
Barack on Letterman : "If That's What I'd Meant, Palin Would Be the Lipstick, ‘McCain's Failed Policies’ the Pig".
Re: Barack 2008!

Joe Biden telling a man in a wheelchair to "stand up".

Sarah Palin is really scared of this gaffe machine. :)

ZZD, I don't believe this is a gaffe as such - he makes an honest mistake, and quickly realises, and shows that he is not confined to a carefully crafted script. He's natural, he's human, he can ad lib. :2twocents
Re: Barack 2008!

Yanks are sucked in again.

The election has become about -isms, he said she said, MILFs, race etc.

Who's worried about policy?

Not the Yanks.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama Leads In Foreign Policy, Bush Follows

Judgment is the key to being a leader...

American officials say that they will notify Pakistan when they conduct limited ground attacks like the Special Operations raid last Wednesday in a Pakistani village near the Afghanistan border, but that they will not ask for its permission.

It is worth recalling that in his first major foreign-policy address, in August 2007, Barack Obama proposed raids against al-Qaeda in Pakistan without consultation, and making the hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. military aid to Pakistan conditional. 'I would make our conditions clear: Pakistan must make substantial progress in closing down the training camps, evicting foreign fighters, and preventing the Taliban from using Pakistan as a staging area for attacks in Afghanistan'.

People ridiculed the Obama proposal at the time, on the grounds that no nation violates the territorial integrity of an ally, even if that ally is problematic.

Will McCain now condemn the Bush administration's decision to go into Pakistan?
Or was this idea only naive ten months ago? Was it only naive because it came from Obama?
The Obama campaign should be making a much bigger deal about this.

Yes, they should. On one of the most critical decisions of the war, Obama staked out a position a while back that the Bush camp and neocons assailed as naive, disastrous, and revealing of his unfitness to be president. But like almost everything else Obama has said about the war, he was right and Bush was wrong.

Obama was ahead of Bush in proposing to shift troops to Afghanistan, ahead of Bush in suggesting a timetable for Iraq withdrawal (subsequently embraced by Maliki), ahead of Bush in arguing we should talk directly to Iran, and, of course, right about not fighting the war in the first place.

The Bush administration - when guided by the saner forces within it such as Gates and Rice - eventually follows Obama's advice. In that sense, Obama has been president for quite a while already. And proving he could be a shrewd, pragmatic and prescient one.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama Leads In Foreign Policy, Bush Follows

Judgment is the key to being a leader...

Sorry Doris, I think that is a load of kibosh. The most important factor is being able to make the correct decisions without delay.
Unfortunately, trying to be the good judge or the wise old sage, ends up not looking like a wise old sage but instead, a worn out sag.
So, to say Obama leads in foreign policy, is only on the back of his Vice-Presidential running mate. Some may say, more a plumbers mait than a running mate.
Obama needs very good going to carry it through and McCain needs heavy going.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama steps in it AGAIN:


Yep. The day after 9/11, as part of its "get tough" makeover, the Obama campaign is mocking John McCain for not using a computer, without caring why he doesn't use a computer. From the AP story about the computer illiterate ad:

"Our economy wouldn't survive without the Internet, and cyber-security continues to represent one our most serious national security threats," [Obama spokesman Dan] Pfeiffer said. "It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief doesn't know how to send an e-mail."

Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by "extraordinary." The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000):

McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside:[The outrage comes from inside: McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes Friends marvel at McCain's encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He's an avid fan - Ted Williams is his hero - but he can't raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.

In a similar vein I guess it's an outrage that the blind governor of New York David Patterson doesn't know how to drive a car. After all, transportation issues are pretty important. How dare he serve as governor while being ignorant of what it's like to navigate New York's highways.


Where is your research Obama? Didn't you know the reason John McCain can't use a keyboard to send email? His war injuries have been common knowledge for many years. Obama certainly needs to apologize for this one.
Re: Barack 2008!

So noi, is it hogwash, sorry kibosh, that Obama leads and Bush follows,
or that Judgment is the key to leadership?
or both?
Come on now, be fair, Obama was weak on foreign policy until his running mate appeared on the scene.

Judgement, again, come on now, "the act of judging"; "the comparing of ideas to find out the truth, the faculty by which this is done"; "an opinion formed"; "an estimate"; "an arbitration"; "discrimination, good taste"; ...and so it goes on.

Whilst Obama is doing all this judgement he may end up making no decision at all, as committees talk and talk,.
No, it's all about DECISION making by the Commander in Chief. Not about being "all things to all men".

In 8 years time he will make a good President. Unless Hillary returns, afterall, if the rules for voting were the same as the Republicans she'd be heading for the Whitehouse.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama said yesterday that u can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig and he was referring to Palin. He is a blatant sexist. Another million moms just crossed over to vote for McCain / Palin. Last nite he was on O'reilly who took him to task for hanging out with a bunch of ultra radicals and hatemongers in Chicago, including Ayers, Rev Wright and Daily Kos. He recently went to a Kos Convention. O'Reilly told him flat out that America will not vote for someone who hangs out with a bunch of radicals.

The air is rushing out of the Obama balloon. No-one is (yet) talking about the effect down the ticket in Senate and Congressional races but IMHO it will be very interesting and throw panic into the Dem ranks. There are also several scandals breaking on the Dem side about their good ole boys.

Why am i posting on this thread? because Obama is very funny in a dark titanic kind of way and the market has /is tanking like Obama. No stocks worth talking about.

It is a colloquial expression and McCain has used the same words on Hillary Clinton before to great applause.

However, Obama is viewed as a sexist by saying it. The Republicans are working up people's emotions, especially white females which swing their votes towards Palin.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama steps in it AGAIN:

The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. ...

but he can't raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.

Where is your research Obama? Didn't you know the reason John McCain can't use a keyboard to send email? His war injuries have been common knowledge for many years. Obama certainly needs to apologize for this one.

ZZD see if you can pick a trend in these excerpts ...

McCain told New York Times Saigon that, "It's a difficult thing to say. But now that I've seen what the bombs and the napalm did to the people on our ship, I'm not so sure that I want to drop any more of that stuff on North Vietnam."
but he did ....

He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam, when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile over Hanoi.[30][31] McCain fractured both arms and a leg, and then nearly drowned, when he parachuted into Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.[30]
He broke both arms, his right in three places, when he struck part of the aircraft,21985,23301752-663,00.html

So at 1000m, I released my bombs, then pulled back the stick to begin a steep climb to a safer altitude. In the instant before the plane reacted, a missile blew my right wing off.

I knew I was hit. My A-4 aircraft, travelling at about 900km/h, was spiralling violently to Earth. I reacted automatically the moment I took the hit, reached up and pulled the ejection seat handle.

I struck part of the aircraft, breaking my left arm, my right arm in three places and my right knee, and was briefly knocked unconscious.

After four days, McCain made an anti-American propaganda "confession".[30] He has always felt that his statement was dishonorable, but as he would later write, "I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."


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Re: Barack 2008!

Continued from previous...

McCain: I learned from Keating Five case

WASHINGTON (AP) ”” Sen. John McCain's ethics entanglement with a wealthy banker ultimately convicted of swindling investors was such a disturbing, formative experience in his political career that he compares the scandal in some ways to the five years he was tortured as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

"I faced in Vietnam, at times, very real threats to life and limb," McCain told The Associated Press. "But while my sense of honor was tested in prison, it was not questioned. During the Keating inquiry, it was, and I regretted that very much."

gee whiz, how do you link - in one answer - being a POW , and being investigated for corrupt / negligent behaviour

I mean, being a POW is allegeldy a legitimate excuse for corrupt behaviour (according to McCain). :confused:

But now, he can't even type on a keyboard?

And for much of this election year Senator McCain's military record has been off limits. That was until General Wesley Clark fired this broadside on Sunday talk show: Face the Nation.

WESLEY CLARK: He hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the navy that he commanded wasn't a wartime squadron. He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall.

INTERVIEWER: I'd have to say Barack Obama has not had any of those experiences either. Nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down.

WESLEY CLARK: Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be President.

Wesley Clark is allowed to say this surely, After all, he was shot down not once but four times. :eek:

Clark was valedictorian of his class at West Point, was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford etc

McCain graduated 894 th in a class of 899 .

Presumably his excuse for (self-admitted) knowing very little about economics is similar. (?)
Good to know he can remember footballer's name though :eek:

PS I've already posted this one a few times..