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Australian Politics General...

The left are hive minded. They will circle wagons to protect their own. It's more like a religion at this point

Actually it was Howard who dispensed with ministerial responsibility (any mistakes in your portfolio and you resign) after he lost minister after minister since then they all tough it out with bla bla bla.

Except Morrison when it was a female minister
I don't like the libs and I'll call them out. That's the difference. Scomo stuffed the country with massive debt. No problems saying they are terrible. I can recognise the fact.

The only reason right leaners stick together is because the alternatives are so unpalatable that something needs to be done.
The left can deluded themselves that anything they do is justified.
The only reason right leaners stick together is because the alternatives are so unpalatable that something needs to be done.
The left can deluded themselves that anything they do is justified.

Sadly there is no left in Australia any more hasn't been for a long time (Labor believe in neoliberalism... fact) it only exists in the minds of the extreme right so they can be arrogant, righteous, down right nasty and divisive with a corrupted clear conscious.
Oh the Trotskies are still there, take yourself for example. They are just keeping their mouths shut for the moment.
No they are pretty widespread. There's a large undercurrent but they don't vote labor.
The Left is still here with the Greens, organising demos against Israel and general muckraking.

Although they have reasonable ideas on housing they are further Left than any Party has been for a while.
Sadly there is no left in Australia any more
That depends on how one defines "Left".

If it's defined as looking after the working class then I absolutely agree, it no longer exists in mainstream politics.

If it's defined as extremely rigid approaches, virtue signalling and pandering to the concerns of the well to do then it's alive and well.

My view, and this is really just gut feel but it's something I've thought about for a considerable period, is that "old Left" politics probably will make a reappearance and we're 7 - 10 years away from that at scale. When that happens, it'll do a lot of good - even those further to the Right will generally see it as a positive step when it comes.

My view it'll be the kind of thing that's going to happen anyway but some defining moment will signal beyond all doubt that it's arrived.
I think it may come sooner. If the power grid "transition" fails and the lights go out, there will be increasing calls for the renationialisation of the power grid and only an Old Left style government would do that. There may still be elements of that in the Labor party, but generally they have taken the view that its best to leave things to the private sector so the politicians have someone else to blame.
I think it's inevitable and the question is when and what triggers it.

A bit like a fashion trend or music genre that's been done to death, a point comes where it's done, the public's had enough of it, and will latch onto anything new that comes along that seems even remotely credible. Once the tipping point comes, it happens real quick.

At this point I do see both ends of the political spectrum having become that, they've become entirely predictable cliches that gain attention only through increasing extremes and it's just ripe for an alternative to come along.

Energy's a plausible trigger agreed there. Not the only one but it's a plausible one if the problem blows up big enough.
It's starting to happen in the UK. The Tories have effectively committed electoral suicide, and while Labour will romp in the election (mainly to punish the Tories), The Reform party is quickly gathering supporters, especially now that Farage has taken the reins.

The X factor is a leader with charisma and there doesn't seem to be any of those in this country.

There have been market failures in a number of areas apart from energy; housing, food staples, banking and financial services and insurance to name a few.

Private companies and wealthy individuals are becoming more rapacious and are clearly benefitting much more from current economic conditions than the average Joe is.

As you say, the "masses" will only take so much of this and will look to anyone throwing out a lifeline, even though it may only be rhetoric.

Smurf its simply about power and in modern Australia that's being exercised by wealth no matter the politics there will never be a return to what you term "old left".

There was a time when wealth was temporarily decoupled from power when Hawk and Keating linked productivity to wages growth arguing workers should share in the increasing wealth of Australia.

In the US that didn't happen the minimum wage stayed the same for decades wealth remained in total control and still is.

Howard re-established the old order cheered on by the punters setting the scene for many of today's woes particularly housing and wealth disparity delivering wage slaves. The conservatives effective use of culture wars running cover for corporate welfare, reducing workers conditions, wages and security etc which is run non stop on these pages ASF proof of its effectiveness.

The argument around climate change and the blunt opposition opposing the move to non fossil fuels by the extreme right (note genuine conservatives in the UK are not in that camp) is a clear sign wealth is in control.

Modern Labor has tinked at the edges to re-establish modest rises in minimum wages and conditions (apparently getting killed while delivering uber food is a bad thing) and other social conscience issues none of which are out of kilter with modern Australian community standards.

And yet here we have the extreme right using extreme language arguing armageddon is upon us.

The most recent poll I can find on it, Labor do extremely well.


the current NLP are about as left as we have ever seen
the rest are just clueless E grade trottsky or Stalin wannabes
the left is a creation of a dumbed down society. YES!
the mess and globalism is due to Whitlim was a pure hack signed Australia up to the Lima declaration and Hawke who put things in motion, but putting the legislation through for corrupt investment and began the fire selling of Australian asserts allowed the unions to go nuts and destroy industry and manufacturing , howard could has done things things to reverse this but didnt

the current joke if workplace industerial laws to stagniate wages and casualise the work force was written by Gillard in some 2010 the unions signed off on those also on both times when it was revisited in around 2021

the argument about climate change! you mean shifting one company or industry from a Country with a advanced economy to an emerging with end result of communism
the world ending scaremongering hoax has been screamed for 100 plus years with the for ever changing narrative as itsa a bankers wet dream
Nearly 10 years old that poll.

What about Malcolm?
Malcolm, jeez he was absolutely hated by the workers, Howard was actually liked by the workers, until he blew his feet off with the 'workchoices brain fart'.
Since Howard, there really hasn't been a standout politician, that's why the margins of winning and losing elections are pretty slim.
Albo started alright and if he sorts out the cost of housing/rent will probably stay around, until he hands over to Bill, which should happen after Albo qualifies for the top rate pension.
The only things that will unravel labor IMO, is housing and or a severe grid collapse, but that shouldn't happen for a couple of years IMO.
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