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Australian Politics General...

It it could be argue that these are the result ultimately of government interference.

A view of which I subscribe to.

No I don't think businesses should have carte blanche, some regulation is prudent but when it is done on ideological grounds, things get distorted.
Yes I can't wait for that to happen, not seeing much yet.
Yes , like negative gearing and cgt discounts which have caused the housing affordability crisis.
Just get rid of of both or cut both, don't target it to protect the rich, which is the goto models that have been presented until now.

Also throw in asset testing PPR for the pension and death duties, which the ACTU suggested in the 2019 election, why should intergenerational welfare be passed on, when they probably benefited from tax deductions building the wealth?

Everyone is so keen to blame the Baby Boomers for having the good fortune of accumulating during their lives and are going to be a burden during their retirement, due to the pension, superannuation tax breaks and age care.

So just bring in Death duties as most countries have , to recoup that money, 40% like the U.K sounds good to me.

It doesn't hit those most needy, because they have FA and those who live in the elite suburbs who care so much about those less fortunate, obviously would welcome the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is.
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God don't even joke. Some socialist retard politician will latch onto it.
Totally agree that the Liberal Party should be wiped.
What you really would like to just have the Labor Party unchecked, best of luck with that.

Everyone in a cave singing Kumabaya, because no one can read or write and the lights don't work.
What you really would like to just have the Labor Party unchecked, best of luck with that.

Everyone in a cave singing Kumabaya, because no one can read or write and the lights don't work.
The Libs have been totally useless, but I wouldn't like a one party state. Labor r is too woke, they need to serve the majority more.
The Libs have been totally useless, but I wouldn't like a one party state. Labor r is too woke, they need to serve the majority more.
Absolutely labor are doing very little for the worker ATM, the rich are getting mega rich, the Govt is taking more tax and the worker is getting screwed. Situation normal.
Well IIRC, this was the Genesis of the Liberal Party. They burnt the Conservative party to the ground and reformed as the Liberals.

Oh how the current iteration of the Liberal party has forgotten that.

As much as I have grown to despise it (only slightly less than the Labor/Green axis), I don't think burning it to the ground is the way. But yes, it does need reform, root and branch.

Kirkup the Green, Pesutto the Panderer and the rest of the ilLiberal pretenders should be expunged from the party, rounded up and dispersed among the left wing totalitarians and devout greenies where they belong.

The Liberals desperately need honey badgers who can drag the Overton Window, kicking and screaming, backthe the center right.

It would take a monumental effort, Herculean even, but the will is there in the disenchanted grass roots.

I have had a dalliance with the Libertarians. I like them, but for the average plebeian there is no appeal, some of which is their own fault, but mostly because of factors well beyond their control.

Such would be the fate of any other classical liberal/conservative upsarts. Its just not going to happen, it will never gain traction without a charismatic Messiah-like leader, such as Javier

Long story short, change will have to come from within.
They wouldn't be game too.
Even the dumbest of the dumb in politicians would know that there luxury leather seat would not be theirs after the next election.
When we say "small" government, how small should it be ?
In short I'm not suggesting the public service be slashed and burned for the sake of it, though there's some dead wood that should be pruned, and nor am I opposed to things like government owned utilities given at least some of them are pretty decent.

What I'm referring to is more about government overreach and encroachment into the lives of the people in ways that aren't justified. So my argument for small government is more about governing and isn't so much about physical services etc.

We need some regulations yes, but I'm not at all convinced when it comes to things like censorship or what's been done to education and I'm even less convinced with the EU's interference in the design of domestic vacuum cleaners or things like taking the ANZAC out of ANZAC Day.

What next? Will Coles be selling 25 April biscuits?


Attempting to destroy our national identity by taking away ANZAC Day or Australia Day for some woke reason to appeal to minorities is un Australian, as is censorship of honest opinions because they could "offend" someone.

A pox on the houses of those who do that sort of thing.

As for education, as we have been discussing , it's been dumbed down by decades to the extent that we have to import most of our professional needs. That's a result of both cost cutting and a woke agenda.

So I would like a government that is mildly financially progressive and willing to invest in essential services, but socially conservative and willing to preserve what has made Australia the way it is ie innovation and "can do" mindset, and not bow to the amorphous multicultural mix.
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I knew she wouldn't last.

Annastacia Palaszczuk resigning after almost nine years as Queensland premier

Annastacia Palaszczuk says she will resign as Queensland Premier at the end of the week.

At a media conference on Sunday, Ms Palaszczuk said she would also retire as the member for the Brisbane seat of Inala at the end of the year.

She has been in state parliament since 2006, took over from Anna Bligh as Labor leader in 2012, and became premier in 2015.
It's like a new form of Domino theory.
I'm getting @#$&ing sick of this $#@t. We have to stomp this crap out

What the hell are 'sensitivities'?

Smith, who gave us a defence review that simply recommended further reviews, should be sacked.
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