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Australian Politics General...

An inquiry into the states would/should lead to criminal charges.
Ah well Mick, that's politics for you.
The Victorian enquiry into the hotel quarantine did no result in any criminal charges, I suspect this one will not either.
Yeah, extremely wishful thinking on my part.

Meanwhile we plebeians are being set up again by the looks of it.
Now that Andrews is one, there is Seven gone, two to go.
From Evil Murdoch Press
The federal government has been bagged by the greens, the teals and everyone outside of feferal politics for their continual exemptions for Politcal parties from the privacy Act.
It is worth noting that the coalition parties did not jpin in the condemnation, they like the Labour Party, value their privacy.
FromEvil Murdoch EmpirePrivacy experts, teal independents and the Greens have lashed Labor’s decision to retain an exemption for political parties in the Privacy Act, accusing the government of “creating one rule for themselves and another rule for everyone else”.The criticism comes as peak business groups noted that while the government’s “measured approach” to privacy reforms, announced this week, was welcome, the changes risked chilling innovation and adding additional costs to small businesses.
Its standard practice for the ba$tard$ to force the productive people of OZ to try to work with their never ending regulations, but exempt themselves.
Legacy of the Morrison Government. Prawns left in the curtains.

‘Green coal’ company owned by LNP figures received $5.5m grant a week before Morrison government entered caretaker mode

Exclusive: Green Day Energy has had its bank account frozen after going into administration amid a legal dispute between its owners

Ben Smee

Fri 13 Oct 2023 01.00 AEDTLast modified on Fri 13 Oct 2023 09.47 AEDT

A fledgling “green coal” company owned by two Queensland Liberal National party figures has had its bank account frozen and become mired in legal action, 18 months after being awarded a $5.5m commonwealth grant in the dying days of the Morrison government.

Guardian Australia can reveal the federal government is “considering its position” in relation to the grant to Green Day Energy, after the company was placed in voluntary administration by director David Hutchinson, the former LNP president. Hutchinson is being sued by Green Day’s largest shareholder, Brad Carswell, a former party official and candidate.
The company was registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission three days before Christmas in 2021 – the same day that the federal government released the grant guidelines for its “securing raw minerals program”.

In April, a week before the Morrison government went into caretaker mode, Green Day Energy was awarded $5.5m from that program – the equal largest individual grant to any company – to build a biomass plant in the north-west Queensland town of Richmond.

The project would involve converting prickly acacia, an invasive outback weed, into woodchip pellets with properties similar to coal. It had backing from the local council and Central Queensland University.

The grant was approved by the then minister for regionalisation, Bridget McKenzie, after being assessed by the government business grants hub and reviewed by a committee.

McKenzie made several election announcements in the following weeks about regional businesses awarded money from the $29m securing raw minerals program. The grant to Green Day Energy, however, does not appear to have been announced publicly until after the election.

And true to from, another mate gets a nice government paid gig at the expense of someone else far better qualified.
And he is the wrong gender to boot.
From Evil Murdoch Press
Jobs for the boys all right.
At the risk of being accused of posting trivial data points, I am going to do so anyway.
I was reading some guff from the Greens about how they were going to change the world, and was struck not by the quality of their argument, but by the number of greens folk with hyphenated names.
In my youth, though it be but a distant memory, hyphenated names were associated with toffy English upper class folk with plenty of money.
The sort of names that you found in the English boys grammar schools featured in books like Billy Bunter, and Boys own Annual.
Prior to the most recent federal election, only 22 hyphenated names had existed in either federal chamber since federation.
After the last federal election, 4 out of the 11 greens senators have hyphenated names, and a further 5 from other parties in the chambers. Jacinta Nampijimpa Price joined the five greens to make a total of six hyphenated senators.
But the really big movers were in the lower house which picked up four hyphenated members, breaking a near half-century drought — Elizabeth Watson-Brown, Michelle Ananda-Rajah, Max Chandler-Mather and Louise Miller-Frost.
So now we have by far the most numbers of hyphenated representatives in history, and by a wide margin.
Is it representative of the percentage of hyphenates in general public, or are they over represented?
i have often wondered what happens to the offspring should two people with hyphenated surnames procreate.
How do they then decide on the surname? Use all four names with three hyphens? Only the last two?
Must be a constant problem for hyphenators.
(Note stats courtesy of the old Melbourne University rag Honi Soit )
I couldn't find a thread for this on-going debacle, so this is here.

I was leaning towards innocent against Higgins for a long time, but this makes it even more complicated. Bloody hell, what a nightmare.

Prosecutors in the ACT last year dropped charges against Mr Lehrmann for the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins, saying a retrial of the case would pose an unacceptable risk to her health. The trial had earlier been aborted after a juror was found to have brought outside material into the jury room.

Mr Lehrmann was charged in January with two counts of rape by detectives from the Criminal Investigations Branch over the alleged offence in Toowoomba in 2021, but he has not yet been committed for trial.

On Thursday, Justice Peter Applegarth lifted an interim suppression order on Mr Lehrmann’s identity.

Earlier this month, Toowoomba magistrate Clare Kelly lifted a suppression order but delayed her decision to allow Mr Lehrmann’s lawyers to apply to the Supreme Court to keep it in place.

The media has been barred from naming Mr Lehrmann during a number of court appearances this year, because previous laws protected the identity of people charged with serious sexual offences until they were committed to trial.

At the hearing on Thursday, Mr Lehrmann’s barrister, Andrew Hoare, argued that his client had experienced suicidal ideation during the past two years and was at risk of “catastrophic” self-harm, including suicide, if the non-publication order was lifted.
The girl story is rarely believed in the media. Being a Liberal girl didn't make much difference.
The Police leaked her file, her career was destroyed but it was Lehrmann that got the big paid media interview.
The girl story is rarely believed in the media. Being a Liberal girl didn't make much difference.
The Police leaked her file, her career was destroyed but it was Lehrmann that got the big paid media interview.

My impression was that she was sucked into a money deal by the Pirate and Wilko and by-passed natural justice for the prospect of a lot of cash, destroying any chance of Lehrmann getting a fair hearing.

Quite possibly one of the messiest rape trials in Australian history. Everyone lost, including the judicial system.

This new thing about Lehrmann complicates it even further.
She went to court and someone got to the witness causing the trial to be cancelled. I have a different theory. It's a bit nastier.
Geez Knobby, fair suck of the sauce bottle.
Take it to the conspiracy theory thread, unless you have something remotely like proof that someone got to bthe juror.

Regardless of being got at or not, there should be steep penalties for the type of behaviour the juror engaged in, after being told multiple times by the judge not to do it.

So suspicions could well be aroused by their behaviour, either they were stupid, were got at, or took a prejudiced position in some way in order to disrupt the trial.
Geez Knobby, fair suck of the sauce bottle.
Take it to the conspiracy theory thread, unless you have something remotely like proof that someone got to bthe juror.
The trial was discontinued because of juror misconduct, and a retrial ruled out because of the potential effect on the mental health of Higgins and Lehrmann. Now an inquiry into the trial is examining what went on behind the scenes of the trial, and the conduct of police and prosecutors.

Also: Shane Drumgold, the ACT director of public prosecutions, had claimed Morrison government ministers Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash had applied pressure on federal police. Photograph: Mick Tsikas/AAP

Of course he backtracked at a later date on this: When asked by Sofronoff whether he now accepted that he was mistaken about possible political interference in the case, Drumgold responded: “I do accept that.”
i still see nothing you have posted suggests any evidence of someone having got to the Juror in question, which is what I got out of your original post.
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