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Australian Politics General...

Depends on who they replace him with, they have a distinct lack of talent on their frontbench.
Labour has been fairly damaging in Qld, they pulled funding at a federal level for main roads when we have 1000 people a week coming here (500 mil), then Palachooks brain fart of the Olympics, spending billions on stadiums when you have people in the next street sleeping in tents and cars hearing the jackhammers and elevated platforms swinging around all day. Major hospitals are underfunded and understaffed, possibly the same in other states? Not sure the far left from other states will like the Labor move to open new coal mines either. Give it time, I would say more things will unfold from Albo to piss off the populace, rental reforms, land tax in VIC, the voice, and blah, blah.

It seems to be the same history repeating itself over and over, labor the big lose spenders of junk, Vs liberal tightarses conservatives.
It seems to be the same history repeating itself over and over, labor the big lose spenders of junk, Vs liberal tightarses conservatives.

What? The sheer waste of the federal Coalition Government will take generations to pay back if ever
What? The sheer waste of the federal Coalition Government will take generations to pay back if ever
Covid was a black swan event, but did you forget Dan spending millions on masks that were useless to all?
Albo getting in the groundwork for the bushfire season, the last thing he needs is a but you said incident happening, when he is overseas.


After travelling through NSW and parts of QLD I couldn't help thinking god help the people / fauna and flora who live here given the growth density (3 x's plus WA fire risk) with the possible looming El Nino its all just a bomb waiting to explode.
After travelling through NSW and parts of QLD I couldn't help thinking god help the people / fauna and flora who live here given the growth density (3 x's plus WA fire risk) with the possible looming El Nino its all just a bomb waiting to explode.
ScoMo is available if required, he isnt as busy anymore, failing that get Albo on the hose. Lol
After travelling through NSW and parts of QLD I couldn't help thinking god help the people / fauna and flora who live here given the growth density (3 x's plus WA fire risk) with the possible looming El Nino its all just a bomb waiting to explode.
A lot of rain and no maintenance. Feels like a hot summer coming as well
After travelling through NSW and parts of QLD I couldn't help thinking god help the people / fauna and flora who live here given the growth density (3 x's plus WA fire risk) with the possible looming El Nino its all just a bomb waiting to explode.
Same here on the East coast, they have managed to burn off about 1% of the local NP,

They spent one whole day doing that, marvellous effort, looking for kudos in the media

I have koalas here at home often enough, I sincerely hope they are here when our local area explodes over summer because we will lose at least 50 koalas and god knows how much other fauna.

The whole thing is very frustrating and really upsets me and my wife when it happens
At this point I want scomo gone and am willing to suffer through whoever is next.

Idiot is talking to big for his boots. I don't want a damn warmonger in control
Well one out of two ain't bad @moXJO .

Yeah I was right about the suffering

My wife and I had the same sentiments about the wild life as we drove through.

We have lived in a fire zone that used to go off like a bomb fires started by fire bugs aimed at house settlements etc looking at the bush we just cringed.

Its just bloody horrible.

The annual burn offs have become a real problem over here in WA, the time to burn off has shorten dramatically as the environment is much drier Margret River areas got smashed as a control burn got out of control plus the smoke gets blown back into Perth CBD and you know what happens next.

I hope El Nino is short and all is good for your area Macca.

What annoys me is that they seem to look for excuses not to burn off rather than how much can we get done.

It is a real bureaucratic time wasting, waffling, dithering attitude.

To burn off a quite small area they had 4 local bush fire trucks and about 20 people and then instead of letting it run they put it out at dusk.

Overnight temp was about 5c everyone knows that a fire won't flare up at that temp, no houses for about 10ks so no worries.

It seems to me that they don't understand fire, they have been raised on holocausts and helicopters whereas we were taught to understand what a fire will do.

When all you have is a brush hook and wet bag beaters you soon learn defensive fire fighting rather than relying on millions of dollars in equipment.

I know we will hear the Climate Change chant when it happens, no one wants to accept that they are wrong.
Until someone has lived through a life threatening fire, they have absolutely no idea.
It is so confronting for them, when they are standing there with a hose and the fire ball being swept up by the wind that the fire itself generates, is blowing toward them at 20km/hr and the ground fire is following 500m behind.
My oldest son learnt last year, his first experience and it was a great learning experience.

If you have grandkids they will always remember their first fire, mine was over 60 years ago and I can still recall the smoke and heat.

We were trying to save our neighbours house, there was dad, my brother, me and the neighbour, we had a 2 brush hooks (scythe), wet bag beaters and some gumtree saplings we snapped off, the greener the better.

Fortunately we had burnt it off the year before so the flames were only about 3 metres high and he had mowed back about 3 metres from his fence.

Before the fire arrived we went in and back burnt about 5 meters, it reached that and stalled and we beat it out, What a feeling !! I have studied fire ever since.
The problem with getting too caught up in the narrative, it clouds peoples judgement and objectivity IMO.

From the article:
ACT top prosecutor Shane Drumgold, SC, lied to the Supreme Court in the lead-up to the rape trial of former Coalition staffer Bruce Lehrmann, a report into the handling of the high-profile case has found.
The inquiry helmed by former Queensland Supreme Court judge Walter Sofronoff has made several damning findings about the conduct of the territory’s Director of Public Prosecutions, including that he improperly questioned Liberal senator Linda Reynolds during the trial.

Lehrmann said in a statement on Thursday that the findings relayed what his legal team had suspected all along, saying it was “overwhelming and alarming reading”.

“It is a credit to Mr Sofronoff and his team for pulling back the covers and exposing what really is a dark chapter for the ACT justice system,” he said.

According to an article published by The Australian, the full extent of the report is expected to make findings against Drumgold’s conduct before, during and after the trial, including over his viewing of Ms Higgins’ counselling notes he went to lengths to ensure no one else saw, as well as public comments made in support of her when he discontinued proceedings last year.

It is outrageous that Scott Morrison has suffered so much through the Robo debt fiasco which he had absolutely no control over or any capacity to ameliorate.

Absolute tragedy

Victim of Robodebt Scheme Finally Heard

The principal victim in an illegal Centrelink scheme has finally had a chance to be heard, after years of suffering in silence.
55 year-old Sydney man Scott Morrison was filled with emotion as he told a sitting of Federal Parliament that he had been unfairly targeted by the Government, leading to stress and anxiety.

“I have been held responsible for something which, apart from being in charge of the relevant ministry at the time, I had nothing to do with. I was given no opportunity to see the evidence put against me, or afforded the assumption of innocence, apart from during a 46-day Royal Commission. And, other than being the head of the Government, I was utterly powerless – I had no way of getting my voice heard. It has been an incredibly stressful time,” he said.

Mr Morrison said throughout the Robodebt scandal he had felt alone and powerless, with only the world’s largest media organisation to speak on his behalf. “There were times when it was too overwhelming. Those days when you realise it’s just you, forty News Corp columnists, the Department of Human Services and the Federal Government, up against the might of Australia’s unemployed. I hope I never have to go through something like that again”.
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