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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

What rubbish! I broke one of my cardinal rules. Never argue with a fool. It won't happen again.

Easy for us to say, having never done any of those things.

No, it’s not our fault that people in other countries experience hardship. Yes something should be done to make these people have the opportunities and standard of living we enjoy without having to be smuggled around the world.

But the reality is, if I’m a guy living in the back blocks of Syria with a government willing to use chemical weapons on its own people and with little hope for a better future, I’m also going to do whatever it takes to make a better life for me and my loved ones. I doubt you or anyone else here would feel any different in the same situation.

What does illegal immigration have to do with religion anyway? What if they were persecuted Christians from Egypt? Would you feel any different?
Did you actually read what Whiskers said ? He was talking about the effects of American foreign policy in disrupting the countries they invaded ie Iraq, Afganistan as well the surrounding areas ie Iran.
When has America invaded or disrupted Iran? Even if it had, how does that place responsibility on Australia?

One could ask the same question about Sri Lanka or any other of the many countries whose people are coming to Australia, none of which Australia (or largely America for that matter) has had any particular connection or influence.

But let's not confuse the genuine refugees with economic asylum seekers who simply want a lifetime with everything provided and where they do not have to work. Sadly, it appears these people are taking the places of very genuine refugees who desperately need a helping hand.
But let's not confuse the genuine refugees with economic asylum seekers who simply want a lifetime with everything provided and where they do not have to work.
Sure. But we should also be careful to not assume that those looking for a better life are looking for a better life that does not include work.

Julia, Basiloio may comment differently, but since it's about my comment originally, I'll chime in here.

The main point about the people smuggler trade, through Indonesia as it relates to us, is that regardless of the root cause or motivation of the Asylum seekers, once the people started to flow towards Aus given the nature of Indo culture and politics, entrepreneurial types with good government ties saw a business opportunity. The saw it was much easier and more profitable to help them through Indo on their way to Aus. Hence, a reluctance for Indo to stop the 'boat people' trade.

The US was behind a coup d'état that planted the Shah in control of Iran from WWII until the late 1970's. After the Iranian revolution that saw the current regime come to power the US led an economic war of sanctions against Iran in response to their nuclear ambitions and threats of death to America.

In the Iranian case, Australia's only responsibility (for the cause) comes via our support for the US and sanctions. But as I said originally, that does not necessarily make us obliged to take any or all Asylum seekers or refugees.

The other Impact of the Afghanistan and Iraq war was the disbursement of fighters and civilians into neighbouring countries like Iran and Pakistan distressing the culture and lifestyle of the locals as a result of paramilitary mob rule and in the case of Pakistan, US drone attacks that inadvertently kill innocent people who just happen to be there.

Plenty of cause and motivation for these people to want to go anywhere else, including Aus... hence also my earlier comment about the inconvenience of us bearing the disproportionate burden and the US should be doing more to either calm the situation, take more of the refugees or provide compensation.

- - - Updated - - -

This report from Andrew Bolt must now surely leave the media lefties like stunned mullets.

Abbott has done what many journos say he could not do.

One thing to note something from the likes of Andrew Bolt, but if you want to save your point from a red flag for bias, quote some reference other than a shock jock, please!
The people on the boat that sank were Lebanese Muslims looking for a better life here at our expense (as Sails implied). Did you even watch the video or read the transcript? They have the hide to blame us for the deaths of their people.

Ninety percent of the (mainly Islamic) illegal migrants who arrive here end up living on welfare and are a burden to us because they have no skills that our employers can use. I don't care what religion they are, if they take the easier option of coming here illegally by boat and demanding that we take them in, and then blaming us when some don't make it, and rioting and destroying facilities we have built for them when we don't immediately meet their demands, I have zero sympathy for them.

I disagree with the view that we should have to do anything "to make these people have the opportunities and standard of living we enjoy". We can offer them opportunities to prosper by trading with them but if they can't organise themselves to develop prosperous societies, it's not our problem.

They have huge families ... eight or more children. They might be more prosperous if they weren't so focused on procreating and I shudder to think how serious this problem will be when the world population reaches ten billion!

By the way, the guy who gets up really close and personal to me and drills my teeth is an Arab and I have the greatest respect for him because he's an excellent dentist and he migrated here legally.
Abbott has succeeded where Rudd and Gillard failed miserably....The media and the socialist left wingers are gobsmacked.

Abbotts diplomacy would have even silenced the "WRECKER" (Mr. Chaos) war with Indonesia !!!!!!!!!!!! The Labor Party must be so dissapointed.

Abbott actually secured a refugee deal with Indonesia in just 24 hours of his visit....He has even swung old Marty (Indonesias forgreign mister) around.
In spite of what some misguided posters say, we are not under any obligation to accept illegal immigrants who are detrimental to our national interests. To make excuses for these people is not only naive but extremely ignorant of the consequences.

(My bolds)

- See more at:
Unbelievable! What right do they have to hope for a better life?!

Has anyone said they have no right to hope for a better life?

As Chris suggests, if they want a better life they should work to create it in their own countries. They could start by changing the backward attitudes that are causing their problems.

I just don’t go along with the idea that their search for a better life gives them the right to come flooding into our country by paying criminals to bring them here, and then expecting us to provide that better life they’re chasing, while at the same time they stick to their fanatical religious beliefs, make little or no effort to fit in with Australian life and respect our culture and values, change entire neighborhoods into Islamist societies, breed prolifically, demand special rights, and bring with them the tribal and factional hatreds that were the root cause of trouble in their homelands.

Have a look at what has happened with the Muslims in Holland, and ask yourself if you want the same thing to happen here. It didn’t happen overnight, it happened bit by bit as Muslims filtered into the country and then started demanding and getting special rights. There are many countries that are going the same way because they let Muslims get a foot hold....England, Spain, Germany, France. There are now some areas of these countries where you risk your life if you’re a non Muslim who walks into a Muslim neighborhood.
There are even some Muslims neighborhoods in Australia where you’d be taking a risk as a non-Muslim.

I ask you again – do you want the same thing to happen here in Australia? It already is happening, slowly but surely, and you want to speed up the process by welcoming Muslims in their hundreds of thousands???!!!
What does illegal immigration have to do with religion anyway?
Do you seriously think the Islamic religion isn’t the root cause of the problems that makes life intolerable in Muslim countries, causing so many people to emigrate to other countries by whatever means possible, whether legal or illegal?
They hate each other even more than they hate the west – look at Syria for example, one religious faction against the other.
Look at Iraq - they now have the greatest opportunity for freedom and democracy in their history, and the west has offered them all the help they need to achieve it, but the stupid bastards are throwing away the opportunity of a lifetime because they can’t put their ridiculous tribal and religious factional hatreds to rest.
Look at Iran – by all accounts it was a decent country to live in before the Islamic revolution stuffed it up – now life is so intolerable there that they’re leaving in droves.

Do you seriously think that life wouldn’t be far better for those countries if they adopted Christianity or some other religion that doesn’t subjugate people, treat women like dirt, and shun education and technological advancement?
What if they were persecuted Christians from Egypt? Would you feel any different?
I know some persecuted Christians from Egypt – a husband and wife who are both doctors, very nice people. We’ve had them to our place for barbeques a number of times, and they've had us to their place.
They’ve told us some harrowing stories of what happens to non-Muslims in Islamic countries. That’s why they emigrated to Australia (through the legal channels – not illegally via people smugglers).
They've both made every effort to adopt Australian culture and values. If Muslims who come here would make the same effort then I might feel differently about them.
Do you seriously think the Islamic religion isn’t the root cause of the problems that makes life intolerable in Muslim countries, causing so many people to emigrate to other countries by whatever means possible, whether legal or illegal?

You are correct bunyip. The support of Greens and other left wing loonies and do-gooders for this Muslim invasion leads to the only conclusion. They obviously have ulterior motives. It would be different if there was any evidence that their infiltration into predominantly Christian society has had anything but negative effects. As for us, what Greg Sheridan says in my earlier post, should sound the alarm bells to all those except the politically naive or just stupid;

'The social costs of a predominantly Muslim, poorly educated population with little English would be huge."

Consider the way we treat NZ immigrants, This is from a country which more than any other country in the world, shares our cultural and social values. We put up barriers that don't apply to the alien Muslims, whose every need we cater for after arrival at Christmas Island.

I think we're all aware of events in the 1970's, Whiskers. It hardly has continuing relevance in 2013!!!

To try to draw this sort of long bow is stretching credibility.

Others have more correctly described why there is such determination to come to Australia.

Good point.

I have been saying it now for some time...........there is a world wide plot for Islamic world domination and they are doing through illegal immigration.

When they are in small numbers there are few problems....but mark my words when they get the numbers, they will create havic for any counrty.

Islam is not about religion, it is purely political......Religion is only a front and are similar in nature to the Green movement whereby the invironment is just a front for communsim.....
I think this conversation is turning into a blind hate session. When 3 posters take the discussion into denigrating Islam as a front for world domination I just don't like it.

Substitute the word "Christian", Zionist ", "American", "Ku Klux Klan", "Communist", "Greenies" whatever into the language and see how it looks.

I completely reject the proposal that the Islamic religion is somehow a front for world domination. I suggest that trying to run this line is really offensive and not remotely in any spirit of constructive discussion.

Or should we be dusting off our white sheets and nooses ?

It depends which brand of Islamic religion you are talking about. They are a lot like us. They range from moderates to extreme ratbag radicals, These radical extremist Islamists murdered 41 school kids and their English teacher in Nigeria simply because they were being being taught English, rather than having their noses stuck in the Koran and remaining ignorant like our illegals.

I suggest to you that that what they did is really offensive.
Yes Noco, and that was confirmed in the article I linked to earlier.

"From its inception in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood has been the subject of persecution due to its commitment to a single goal ”” transitioning the world into an Islamic empire.

In the early 1990s, the Brotherhood memorialized its strategy in a secret document ””not discovered until 2004 ””for spreading Islam’s reach to U.S. borders as well. In a game plan best described as “Shariah creep,” it sought to introduce Islamic law into the United States, gradually getting it to replace rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Sound absurd? We have already seen Shariah applied by U.S. state courts!

One example of a state court applying Shariah involved a Muslim husband accused of raping his Muslim wife. Arguing that Shariah allows a husband to forcefully impose himself upon a non-consenting wife, he was found not guilty. One can only wonder how long it will be before such rationale is applied to Muslim defendants killing a family member, declaring their innocence under the Islamic concept of “honor killings.”

The Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy mandated Muslims immigrate to the United States, ignoring its “mixing bowl” of cultures concept by non-assimilation. In this way, Muslims remained pure in their efforts to go forth and multiply, gaining more and more influence in the United States.

The idea of a large, non-assimilated Muslim population gaining influence on foreign shores has long been promoted .... Erdogan who once said, “The mosques are our barracks, the domes are our helmets, the minarets are our swords and the faithful are our army.”

It was revealed recently that the Muslim population of the Gold Coast has DOUBLED in just two years from 4,000 in 2011 to an estimated 8,000 now ... not through migration, but due to their high procreation rate.

Nationally, the Islamic population grew by 40% from 2006 to 2011, compared to our overall population growth of 8%.

The Gold Coast Islamic leaders are complaining that their current mosque is now overcrowded and are pushing for another mosque to be built to accommodate the growth.

Muslims are establishing significant communities in Australia, in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, now in Gold Coast and once we allow them in, it will be impossible to kick them out. How long before the amplified calls to prayer will be blasting out from the minarets five times a day throughout Australia and Shariah law becomes part of our legal system?

In July this year, Rudd's new parliamentary secretary, Ed Husic was sworn in on the Koran.

"This is a wonderful day for multiculturalism, and everything it stands for in our country," Governor-General Quentin Bryce told Mr Husic during the swearing-in ceremony in Canberra on Monday. ... How frighteningly naive!!!

When a cartoonist satirises their religion in a drawing, or someone makes a movie that they perceive as being anti-Islamic, Muslims take to the streets and express their anger in the most violent ways possible, but when one of their extremist terrorist groups commits a horrific atrocity in a shopping mall in the name of their religion, strangely they fall very silent. Why is that?

A KENYAN doctor has told of finding eyes, ears and noses torn from the bodies of hostages recovered from Nairobi's Westgate Mall.
"They removed (testicles), eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. They drive knives inside a child's body. Actually if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers."

If an extremist group committed such an extreme act of cruelty in the name of any other religion, especially Christianity, I'm sure there would be a very vocal reaction from the religious leaders.

As Bunyip pointed out, if we don't act decisively to curb this Muslim infiltration, the Australia we currently enjoy will be irreversibly changed, and not for the better! Currently our Muslim population is somewhere between 2-5% and growing rapidly ... and that is cause for alarm!

In the small sleepy islands of Fiji, the natives woke up one morning in 1987 and found that the Indian population had increased their power and were now ruling them, and we know what turmoil ensued after that. Is that what we want for our future?

Thanks for that back up Chris....I hope Basilio has absorbed it all....

I was in Lautoka Fiji in 1993 setting up a branch there for my company......I was there for 4 weeks....The Islamic loud speakers were wailing out the Koran at 5 am every morning.

Be very afraid.....Australia will wonder what hit them in 20 or 30 years from now....At my age, I won't be around to see it but I do fear for children, my grand children and my great grand children.
Ok so lets see what you have done folks.

You have taken the criminal actions of a a group of Muslims and tarred the entire religion and everyone who professes it with the same brush. Do you suggest that the the Muslim population as a whole would have anything except disgust for the actions you describe?

Would you care for Western countries to be judged by the actions of American soldiers in Iraq for shooting up women and children from helicopters ? How about the activities of the Ku Klux Klan in lynching people ? Or the weekly decisions of President Obama to send drones across Pakistan etc to identify and kill people ?

This conversation has moved from discussing Asylum seekers to an all out attack on 23% of the worlds population. Would you like to take up the attack on Indonesia as well ? Not to mention SE Asia.

Come on. We are better than this..
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