Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

CAN MUSLIMS BE GOOD Australians? This is certainly 'food-for-thought' .

This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. And send it on to everyone. Maybe this is why our Australian Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good Australian?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.

The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia .

Religiously - no.. . . Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam . (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no . Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews .

Politically - no.. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America the great Satan, Australia and the rest of the free world.

Domestically - no. .. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. . Because he cannot accept the Australian Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no.. . . Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation.... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. - - - They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Australians [or good Englishmen or good Americans!]. Call it what you wish, it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country [ and yours] and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. .....

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.


Please don't delete this until you send it on.
Yes I realize this is off thread but I thought it should be read as a follow through on previous discussions rather than under the thread "RELIGION IS CRAZY".
Good post Noco!

Much of what Geert Wilders said is supported by news reports I've heard over the years. It's unfortunate that he has called himself an Islam hater because that gives people an excuse to denigrate him and brand him a loony racist, but I believe we should listen to his warnings.

The Refugee Convention desperately needs an overhaul because of the way it is being abused by the mainly Islamic economic refugees seeking better lives in Western countries. They only have to claim a belief of persecution to be granted asylum and how easy would it be to fabricate a story to satisfy that requirement. It's just crazy!

At the moment our multicultural society functions quite well, in the main, but if we're not careful we could lose the stability we currently enjoy if the Islamic community is allowed to increase by the continuing influx of these "asylum seekers". We should learn from the mistakes of others so we don't suffer the same problems.

I don't know of any other culture or religion that cause so many problems as these people! We need to introduce quotas on each of our cultural and religious groups to maintain a healthy balance.

How about we only take people in who can find sponsors here? Any refugee who couldn't find a sponsor would have to either go home or wait in Indonesia until they could. There are organizations devoted to sponsoring refugees looking for better lives, eg

All of our asylum seeker advocates so keen on welcoming refugees and their children could tithe (10%) from their salary or welfare benefits to this fund to sponsor these people and provide for their food, accommodation and education until they can find employment and support themselves. Those with spare rooms in their houses could easily take families in and provide full board for them. No more demands on Centrelink ... refugee problem solved!
It's unfortunate that these threads always seem to denigrate into extreme views on both sides, rather than reasonable discussion.

Basilio, you've not addressed my main point in terms of the boat people, i.e. that they have been arriving (at least under Labor) in such numbers that their processing is adversely affecting those who have applied to come legitimately to Australia. Effectively this means that we are admitting asylum seekers not on the basis of need, but rather on the basis of their ability to pay people smugglers.

Those coming from Iran, Lebanon etc have multiple places at which to make formal application. Why are they not doing this, and are you happy with the reality that they are putting at even greater disadvantage those with seemingly greater need, as they land here, looking healthy, often wearing designer clothes, and carrying laptops?

And to basilio and Whiskers, you have not explained how any grievance anyone might have in the Middle East against America translates into Australia having a responsibility to admit them via the boat express.

Enough of ranting about America. Instead, your addressing of the above points would be more useful.

PS Good to hear today that the government is making available 500 places in the humanitarian refugee program for Syrians driven from their homes.
Operation Sovereign Borders update Friday October 04

The briefing which would have taken place on Monday October 07 was brought forward due to the public holiday on that day.

The Vice Chief of the Defence Force Mark Binskin, who is acting as the head of the Government’s new border protection operation, says one asylum seeker boat arrived this week.

The 79 people on board were transferred to Christmas Island on Monday.

Air Marshal Binskin says the boat was mentioned at this Monday’s border protection briefing.

He says between 9am AEST on Monday September 30 and 9am AEST this morning 171 people were transferred to offshore processing centres - 139 to Manus Island and 32 to Nauru.

Since the new operation began on September 18 a total of 334 people have been transferred to offshore centres.

There are currently 953 people at the Manus Island centre and 801 at Nauru.

A further 43 people are on their way to Nauru.

Air Marshal Binskin says there are 2263 people at the Christmas Island Centre.

Operation Sovereign Borders update Monday September 30

95 passengers from 3 boats. Of these, 7 were West Papuans who have since been returned to PNG. A further 18 are the Indians who arrived in Darwin and are expected to be returned to India. The remaining 70 people from a third boat were transferred to detention on Christmas Island.

A further 103 passengers from 3 boats were returned to Indonesia. From one of those boats, a further 56 are either dead or missing.

A further 128 asylum seekers had been transferred to Manus and Nauru.

Not forming part of the above briefing is a further 78 arrivals at Christmas Island today.
Breast enlargement??? Economic "refugees" are attracted by our free medical service.

ASYLUM-SEEKERS have asked doctors for breast enlargements, IVF treatment and botox, according to the former director of medical health services for Australia's offshore asylum processing network.

Ling Yoong, who helped set up medical services on Nauru and Manus Island and worked on Christmas Island, said the cosmetic operations were requested when asylum-seekers underwent other regular medical checks and necessary treatment.

"We give (the asylum-seekers) the health services they need; we do not give them the services they want," Dr Yoong said in an interview with industry magazine Medical Observer published this week. A medical source familiar with the demands said they had been made in all three offshore locations.

"I was employed to give them the health checks and intervention they needed, but some of the people started demanding things they wanted," the source said. "A woman wanted bigger breasts and said she did not like the ones she had.

- See more at:
Breast enlargement??? Economic "refugees" are attracted by our free medical service.
Why on earth do we continue to call them "asylum seekers"???
And why does the media continue to excuse their illegal arrivals because they're "only seeking a better life"?
I certainly hope Mr. Abbott and his team can put and end to this nonsense.
Bunyip, it sounds as though the blokes you were talking with were "bikers", as distinct from "bikies".
There's a world of difference.

Yes Julia, that’s a fair point, and one that I was already aware of.

The point I was making, and I make again now, is that just because basilio has found some Muslims of his acquaintance to be nice and decent people, he shouldn't be lulled into assuming that Muslims generally who come here will just live their lives without interfering with and changing our way of life.
Such an assumption would be akin to believing that because we know there are some decent people who ride motorbikes, we should assume there is no threat from anyone who rides motorbikes.
Even some of the so-called outlaw bikie outfits have done decent things such as raising considerable amounts of money for charities. While we should acknowledge and commend them for it, clearly it would be a mistake to judge them as decent people who will not adversely affect the rest of us.
The same thing can be said about Muslims – they will affect us and they’re already doing so - even the nicer more decent ones among them.
Here’s a link to an article that might, just might, give you and others like you an urgently needed wake up call. Don’t just dismiss it as more anti-Islamic hatred. Read it and read it again, then read it a third time, and think, really think, about what it says.

It appears the article was written by second generation Canadian Paul E. Marek and was first published in a right-wing Israeli newspaper Arutz Sheva, Israel National News. Tanay is Polish.

Original article:
The same thing can be said about Muslims – they will affect us and they’re already doing so - even the nicer more decent ones among them.
Some examples of Islam already imposing its will on our society:

*In 2006, the then Federal Treasurer Peter Costello declared that "there was no place for sharia laws in secular society like Australia," because being an Australian means that "you do have to believe in democracy, the rule of law and the rights and liberties of others".

*Labor came to power and in 2009, Chris Bowen, claimed that introducing sharia finance into Australia will create more jobs.

*NAB subsequently introduced Islamic loans.

*Sharia law at work in Australia
"Sharia law has become a shadow legal system within Australia, endorsing polygamous and underage marriages that are outlawed under the Marriage Act."

*The secretary of the Australian Islamic Mission, Siddiq Buckley said, "There are practical examples of [sharia] here already. We have Muslim schools, mosques, funeral parlours, shops and businesses. We’ve got abattoirs, Islamic charities, Islamic financial institutions. There are so many things – halal meals served on airlines. This is all part of Sharia.”

*Council swimming pools are closed to the general public each week so that Muslim women can enjoy a swim free of the evil eyes of us infidels. :eek: Monash Council even paid $66,000 for special curtains to ensure Muslim women's privacy during the sessions.

*Christmas carols and decorations have been banned from some schools because they might offend Muslims.

*Muslims have demanded halal food in our supermarkets.

*Cadbury chocolate, Bega cheese, Leggo and Dolmio pasta sauces now carry halal certification. (Where do the fees paid to the "Halal Certification Authority - Australia" go???)

*Special washing and toilet facilities for Muslims have been established in schools and universities.

*Dedicated prayer areas for Muslims have been established in institutions and work places.

*There have been demands for women to wear hijabs in Muslim dominated areas. (When we go to their countries we're expected to observe their dress code, but when they come to our country we're still expected to observe their dress code ... huh???)

Etc, etc.

We can look forward to more of this as their numbers increase through both legal AND illegal migration.

Interesting Facebook pages:
Some examples of Islam already imposing its will on our society:

*In 2006, the then Federal Treasurer Peter Costello declared that "there was no place for sharia laws in secular society like Australia," because being an Australian means that "you do have to believe in democracy, the rule of law and the rights and liberties of others".

*Labor came to power and in 2009, Chris Bowen, claimed that introducing sharia finance into Australia will create more jobs.

*NAB subsequently introduced Islamic loans.

*Sharia law at work in Australia
"Sharia law has become a shadow legal system within Australia, endorsing polygamous and underage marriages that are outlawed under the Marriage Act."

*The secretary of the Australian Islamic Mission, Siddiq Buckley said, "There are practical examples of [sharia] here already. We have Muslim schools, mosques, funeral parlours, shops and businesses. We’ve got abattoirs, Islamic charities, Islamic financial institutions. There are so many things – halal meals served on airlines. This is all part of Sharia.”

*Council swimming pools are closed to the general public each week so that Muslim women can enjoy a swim free of the evil eyes of us infidels. :eek: Monash Council even paid $66,000 for special curtains to ensure Muslim women's privacy during the sessions.

*Christmas carols and decorations have been banned from some schools because they might offend Muslims.

*Muslims have demanded halal food in our supermarkets.

*Cadbury chocolate, Bega cheese, Leggo and Dolmio pasta sauces now carry halal certification. (Where do the fees paid to the "Halal Certification Authority - Australia" go???)

*Special washing and toilet facilities for Muslims have been established in schools and universities.

*Dedicated prayer areas for Muslims have been established in institutions and work places.

*There have been demands for women to wear hijabs in Muslim dominated areas. (When we go to their countries we're expected to observe their dress code, but when they come to our country we're still expected to observe their dress code ... huh???)

Etc, etc.

We can look forward to more of this as their numbers increase through both legal AND illegal migration.

Interesting Facebook pages:

Good post Chris......Yes Islam is well and trully entrenched here in Australia although we see very little of it in Townsville.

BE AFRAID..............BE VERY AFRAID..........once they get enough numbers here they will start to make their demands.

Don't forget.....we already have one muslim in Federal Parliament.........he took oath on the Quran..........maybe will see another and another as time goes on...........They say Ed Kusack is a future Prime Minister........OMG.
What is now being raised between the boats,

With a pause in the boats, the bleeding hearts are back to their usual arguments.

I wonder sometimes if these so called bleeding hearts care about the genuine refugees who are likely being made to wait even longer because of those with money and expensive luggage who push their way in here without ID...
I wonder sometimes if these so called bleeding hearts care about the genuine refugees who are likely being made to wait even longer because of those with money and expensive luggage who push their way in here without ID...
That exact question has been asked of them many times, including of some on this forum. I've never seen a response.
On 23 September national broadcaster Tony Delroy claimed in his program that 90% of asylum seekers during the Pacific Solution had ended up in Australia. This was clearly completely wrong. I sent in a formal complaint to the ABC Complaints Procedure, pointing out that the actual figure was 43%.

I have today received a response which is as follows and which shows how the ABC will twist and turn to avoid acknowledging any misrepresentation of the facts.

If I can summon up the energy, I could now send it on to ACMA. It's my bet that most people will give up in the face of the ABC bureaucratic stuff below.

Thank you for your email of 24 September concerning comments made about refugee resettlement number by Tony Delroy on Nightlife.

As your correspondence raised concerns of a lack of accuracy, your email was referred to Audience and Consumer Affairs for consideration and response. The unit is separate and independent from ABC program areas and is responsible for investigating complaints alleging a broadcast or publication was in contravention of the ABC's editorial standards. In light of your concerns, we have reviewed the broadcast and assessed it against the ABC’s editorial requirements for accuracy, as outlined in section 2 of the ABC’s Code of Practice: . In the interests of procedural fairness, we have also sought and considered material from ABC Radio.

Mr Delroy said that he believed about 90% or more of refugees who arrived in Australia “during the Howard years” were resettled in Australia. The number was clearly an approximation.
Bolding is mine. That is complete crap. He stated the 90% as fact.

The figures you have quoted were for illegal maritime arrivals (IMAs) sent to Nauru and Manus Island under the so-called “Pacific Solution”. However, the Pacific Solution only handled a small minority of asylum seekers during the Howard years. 1,637 people were sent to Nauru and Manus while more than 11,000 asylum seekers were given Temporary Protection Visas by the Howard government, mostly before the Pacific Solution was implemented. Of those 11,000 approximately 90% were given permanent visas Exact figures are difficult to pin down for “the Howard years” as it does not correlate directly with the Immigration Department’s reporting periods and consolidated statistics are not published for all the different legal actions involving asylum seekers, however, as a general approximation, quoting an estimate of about 90% is not materially misleading.

As a point of comparison, more recent data shows that well in excess of 90% of IMAs have been deemed refugees by independent tribunals in recent years

Accordingly, while noting your concerns, Audience and Consumer Affairs are satisfied the broadcast was in keeping with the ABC’s editorial standards for accuracy. Nonetheless, please be assured that your comments have been noted and conveyed to ABC Radio management and the producers of the program.

Thank you for taking the time to write; your feedback is appreciated.
On 23 September national broadcaster Tony Delroy claimed in his program that 90% of asylum seekers during the Pacific Solution had ended up in Australia. This was clearly completely wrong. I sent in a formal complaint to the ABC Complaints Procedure, pointing out that the actual figure was 43%.

I have today received a response which is as follows and which shows how the ABC will twist and turn to avoid acknowledging any misrepresentation of the facts.

If I can summon up the energy, I could now send it on to ACMA. It's my bet that most people will give up in the face of the ABC bureaucratic stuff below.

Bolding is mine. That is complete crap. He stated the 90% as fact.

Julia, can you clarify what you mean by 'ended up in Aus', ie before or after processing?
The suggestion was made by a caller, as it had been hundreds of times before and not corrected until the debate between Rudd and Abbott during the election campaign, that "most of the people sent to Nauru ended up in Australia anyway". Rudd repeated this during the debate, and finally Abbott made the firm correction that it was in fact 43%. (You can check this out on Politifact.)

Mr Delroy agreed and added, "in fact it was 90% who ended up in Australia". Ergo, after processing and being given permanent visas.
The suggestion was made by a caller, as it had been hundreds of times before and not corrected until the debate between Rudd and Abbott during the election campaign, that "most of the people sent to Nauru ended up in Australia anyway". Rudd repeated this during the debate, and finally Abbott made the firm correction that it was in fact 43%. (You can check this out on Politifact.)

Mr Delroy agreed and added, "in fact it was 90% who ended up in Australia". Ergo, after processing and being given permanent visas.

Julia if you ever decided to run for office , you would have my vote for sure. :xyxthumbs
The suggestion was made by a caller, as it had been hundreds of times before and not corrected until the debate between Rudd and Abbott during the election campaign, that "most of the people sent to Nauru ended up in Australia anyway". Rudd repeated this during the debate, and finally Abbott made the firm correction that it was in fact 43%. (You can check this out on Politifact.)

Mr Delroy agreed and added, "in fact it was 90% who ended up in Australia". Ergo, after processing and being given permanent visas.
Thanks for that Julia.

It could be a bit of a case of there are three types of lies... lies, damn lies, and statistics!

Using figures from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, the report says of the 1637 people taken to Nauru or Manus Island, 1153 were resettled (70.4%). However, 705 were resettled in Australia (43%). That’s 61%, if you look at the proportion of resettled refugees that ended up in Australia.

As a percentage of resettled cases, the others were taken to New Zealand (34.8%), Sweden (1.8%), Canada (1.4%), Denmark (0.5%), and Norway (0.3%). In total, 448 people were resettled in countries other than Australia - 27.3% of the total Nauru/Manus Island cases.

The report says 483 people voluntarily returned (29.5%) - whatever you may think of ‘voluntarily returned’. One death was recorded.
Because of the Trans Tasman agreements, it could well still be that "most of the people sent to Nauru ended up in Australia anyway".

Without getting into the strict interpretation of the question and answers, it would be interesting to know how many did stay in NZ after the technical "resettlement" and how many eventually skipped across the Tasman to Aus, "anyway". Are there any restrictions on their resettlement such as to stop them from then migrating or just jumping on a plane or boat to Aus and staying as an illegal?

The Howard era was better at making the 'statistics' appear better and did turn back many more... but not without it's controversy over human rights.

Eventually though, the better policy must be to absolutely deny resettlement of 'boat people' in Aus and while it won't stop the stupid or wealthy from trying to buy their way in, it will in time slow the enthusiasm for people trying... unless they see a viable roundabout way via NZ or PNG and Narau for that matter.

Does anyone know if there is a condition (or just political noise), or can it be mandated that these people never get an Aus Visa ever, not even in a roundabout way?