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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Obviously passports and IDs don't suit the agenda of boat arrivals. I guess it's easier to lie without them. If no dishonesty was required then there would be no need to ditch papers AFTER getting to Indonesia. I understand they need them to get into Indonesia.

If Aussies did this would they get our welfare?
Tom Switzer's leader column in The Spectator Australia yesterday:

Not much outrage from the loony lefties, do-gooders or bleeding hearts on this forum either.
According to The Australian, there has been 1200 arrivals from 16 boats since the PNG solution announcement with a further 5 vessels believed to be on the way.

From the media releases from Home Affairs and Customs over the past week, I count the number at 864 from 12 boats. Home Affairs though can be up to a few days late with their announcements and two from yesterday are identical in detail suggesting they both represent a single boat arrival with 68 on board. The second of those two announcements has been disregarded in my count.

It would be interesting to know where The Australian is sourcing its information from.
Tom Switzer's leader column in The Spectator Australia yesterday:

Not much outrage from the loony lefties, do-gooders or bleeding hearts on this forum either.

It is beomming difficult to workout what labor actully stands for anymore...
On another front, the January 2014 deadline for the 600 bed Manus Island facility appears to be in strife,

This could be the facility to house families. From The Australian earlier in the week,

Four boats carrying more than 250 people have arrived since Friday, but only single adult men can be sent to PNG immediately, with families to remain in Australia until facilities are ready, which could take until next year.

If Labor's not prepared to house all comers in tents, then this as a solution isn't just listing under the weight of the arrivals so far, it's already at the bottom of the Java Trench.
It is beomming difficult to workout what labor actully stands for anymore...

All Rudd stands for, is to get re-elected. He knows the PNG solution is a fizzer. He is taking a huge risk deferring the election just so he can strut the world stage once more. Meantime he is behaving like a wrecker and is spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer's dollars to set the stage for something that he will never deliver, in the vain hope that it will get him re-elected.
So why the panic now, one month out from the election?
A sudden realisation they have a problem, any of us following drsmiths posts knows the problem has being escalating over a long period.
So why the change of heart now?
Because now Rudd is in charge and is acutely conscious of the issues which will lose him the election.
As a result, we have the ill thought out PNG solution which is looking more like a disaster every day.

And still, Labor refuses to re-introduce TPVs. If intending arrivals understand that Australia maintains the right to return them to country of origin as soon as Australia decides conditions there are suitable, and that no family members will be permitted to join those who have landed here, that's a huge disincentive and a very real part of why the Coalition's policy worked.

I personaly think Rudd would have been better served, funding an asylum processing facility in Indonesia, with Australian and UN staff.
Obviously a financial incentive to Indonesia would be required, but I think we would get a much better outcome.
Agree. Not sure, though, that Indonesia would want that.

Agree absolutely.
The Labor Party, under Gillard, signed a Memorandum of Undertsanding with the PNG Government in August 2011 to utilize Manus Island for refugees.

Why has it taken Labor 2 years to take advantage of this agreement?

Was it because it was a part of the Howard Pacific solution which the Labor Party detested so much or is it because of the up coming election?
Weekend work is being performed at Jason Clare's Home Affairs office in order to keep up with the boat arrivals.

Three more boat arrival announcements have appeared today dating from Wednesday and Thursday totalling 241 arrivals. This takes the total count to 1105 from 15 boats since the so-called PNG solution was implemented.

That's now not far from The Australian's 1200 from 16 boats.

27/07/2013 Border Protection Command assists vessel
27/07/2013 Border Protection Command intercepts vessel
26/07/2013 Border Protection Command assists vessel

And we have not heard a word from Rudd. I think he has gone into hidding.

Not a mention of it, on the news in W.A, unless I missed it.
How about those idiots who march down the street, waving placards and shouting things like ‘REFUGEES ARE FINE BY ME’. And ‘FREE THE REFUGEES’.
I wonder if they’ve even sat down and thought, really thought, about the implications of letting people loose in our society before we’ve really checked them out properly to fine out if they have any criminal history or if they are in fact genuine refugees.
I wonder if these loonies have ever given any real consideration to the cost of supporting these people, most of whom would be on welfare for the rest of their lives.
I wonder if they’ve ever considered they consequences of letting people in without giving them proper health checks that would pick up contagious diseases like TB.
I wonder if they’ve ever considered the absolute flood of people who would start arriving once word got around that Australia would release them into society with virtually no checks at all.
I wonder if they ever consider the social unrest that will invariably result, and has already started, from having thousands of people among us whose values, ideals, culture and religion are incompatible with our own.

Actually I don’t really wonder at all – I already know that these placard-waving, brain-dead morons don’t have sufficient mental capacity to consider any of the above.
Gess these lefty twits annoy me.....I’d like to sool my old blue cattle dog on to the bastards.
What's your take IFocus.

The only pos that anyone has noted is that it would be good to have a single point of organisation but the rest has been really Rudd like in a rushed head line.

I think Rudd has out toughed the Coalition, last poll confirms amazingly that Labor is in front on dealing with asylum seekers expect an election announcement soon.
The best the Opposition can do is reassure the people smugglers that they can overwhelm the PNG deal which was picked up by Cassidy on the Insiders

For the record I think most boat people are genuine refugees as defined by the UN but I don't support them as clearly they are queue jumpers.

My biggest concerns still lay with Africans refugees that come from long running tribe and state wars.
My biggest concerns still lay with Africans refugees that come from long running tribe and state wars.
Mine also, along with people from countries afflicted with famine where people are simply dying because of something as basic as lack of food.

... and your dog will probably be much smarter than the lot of the placard-carriers too.
Cut their dole and make them work for a living.

This sort of thing is becoming all too common in Australia these days.
You'd think the people who emigrate here from troubled countries would have enough sense to say 'OK, let's leave our troubles behind us and make a fresh start in this new free country of ours'.
But no, all too often they stick stubbornly to the old attitudes and tribal or factional resentments and disputes that caused them problems back home. They just don't seem bright enough to realize that if they keep doing the same thing they'll keep getting the same unpleasant outcome they've always got.

Meanwhile, there are many people who would like to emigrate to our country but can't - people who have the language and work skills and other attributes that would enable them to fit in and start making an immediate contribution to our country without causing us problems or costing us big money in various training programs.
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