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We always knew that a massive bribe was the best way to get us out of this mess, but it would have made more sense to bribe the Indonesians than O'Neill. They could easily stop the illegals from getting transit visas. Without visas the illegals would have no alternative but to return home on the next flight.
Who says Labor want to stop it? Maybe they just want to be percieved as trying to stop it.
There has been no determined effort over the past six years to stop, or even reduce the flow, by Labor.
There has been token gestures, to appease the public.
However the flow has steady increased, to the point where it was hardly being reported, just look at drsmiths reports.
Prior to Rudd springing out of the box, the boat arrivals were hardly getting airplay in the mainstream press, unless there was a fatality.
It appears a bit convenient and somewhat coincidental that, this latest jesture is on the cusp of an election. Also if it does get challenged, it can be dropped as another,"oh well we tried".
The current plan IMO, is about winning an election, then back flip on the policy due to U.N or legal reasons.
Could be Kev playing 'rope the dope' with the Australian public?
Let's not forget, they have lifted the legal intake of refugees to 27,000/annum add another 40 - 50,000 asylum seekers and you are moving the population along nicely.
I don't believe for one minute Labor is trying to stop the influx, just my opinion.