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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

See Kev is trying to sound like the problem
That would be o.k except he caused the problem. What a dick
See Kev is trying to sound like the problem
That would be o.k except he caused the problem. What a dick.

I think it is starting to implode, the goon is incharge of the show again. Shame Swan isn't there, I miss those photos, they were better than the cartoonists.

Notice even the Laborites aren't talking it up.
That's because, all the ideology they have been arguing about, has been thrown out the
Nothing like believing in someone who believes in nothing, other than winning
The following poll question in the SMH is a doozie,

Should the government of the day be allowed to act on the asylum seeker issue, unhindered by opposition parties?

The only way the opposition could hinder the government in governing is if the government doesn't command a majority on the floor of the house.

Labor doesn't have a majority, but the government does, in both houses.

A better question would about whether the government of the day be allowed to act on the asylum seeker issue, unhindered by the parties or individuals that agreed to form that government.

+ 1 Thanks Julia.Very well said.

Rudd is just a usless goon. All talk and no action. He reminds me of SC's galah.. No wonder he has removed it.
It seems the pro Labor reporters have gone into shock.
It is hard to write editorials andd opinions, when you don't know what Rudd is going to back flip on.

They must be holding their pens, in anticipation of another left field

An announcement, that in all probability, in no way reflects what Labor have been purporting, for the last six
I don't know how you can in any conscience make such a silly statement. The Coalition are in opposition.
They can't do anything. .

Fact: The Noalition control the senate, have done since the last election, your not an idiot so you know that yet it appears your political bias wont allow you to comprehend the fact that any party that controls the senate has considerable power.

The power to pass Labors Malaysia policy or block it, the opposition chose to block it therefore must accept the fact that choosing to do so left us with the situation we have today, The Noalition playing politics with the lives of children...its pathetic.

It's entirely up to the government to fix the mess they have created by dismantling the successful Pacific Solution.

Julia i know its hard for someone with the political bias that you have to understand this but..looking back is a blame game, a political blame game, solutions are in the here and now and the future.

We are talking 45,000 people, not 800, get a grip. It's not as though they couldn't have said we need to reconsider, five years ago.
Why say it now?

What do you think Kevs going to stand for on asylum seekers, running up to the election?

Easy, whatever gets
Fact: The Noalition control the senate, have done since the last election, your not an idiot so you know that yet it appears your political bias wont allow you to comprehend the fact that any party that controls the senate has considerable power.
Labor's signed up ally, The Greens, could get the Malaysia deal through the Senate if they wanted to.
The Coalition have no obligation to support a policy they know won't work. To imagine Malaysia taking 800 would solve the problem is beyond comprehension, given the inflow of thousands.

The responsibility is entirely Kevin Rudd's. It was he who dismantled the successful Coalition policy. Mr Rudd needs to find a solution quickly. The Navy can hardly keep up. I wonder what they used to do when they were not acting as a taxi service.
Right. All fixed then. From the article:
Presumably this means the existing detention centre can hold 300 people. Aren't there quite a few people there already? Given the rate of arrivals, this isn't going to be much help, and building a new centre is going to take how long?

In the meantime, the people who have been patiently waiting for years in camps will continue to do so.
Can't we get John Howard back to stop these economic refugees from being a huge burden on us hardworking taxpayers?

As if it isn't enough that we continue to pay for Krudds, Pink Batts and all the other financial follys he has imposed on us.

Vote Labor? As John McEnroe would say " YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!"

From the above article,

I'm sure Uncle Kev won't have any difficulties with that or any amount of taxpayer dollars for that matter.
I'm sure Uncle Kev won't have any difficulties with that or any amount of taxpayer dollars for that matter.

There is no limits to what Kev will spend or backflip on.
That is why IMO the coalition can't announce policy untill the election date is announced.
Then any adoption of coalition policy can be challenged, untill then it is just repositioning by Rudd.

If Kev was confident, he would have already called a date. Even he isn't sure his BS can cut it.
Fact: The Noalition control the senate,.......
Neither the Coalition or the Noalition (whoever that is) have control of the senate.

That responsibility rests squarely on the shoulders of Labor and its Green partners in government.

- - - Updated - - -

If Kev was confident, he would have already called a date. Even he isn't sure his BS can cut it.
If his current sortie into asylum policy debate doesn't fall into a heap by then, Kev will call the election by the end of next weekend.
If his current sortie into asylum policy debate doesn't fall into a heap by then, Kev will call the election by the end of next weekend.

Yes I agree, he must have held the unions at bay, by sayiing he will get Abbott to disclose policy.
That hasn't eventuated and now he looks like a clown.
He is prepared to fix everything Labor couldn't fix, in the next four weeks. What an absolute tool.

Makes an absolute joke of the government.
Poor Jason Clare is struggling to keep up with the tide of boat arrivals on his Home Affairs site.

The two arrival announcements listed today are from Monday and Tuesday respectively.
Poor Jason Clare is struggling to keep up with the tide of boat arrivals on his Home Affairs site.

The two arrival announcements listed today are from Monday and Tuesday respectively.

I listened to him on ABC radio, he sounded a bit overwhelmed, tried to sound matter a fact. But it was obviously a huge problem.

Also Chris Bowen looks like he has jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.
But that look may be just a look of panic, trying to follow Rudd's convoluted policy on the run.
Bowen has to come up with funding, he maybe wishes he had stayed with immigration.

Actually Bowen is probably the only Labor person I think is genuine. He appears to be trying to present a honest dialogue, whenever he is interviewed.
But having said that, he may have been through the same school of BS, as the rest of
Poor Jason Clare is struggling to keep up with the tide of boat arrivals on his Home Affairs site.

The two arrival announcements listed today are from Monday and Tuesday respectively.

Doc, Jason Clare most likely goes home every night and sleeps in a comfortable bed while the Christmas Island and Naval personel are under constant stress from rescue and trying to accommodate these illegals in make shift tents. The Island I believe was set up to accomodate about 2200 refugees and it now has near 4000.

This is something Jason Clare or Rudd the "DUDD" does not mentioned to the people of Australia.

Read the link below for the full story.
I wonder when Kev will sign up for a detention centre in
I shouldn't laugh, it could happen.
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