Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Jullia apparently was crying when announcing Roxon and Evans departure.
That's not as I heard it on the radio at 1pm. Nicola Roxon got choked up, however. Probably some confusion about who did the weeping.
I was a bit surprised to learn that the Tertiary Education p/f is considered senior to Immigration. The latter is probably more politically important at present.

Laura Tingle from the AFR was interviewed on RN this morning with the presenter pressing her on what she thought was the real reason for Roxon's sudden resignation. Tingle was either genuinely at a loss on this, or wasn't saying.

It does seem odd. Nicola Roxon has been one of the PM's most devout supporters.
Don't you just love the way this Green/ Labor left wing socialist government go about things.

They allowed for 12,000 asylum seekers to arrive for the 12 months ending June 2013.

Wait for it, only 12,884 have arrived so far to date and the budget will blow out to double allowed by the worlds greatets treasurer and Gillard has made a big deal out of sending 150 of them to New Zealand. She have sent 884 to bring her forecast back to 12,000.

So whacko, no more boats until July as the quota has been filled so will somebody tell the people smugglers we have put up the "FULL HOUSE SIGN".
According to the ABC's NZ correspondent, New Zealanders are less than impressed that they will be participating in Australia's failed border protection by taking 150 of those detained offshore.

Their very rational reasoning is that they would prefer to see NZ's quota filled with people genuinely proven to be refugees.

Such a tiny number anyway which will make no real difference to the situation here.
Don't you just love the way this Green/ Labor left wing socialist government go about things.

They allowed for 12,000 asylum seekers to arrive for the 12 months ending June 2013.

Wait for it, only 12,884 have arrived so far to date and the budget will blow out to double allowed by the worlds greatets treasurer and Gillard has made a big deal out of sending 150 of them to New Zealand. She have sent 884 to bring her forecast back to 12,000.

So whacko, no more boats until July as the quota has been filled so will somebody tell the people smugglers we have put up the "FULL HOUSE SIGN".

From the sippets I've read, they are building an Armarda, to make the crossing before the election.
The people smugglers must be cleaning up.

Its going to get worse before it gets better (and will cost us a big fortune).

From Bolt blog:

Insider Royston Mitchell reports on this deadly and grotesquely expensive farce:

My colleagues advise me that five boatloads of asylum seekers were offloaded on Christmas Island today. As far as I am aware, this is a new record. Not sure what number were onboard.

Christmas Island is the biggest money pit in Australian history. Never before has so much money been squandered, wasted, misdirected and lost in such a short period of time. Asylum seekers arrive almost daily, only to be churned through the system in two months or less, and sent to the mainland. The government couldn’t burn through money any faster if it tried. Two navy boats constantly on patrol; RAAF aircraft on patrol; teams of Customs and AFP officers permanently stationed on the island; empty hospitals manned by dozens of health professionals; SERCO spending millions a week; the list goes on. The waste is appalling, and I have certainly never seen anything like it in my life. When Labor says this year’s asylum seeker expenditure will be $2.2 billion, it should be emphasised that this is just the department of immigration’s costs - I would conservatively estimate Customs, Defence, AFP and the other associated departments costing at least $1 billion more, putting this year’s outlay to service the burgeoning asylum seeker industry at more than $3 billion.

The true (economic) cost of Christmas Island may never be known. So Wayne Swan wants a post-election audit of election policies? Good. Let’s start with Labor’s decision to dismantle the Pacific Solution in 2007. Perhaps the Treasurer would like to explain, before September, how Labor’s ‘humane’ policy has led to a $10 - $20 billion black hole in just five years.

Five years Labor have had to fix this festering sore. The boats are now what I like to call a ‘United Nations’ of economic opportunists. Europeans, Africans, Asians; dozens of young men in high spirits, thrilled at the prospect of unlimited welfare. When asked why they have travelled to Christmas Island, the answer is almost universally the same: “I lost my job”; “I heard there were jobs in Australia”; “I’m looking for work”, etc, etc.

Intel in the department has it that there are 30,000+ asylum seekers in Indonesia waiting their turn to travel to Christmas Island, and hundreds of boats are in the pipeline waiting to be launched. My estimate this year is for 35,000 - 40,000 arrivals by the time of the federal election.

Oh, by the way, somebody might like to ask the new immigration minister why, in the last few years alone, thousands of ‘asylum seekers’ have returned to their supposed ‘country of persecution’. This is another big secret the department is hoping does not become public: asylum seekers are granted Protection visas, only to travel back to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan, marry their arranged brides and lodge applications for large groups of ‘family members’. And curiously, many of these asylum seekers, returning to their country of origin, do not have jobs; that is, their travel is funded by welfare payments, which they continue to collect while overseas.
For the 3 weeks so far in February:

Saturday, 02 February 2013 14:00
HMAS Bathurst, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel north east of Christmas Island overnight.
Initial indications suggest there are 60 people on board.

Sunday, 03 February 2013 20:45
HMAS Maryborough, operating under the coordination of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority's Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC Australia), has rendered assistance to a suspected irregular entry vessel that sought assistance north west of Christmas Island today.
Initial indications suggest there are 132 passengers and three crew on board.

Thursday, 07 February 2013 19:03
HMAS Maryborough, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel north-east of Christmas Island yesterday afternoon.
Initial indications suggest there were 47 passengers and two crew on board.

Thursday, 07 February 2013 19:03
HMAS Maitland, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel east of Christmas Island last night.
Initial indications suggest there were 88 passengers and one crew on board.

Saturday, 09 February 2013 20:40
ACV Storm Bay, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel south-west of Scott Reef last night.
Initial indications suggest there are 53 passengers and two crew on board.

Monday, 11 February 2013 20:15
ACV Ocean Protector, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel north-north-east of Ashmore Islands yesterday.
Initial indications suggest there are 53 passengers and two crew on board.

Thursday, 14 February 2013 16:35
HMAS Albany, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, detected and intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel north of Christmas Island on Tuesday night.
Initial indications suggest there were 35 passengers and two crew on board.

Friday, 15 February 2013 16:28
HMAS Pirie operating under the control of Border Protection Command has rendered assistance to a suspected irregular entry vessel that sought assistance north-west of Browse Island overnight.
Initial indications suggest there are 10 passengers and one crew member on board.

Monday, 18 February 2013 09:52
HMAS Pirie, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel north-north-east of Ashmore Islands on Saturday evening.
Initial indications suggest there were 58 passengers and two crew on board.

Monday, 18 February 2013 09:52
HMAS Albany, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel north of Christmas Island also on Saturday evening.
Initial indications suggest there were 17 people on board.

Monday, 18 February 2013 18:19
HMAS Parramatta, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel north-east of Christmas Island on Friday. Earlier HMAS Albany had responded to a request for assistance that was believed to have been sent from the vessel.
There were 84 passengers and two crew on board.

Monday, 18 February 2013 18:19
HMAS Parramatta provided assistance to the vessel as it continued to track towards Christmas Island. HMAS Parramatta continued to monitor the vessel and again sought to render assistance and boarded the vessel yesterday.
With concerns about the seaworthiness of the vessel the passengers were embarked onto HMAS Parramatta. Towards the completion of the transfer effort, the vessel capsized. A number of people entered the water. HMAS Parramatta is confident all people were recovered from the water with some minor injuries reported.
Indications are there were 88 passengers and three crew on board.

Thursday, 21 February 2013 18:00
HMAS Glenelg, operating under the coordination of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority's Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC Australia), has rendered assistance to a suspected irregular entry vessel that sought assistance north-east of Christmas Island overnight.
Initial indications suggest there were 66 passengers on board the vessel. Due to deteriorating weather conditions and concern for the safety of passengers on board, the passengers were transferred on to HMAS Glenelg and ACV Ocean Protector.

Country Lad
That's a total of 791 and it's still the wet season.
Where are they all being housed? We have seen a few days ago a result of them being accommodated in student rooms at Macquarie University, where allegedly one of them indecently went into a student's room in the small hours and indecently assaulted her.

Remember the government's plan for them to be housed by individuals and families in the community, such hosts being paid for providing this accommodation?
Thousands of applications are believed to have already been made from home owners to participate.

"It offers interested people the opportunity to host an eligible asylum seeker in their home for a six-week period," a spokesman for the AHN said.

Executive chairman of AHN David Bycroft said: "The Community Placement Network (CPN) is an initiative designed to provide short-term accommodation support to eligible asylum seekers while they independently source longer-term sustainable accommodation in the community.

"The CPN is for people interested in assisting asylum seekers to live in the community on a bridging visa while awaiting the resolution of their immigration status."

There was a radio report recently which said this great plan has failed with only four homes currently hosting guests.
The "stop the boats" mantra of both governments, combined with offshore processing, is actually the most expensive solution.

I dare say even if all 6,000 in detention are granted asylum, the number is so small it wont make a difference to overall Australian "culture" (whatever that is these days).

It must be awful to live in a state of perpetual fear.

I am afraid that this is EXACTLY the point...Australian "culture" is something REAL and for those who do want to acknowledge it and live within it are deeply offended by statements denouncing its REALITY and also that which threatens it.

I too came here years ago and raised my kids as PROUD Australians! Each having had jobs from the ages of 15yrs. and now grown-up honest tax payers with honest jobs AND helping to fund those who do not respect what is Australia and Australian!

What I find interesting is that for all of those 'fleeing' for those lives, proportionately it seems to be the men and their sons, leaving behind in those awful conditions the most vulnerable, women and children! What sort of moral fiber is there in that mind-set/behaviour???????????????? If the conditions from which they are fleeing are so awful, why are they not sending the women/children and female girls firstly? Especially if they know they may have to wait X amount of months/years before they can get their 'women' out? Shame, Shame on them!!! Women cannot work in most of these countries and the female children are sold to men for....................................:banghead:
Is part of the Australian culture to constantly denigrate others?
Maybe some would be willing to tell us how the arrival of boat people has impacted their lives?Has there been a negative impact?