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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Listening to Christine Milne on ABC 720 Perth, it's clear that Labor's so called expert panel will not find in favour of offshre processing at all.

She has spoken. She also thinks we should take them out of the refugee camps before they hit the water.

It's clear where this is going under the current Government.

Gillard will have full control and influence on this so called panel of experts to come up with a solution to suit her.

This woman is coniving, cunning and deceiful to the full extent. How can anyone ever trust her. She has to go.
7 boats since the debate.

7 boats since you gave up, Julia
7 boats since the debate.

7 boats since you gave up, Julia

I just listened to Gillard on 2GB with Ben Fordham.

She told Ben she can't turn back the boats because Indonesia won't accept them back.

So why can't the boats sneak back in just the same way they left.

Or why can't Indonesia stop them leaving in the first place.

The main reason is Indonesia are happy to get rid of an Indonesian problem. Indonesia are 90% Muslim and they are happy to increase the Muslim population in Australia.
its easy to fix...go to mr bung bung indonesian president & say next boat leaves

australia stops the foreign aid simple see how quick they stop

as for gillard what a spineless creature
Being suspicious type

I suspect that all the hurry in so many boats reaching us probably caused by information leaked, that after visit to Australia, they will have to look as they are fighting illegal boats leaving their country.
its easy to fix...go to mr bung bung indonesian president & say next boat leaves

australia stops the foreign aid simple see how quick they stop

as for gillard what a spineless creature
Hah. Hope you're not holding your breath for that to happen tigerboi.
That's the exact question we should all be asking. The distress call was bogus.
The boat is perfectly fine.
The Australian government looks utterly pathetic. And as a country we seem to have become a beacon for anyone who decides life is nice here.

Meantime, Sarah Hanson Young has been over to Indonesia to talk to the refugees.
She has decided we need to make it much easier for them to come here.
Meantime, Sarah Hanson Young has been over to Indonesia to talk to the refugees.
She has decided we need to make it much easier for them to come here.
It's just another step in the process of the Greens plan of exchanging boats for jets. A plan that Labor seems to be passively following.
It's about time we stopped being so nice.

PEOPLE-SMUGGLERS are treating the Australian navy "like the NRMA", officials fear, as an asylum boat makes its way towards Christmas Island under escort after a mayday call made closer to Indonesia than the Australian outpost.


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It's just another step in the process of the Greens plan of exchanging boats for jets. A plan that Labor seems to be passively following.

And the percentage of Muslims into Australia is continuing to rise.

They stay in hotels in Indonesia for months waiting for smuggler's boat.

Who is paying their hotel bills?

Ring,ring, hulo Joolya, this is Mahommad on illegal boat 219, we have just left Hindonezya and are 40 norty miles south of Port Smugla. Please send water taxi as our boat has 156 peepol on bord which is 50 more dan we should of. The water line is well above da plimsol line and da boat mite roll over, plz come quick.
Plz ask Chrisse Boin if he has our house ready or will we be stopping at da lodge with Joolya for a wile. She has lots of spare rooms and a big yard for the kids ta play in.
Also dat nice young lady Sarah, will she be waiting to welcum us at Xmas Island.
Joolya, do all dis for us and we will vote for ya nex year.
It astounds me that labor ever politicised our border security. They gave bipartisan support to the Pacific Solution which clearly worked.

This has to be more than coincidence that there was a massive drop off of arrivals during the time of the Pacific solution during 2001-2007.

These are not people fleeing war
A terrorist raid in London. It is disturbing that Gillard is allowing hundreds of people to arrive with no ID almost on a daily basis. How many terrorists are entering our country at our expense too?

Read more from the Age: 'I heard the biggest bang ever': terror raid near Olympics site
Abbott is wrong. The navy is full of wimps.

I find it totally ironic that Labor now defends its opposing Nauru on the basis that: "The experts, including the Secretary of the Department, Andrew Metcalfe, tell us that it will no longer work"

Two questions arise from this, which Labor conveniently omits. First, why won't it now work? Because Labor, in dismantling the Pacific Solution, completely debunked and poo-pooed it. Second, what was the experts' advice to the incoming Labor government about how successful it was and what the risks were in dismantling it? The advice would have been: "Don't do it, leave well enough alone."

But the Labor political masters, keen on rhetoric and demonising the Howard government, knew better. They always do. So let's have our moment of truth on this, as shown by the chart above.

Statistics don't lie. Or do they?

Gillard promised to stop the boats just as she promised no carbon tax. It seems she is the one who breaks promises.
Gillard promised to stop the boats just as she promised no carbon tax. It seems she is the one who breaks promises.

The carbon tax was surely a broken promise, I completely agree. The 'stop the boats' promise? Well that was just a "Hail Mary" wasn't it. Oh sorry, I forgot. She is an atheist. So it was a "Dr Craig, do a Whyalla rain dance for me".

The truth was (and it shows now, 2 years later) that she had no idea how to stop the boats. What she did know, was what STARTED the boats again, and the REAL lie was sitting on her hands insisting it was offshore push factors. So, with the proper amount of humility, she could have re-opened Nauru 2 years ago and the boats would have stoppoed by now.

Foolish, stubborn pride, I reckon. Much more so than a broken promise.
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