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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

I'll be interested to see if the refugees are welcomed back or shunned by their own kind when the conflict ends and peace prevails.

From personal experience and stories I heard from friends and relatives - refugees with dollars and Euros will always be welcomed back to visit. Just as all those with them currency are welcome everywhere I guess.

But more to the point, I have never heard or experience any ill will or any hate against returning refugees (once peace resumes and the country starts to dig itself our of flatten buildings and craters). The VNese I met don't even hate the Americans or Western powers. I find that kind of strange to be honest.

The younger kids and students... they don't like America so much - but the harshest thing I ever heard was that America was so evil, they used Agent Orange on our people. But there is no hatred for the American people, or French or White/Western people.

I think the older folks kind of accept that that's what happen in war. They just pick up the pieces and try to live again after it's all over. No use in holding grudges and stuff.


As to how whoever will gov't the place after... they will behave as all gov't does and welcome anyone back and in if they bring cash and not afraid to use it.

Still remember how the comrades call the refugees traitors etc. etc. in the 70s and 80s. But then welcome these traitors back, calling them lost children of the Motherland coming back home - and bring a lot of dollars please.

Syria's road to recover a a decade down the track will see the current refugees playing a big (economic) part I think. They will send back money to relatives to help them through, and those billions will help the economy. Without that initial bridge, Syria and Syrians will have a very though time getting out of this place between empires it somehow find itself in.
Wow did I read this correctly....
Europe adopts "Turn back the boats policy"

Lol wonder if the same people that scoffed at the idea when Tony Abbott gave his speech have now suddenly changed their mind.
Wow did I read this correctly....
Europe adopts "Turn back the boats policy"

Lol wonder if the same people that scoffed at the idea when Tony Abbott gave his speech have now suddenly changed their mind.

I'm not sure they scoffed at Abbott so much as the repackaged Pacific Solution that both Labor and the LNP agreed to in bi partisan support of the Howard legislation.

Abbotts policy and principle was predicated on the subsequently modified and implemented Pacific Solution mkII made by Rudd after tons of stupid monies being spent by Gillard on preparations.
One upon reading that with their head otherwise in the sand would think Labor and Liberal have been in lockstep on asylum policy over the past 15 years.
One upon reading that with their head otherwise in the sand would think Labor and Liberal have been in lockstep on asylum policy over the past 15 years.

The relevance to the scoffing statement is the key = there was no two party alternative policy, although the Greens supporters would no doubt be scoffing still at the use of Stalags. Goes to equal treatment bias.
The relevance to the scoffing statement is the key = there was no two party alternative policy, although the Greens supporters would no doubt be scoffing still at the use of Stalags. Goes to equal treatment bias.
You must think anyone reading this must have very short memories.

My bolds.
You must think anyone reading this must have very short memories.

My bolds.

I expect those reading this to have enough knowledge to make a value judgement based on facts....all I can do is remind them of those facts incase they become fractured at the hands of fox cunning.
I expect those reading this to have enough knowledge to make a value judgement based on facts....all I can do is remind them of those facts incase they become fractured at the hands of fox cunning.
What happened under 6 years of Labor government leaves a lasting stain on the memory.

That's why they now pretend to be in lockstep with policies such as offshore processing and boat turn backs.
I expect those reading this to have enough knowledge to make a value judgement based on facts....all I can do is remind them of those facts incase they become fractured at the hands of fox cunning.

Pretty sure everyone knows labor opened the boarders then panicked. The Pacific solution was not going to do much. Abbott with his Bogan mantra of turn back the boats did.
What happened under 6 years of Labor government leaves a lasting stain on the memory.

That's why they now pretend to be in lockstep with policies such as offshore processing and boat turn backs.

A lot of Labor people concede that the Libs got it right on boat turnbacks.

That doesn't excuse the atrocious conditions that the refugees live under on Mannus or Nauru, which continue under this government.
A lot of Labor people concede that the Libs got it right on boat turnbacks.

That doesn't excuse the atrocious conditions that the refugees live under on Mannus or Nauru, which continue under this government.

What are the atrocious conditions?...(EXAGGERATION)....They get 3 feeds a day, somewhere to sleep, they are given clean bedding and clothes, free medical and dental care, cigarettes and free mobile phones.....What do you expect? ...A 5 star hotel?......They are not there for a good time........They get better treatment than our old aged pensioners her in Australia.

But apart from all that, who is responsible for them being there in the first place?....Who set up these camps to accommodate them?......Why are they being held so long?

If you don't know the answers, let me know and I will gladly explain it to you.
They get better treatment than our old aged pensioners her in Australia.

I very much doubt that.

But apart from all that, who is responsible for them being there in the first place?....Who set up these camps to accommodate them?......Why are they being held so long?

What has that got to do with current conditions ?
A lot of Labor people concede that the Libs got it right on boat turnbacks.

That doesn't excuse the atrocious conditions that the refugees live under on Mannus or Nauru, which continue under this government.

The boats don't reach here anymore so the camps should empty a lot quicker. Europe's open door policy became a joke very quickly.
How did that work out for them?
How many dead at sea?
How much did crime increase?
The boats don't reach here anymore so the camps should empty a lot quicker. Europe's open door policy became a joke very quickly.
How did that work out for them?
How many dead at sea?
How much did crime increase?

I don't think the Europeans are going down the "shut the gate" route. There's a swap system being adopted instead. Europe has a long history of death, destruction and emmigration, so it's mindset is probably somewhat an antithesis of Australian attitudes in some respects.
There are some 400 Iranians in detention on Nauru and Manus who are economic refugees and who have not fled from persecution......They, along with a further 9000 in limbo in Australia may also soon be returned to Iran.... I guess they will have to start working for a living for a change instead of being a burden on the Australian tax payer.

Iran has been one of the biggest source countries for boat people arrivals in Australia but Tehran has long refused to accept involuntary returnees. This has left almost 9000 Iranian asylum seekers in limbo.
Julie Bishop.

While about 400 are in detention on Nauru and Manus Island, the rest are on the mainland, mostly living in the community.

Under the repatriation agreement, Australia would demand guarantees from Iran that returnees would not be persecuted or punished.

If you can't take the words of the has-been Axis of Evil, whose words can you take to not persecute ey?

Don't think this policy of denial and "legal" righteousness solve anything.

Yes, all them "migrants" flooding into Europe on leaky boats are economic migrants. The fact that their country and neighbouring countries are at constant war for over 15 years got nothing at all to do with them getting the heck out.

Then of course the legal high ground... there are lines Ahmeds, get in them. We're a nation of law and obligations... except those dam international laws and treaties and stuff that goes against what we want.

Pretty amazing how insulated some of us can be.
Of the 5 refugees who volunteered to go to Cambodia, 4 have gone home. Of that sample, it just shows what proportion is genuine.
As long as no one asks Europeans what their view is, there is consensus.....
Democracy at work: here, in the US, in Aus....
So maybe we need more Trump and the like actually, clowns have some merits
As long as no one asks Europeans what their view is, there is consensus.....
Democracy at work: here, in the US, in Aus....
So maybe we need more Trump and the like actually, clowns have some merits

I noticed a news piece this morning about the Balkan states blocking refugee movements from Greece. Not sure if that is part of the Turkish solution or not.

Trump was smart enough to tap the dispossessed WASPS of the USA as his core supporters, others with an axe to grind are buddying up to that, 40% of whites in the US have Nordic/Anglo/Saxon/Norman roots (24% of the total population)...... the rest are a clear and present danger
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