Rather interesting how the number of unauthorised arrivals by plane continues to be high,
By boat : 2014 =160 people, 2015 = 4 people
By plane : 2014 - 3121 people
How can they be unauthorized when arriving by plane?
In contrast to boat people who throw their ID's overboard so they cannot be identified to people landing legally by plane who must have passports and visas.
If they arrive by plane on work or study visas they are normally sponsored and there is some method of tracking them down.
3121 by plane in 2014 is peanuts in comparison to those who arrived illegally by boat 2008/2013 under the Green/Labor socialist left wing party....50,000 in 5 years....1250 men, women and children drowned at sea.
If they come on visitors or tourist visas and over stay their visa period they will eventually be caught as they have to find work to live...They cannot claim social security like the illegal boat people...You do not say how many out of the 3121 actually have over stayed...What % do you ascertain actually overstayed?
So I do not agree with your argument