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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Yes it's not good, much better to get people where they came from, to treat them nicely.
Rather than have to get get people in other, countries to take them in .

Why is it that the world has to accept refugees? Rather than punish the oppressor?

That even goes down to individual level, a murderer says 20 years is an excessive punishment, the victim serves eternity.
Weird, these days the more we excuse bad behaviour, the more we encourage it.

Candidly speaking, I believe the West should have left Gadaffi and Saddam Husien to run Libya and Iraq under a dictatorship instead of imposing democracy.....In fact the West should have stayed out of the middle East altogether....Let the Shiites, the Sunnis and the Kurds sort out their own problems...Dictatorship works better in those countries.
Maybe there would not have been so many drownings in the Mediterranean.
I am not so sure about Bin Laddin.

The West was quite happy to let Gaddafi and Hussein run Libya and Iraq as long as they (we) got the oil.

The West had little role in the overthrow of Gaddafi. Saddam bought about his own downfall when he attacked Kuwait thereby threatening Western oil supplies.

What the West should not have done in the first place was sell weapons to ME countries, but instead should have imposed a blockade so that other countries could not get weapons in either. The excess of weapons in the area is the reason that there are so many troubles.

Here's an interesting series of interview with former CIA Analyst and Case Officer, turned torture leaker and then put under house arrest for 30months.

Only 3 of the 8 parts interview released so far, but definitely another perspective to the US/Western roles in the ME.

Traces how he have always thought his country, the US, is that shining city on the hill... got recruited into the CIA, see that it do bad things but always do it for good reasons... or at least do it for the national interest and that's how it ought to be and he's fine with that... then I'm guessing it went beyond that and his conscience, which he said always has sociopathic tendency, can't handle it.

There's a funny part where he said this Kuwaiti guy came up to him and said that the US is only in Kuwait for its own national interests... and he's like, why else would we be here. And why else would you want us here if not for your national interest.

In part 2 and 3 he talks about Saddam and Kuwait... how Saddam interpret a US ambassador's meeting with him as a greenlight for him to take over Kuwait when in fact the US is only OK with him taking over a small oilfield near the border with Kuwait - that CIA/US expects it, would be fine with it... but Saddam thought he got the all clear for the entire state and there we go - all the freedom and liberty that follow with Desert Storm.

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The overthrow of Gadaffi....both the UK and France had intensive bombing campaigns ,and when it was all over Obama bragged that he was responsible for the overthrow of Gadaffi.
What a mess there is in Libya now...the richest country in Africa is now a basket case.
The best advice to the west is to stay out of adventures that they do not understand .Plenty of refugees around now.

I thought the US bomb key military installations, weaken Gaddafi's armed forces and that led to his lynching.

Saw some doco a while back and it said that under Susan Rice/W Bush, Gaddafi was about to be brought back from the cold. That they have negotiated whereby he would agree to pay $1billion to the victims of that plane bombing etc.... but he did that and then do something else the US didn't like so there he goes.

With Saddam, the US has always been OK with him in power because he represent a balancing force against Iranian/Shiite dominance in the region. But he decided maybe he can sell his oil to a new exchange headed by Russia/China instead of the current USDollar exchange system the "international community" favours. So that's not very democratic.


Back to the refugees crisis on the Mediterranean... they're not all terrorists or terrorists to be, just civilians trying to escape one big bloody war zone that's been going on for at least 13 years and doesn't look like it's going to get better anytime soon.

If we're in their shoes, and Australia is overrun by the new imperial China, most of us would be call "terrorists" in the People's Daily and the others would all want to get on a boat and head to New Zealand and Tasmania too.
Read the headlines and it seem there's no refugees or asylum seeker issues, just "migrant" issues. There's no need to say it's illegal of course, the read can assume that decent, law-abiding "migrants" would be travelling by planes.

It's like, what wars? What humanitarian crises? Just a migration issue with lots of illegal "migrants" drowning and the EU will now review this "migrant" problem.

Guess them migrants should have gotten in line and wait for legal migration like, say, those with $USD350,000+ in their account, a university degree and wanting to migrate because the job prospect in the home country isn't as sweet.
The fact that OSB is still well and truly alive and stopping the boats is getting to the child senator,
From the article above,

"It [turning back boats] will never be in the party platform, but the platform needs to be broad enough for it to be able to happen. Hopefully, we never have to do it."

Soft as putty.

The only hardness there is the stare from the left,

The April OSB update has no boats, no arrivals by boat and another 12 voluntary returns to country of origin from Regional Processing Centres for the month taking this total since OSB commenced on 18 September 2013 to 512.
Another rally cry from the chain mail brigade Who gave these people a tin star to uphold the social conscience of Australia? Apparently we even won the war in France ...go figure

I too lament the good old days when we had good old fashioned British disdain and hatred for anything darker than a whiter shade of pale. When we freely called wogs wops and dagos, when abos where good at asking for a shilling and a Rothmans' Pilter, when takeaway food was fish and chips sometimes gentrified with vinegar, when a singlet wearing real man could keep the trouble and strife in tow by threats of violence, when women themselves were seconds to men, there is just so much of a good thing that has been taken away because of these unwelcomed migrants ... we should have stuck with the turn style that only allowed the bog Oirish and the Londeners in, and of course the Scots for their shop steward prowess.


Never let a batch of neophytes go by without oiling them up with some rose tinted crypto fascist tosh(beautiful irony considering the writer mangled references). The last thing you want is to expose them to some hard arsed actual history. Thinking will beget thinking, and god knows where that would lead...

And as I write here it's noted that the Philippines are looking to their moral and treaty obligations as to the poor wretch's of the Bay of Bengal.... no doubt that Abbott will see this as a crack in the damned.
Don't get too carried away gentlemen.

Just because I haven't posted for a while doesn't mean I'm not watching.
What's also interesting in relation to that is this,

The full article from The Australian is behind a pay wall.

My bolds.
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