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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Let say you're a Catholic. Are all your actions based on the teachings of the Bible and Jesus Christ? Or the Pope?
Do you ever actually read what other members write? Bunyip has stated many times, including very recently on this thread, that he has no belief in any religion. And he has elaborated on this to emphasise his belief that it absolutely does not take any sort of religious influence to be a good and decent person.

You say that you 'flesh out' what others have said. In reality you frequently draw conclusions which in no way represent what that person has said.

In post #3078, he cut/paste "observations" about Muslims being a problem when living with any other religion/country...; "observation" that this and that terrorists are Muslims...

What conclusion did he drew from that? Muslims and Islam are just as equally guilty as other races/culture/religion? I doubt that.

Was that his only post about how horrible Muslims and Islam is?

So to answer your question, I do read people's post when I reply to them.

Do people really need to defend an entire religion, an entire people now? This day and age, in Australia?
When it comes to any country managing asylum policy, it doesn't matter if they're Muslim or from Mars. This is not an issue of religion.

Every sovereign nation has a responsibility to ensure it is in control of its immigration intake and not outsourcing it to illegal people smuggling operations whether it be for politically ideological purposes and/or misplaced compassion. We currently have a government in Australia that understands that while Europe will learn the hard way.

It's only from that position of control that a nation can reasonably discuss the volume and nature of asylum intake.

Ayatollah Khomeini was clearly one of those people who does not really think because he said:

“Those who study Islamic Holy War will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world. Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those who say this are witless

Do people really need to defend an entire religion, an entire people now? This day and age, in Australia?

Yes they do because Islam is not a religion it is an ideology and we are being deceived.

So Europe is suffering and going broke because of (Muslim) refugees? That and Muslim residents causing trouble?

I heard that their Austerity Measures play some part the current economic decline. You know, Keynesian economics worked so well before why risk it working again this time round.

Anyway, funny how to poor and the minority are always the first to get beaten up whenever there's economic troubles. No one seem to think for a second that if the poor and migrants are having it so good, they won't be so poor and be your punching bag.

Khomeini? He's a lightweight. Give us one or two from bin Laden. We all know he's the embodiment of Islam.

Trust me, if you know anything about history... any religion that counsels against war or conquest, that forbid conversion of infidels or ban taxation... they're either ignored or considered a crazy cult.

So what do you suggest we do with the Muslim Australians? Set up a couple of camps in the outback? I guess they'll feel more at home since they either just came from a desert environment or their ancestors did.
So Europe is suffering and going broke because of (Muslim) refugees?
Have you paused to consider that those drowning in the hands of illegal people smuggling operations are your punching bag ?

That's regardless of religion.

There isn't many other religions, that have people blowing themselves up and their fellow believers, to prove a point.

That no one else understands.?

Even the guy in the Sydney hostage drama, what did it do other than to segregate muslims?
What was he trying to achieve, other than sadness to a few people?
Two weeks later, all people remember is 'Islamic nutter', how that is meant to further their cause is beyond me.
Khomeini? He's a lightweight. Give us one or two from bin Laden. We all know he's the embodiment of Islam.

So hearing the truth one time is not enough for you. There are none so blind ……… or perhaps I should re-phrase …. there are none so witless …..

Trust me, if you know anything about history... any religion that counsels against war or conquest, that forbid conversion of infidels or ban taxation... they're either ignored or considered a crazy cult.
Do you actually know anything about Islam?

So what do you suggest we do with the Muslim Australians? Set up a couple of camps in the outback? I guess they'll feel more at home since they either just came from a desert environment or their ancestors did.

Your idea so I will not disagree. But better still don’t allow them into the country in the first place.

I know the basic history/founding, read a few snippets and found it's just like any religion.

Do you know Islam? Or met any Muslim?

Don't take my defense of Islam and Muslims as though I somehow believe it's saintly and all Muslims are good people. I just see them as people, like us... is that too much to consider? Too naive for you? Too witless?
Don't take my defense of Islam and Muslims as though I somehow believe it's saintly and all Muslims are good people. I just see them as people, like us... is that too much to consider? Too naive for you? Too witless?

Are Muslims like us? We tolerate their idiosyncratic behaviour, they don't tolerate ours.
They move to new countries with different cultures, yet cause chaos and destruction, in the adopted countries.
England and Australia don't have the death penalty, because they feel it is an act of intolerance and lack of sympathy.
Yet muslims walk in the streets of England and Australia, with banners calling for the death of infidels? Blow themselves up for some religious calling, that no one here really wants or called for.

It leads to the question, why don't they fffff off? If they don't like our country.
Better still why did they come here in the first place?

There's this guy, in Texas, USA... who flew a small bi-plane of sort into an IRS (ATO) federal building. Killing himself and i think just damaging the building but no one else was hurt.

He wrote that he did it because he hate his gov't, it had failed him and people like him; he does not believe in paying his taxes that doesn't help him etc. etc. So he did this to make a political point.

Was he a terrorist?

He wasn't Muslim so of course he's not considered a terrorist. But man, if some crazed person did it but is also Muslim, definitely terrorism.

The guy in Sydney I don't think is a terrorist. Those Paris shooters, they're terrorists.


With terrorists on suicide missions... it's not done because Islam tells them to do it. If they have our drones or our jets, they'd gladly use those to accomplish their missions too. Just as the Japanese use their navy and planes to take over Asia, then finally using them on suicide mission once the game is almost up. Just as the US/Allies use the troops and island hops the Pacific until Okinawa or some small Island proved the cost too high and the nukes are just ready in time.

I'm not making light of terrorism or excuse it... and I think it's because I don't that I look at it from their point of view: We may call them evil cults and sadistic warmongers... they obviously do not see themselves as that.

What they see, and terrorism/ME expert Scahill said in a recent interview, is they are at war with us and they will try and bring this war to our homeland.

Apparently they've figured they're not going to gain any ground fighting our armies over there. So what they focus on now is recruit or establish cells here and whenever they want, wage small act of terror here and bring our country down slowly.

Al Qaeda spent $1M or so on 911 and it costs the US over $2 trillion in Afghanistan alone - and still counting. Costs the Western democracies hundreds of billions to beef up their securities - and it's still counting. The Paris massacre, 17 innocent lives aside, will cost France in the hundreds of millions.

So we can poke fun at their Prophet or their religion, attack and discriminate against those who share the same religion as the terrorists... but that's not going to do us any real practical good - wouldn't do our character any good either. They're our enemy because they already do not like us, offending them a bit more ain't going to do them any harm... But alienating our citizens and showing how intolerant and hypocritical we could be, that's just playing into their hands.

Call that witless or cowardly or appeasement if you like.. it's just practical. We're not fighting the Evil Empire and so competing in the arms race, the space race, the proxy wars etc. to send them broke... that's not going to work when they're practically already broke and are burning cash much much less than we do.
I know the basic history/founding, read a few snippets and found it's just like any religion.
Do yourself a favour and dig deeper.

Do you know Islam? Or met any Muslim?
Yes and Yes.
I also lived in a Muslim country for many years but that is the limit of what I am prepared to reveal on this forum.

Don't take my defense of Islam and Muslims as though I somehow believe it's saintly and all Muslims are good people. I just see them as people, like us... is that too much to consider? Too naive for you? Too witless?

Having a desire to think well of people is neither naïve nor witless. But allowing yourself to be fooled into thinking that Islam is a religion of peace is both naïve and witless.

Most of those that come here most probably want to escape the stuff over there.

Muslims have been in Australia for how long? Some been here for hundred or so years; most at least a few decades... and some recent refugee arrivals.

If they're intolerant, the lot of them, if they hate our way of life and want to not live a normal life in peace with us... why haven't there been war and terrorist acts by them already?

Wait for their numbers to grow?

As I've said before, i'm sure there are terrorists and recruiters out there trying to do us harm... recruitment is probably most active in the Muslim community, but that's probably not the only place. Let's not make their job easier by alienating those who just want to live, pray and see their children grow.

So you know Muslim, lived in a Muslim country, and you're still in one piece.

Did you only go out at night or something?

I have a pretty low opinion of people in general, does not like any religion... just I'm an equal opportunity guy and so think all are the same regardless race or religion or gender... Though I'm open to genuine kindness and intelligence when I see them - which I've seen many, but not that much.

Thank you for the discussion Iuutzu but it has drifted too far off-thread.
Muslims have been in Australia for how long? Some been here for hundred or so years; most at least a few decades... and some recent refugee arrivals.

I don't know what the average lifespan of a Muslim is, but 100 is a good score when surrounded by blood thirsty fellow Muslims...maybe being in Oz has it's benefits?

Thanks Julia....but we’re wasting our time trying to get any sense out of some clown who’s obviously out of his tree. I’ve used the ‘Ignore’ function to block his posts so I don’t see them from now on. I don’t mind a spirited debate with intelligent people, but brain-dead idiots are not worthy of my time or anyone else’s.
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