lol - good one - got the accint down pat too.
this one from 100 years ago . Still some of you might have forgotten it
Big black guy goes to chemist -
got any condoms?
what sizes you got?
why, small medium large
got any extra large?
yesI believe we have a few of them as well.
I'll try some
comes back (and in deep resonating bass voice says)
rubber no good, rubber no good
how so
left ball go uummph, right ball go uummph, rubber go pow.
maybe you could try these, they are 5mm thick rubber used in the dairy industry
comes back (and in deep resonating bass voice)
rubber no good, rubber no good
left ball go uummph, right ball go uummph, rubber go pow
long shot
but maybe these stainless steel ones used in the metal industry
comes back (voice much subdued and more timid)
rubber no good, rubber no good
left ball go uummph, right ball go uummph, left ball go pow, right ball go pow.