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AMP - AMP Limited

AGM is on this Thursday the 10th May. Should be interesting! The first AGM for anyone involved in the FSRC. Does anyone think ANY motion is going to get passed?
AGM is on this Thursday the 10th May. Should be interesting! The first AGM for anyone involved in the FSRC. Does anyone think ANY motion is going to get passed?

They have all run away so they won't have to front the AGM.
Apparently it's very hard to change the culture of a company, as a side note, imagine trying to change the culture of a country, ala Trump vs China. Nope.

However, David Murray, did change the culture of Telstra as a major share holder.
He will make a difference. I actually think there is an opportunity here.
You would like to see it consolidate around between 3.50 and 4.00 for a while.
However if they lose people like Shane Oliver, who is also one of the smartest analysts I listen to then yeah break up value should be OK.!

As for the rest of the industry.
The royal commission is a politically motivated joke.
Sure they found a few things so what!?
NAB has used it brilliantly by doing some restructuring and sacking 5000 workers! What the criminal - Shorten and his thug union cu5ts are going to kick up a fuss about that? All NAB has to say is we cleaning out the crap from the Royal commission (thanks Bill, you dick head)!! It's poetry.

The rest of the banks are selling off wealth businesses that were inefficient and so on. It's a great chance to stream line the business without too much opposition from dick head analysts and idiot share holders holding them back.
The banks will come out with a few fines but as slick as ever and primed for a run.
Even the US bond market should support that!
Nab is paying nearly 7% fully franked and trading at about a 15% discount to it's recent highs. It's a great bond at the very least.
Jesus if you can't see an opportunity you're in the wrong game!

That's one heck of a straight to the point, cut through all the bs analysis right there.

The performance of AMP since 2001 is nothing great, but that chart is utterly bogus.

The total return adjusted for dividends/splits/etc looks nothing like that.
Fair enough. I was only trying to illustrate AMP's price action over 20 years. I wouldn't have known where to get a total return adjusted chart from, but am glad you posted it. It's always good to see the whole picture.

Apologies to anyone who was misled.
@notting... like your comments. Interesting the main 4 banks are off the boil but other banks are forging onwards, eg BEN MQR
@Investoboy like your chart , looks a lot better
With all the re-nominating directors resigning takes out a LOT of the drama. Dang would have been great to drag them over the coals..
Anyway I hope the lunch is good at the Hyatt
Surely you can't include dividends it that chart. Fake chart

Another top 50 dog. Aus shares have been a dud for over 10yrs and probably the next 5-10yrs.
Growth in share price is what we need to look at......Dividends should be the icing on the cake....
hopefully China Life buy this oufit

otherwise can only see AMP struggling around 3.50-4$ for the next 5yrs, terrible situation for shareholders
I'd like to know how many AMP customers will ditch their policies and/or super and transfer to another provider. Am also curious to know if there's any one particular buyer or group of buyers picking up AMP stock.
Seems to be support at around $3.75.
Well it has hit that today! So what happens now?

BTW the AGM was more subdued than I thought it would be. I think the Board got off lightly. And also no mention of purging the actual staff that did the wrong things.
2 million in fees for no service collected versus 2 Billion wiped off the company once you got found out, great going.
Well it has hit that today! So what happens now?
Hopefully it holds this $3.70 level seems pretty strong goes back 15 years.
Has bounced off this level in 2003, 2009, 2011, 2012 now let's see if it holds in 2018.
Time to wait and see.....
Resumption of downtrend on big volume spells trouble. Looks like AMP might be a scapegoat for the entire finance sector. A bit like Essendon in the AFL. So I"ll buy when it gets to $2.88.
sizeable down day on most aus indexes yet asx:amp in the green

if amp is going to hell, who's buying?

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