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2. Fiscal policy is run by elected officials.
3. Monetary policy is run by independent central banks. Ours the RBA the USA Fed Reserve.
4. The central bank does NOT dictate or run fiscal policy,
4(a). nor does it implement it.
4(b). It has NO control over goverment deficits or taxes or spending. NONE. It also has little control over the issue of debt via the goverment to fund its activities. It can make recommendations to the goverment and what maturities to issue, but for say Australia its a different body that runs the issuance.
5. Fiscal policy cannot ... and does not set nor ever has set recently how much money is printed.
6. This is the role of the Monetary policy side. In this case of the USA the Federal reserve. It does not take orders from USA Treasury about issuing notes.
7. Printing cash or what levels to do so is NOT a fiscal policy.
8. Whilst the USA Treasury engraving department prints notes, it takes instruction from the Federal reserve NOT the president or any elected official.
9. Monetary policy is run by the central bank. Most have similar mandates, IGNORING at times totally the wishes of the goverment of the day. In the case of the Federal Reserve its actually not even owned by the goverment, its owned by its member banks. Its member banks appoint heads of the various branches and then, recommends board members to the President who then are approved by the Senate. Removing say a Fed Chair as Trump recently mumbled about is virtually impossible prior to their term expiring. Trump, was upset, the Fed was raising rates when he wanted them falling. This was PRE Covid19.
10. Central banks wear a few hats and some roles are often shared between other independent bodies.
Main role is to maintain LOW inflation.
11. Secondary main common role is full employment implying decent GDP growth.
Other is financial market liquidity and stability along with supervision
Another is currency stability.
Supervision of banks and their adequate provisions for capital and so on.
12. Different nations often share this with other similar totally Independent from the government bodies. APRA is Australia and so on.
13. That these TWO vastly different things, Fiscal policy and Monetary policy are not understood is clear.
Sentence lacks coherence. Try again.
Incorrect. If the government runs a program of deficit spending (spending in excess of tax revenue) then the government must either (a) borrow the money (transfer lending) or (b) create new money via monetising debt, which is facilitated via the Central Bank (Fed.).
money in circulation increases.
you seem unable to be concise
M1 ... which you keep pointing to. USA abandoned M3 I think some time ago, but yes its expanded.
1. Every day it expands and contracts. Waving I told you so that they are printing more cash due to your chart whilst ignoring the Economy went from 9 trillion to 22.5 trillion so of course, cash on issue, INCREASED .... to facilitate commerce cash issued went up accordingly.
2. Having now wasted a few hours reading your beliefs, and trying .... trying to understand ... your theories, but failing because they are contrary to not my opinion but, total and complete lack of understanding or economics even at a basic level.
3. I do think where your being led astray with M1 and your theory is or error I can now see.
4. You showed a Wikipedia definition of what is in M1 ... which was, incorrect in so far as its incomplete.
1. Yes cash notes and coin ... but ... also inside M1 there are demand deposits.
2. USA Federal reserve is a bank. It requires others to firstly have capital reserves there which it is required to pay an interest rate upon. Secondly over and above those are excess amounts that also require interest to be paid upon. These are DEMAND deposits.
1. Yes cash notes and coin ... but ... also inside M1 there are demand deposits.
2. USA Federal reserve is a bank. It requires others to firstly have capital reserves there which it is required to pay an interest rate upon. Secondly over and above those are excess amounts that also require interest to be paid upon. These are DEMAND deposits.
3. Able to be demanded with NO notice at all. They are part of the M1 as are cheque accounts which one may have with a bank, they can be demanded with NO notice.
4. Since Trump declared an emergency mid March 2020, USA Federal reserve has barely issued any new cash. NONE ....
5. The M1 has however risen by over 1,000 billion. The printing of cash did not occur.
6. The actual QE amount of new bonds the Federal reserve purchased was much more than 1,000 billion.
7. M1 .... whilst it has Demand deposits and those accounts that pay interest via the FED .... the rate and mechanisms going on are complex. Being polite, that, our level of understanding is clearly vastly different, I will simply somewhat. The Federal reserve every day has a cash target. It conducts open market operations to increase or decrease liquidity of cash to get the CASH rate being traded for overnight cash to its target. That's 0.25% right now.
8. IT does so, via either adding liquidity or draining it. It will enter repurchase agreements where it buys bonds or Tnotes ... issued by the Treasury, not the Fed ... and credits their account. Or it will do reverse repos .... they are a SWAP .... they may be overnight, or for a few days r a week and recently pollution the issue was extreme illiquidity in this market and the Fed had to do term repos for much longer periods.
9. All these effect M1. Not for long and for good reason. Cash rate is 0.25% ... the rate paid for reserves and excess in your Fed account is 0.1% ....
10. If as you postulate and insist that M1 going up or down has anything at all to do with Fiscal policy or clear absolute evidence of printing money is incorrect.
11. A bank will not keep excess funds it needs above reserves paying 0.1% when the overnight cash rate is 0.25% .... it would have an opportunity cost of 0.15% which on billions is massive. Some with these accounts and non banks but requiring demand deposits they will need accept this penalty and in extreme times often the banks themselves USA this top of the line, central bank as preferred despite the cost as they are unsure of the credit risk or counterparty banks even massive ones. At times one sees the two largest banks NOT lending to to each other excess reserves of cash and the central bank one side being used a ultra safe depositor ... rarely ... but other side lender of last resort and using things like the discount window.
13. QE and bond buying, same thing, DURATION s just different.
Instead of an overnight liquidity swap ... I give you my bonds a security and the next day I give them back when you return cash plus 0.25% interest. .... QE or outright bond buying ... 1 month 1 year one decade ... same thing. No different. That the Fed is buying NOT USA goverment issued Treasuries or notes, but lower grade ones, but Premium A+ ... credit rated, is another topic.
14. The goverment does not order the Fed to do it, it does it by itself. Monetary policy.
15. The Central bank cannot order the goverment to raise or lower taxes, and in the case of the USA fed, it rarely even comments on the absurd dent the USA has and insane Fiscal policies. Running a massive 5% to GDP deficit pre 2020 when stock markets are at all time highs, INSANE. Doing the same running a stimulus via over spending when employment is at all time lows, again insane.
16. Conversely .... the goverment cannot .... order the central bank to issue currency in the form of notes, nor what level of interest rates is correct. That is monetary policy.
17. Of course one wants things rowing in the same direction. both momentary and fiscal policy set to either stimulate or contract activity. Sadly, its often not the case, and Fiscally the USA was all taps open in 2019 whilst ignoring the debt, deficit and all other things. Fiscally they halved the tax paid by cooperates since 2000 as a percentage of GDP and 33% of the 1980 level.
18. USA ... is run for the few.
19. I am hoping, but not seriously expecting this to help a better understanding of Fiscal and monetary policy.
20. If you were to suggest every day as the central bank is adjusting liquidity via buying or selling bonds or shorter term notes, its actually printing cash, and wheeling it around,or then burning it, when draining the liquidity, the actual process of what M1 and M2 and roles of Fiscal and Monetary policy may become clearer.
Have fun
And my tanty expectation
View attachment 103483
Hmmm thats why they are CALLED Treasury Bonds ... facilitated ... okey dokey, Mr Lawyer. Yep in this case, not in Australia Fed runs the bond sales .... on behalf of Treasury. Not in Australia.
You have been talking about cash .... one does NOT equate to the other. M1 ... is Cash or equivalents. What you have been yammering about ... printing cash.
I have tried .... and failed ...
Nice red dress. The ringing has been replaced by shrill screaming, sadly.
Again I ask please turn off your webcam when posting.
1. M1 includes funds that are readily accessible for spending. M1 consists of: (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) traveler's checks of nonbank issuers; (3) demand deposits; and (4) other checkable deposits (OCDs), which consist primarily of negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts at depository institutions and credit union share draft accounts. Seasonally adjusted M1 is calculated by summing currency, traveler's checks, demand deposits, and OCDs, each seasonally adjusted separately.
2. Cash did not Move .... last month ... issued. ..
Your link ... no currency was printed.
3. Omitting Demand (3) demand deposits; and (4) other checkable deposits (OCDs), which consist primarily of negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts from your universe ....
4. to make your pet theory correct ?
Ralph I am so sad !!
5. THis is the currency ... you allude to ... since late March the chart ...
Currency in circulation includes paper currency and coin held both by the public and in the vaults of depository institutions. The total includes Treasury estimates of coins outstanding and Treasury paper currency outstanding. This definition of currency in circulation differs from the currency component of the money stock, a measure of currency used in some other Federal Reserve reports (for example, the H.6 release), which excludes currency held in vaults of depository institutions.
View attachment 103488
6. Virtually NO change .... NONE ..
Then we have M1 ..
which is not just cash but the things your pretending are not included ...
(2) traveler's checks of nonbank issuers; (3) demand deposits; and (4) other checkable deposits (OCDs), which consist primarily of negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts at depository institutions and credit union share draft accounts.
But also includes cash ... and coin ...
It has risen 1,000 billion.
View attachment 103489
7. So your theory ... they are printing cash ...
Cash on issue .... SAME ... rise in M1 minus change in Cash is 1,000 billion.
8. They are not printing cash. Where did this 1 trillion come from last moth if they were not printing cash as you seem to believe ? Clearly they were not.
9. As I requested maybe another thread for this, which did not occur I have been quite polite.
10. When told monetary policy is fiscal policy, or issuing debt securities is something else, Monetization which is issuing cash, my responses have been restrained.
11. USA Treasury of course has an account with the USA Federal reserve. Its initial needs are met through sale of debt securities whether they be bonds or shorter notes. Unlike a bank, It does not require reserves always be there. Without looking, if it should run slightly the red via not issuing enough securities I believe its charged the Discount rate which is above the cash rate.
12. So when an economy size in dollar terms rises by 250% .... the amount of cash the central bank is not needed to be adjusted accordingly ? CASH ... Cash on issue. Not M1 broadly ... nor M2.
13. Golly ...so in 1920 there was enough cash on issue with an economy a mere 100 billion verses 22.5 trillion 100 years latter ? Really ? My my ...
14. And according to you ... there is no adjustment needed ?
Thanks Ralph
Your responses have been: either incorrect, irrelevant, unprofessional and childish. The first 2 are not in issue as anyone can be guilty of that. The latter 2 are however an issue.
Currency issued into the economy and at what level are decided solely by the independent Federal Reserve which has Nothing to do with Fiscal policy,
The world is stuffed
Amazing ... sickening. Disgusting. And all on display.
I hope you watched it.
Hahhah ....
Beyond my back an forth, which I assure you will be amusing in the end.
I too find say the USA to distract us, is again taking the trade war to another level.
Banning chips to Huwaei. USA stocks went not down, but UP.
Shocking numbers, it went down, then went up.
As per normal the plunge protection team is still bloody operating. Harder than even under Trump as he equates the stock market and its performance with the economy. Cooking numbers, magic cures, all is well ... get back to work peasants !! There is no infection.
I am astounded and disgusted by this. On a macro level outside the top 20% which includes all the middle class, they are broke.
Pre Cv19 they held a mere 7% of the assets in the USA down form 24% in 1980. Drip down economics work !! Well work for some.
Fed Reserve did a very large survey and 65% were living paycheck to paycheck. Given that half of the 35 million sent to the unemployment lines had their claims either delayed or refused and now most states are sending them back to work their outlook is dire. Estimated 40% did not pay rent last moth and none of that forgiving or delaying, your evicted !! Or you repay it pronto !! Not when Wilbur Ross head of Commerce owned a bank and like Steve Mnuchin head of Treasury now under Trump, ex Goldman Sachs type, they both foreclosed on people for trivial amounts. One for 84 cents and seized their house.
Ignoring all else. CV19 is a virus. We know what to do to prevent its spread. USA has not and did not do this, and now is sending people back to work.
It did however offer a massive tax cut to the rich. It has bailed out large companies. On the main its ignored the needs of the many over the few.
What the virus does from here is sadly obvious.
What state 80% of people in the USA are in right now actually is worse than at any period since USA was formed. Worse than even the depression for a simple reason, CV19 is there as well. Similar sorts of unemployment, all resources and assets depleted and so on.
The stock market DOES actually represent the economy. Not to agree with Trump, but its business's and they sell things and without people, customers, all be it peasants, those outside the top 20%, these business's even good ones cease to function. Not totally, but, seriously so.
People without money, all reserves gone, terrified in say 40% of the case for their life and health. Not just the old, many young, many have some disease despite being 40 that puts them or a loved one at risk. For others, drinking coolant or bleach, served by Trump will run around and think they are immune. Possibly they are, others not so lucky are not.
Whilst we hope for a vaccine we dont know. We dont know if your even immune to getting it again, because its new. It appears to again have mutated and hitting some very young people. Oh its bliss !!
Any and all economies are being hit. USA just I suspect ended relationships with China and possibly with many others via Trumps recent tangents over the F35 plane. China is about to declare USA and its products as totally unreliable and actually with cause. Its already banned non Chinese hardware and software beyond 2024, yet we have the NASDAQ on the main ignoring this ?
really ? It is off its highs, but, well ... competing with a nation that clearly is ahead of USA and its chips via recent ones from Huwaie and Alibaba along with 3 years behind 5G on the former and makes things that cost 50% ...
Its sad and amusing to watch. Sad for the following.
Watch it ... not being reported in the USA by mainstream media the massive food lines. Not just the poor, the food banks are being swamped by middle class people dropped on their head and abandoned by their goverment totally. A goverment who rushed and bailed out big companies, even oil companies in 16 days and now 6 weeks latter many on these food lines have either not got a cent or had their claims rejected and sent back to work.
The virus numbers for yesterday 27,000 new USA infections and now with close to 3 hours to go another likely 27,000 infections identified. Of course many times that NOT identified and back to work. NOW !!
Amazing ... sickening. Disgusting. And all on display.
I hope you watched it.
If already prior to that there were 30 million in trouble ... now there are 100 million in the USA without food security and in dire straights.
Lets rally !!
Not anti USA, as I am pains to point out I like and love some yanks and lived there for many years.
This is disgusting and horrendous where USA is now in 2020. Lets send them back to work in a pandemic and ignore and downplay the virus, along with economically starve literally people back to work.
Sigh .. I await Ducs reply ... for some amusement value as to who he is verses my hunch.
Trump being the leader and can fix it all but he chooses not too. Will the people of the USA be dumb enough to vote this clown back in? Surely not?
It makes a mockery of their under 4% unemployment stats that Trump crows about, but some know that you only have to do 1 hour of work a week (or is it a month ?) to be off the unemployment stats.
Their underemployment rate must be staggering to have so many relying on handouts
1. Hi Bert,
Thanks for your opinion.
Three questions, since I am fascinated.
I take it you are or were a lawyer or with similar training ?
Obviously still not a full time one, but via your responses ....
Second question is another suspicion that you live in America ?
third is ....
Do you normally speak another language ? Just suspect via your writing style and form possibly your not American born but live there ?
I mean no offense, just, wondering.
2. QE or expansion of money supply, where we agree I suspect to disagree about printing money is an aside.
3. Of course asset buying expands the overall volume of money out there.
I already know your thoughts on this issue without asking I suspect.
4. We would both agree via buying the bonds, any bonds nowadays, not just treasuries its good for stocks.
Disagree about the rest more than likely.
5. I would also point out, the big macro picture, your missing via your beliefs. Not that I can ever prove it, because we would be talking about the future. You seem like a day trader. Picking pennies up in front of a stream roller. Obviously a technical one, but with an interest in the other side, macro and economics.
6. Amusing, we have not a thing in common. I do look at charts, but only after going via a top down look at things.
7. I have already shared whom and accurately what I am. Irrelevant in this discussion, and I am not asking you to reveal anything other than 3 hunches. In trade I will reveal, how I can prove whom I am, Not that it matters.
8. So my 3 questions ? Just interested.
9. One of yours questions answered ... Would you send drivel like this to your clients?
10. I dont have clients as such. My income and wealth are not tied to servicing others.
I passed the point of even requiring that many years ago. Actually I never was that end of the business as I said. You seem to doubt that, but I never have needed to serve clients, or their needs, since I started in 1982. Again if you answer my fascination on 3 questions, I will prove it.
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