Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

AAR - Astral Resources

Slight lift in activity I really hope we see these results out soon.. I am going for a morgage in the coming week and would like to present a better position statement !:eek:
AAR could be on the verge on a break out.. not huge amoount of activity but seems to be testing resitance of 3.5c and wont take much to break through at the moment.. that in line with iminent annoucment on Rogan Josh Feysville & also Victoria River Downs NT if they stick to their word as Early October is fast disappearing.
Hi Adobee

As much as we like AAR's prospects and even though we still may indeed get good news, 'early October' has been and gone.
If nothing else, their penchant for accurate time lines remains consistent!
Could this be the break out we have been waiting for... headbutting 3.6c wont take much to push 3.7c and then we could be off if there is an annoucement inline with the break.. I have to expect that there will be results before the month end. ....
Reaching new 12 months high today.. strong volume but a few big sells at 4c capping the price.. If they are taken out it could be on like donkey kong ..

Drilling update way overdue ... with the growing interest over the past week one can only think something is on the cards or coming out ..
We can only hope that these dinosaur directors still have enough energy left in them to bring to fruition the real potential of several of this company's quality assets. I hold +++
AAR Annual report is out .. Total 61 pages and not market sensitive.. at a quick glance it has some details of Drilling in Sandiego and increase in resources.. :) It will take a while to get through this and I am sure there will be some undercover updates which could have been released to the market as market sensitive.. I think the presentation of information like this isnt in the best interest of the shareholders...

Any way will print it off and have a read tonight when I have a few spare hhours ... :eek:
Hi Adobee

Carefully read the AGM/Proxy Vote release. I believe you will find something that makes your eyes sparkle with anticipation.

Hi Adobee

Carefully read the AGM/Proxy Vote release. I believe you will find something that makes your eyes sparkle with anticipation.


It did mine Reichman, more than happy with the cryptic comment...As you stated previously :D "Well heeeello!" :D
At least we now know where they are headed and all the right direction.

If they would have done like "normal" companies then this would be a major announcement on its own and price sensitive. Oh no not our beloved AAR....hiding in a proxy is much better.

Regardless Reichman you are right and good observation. Been a long time coming but it all seems to be coming together.

I can't wait until they just announce things, instead of hiding away in reports and this time a damn proxy form :rolleyes:. Such a fantastic story unfolding and they aren't saying a word to promote it. Just the opposite of some companies that pump the slightest positive.
Hi Adobee

Carefully read the AGM/Proxy Vote release. I believe you will find something that makes your eyes sparkle with anticipation.


I have read the whole report carefully.. My Feelings.. As a shareholder with a fair bit of capital in this company I think it is ridiculous that anyone should have to search throght the Annual Report & Proxy for what could possible an Encrypted message or could possible not be if you are not looking for encrypted positive messages.. Seriously ... I might right them a .. strong .. worded letter stating how I feel as some who may .. buy .. more stock in this company.

Now read my post again carefully and you may find some that makes your eyes sparkle like they have windex in them !
After reading the first 8 pages of the annual report i had to stop and put something up. The teaser in the proxy was inspiration to read the report closely. "Reason to pursue early success"

Some quotable items from the first 8 pages of the report.

• Copper and zinc intersections outside the previous published Sandiego resource.
• Better than expected high grade copper intersections at shallow depths at Sandiego.
73% increase in resource tonnes at Sandiego.
97% increase in Copper metal content and 21% increase in Zinc metal content at Sandiego.
• A modest increase in Onedin Resources
• Successful completion of metallurgical test work program for Sandiego and Onedin sulphide ores as well as Sandiego Zinc Transition ore.
• Completion of initial Preliminary Feasibility Study based on the Sandiego sulphide ore and the Sandiego Zinc Transition ore.

Sandiego Deposit - Depth Extensions

Potential to extend the resource at depth was confirmed by intersections of massive and disseminated copper and zinc sulphides in SRCD 042 and SRCD053.

Sandiego Deposit — Near Surface High Grade Copper Lode

The presence of a high grade copper mineralisation within the Transition zone had previously been recognised, but scarcity of drill holes and lack of metallurgical samples had previously prevented full quantification of its potential. For this reason the Pre-Feasibility Study into development of the Sandiego deposit did not envisage mining of any copper mineralization in the Transition Zone. The 2008 drill program specifically targeted the potential of the copper lodes in the Transition Zone. The copper mineralization may positively impact the development economics of the Sandiego deposit, particularly as it occurs at relatively shallow depth. Four drill holes from the 2008 program intersected this zone.

SRCD031 intersected a zone of substantial high-grade copper and zinc mineralisation consisting of chalcocite at shallower levels and sphalerite and chalcopyrite at deeper levels. The zone, intersected over 68m from 100m downhole, is estimated to have a true width of 34m. It consists of a central high grade zinc-rich portion (1 II-152m) flanked by high grade copper-rich portions (100-125m, 148-168m):

100 - 125m 25m @ 11.4% Cu 13.3% Zn I 42g/t Ag
Ill - 152m 47m @ 2.5% Cu 14.9% Zn 1270 Ag 0.18g/tAu
148 - 168m 20m @ 8.8% Cu 2.2% Zn 28g1t Ag 0.92g/t Au

Holes SRCD028A and SRCD030, which were drilled primarily to obtain material for metallurgical testing from the main Sandiego zinc-rich deposit. also intersected high-grade supergene and sulphide copper mineralization at relatively shallow depths. Wide high-grade copper intersections of 39m @ 3.7% Cu (SRCD028A) and 14.7m @ 4.5% Cu and 25m @ 5.7%Cu (SRCD030) correlate well with the intersection of 68m @ 6.8% Cu (SRCD031). Previously reported RC precollar SRCO29 also partially intersected this copper zone with an intersection of 14m @ 3.97% Cu. This drilling has confirmed the presence of high-grade copper mineralization at relatively shallow levels (80 — 200m vertically). Copper grades in the recent holes are much higher than grades in earlier holes drilled in this part of the deposit.

Sandiego Deposit — InfiII and Metallurgical Holes

Hole SRCD029A intersected massive and disseminated zinc mineralisation over 29m from 165m downhole. The mineralised zone is estimated to have a true width of approximately 14.5m. This hole also returned a high grade gold intersection (4m @ 26.83 glt Au) from a ferruginous fault zone. Low-grade gold is present throughout the Sandiego deposit and occasionally high-grade values do occur, particularly in the Oxide and Transition Zones of the deposit. The gold intersection in SRCD029A is of particular interest as it occurs outside of, and marginal to, the Sandiego deposit in a fault structure.

Sandiego Deposit — Northern Strike Extensions

Results from exploration hole SRCO35 produced high zinc grades (5m @ 9.15% Zn, 0.46% Cu and 17g/t Ag from 105m)

Bound to be more nuggets in the report.

30 September 2009
• 2,198m reconnaissance AC drilling program completed south of Rogan
Josh gold prospect. Rogan Josh supergene anomaly extended and an
additional 900m supergene gold anomaly defined.
• RC drilling program planned for November.
KOONGIE COPPER-ZINC PROJECT• Koongie feasibility studies continued with Sandiego.
• Metallurgical testwork on copper mineralisation from the Sandiego
Transition Zone nears completion with positive results.
• Sandiego Resource estimates updated.
VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS ZINC PROJECT• Helicopter assisted gravity survey completed. Gravity anomalies
generated to be evaluated.
EXPLORATION• Exploration expenditure totalled $461,669.
I noticed in the recent report that they state that the copper and zinc inground value is about $1.4billion not to sure if this is $US or $A.

I have a question for someone when they indicate a Inground Value I assume this refers to the value of the commodity in the ground without deductions caused by mining and processing available resource..

So how much of this Inground value could AAR see if they were to mine the Resource and how much capital would need to be raised.
At long last AAR have some good news.. will be watching to see how the market reacts.. Strong run this morning has dropped back but will see if it claws back late afternoon ..

• RC drilling confirms a high grade copper cap to the Sandiego Deposit
• SRC061 intersects 76m of massive sulphide intersected including:
o 12m of high grade copper (chalcocite) mineralisation
o 34m of chalcopyrite, sphalerite and chalcocite mineralisation
• SRC060 and SRC062 intersect multiple lenses of massive sulphides
• SRC065 intersects a 10m wide zone of disseminated copper mineralisation
Huge volume and increase in share price for AAR today! Yes, positive drilling news announced but this happens frequently with this stock with very little movement in price/vol. Why the change in sentiment today? Please explain...
Hi all, can anyone remember the name of the processing plant near(ish) the the Koongie deposit? Surely I'm wrong, but it wasn't Pillara was it?
Well, it's been great seeing the price go up and a trading halt happen, but?
the name of the processing plant near(ish) the the Koongie deposit? Surely I'm wrong, but it wasn't Pillara was it?
Well, answered my own question with a string search on plant.... Pillara. (Surprise, surprise, my old pal Hangseng, hello fella, hope you are well... ;))

Well, given the fact that most of the Pillara plant is now in a laydown area near Callington and Kanmantoo in South Australia awaiting re-construction for use on the Hillgrove Resources Kanmantoo Copper project, I wouldn't expect the plant to be of much use to AAR any more...

So, they hang on for a while and let the plant get sold under their noses for a pittance... Oh well, one of the guys that built the plant up there told me it was a pretty crappy job then, probably better off building a new one anyway...
Response, anyone?
07/09/2010 10:30AM 2 Trading Halt
30/08/2010 1:59PM 9 CORRECTION...Sandiego Thick High Grade Copper Intersections.
30/08/2010 1:37PM 8 Sandiego....Thick High Grade Copper Intersections.....

havent looked at it for a while but could start seeing some action..
will keep my eyes on it
07/09/2010 10:30AM 2 Trading Halt
30/08/2010 1:59PM 9 CORRECTION...Sandiego Thick High Grade Copper Intersections.
30/08/2010 1:37PM 8 Sandiego....Thick High Grade Copper Intersections.....

havent looked at it for a while but could start seeing some action..
will keep my eyes on it

Don't get your hopes up. Looks like a cap raising!

Didn't they do a share placement not long ago? Unlucky for holders if so.
