Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Latest tweets by The Donald

Why would I look for something that is redundant? I don't need a mind altering and body damaging crutch to get through life.

I'm not too sure you pushing illegal drugs is a good look for the forum.

Kind of a segue metaphor for a lot of SJWs I suspect::D
Why would I look for something that is redundant? I don't need a mind altering and body damaging crutch to get through life.

I'm not too sure you pushing illegal drugs is a good look for the forum.

Supposed to be a cure for all that ails yah isn't it?

Might help with that pecker problem of yours!
Supposed to be a cure for all that ails yah isn't it?

Might help with that pecker problem of yours!

Well there's that I suppose:- I could engage with attractive women without having to worry about a mobile tent getting between us.:rolleyes: Is mary jane cheaper than amyl nitrite poppers?
Wow, that was quite a tantrum, you got as full on as you did irrelevant. The accuracy of being labelled as a TDS sufferer obviously got to you. Easier and less painful would be to be honest with yourself. Your call :)

Any decent, free thinking person would be offended by everything that Trump say. Now, I believe that almost everyone is decent... that leave them not thinking straight.

As to be offended because Trump is Trump. I can care less about that conman, failed business "self made" psychopathic, immoral, know nothing idiot.

Some man were born great, most have greatness thrust upon them. Some of those decided that that's when you make the most money and to hell with everything and everyone else.

And it's not a tantrum, it's a rant, with facts :cool:
Trump doesn't take a wage does he?

Yea, he generously take $1. How great is that, right?

Then you saw (from independent news) that he also golfed some 220 days in his first years - at his own golf resort. Where, it so happen, the American taxpayers are charged by him and his investors for every freakin bed any advisors, hanger on, security detail etc. etc.

And oh, he also doubled the annual membership fee to his d'Largo [or some faux cheap pretentious name] country club... where he happen to be there quite frequently and you know.. if you join and he happen to also be there when you're there, might get noticed and things might get done. That or you can pose with "the Football".. you know, launch code for nuclear annihilation.

Then there's the tax cuts estimated to benefit his own family alone some $1.5B.

Then there's his beloved daughter and her hubby someone managing to gain some $250M just last year. And not having to pay a dime in tax.

What's the wage for a president? A measly $500K?
Yea, he generously take $1. How great is that, right?

Then you saw (from independent news) that he also golfed some 220 days in his first years - at his own golf resort. Where, it so happen, the American taxpayers are charged by him and his investors for every freakin bed any advisors, hanger on, security detail etc. etc.

And oh, he also doubled the annual membership fee to his d'Largo [or some faux cheap pretentious name] country club... where he happen to be there quite frequently and you know.. if you join and he happen to also be there when you're there, might get noticed and things might get done. That or you can pose with "the Football".. you know, launch code for nuclear annihilation.

Then there's the tax cuts estimated to benefit his own family alone some $1.5B.

Then there's his beloved daughter and her hubby someone managing to gain some $250M just last year. And not having to pay a dime in tax.

What's the wage for a president? A measly $500K?
How many people has he personally employed in his private life compared to other presidents.
All presidents waste money.
Trump is full of faults.
But the weekly (almost daily) "outrage pr0n" gets old quick.
How many people has he personally employed in his private life compared to other presidents.
All presidents waste money.
Trump is full of faults.
But the weekly (almost daily) "outrage pr0n" gets old quick.

Include or exclude undocumented? Include or exclude those he ripped off, not paid "because of a bad job"?

How many other president "grab 'em" by the p**sy and bragged about it?

How many actually went to school and actually do some reading and learning? Actually know countries and history their empire oversees?

The list of qualification needed but Trump doesn't come close to having is very long.

And any idiot with daddy's hundreds of millions can hire people and "self made" themselves.
Well.... part fact, part fiction.
Facts are not feelings.

Facts lead to either admiration, respect, joy or anger.

Just like good character lead to admirable result; lying bs artistry lead to the scamming of the people.

btw, did you know that in Trump's first couple years, [two year not over yet]... the US see the greatest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the billionaires?

But sure, the poor are just lazy and jealous.
Facts lead to either admiration, respect, joy or anger.

Just like good character lead to admirable result; lying bs artistry lead to the scamming of the people.

btw, did you know that in Trump's first couple years, [two year not over yet]... the US see the greatest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the billionaires?

But sure, the poor are just lazy and jealous.
He is about to screw them over more apparently by cutting social welfare.
Decency is an arbitrary concept, it's deeds that are the true measure of moral authority.

Sometime, thought lead to deeds. Deed often need an opportunity.

Trump has the opportunity, the authority. How has his deeds measure up?

Taking food from kids and poverty stricken people... Jesus would not approve.

Overlooking the literally butchering of people because there's money to be made, and actually saying and repeating it like it's something obviously honourable...

A slimy garden slug have more character than that.

And any idiot with daddy's hundreds of millions can hire people and "self made" themselves.
Who are we measuring against?
Obama the drone slayer?
Bush the war monger?
Or Bill Clinton the sex machine?
He is about to screw them over more apparently by cutting social welfare.

He and his GOP are gutting pretty much everything the working poor, the sick and dying need to survive.

It's not enough that they have more money than their great grandchildren will know what to do with... it's just kicking people in the teeth for the fun of it. What a bunch of psychos.

But they're betting that the peasants will just put up with it. If only they read a bit of history, even their own short history... they'd know that if you create too much dead wood, some aspiring group of people will put them to use and burn the place up in a real hurry.
Who are we measuring against?
Obama the drone slayer?
Bush the war monger?
Or Bill Clinton the sex machine?

I don't admire any of those other idiots and scammer either.

I used to admire Obama until I read up on his policies.
I don't admire any of those other idiots and scammer either.

I used to admire Obama until I read up on his policies.
Rumor is that mrs Obama is going to take a run. I think she would have a good chance as well, given the toxicity of the current divide.
He and his GOP are gutting pretty much everything the working poor, the sick and dying need to survive.

It's not enough that they have more money than their great grandchildren will know what to do with... it's just kicking people in the teeth for the fun of it. What a bunch of psychos.

But they're betting that the peasants will just put up with it. If only they read a bit of history, even their own short history... they'd know that if you create too much dead wood, some aspiring group of people will put them to use and burn the place up in a real hurry.
Is the idea to get people working and off welfare?
Americans are pretty hardcore against handouts.

I'm not up to speed on whats official policy. And media has dirtied the water on whats real.
I don't admire any of those other idiots and scammer either.

I used to admire Obama until I read up on his policies.
Natural progression my son:D
Trump combines all the president’s from Regan to Obama in one ugly package.

He is value for money.
Media will literally go broke once he is gone.
Rumor is that mrs Obama is going to take a run. I think she would have a good chance as well, given the toxicity of the current divide.

Maybe, but judging by how Trump got into office, it seem that the American plebs aren't at all happy with the Obamas. That's why they weren't with HRC.

Saw a few recent lectures by Chris Hedges on the collapse of the American empire... he went around the US to write his latest book and said that... shite, it's all falling apart.

That the average American have been conned and scammed for so long by so many administration that while most of those who voted for Trump doesn't like him personally, they find it cathartic, expressing their anger and despair when he call out the Clintons and the Obamas for being Wall St stooges (among other names).

That and there's some hope that Trump keep his promise to put his business genius to help them put food on the table.

You cannot switch and bait people for too long. The peasants might not be educated but they know when they've been had.

So far the narrative of illegals, lazy welfare queens causing it might be believed.

The thing that Hedges points to that would quicken the collapse is the US greenback being the world's currency reserve. Once that's gone, no more free money you can just print.

The EU are being forced to diversify its foreign exchange into other major currency, namely the Yuan. A fair few number of poor countries are also diversifying out of the greenbacks, into the Yuan and the EU... they do not want their cash and business to freeze when Washington put a sanction on them.

Seriously, we'd be lucky if we survive this century as a specie.