You can read it up from the paper I linked to a few pages back.
What that research that examine the studies on Climate Change did was quite simple:
They study all the Abstracts to all the research papers by specialist Climate Change scientists - they define these as, from memory, scientist who have published at least 20 papers on the subject etc.
In the abstract, scientific research guides require the researcher/s to summarise their aim, their method, their conclusion, way forward etc.
By counting the conclusions, they found that 97% of these researchers concludes that Climate Change is not accidental or "natural" - that it is caused by human activity; that it is real.
What's the specific evidence? That's the details in each of those papers.
As said before in reply to that 34k scientists' petition... Are those scientists Climate Change scientist?
Not all scientists are the same. Just as you don't go to a GP to have any part of your body operated on, you don't just get a bunch of GP together and ask them about Climate Change because, I don't know, they're all "doctors" and know science and stuff.
You believe that 4 out of 5 bushfires are caused by people - I take that to mean arsonist or improper BBQ or glass bottle zapping the grass or something... That you believe...
but all the toxic fumes, the coals, the methane, the god knows what our factories and power stations and cars and planes expels each day; the deforestation and run-offs from farm with their oil-based fertilisers and pesticides... these does not affect the air or the environment at all.
From a simple logical point of view, that kind of denial is nuts.
From the fact that 97% of research papers by specialists on the subject reaching the same conclusion...
It's pretty hard to deny the evidence. Maybe not so hard for some though.
31,487 American scientists have signed this petition,
including 9,029 with PhDs
from post #7578
So, if it is the case that more than four out of every five wildfires are caused by people, this study indicates that those ignition events are taking place in an environment that increases the likelihood of wildfires taking hold. It seems to me that any further discussion of this paper should entail a critical review of the methodology, the models constructed, the research design and the statistical analysis employed by the researchers, but obviously such a review/critique entails the next level of skills and competence.
You still don't appear to know how many of those 97% represent the total number of scientist...There is no point in quoting 97% if you don't know how many.