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Resisting Climate Hysteria

Thanks for the heads up Sir Rumpole. Excellent analysis by Waleed Ali.

Thought he properly skewered Andrew Bolt and every other denier who cherry picks data and ignores all other evidence they don't want to see.
A clip from Bolt's program showed the News Corp columnist flashing a graphic he uses frequently on screen to demonstrate there had been "no warming of the earth's atmosphere for around 18 years now".

"Let me nip this in the bud, Andrew Bolt, before you launch into your whole 'but it has stopped warming' line that you've been running for the last few years," Aly said.

"This is Carl Mears, the guy whose graph you keep using. We tracked him down, he has a message for you."
A clip from Bolt's program showed the News Corp columnist flashing a graphic he uses frequently on screen to demonstrate there had been "no warming of the earth's atmosphere for around 18 years now".

The show then played a clip of Mears, a climate scientist and the vice president for research at Remote Sensing Systems, who contradicted Bolt's position and said the globe had indeed warmed in the preceding decades.

"It's pretty clear that the globe has warmed over the last 18 years," said Mears. "When you do real science you can't just use the data sets that fit your pre-drawn conclusions, but you really need to look at all the data together."
Anyone interested in a short (7 min) video that does an excellent job of analysing the ways in which future global warming can be ratcheted down with changes post Paris?

Very good graphics . Quite clear
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For a more complex analysis of just how we might limit global warming to 2C check the following article

The Road to Two Degrees, Part Three: Equity, inertia and fairly sharing the remaining carbon budget
Posted on 9 December 2015 by Andy Skuce

In the first part of this series, I examined the implications of relying on CCS and BECCS to get us to the two degree target. In the second part, I took a detailed look at Kevin Anderson's arguments that IPCC mitigation scenarios aimed at two degrees are biased towards unproven negative-emissions technologies and that they consequently downplay the revolutionary changes to our energy systems and economy that we must make very soon. In this last part, I'm going to look at the challenges that the world faces in fairly allocating future emissions from our remaining carbon budget and raising the money needed for climate adaptation funds, taking account of the very unequal past and present.

Should be a breeze....:rolleyes:
Waleed is fighting out of his division. The Project might as well be on the ABC for all the balance it provides. It's relentlessly luvvie.

Waleed Aly should apologise for his warmist rant - 11 Dec 2015

Waleed Aly and co-writer Tom Whitty have misled or deceived viewers about global warming and should apologise.

On Thursday Aly read out on The Project another sermon of the kind that has got him so many clicks on YouTube - strong on passion and weak on facts. It says something about the appalling state of modern journalism that many reporters of the Left applauded his rant and not one, as far as I can tell, called him out for misleading his viewers. Nor will The Project present the other side of the argument.....
Waleed is fighting out of his division. The Project might as well be on the ABC for all the balance it provides. It's relentlessly luvvie.

Bolt: "the appalling state of modern journalism "

Perhaps Andrew could reveal to us all how his supposed journalism is less appalling than appaling compared to his predecessors and peers?
Well what a surprise!! Andrew Bolt being outraged at Waleed calling him out over the lying poisonous dribble he calls journalism.

The fact is that Andrew has built a career on distortion, selective reporting and ignoring any evidence that doesn't suit his final answer. There is no way he going to acknowledge that just because he only uses one atmospheric temperature graph from a score of other land, sea based studies means he is cherry picking data. You see the only data he ever uses is very carefully picked. Otherwise he can't provide the fig leaf of credibility he claims for his rubbish.

Carl Mears like every other real scientist in the field made it clear.

When you do real science you can't just use the data sets that fit your pre-drawn conclusions, but you really need to look at all the data together."

It is totally identical to a person with all the symptoms of cancer going from doctor to doctor and taking more and more tests to find a result that doesn't show he is very ill and trumpeting that as the answer. Just delusional.

And you wonder why is called a denier. Any other observation would be pure charity
Basilio, Mears of course is absolutely correct. More's the pity that so many scientists don't do as he suggests. ;(
11c in Hobart today at 3 pm for the cricket test........Must be Global Warming taking affect.....The silence from the Alarmists is deafening.
11c in Hobart today at 3 pm for the cricket test........Must be Global Warming taking affect.....The silence from the Alarmists is deafening.

Snow on the mountain this morning but has melted now and the weather is going to warm up somewhat tomorrow with 21 degrees forecast. :2twocents
11c in Hobart today at 3 pm for the cricket test........Must be Global Warming taking affect.....The silence from the Alarmists is deafening.

Confirmation of global warming. Heat at the poles pushing increased cloud and cold air towards the equator.
And of course that never applies to your side of the debate ?

What do you think Bolt has being doing looking at one graph only ?

Why do you think I equated Aly to Bolt, Horace?

You may have noticed I don't quote, or explicitly, or implicitly support Bolt.

Ummm, so what was that about bias?
Confirmation of global warming. Heat at the poles pushing increased cloud and cold air towards the equator.

OMG......when did you have that dream...was it a wet or a dry dream?

You have a wonderful imagination explod.......Time to join the majority of skeptics.
Paris climate deal: Historic climate change agreement reached at COP21

Excellent result.

Abbotts plan to scuttle this with the Canadian Prime minister failed with both of them being removed by the public.
Yesterdays men.

Also, we are allowed to build windmills again.