Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Resisting Climate Hysteria

Lets get positive..

I just saw the presentation by Elon Musk on the Tesla powerwall. A simple clean, cheap battery bank that can store solar power and be the missing link to having a totally renewable energy run world.

Only goes for 18 mins and well worth the time.

Towards the end Elon speculates on how many power walls would be required to enable the whole world to run on renewable energy (including transport and heating) He reckons 2 billion units.

Sounds like an insane figure doesn't it ? Inconceivable perhaps?

Well apparently the world currently has 2 billion cars and we add 100 million a year. No problem with that is there ? On that basis one could produce 2 billion powerwalls in say 20 years. In fact these are just cookie stamped generic units in a variety of colours. Simple eh ?

And his Tesla technology is open source. Anyone else can do it if they want to.
Poor old Timmy, he has no answers as why his prediction failed so miserably costing tax payers billions of dollars.

What a farce..What a scam.

What a one trick pony. Global Warming is happen around the world "duh" . One can find a hundred thousand pieces of evidence, analysis, climatic changes, environment changes to prove the obvious - that the world's climatic conditions are changing markedly.

And yet all Andrew Bolt and Noco can do is grasp one comment by one person made seven years and attempt to turn it into a total refutation of the bleeding obvious.

Indeed it is. A bleeding, ridiculous farce. Nothing Andrew Bolt says on Global Warming should ever be taken seriously.
What a one trick pony. Global Warming is happen around the world "duh" . One can find a hundred thousand pieces of evidence, analysis, climatic changes, environment changes to prove the obvious - that the world's climatic conditions are changing markedly.

And yet all Andrew Bolt and Noco can do is grasp one comment by one person made seven years and attempt to turn it into a total refutation of the bleeding obvious.

Indeed it is. A bleeding, ridiculous farce. Nothing Andrew Bolt says on Global Warming should ever be taken seriously.

If you want to believe those wankers who are paid to write scripts to suit their masters, you go right ahead.

They will not fool me buddy...This whole Global warming affair or if you now want to call it by its new name,climate change, is nothing more than a scam that is why these people want legislation to ban deniers, fine them or even lock them up.
If you want to believe those wankers who are paid to write scripts to suit their masters, you go right ahead.

They will not fool me buddy...This whole Global warming affair or if you now want to call it by its new name,climate change, is nothing more than a scam that is why these people want legislation to ban deniers, fine them or even lock them up.

The real money is on the coal and oil producers. Large ice shelves currently breaking away in both poles at an alarming rate. These have built up over many millions of years during a time when the earth, once just a fireball, should be cooling.

And on age noco, I am only 69, however my Great Grandfarther, a farmer, left Ireland due to the potatoe famine. He was a weather watcher and my Grandfather told me the stories if the land. He was a wheat farmer near Pryamid Hill before the irragation. (what a stuff up there too) So Dad started out lumping wheat, fought in WW2 then we too were farmers. But very much noco ole Pal, weather watchers. And the climate and moisture in our farmland has dried out beyond belief.

Forget the arguments of science, just look about. I spent a lot if time in Queensland too noco, Sir William Gunn was my direct boss for awhile and we saw the farming land of central Queensland go downhill from 1968 to the stage where we had to move all the sheep out. These things hurt and the lessons stuck. Certainly overfeeding was a part, but the rainfall was the big one.

And on rainfall, we still have drought never before seen as bad over most of our lands in Australia, and we are seeing floods in some parts never before seen. Bet insurance companies from here will be pulling out or tightening up.

And I have many times mentioned the never to return tadpoles on our farm or the sudden death and extinction of the possums at Mount Martha. Noco, these beings established themselves in these habitats over millions of years of evolution only to be wiped out in (time) a heart beat.
Some interesting facts from Judith Curry, climate scientist, referring to the billions of dollars wasted to make almost zero difference to warming.

If you believe the climate models, then President Obama’s INDC commitment (total of 80% emissions reduction by 2015), then warming would be reduced by 0.011 degrees Centigrade, a number that was provided to me by Chip Knappenberger of CATO using the MAGICC model with an equilibrium climate sensitivity of 3.0oC. If the climate models are indeed running too hot, then the warming would be reduced by an even smaller number…

Eliminating all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 would reduce the warming by 0.014oC (as per the EPA MAGICC model). This is an amount of warming that is much smaller than the uncertainty in even measuring the global average temperature.

In Australia, it’s the same story - we’d spend billions to make no noticeable difference, even if you assumed a very strong causation between emissions and temperature:
To what specious lengths will plod and bas go to in their advocacy?

C'mon ladies let's stick to empirical data shall we?
Au contraire.

I was pointing to the ample evidence above as being self evident ;)
To what specious lengths will plod and bas go to in their advocacy?

C'mon ladies let's stick to empirical data shall we?

What is wrong with normal observation based on a long interest and following of the subject.

Surely we are not bound by the myriad of so called science experts and thier charter to keep the sheeple confused.

At least pull some of the assertions (from your view) apart or at least where each point is wrong.

But then that could be serious engagement and may not look good before the (den...s) cheer squad.
Id love to have nothing better to do than spend several hours collating examples and citations to demonstrate your speciousness bas, but more mercantile and productive endeavours beckon.

I accept that you don't actually realise that the rubbish you regurgitate here is specious however.
Id love to have nothing better to do than spend several hours collating examples and citations to demonstrate your speciousness bas, but more mercantile and productive endeavours beckon.

I accept that you don't actually realise that the rubbish you regurgitate here is specious however.

You don't have to spend and hours collecting examples and citations of of what you see as "specious" Wayne. I think it would be rather hard to do.

I must say in my defence however whenever Noco or perhaps yourself actually decide to make a specific verifiable statement (as distinct for general abuse) regarding CC I check it out and identify chapter and verse where it is demonstrably false. For example when the false argument that CC and CO2 have been driven by volcanic emissions in the past 200 years was raised it is quite straightforward to identify that as a false claim.

One thing I have noticed however Wayne is that you avoid addressing particular pieces of research that demonstrate

1) We have substantial changes in the environment caused by global warming
2) That these changes are/will have very serious consequences.

Do you remember this post a few weeks back ? Post 6139

Maybe we just want to focus on particular research which notes

1) The reality of increased warming
2) The consequences of this increase on ocean le

Antarctic ice shelves rapidly melting
Once-expanding East Antarctica now seeing losses

Thomas Sumner
2:00pm, March 26, 2015

MELTDOWN Antarctica’s Venable Ice Shelf, shown, is on track to disappear within a century, new research shows.

Antarctica’s ice shelves are shrinking at an accelerating rate, one of the longest satellite records of ice thickness reveals. Researchers report online March 26 in Science that several West Antarctic ice shelves are now on pace to disappear completely within 100 years.

Floating ice shelves mark the outermost edges of an ice sheet and line nearly half the Antarctic coastline. Using ice thickness measurements collected by satellites from 1994 to 2012, glaciologist Fernando Paolo of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif., and colleagues analyzed how recent warming has impacted Antarctica’s ice. The researchers discovered that Antarctic ice shelves shrank on average 25 cubic kilometers per year from 1994 to 2003. The melting then accelerated to 310 cubic kilometers ”” roughly twice the volume of Lake Tahoe ”” on average per year from 2003 to 2012.

While scientists have known that the West Antarctic ice shelves are thinning, the research also shows that the East Antarctic ice shelves, which expanded between 1994 and 2003, are thinning now as well.

The shelves serve as doorstops for glaciers. As the bottom of an ice shelf grinds over the seabed, it stems the flow of the land-based ice queued up behind it. Because ice shelves float, their melt water does not directly contribute to sea level rise. Their disappearance, however, speeds the loss of glacial ice, which does raise sea levels
Bas and plod, go back and have a look and read of my posts and links....But I guess you have made up your minds, so I guess there is no point in you reading them again if you ever did in the first place.


The alarmist are losing momentum fast.
In a major address at Georgetown University Tuesday, President Barack Obama referred derogatorily to deniers of climate change as members of the “Flat Earth Society” ”” a reference to a group that believes the Earth is flat.

The Flat Earth Society got a bit upset.
Their reply:-

I checked President Obama’s quote from today. It’s disappointing but not surprising ”” I do occasionally see references to the Society in that context. Gordon Brown made a similar remark back in 2009 when referring to climate-change deniers. I generally try not to take it personally, though. I understand that most people see the Flat Earth Society’s views as extremely unorthodox and perhaps a bit kooky. I’d like the public to know, though, that our views are based on extensive research and we highly value the pursuit of truth. In fact, the Society’s motto is (and has been since the 1800’s) “In Veritate Victoria” ”” Victory in Truth.

For what it’s worth, the Flat Earth Society doesn’t have an ‘official’ position on climate change. That falls a bit outside our remit. Personally, though, I believe the evidence available does support the position that climate change is at least partially influenced by human industrialisation. So if President Obama wants to reference people that actively deny anthropogenic climate change, he’d probably be better served by citing groups like the American Enterprise Institute rather than the Flat Earth Society.
Thank you for sharing that article Knobby. Just fascinating to realise that the head of the Flat Earth Society acknowledges that industrialization and associated human activity has had an effect on the climate.

I suppose that has to be the end of the road for climate scientists
. Clearly when believers in CC encapsulate the Uni Bomber, the Flat Earth society and various other mad miscreants no sane person could possibly hold the same view could they ?

(I wonder if these people also think the Earth revolves around the Sun ?)