Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Resisting Climate Hysteria

Pleeese ! You really are having us on arn't you ?

Your point is moot, ...
at best!

Here is what I am believing:

The runaway greenhouse effect has several meanings ranging from, at the low end, global warming sufficient to induce out-of-control amplifying feedbacks, such as ice sheet disintegration and melting of methane hydrates, to, at the high end, a Venus-like hothouse with crustal carbon baked into the atmosphere and a surface temperature of several hundred degrees, a climate state from which there is no escape. Between these extremes is the moist greenhouse, which occurs if the climate forcing is large enough to make H2O a major atmospheric constituent.[8] In principle, an extreme moist greenhouse might cause an instability with water vapour preventing radiation to space of all absorbed solar energy, resulting in very high surface temperature and evaporation of the ocean.[9] However, simulations indicate that no plausible human-made GHG forcing can cause an instability and runaway greenhouse effect.[10]

And now for the Arctic ice situation ...

View attachment 56430

Al Gore anyone?

(insert maniacal laugh here)

Congratulations you've spotted the turning point. Care to make some longer term predictions?


You may want to take into account the observed evidence. Or more likely you probably don't.

My hope is that there will be a slowing in the sequential decade average decline. But it doesn't look that good at this point. Does it?
Congratulations you've spotted the turning point. Care to make some longer term predictions?

View attachment 56434

You may want to take into account the observed evidence. Or more likely you probably don't.

My hope is that there will be a slowing in the sequential decade average decline. But it doesn't look that good at this point. Does it?

Congratulations you have spotted the tipping point. It would seem the wind has something to do with it. I would be predicting that the sea ice will continue to thicken as long as the wind is in the right direction keeping the floe in place ;)

"This is why we're really quite surprised by what we've seen in 2013.

"We didn't expect the greater ice extent left at the end of the summer melt to be reflected in the volume.

"But it has been. And the reason is related to the amount of multi-year ice in the Arctic."

Dr Don Perovich is a sea-ice expert at Dartmouth College, US.

He said Cryosat's data tallied with observations made by other spacecraft. But after a sharply colder summer this year, the autumn volume number has gone up.

"In previous summers, some of the [multi-year ice] migrated over to the Alaska and Siberia areas where it melted. But this past summer, it stayed in place because of a change in wind patterns. And so there'll likely be more multi-year ice next year than there was this year," he told BBC News.

Area/extent is easier to measure, but scientists regard thickness/volume to be the best metric with which to judge the health of the ice pack, which is why Cryosat's unique data-set is so important.


Sooo maybe the area/extent has declined but the thickness/volume is increasing ? Seeing how this satellite has only been functional for 3 years it has not produced enough empirical evidence as yet.
Here is the point, basilio, Orr, et al:

Notwithstanding ad hoc incidences of misrepresentation of data, observations and individual's interpretation thereof (which is prevalent from either camp), there is enough science to cause question of the the drivers and/or feedback involved in climate change. How much is anthropogenic, what are the important anthropogenic factors, is co2 a major factor or not. Are other anthropogenic factors important to a greater or lesser extent.
...bloody phone

....ergo,it surely is intellectual bankruptcy of the highest order to deride skeptics with such gratuitously offensive tags as denier. This is antsc

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Bugger it will finish this later

Chris Turney and his 51 warmists still believes in GLOBAL WARMING even though are RED FACED about getting stuck in pack ice......They all arrived back in Hobart today....I'll bet the they are hoping the Earth will open up and swallow them before the media start talking to them.
In the following, is there an implied criticism of capitalism by the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ?

China, the top emitter of greenhouse gases, is also the country that’s “doing it right” when it comes to addressing global warming, the United Nations’ chief climate official said.

She then offers some examples but later in the article, there's this,

China is also able to implement policies because its political system avoids some of the legislative hurdles seen in countries including the U.S., Figueres said.
Chris Turney and his 51 warmists still believes in GLOBAL WARMING even though are RED FACED about getting stuck in pack ice......They all arrived back in Hobart today....I'll bet the they are hoping the Earth will open up and swallow them before the media start talking to them.

The link below is how this epic event unfolded and Turney was the major factor in its disaster.....Had he followed the instructions of the Captain of the Russian ship, he would have saved the Australian tax payers some $1.8 to $2.4 million.

It is worthy to note Turney is the founder and Director of "CARBONSCAPE" which is method of capturing Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere......Perhaps this is why he is determined to prove GLOBAL WARMING is man made.....He intends to make money out of his invention.

BTW.....Tim Flannery is also a director of Carbonscape......nuff said.
One big winner, if global warming occurred, would be Greenland and the world's supply of rare earth minerals. It's there but we can't get to a lot of it as it is stuck under 2km of ice.

I wonder how the rest of the world would look if the 2 klm of ice on Greenland melted? :eek:

If Greenland goes I believe the equivalent sea level rise is around 7 metres.
The link below is how this epic event unfolded and Turney was the major factor in its disaster.....Had he followed the instructions of the Captain of the Russian ship, he would have saved the Australian tax payers some $1.8 to $2.4 million.

It is worthy to note Turney is the founder and Director of "CARBONSCAPE" which is method of capturing Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere......Perhaps this is why he is determined to prove GLOBAL WARMING is man made.....He intends to make money out of his invention.

BTW.....Tim Flannery is also a director of Carbonscape......nuff said.

This sounded to rude to be true so I checked, Yep ! there they both are

Can you imagine the screams from the ABC and twitterati if the roll was reversed, the silence about this obvious conflict of interest is further proof of the "faux hysteria" being generated and the chicken little mania is simply a con.
It is worthy to note Turney is the founder and Director of "CARBONSCAPE" which is method of capturing Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere......Perhaps this is why he is determined to prove GLOBAL WARMING is man made.....He intends to make money out of his invention.

BTW.....Tim Flannery is also a director of Carbonscape......nuff said.


Interesting isn't it ? Every scientist with any integrity acknowledges that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that the extra volume we put into the atmosphere is causing global warming.

Even climate skeptics acknowledge that CO2 is contributing to global warming. (Their argument is that sensitivity levels of Co2 are not as high as all the other climate scientists are suggesting.

So Chris Turney decides to take practical steps to develop technology that will pull CO2 out of the atmosphere.

And in response to that you Noco and your friends who deride him for his efforts.:banghead:

Just xxxxxxxx shameful.:mad:
Well basilio, if GW activists keep travelling about in motorcades and private jets, who knows?

BTW, Ive just thrown all my Neil Young albums in the bin. Who'da think he would turn out to be the worlds biggest antiscience hypocrite?

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BTW,the question wad rhetorical ;-)
Interesting isn't it ? Every scientist with any integrity acknowledges that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that the extra volume we put into the atmosphere is causing global warming.

Even climate skeptics acknowledge that CO2 is contributing to global warming. (Their argument is that sensitivity levels of Co2 are not as high as all the other climate scientists are suggesting.

So Chris Turney decides to take practical steps to develop technology that will pull CO2 out of the atmosphere.

And in response to that you Noco and your friends who deride him for his efforts.:banghead:

Just xxxxxxxx shameful.:mad:

I don't care what enterprise people want to speculate in using their own resources, this thread is about the hysteria generated by the concerted efforts of those with their snout in the trough.

Turney and Flannery have got their arm in the cookie jar, just like Gore and the gullible media continue to act as a cheer squad when they should be exposing the conflict of interest.

The ABC is very quick to highlight any conflict of interest by a pollie and these guys are getting way more funding from us the tax payers, yet no mention of it, wonder why :(
Macca, it would be interesting if basilio is honest enough to declare hi own vested commercial interests.

It would certainly contextualize this a bit here.

Over to you bas;-)
So this thread is no longer about climate science is it ?

(Never was of course. It was just an excuse to bash all research which suggested we are heading into disaster as a result of human produced CO2)

As for my "commercial interest" ? Yeah they are mine. In this thread they'll stay mine thank you. But on a general note I think it makes far more sense to invest in constructive industries that improve the quality of life and the environment rather than trash it.
So this thread is no longer about climate science is it ?

(Never was of course. It was just an excuse to bash all research which suggested we are heading into disaster as a result of human produced CO2)

As for my "commercial interest" ? Yeah they are mine. In this thread they'll stay mine thank you. But on a general note I think it makes far more sense to invest in constructive industries that improve the quality of life and the environment rather than trash it.

Sounds like another Y2K beat up to me? Global warming has become climate science and I am betting this stance will soften to "eco friendly green theme productivity education" in the very near future.

"But on a general note I think it makes far more sense to invest in constructive industries that improve the quality of life and the environment rather than trash it"

This is the most sensible thing I have read on this thread thus far. Here are a few more tips to chow down on:-
You are wrong once again basilio.

This thread is about exposing the junk science element of the agw hypothesis and the "snout in the trough" Orwellian dystopian villains who promulgate said nonsense; self-aggrandizing narcissists like Hansen, Mann, Romm, et al ad nauseum.

That's what this thread is about, exposing dishonourable vested interests whose income depends on keeping people frightened, just like the clergy of the dark ages.

Real science is actually embraced here, that is science that is derived from uncooked (pardon the pun) data and observation... that is, apart from folks such as yourself whose business relies on junk science.