Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

That's good advice. They can then at least be happy for the next few weeks.

He might have to go back for more if the smack in the mouth from the following poll is replicated at the election.

+1 Doc. I would like see them both get a smack in the teeth wit a base ball bat. I am sure that would take away their perky smiles.

BTW Doc, do you have the lastest boat arrival figures for the week?
Oh by the way, what was holding the dollar and interest rates up then?

How come the dollar has only dropped, since the RBA dropped rates?

Also it has dropped against NZ, which isn't a major economy on a global scale.

Probably starting to drift, it all sounds like KRudd spin to me.:xyxthumbs

My post wasn't well worded, the RBA is dropping rates yes in part to help a flagging eastern sea board economy but its major concern is dropping the AUD so manufacturing can at least have a chance and to slow the inflow of goods attractive to local consumers. Manufacturing is where the RBA wants to see jobs increase not drop off.

The AUD rise is due to a number of reasons, one being the pursuit of yield by foreign investors in pretty much a safe haven.

But regardless no political policy by either party has an immediate or even midterm influence on interest rates, Howards claim interest rates would always be lower under a Coalition government was and always will be complete hubris.
Beattie is an absolute joke but like Anna Bligh people seem to fall for those toothing smiles. Of course Beattie was extremely clever in admitting his mistakes by saying he would fix it. Like Rudd he is all talk and no action and just continued to faulter with every thing he touched.
Indeed. Watching and listening to him on 7.30 last night, he reminded us how well he does the mea culpa - remorseful smile, synthetic embarrassment, hands outstretched in supplication.

He attempted to paint Mr Rudd as a person of courage because he was 'man enough' to reach out to him, Beattie, who of course was decent enough to accept the olive branch. Not for any personal aggrandisement, mind you. Definitely not. Just in the interests of avoiding wall to wall Liberal governments.

It will be just what he deserves if loses.

If Rudd has really contacted Julia Gillard and asked her to campaign for him, I can't think of anything more insensitive. I doubt she'd be silly enough.

No matter what Beattie thinks of Rudd, and voicey verser, the ALP are well
ahead at present
Basis for this assertion?????
BTW Doc, do you have the lastest boat arrival figures for the week?
I haven't for a while as I was away from the forum for a bit over a week.

In relation to recent numbers, the SMH ran the following story yesterday,

Boat arrivals have been down about a quarter since Mr Rudd announced the PNG plan. But that includes a massive spike in the week after the plan was announced, with about 1250 arrivals in those seven days, including six boats with nearly 500 passengers in one day.

The following week there were fewer than 400 arrivals and in the six days since then there have been about 360 arrivals.

That equates to about 2000 since Kevin Rudd's PNG announcement. While we have seen a reduction in the past two weeks to around 400 per week (according to the above figures), this still equates to over 20000 per year which is more than what arrived in all of 2012.

Julie Bishop has also made some interesting comments a couple of nights ago on Lateline in relation to the detail of the PNG agreement. This is linked in the asylum seeker thread.

I'll do another weekly update to the end of Friday either over the weekend or early next week when I'm confident all the announcements for boat arrivals for the week to Friday are all on Jason Clare's site. There can sometimes be a delay of a few days between arrival and announcement.

I reckon with Rudd and Beattie, two of the greatest bull**** artists in Australian political history, and the skew bell-curved IQ and dependence on handouts of the undecided voters, the latter will be swayed by spin and a circus to vote ALP.

I am encouraging my ALP mates to spend more time drinking and less campaigning, to prepare for the inevitable victory of the ALP, albeit in a hung parliament.

Here’s something for Rudd and anyone else who is critical of Abbot’s plan to tow back the boats.

Pity we can’t bring back Downer, Howard, Costello and some others who gave us such stable and competent government. But never mind, many of the current opposition served in the Howard government, so if they win the election we can expect them to bring back the same common sense, competent government that characterized the Howard years.
Here’s something for Rudd and anyone else who is critical of Abbot’s plan to tow back the boats.

Pity we can’t bring back Downer, Howard, Costello and some others who gave us such stable and competent government. But never mind, many of the current opposition served in the Howard government, so if they win the election we can expect them to bring back the same common sense, competent government that characterized the Howard years.
Alexander Downer had it right. Indonesia must be laughing themselves silly at how they can manipulate Australia under Rudd/Gillard/Rudd.
Here’s another one for Kevin Rudd and anyone fool enough to think that this incompetent moron deserves another term in office.

+ 1. I can vouch for for what David is saying. I did business with PNG and the Torres Shire Council for 20 odd years. I had 240 air flights around PNG over 18 years. I know the PNG culture well and there is no way middle East refugees will stay in PNG. They would not be able to blend into the PNG culture. All it will be is a stepping stone to the Torres Straight Island. As David said, Horn Island is not an international airport and anybody can just board an air craft there and fly to Sydney. No Immigration checks required. I would love to know how many illegal PNG Nationals are now living in Australia.

You see there are PNG Nationals crossing over every week for medical attention and it has been going on for years.. Rudd knows it too.
My post wasn't well worded, the RBA is dropping rates yes in part to help a flagging eastern sea board economy but its major concern is dropping the AUD so manufacturing can at least have a chance and to slow the inflow of goods attractive to local consumers. Manufacturing is where the RBA wants to see jobs increase not drop off..

Manufacturing is already stuffed, there has been massive loss since Labor have been in.
Whether this loss has been solely due to the high dollar is debatable, poor government policy and policy implimentation has contributed greatly.
Just the other week Rudds changes of the car leasing system was add hock as usual, apparently they didn't even model the effect on car sales.
From reports I've read, the RBA is banking on the housing and commercial construction, to save the day. To me it seems they are pouring petrol on a fire.
What's happening in Europe isn't affecting our interest rates.IMO

The AUD rise is due to a number of reasons, one being the pursuit of yield by foreign investors in pretty much a safe haven. .

But regardless no political policy by either party has an immediate or even midterm influence on interest rates, Howards claim interest rates would always be lower under a Coalition government was and always will be complete hubris.

Of course political policy has an effect on interest rates.
Interest rates are used to stimulate or dampen public spending. If the government federal and state increase taxes, this reduces disposable income which dampens demand.
If the government bring in policy that makes people less confident about their position, be that financial or tenure of employment, that dampens spending.
This is the problem the reserve bank has, people aren't spending, so the RBA is dropping interest rates. Otherwise there will be more businesses shutting down and more unemployment.

The interst rate claim just shows how much of a dick Rudd is.
He is using the fact, that he has stuffed the economy so much, that drastic and unhealthy low interest rates are required.
Then somehow he tries to make out it is an achievement, he's one sick puppy.IMO
If the betting odds are any guide, The Coalition has got it's nose a bit further in front during the first week of the campaign.

Sportsbet has the Coalition at $1.21 and Labor at $4.50. A few days ago it was $1.25/$4.00 or thereabouts.
The latest Fairfax-Nielsen poll has 2PP at 52%/48% in favour of the Coalition.

A number of other personal ratings are also on the improve for Tony Abbott relative to Kevin Rudd.

Exactly the same as happened to Gillard, as soon as the election date was announced, Labors rating started sliding.

As we've said before, people have already made their minds up, now they are just waiting to get it over with.:D
Exactly the same as happened to Gillard, as soon as the election date was announced, Labors rating started sliding.
The ABC article linked above doesn't mention it directly, but Kevin Rudd's rating as preferred prime minister has fallen 5%. (ABC radio news).
Thinking across the parties, who are the people you most want to see gone and why?

Mine are:
Kevin Rudd for being the archetype of insincerity, narcissism, and without any apparent conscience, given his multiple positions on everything. Most recently for his utterly deceptive scare campaign holding a jar of Vegemite, where he is asserting - with absolutely no basis - that the Coalition will raise the GST.

Doug Cameron because he typifies all that represents the Union movement at its worst. Plus I can't stand his accent. (Yes, I know that's a shallow reason.)

Penny Wong because she proclaims herself to be highly principled but when it came to the crunch, she chose self interest in terms of political survival over loyalty to the sisterhood as it related to Julia Gillard, even though she had mightily criticised Rudd in the past.
(NB I'm not especially for the dreaded sisterhood, but if you're going to espouse it in one breath, you can't go dumping it in the next.)

Sarah Hanson-Young because if I hear her say 'vulnerable people' once more I will do her in. Because she so utterly ignores any pragmatic or rational considerations, and just wants to open our borders to everyone who feels disposed to live a life on social security courtesy the Australian taxpayer, one of whose ranks they have no desire to be.

Chris Bowen Sad to say this because when he had the Immigration p/f I saw him as a decent person hampered by the restrictions of his role. Since he has become Treasurer, however, he has much more freedom to express what he really believes, and has shown himself to be yet another tedious mouthpiece for the government.

People I hope will be re-elected:

Tony Abbott as PM. Hopefully he will surprise us with his competence. Cannot possibly be worse than what we have endured over the last six years.

Nick Xenophon. Seems to actually have some principles. Hallelujah!.

Joe Hockey. Seems to be growing in confidence and competence.

Andrew Wilkie. Essentially because the option seems to be him or a Labor candidate. Also because he has seemed to have done his best to stick to his principles, even if not always successfully.

In a perfect world, I'd bring back John Howard, Alexander Downer, Peter Costello. If they were actually in the running now, Rudd wouldn't even have the temerity to put up his hand.

What are your choices?
Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong are the two that stand out for me, for the same reasons you mentioned, Julia. I also find Penny Wong very vicious in her approach.
They are both as bad as each other.

I like Doug Camerons accent, but I do see why you dislike him, he has a very strong personality.

I would like to see Tony Abbott as PM, I think he will do well, and we need the Coalition to get this country back on track.

Also agree that Joe Hockey has grown alot of confidence
I am not going to waste my time formulating a reply to Julia's post, as it pretty much sums up my position exactly.


I so very much prefer the politicians of both parties from 10-20 years back. So much more talent back then. It has really been going downhill since then.
I am not going to waste my time formulating a reply to Julia's post, as it pretty much sums up my position exactly.


I so very much prefer the politicians of both parties from 10-20 years back. So much more talent back then. It has really been going downhill since then.

Politics has become a media event along the lines of Big Brother, I hope some time down the track it changes but I doubt it.