Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

To those who are distraught about the stand taken by the Murdoch media, maybe try to remember that it's a private company which is absolutely entitled to publish whatever it likes.
Rupert Murdoch seems to have decided, along with many, many Australians and people outside of Australia, that the Labor government has set this great country back hugely, and as a result they are pretty obviously going to campaign hard for a change. Ditto other private organisations like 2GB et al.
That's their right. If people don't want to read or hear what they're offering, then they simply won't buy their papers or listen to their radio stations.

It's a whole different situation from the taxpayer funded ABC which is still allowed to get away with outrageously biased presentations in some of its outlets.

Agree, Julia.

After six years, if Labor doesnt know what they are doing, be it, the new way or the lost way, time to move out.
Our country cant afford this.
They were lucky they had money in the coffers to start with otherwise God knows how big our debt would be.

I noticed Tasmania has taken to the Coalition, after 8% unemployment and rising.

The public are waking up to this farce.
It did not take long for voters to take the shine off Kevin Rudd which the link indicates.

People have become tired of the old boring Labor rhetoric..........coalititon negativity.......$70 billion black hold (mind you that was 3 yeras ago)..............the coalitions three word slogan..........the coalitions slash and burn.

But upon listening to variuos Labor Party interviews by the media they all have their lines written for them by the Kevin with emphasis on.....THE FUTURE........A NEW WAY......AND WHERE WILL THE COALITION FIND THE MONEY.

I watched Kim Carr being interviewed on Sky News and he mentioned...........THE FUTURE 10 times and ........WHERE IS THE MONEY COMING FROM........ 5 times in about 6 minutes flat.
I'm yet to hear either party mention the fact that Howard and Rudd pretty much gave away all the ToT boom in tax cuts and increases in middle class welfare. So little of it was actually put towards increasing the productivity and efficiency of the country.

Now the ToT has turned negative, real income growth has stalled and soon to turn negative, real GDP growth has stalled and will start to turn negative, per capita GDP growth has been negative for at least the last few qtrs, where does the money come from? There wont be another private sector debt binge producing 8% annual growth in GST revenue and historically high business tax and CGT. We're already at historical highs of 150%+ of debt to income. Australia has barely deleveraged since the GFC.

How about cutting $20B of wasteful spending and pump that into infrastructure that will generate some economic returns for the country, maybe even gearing up that money to really start whittling away at the infrastructure deficit we have. Borrowing money to build an asset that is designed to pay itself off should be welcomed.

Why can't we have public toll roads designed to break even over a 30 year period, instead of the 20% rates of return the private sector needs?

Considering the mining investment cliff will cut around 2% pa off GDP for the next 3 years I'd say the engineering firms are probably pretty desperate about now, so the Govt should in theory be able to get pretty keen pricing for any construction work under taken.

Too big a spike in unemployment and underemployment and I fear the near 300% of private debt to GDP will become difficult to service. How that plays out for a country with a nation of negatively geared landlords I don't know, but I can't see it being good for house prices, though it may be beneficial to first home buyers if they're luck enough to be employed.
I watched Kim Carr being interviewed on Sky News and he mentioned...........THE FUTURE 10 times and ........WHERE IS THE MONEY COMING FROM........ 5 times in about 6 minutes flat.

There are going to be a few phrases, probably on both sides, which will drive us nuts.
The one that's already getting to me is "because it's the right thing to do". Grr!
There are going to be a few phrases, probably on both sides, which will drive us nuts.
The one that's already getting to me is "because it's the right thing to do". Grr!

There's only one "right thing to do" come polling that Mob OUT!! :bbat:
(Spoken and authorized by aussiejeff on behalf of the Aussiejeff For President Party)
I'm yet to hear either party mention the fact that Howard and Rudd pretty much gave away all the ToT boom in tax cuts and increases in middle class welfare. So little of it was actually put towards increasing the productivity and efficiency of the country.

Now the ToT has turned negative, real income growth has stalled and soon to turn negative, real GDP growth has stalled and will start to turn negative, per capita GDP growth has been negative for at least the last few qtrs, where does the money come from? There wont be another private sector debt binge producing 8% annual growth in GST revenue and historically high business tax and CGT. We're already at historical highs of 150%+ of debt to income. Australia has barely deleveraged since the GFC.

How about cutting $20B of wasteful spending and pump that into infrastructure that will generate some economic returns for the country, maybe even gearing up that money to really start whittling away at the infrastructure deficit we have. Borrowing money to build an asset that is designed to pay itself off should be welcomed.

Why can't we have public toll roads designed to break even over a 30 year period, instead of the 20% rates of return the private sector needs?

Considering the mining investment cliff will cut around 2% pa off GDP for the next 3 years I'd say the engineering firms are probably pretty desperate about now, so the Govt should in theory be able to get pretty keen pricing for any construction work under taken.

Too big a spike in unemployment and underemployment and I fear the near 300% of private debt to GDP will become difficult to service. How that plays out for a country with a nation of negatively geared landlords I don't know, but I can't see it being good for house prices, though it may be beneficial to first home buyers if they're luck enough to be employed.

Agree 100% and on top of it they are talking about another heap of spending on out of school care.
That will help with the babysitting, while couples are working, to pay stupid prices for houses.
More boats, more debt and more taxes.

At least now we finally have a firm date on when before we can boot Labor from office.

Where do I get the Liberal balloons ? :D
I would like to see all voters read the comments made by Henry Ergas and Judith Sloan about Kevin Rudd who once said he was a fiscal conservative. Read this before voting.

I received a cartoon today showing two tailban line up Kevin Rudd in the cross hairs of their rifle. One called to the other............"Stop wait!!!!!!!!!!.....This indifel is of use to us....... He is destroying their democracy and economy for us".

Can we really afford another 3 years of hard labour (Labor).
Well I'm glad the election is to be sooner rather than later but am baffled as to why Rudd has chosen 7th September :confused: If he was going to change the date it would have been better to move it to either before or after the footy finals :banghead:
Well I'm glad the election is to be sooner rather than later but am baffled as to why Rudd has chosen 7th September :confused: If he was going to change the date it would have been better to move it to either before or after the footy finals :banghead:

Rudd selected the 7th September so he could strut around the G20 meeting on the 5/6th September in Russia to big note himself with world leaders. That is why he selected the 7th. I am sure he would liked to have gone earlier while his popularity was high but Rudd is like a peacock who likes to show off his feathers and that may well be his undoing.

He could have waited until as late as 21th September but by then his popularity would have dwindled even more.
Anyone see Joe Hockey's interview with Leigh Sales oon 7.30 this evening?
Relentless questioning from Sales, which is fair enough. Imo Joe Hockey has grown enormously.
Gone is the ineffectual buffoon. Tonight he was confident, self assured and credible imo.

I'm sure the Labor disciples will view it differently.
Rudd selected the 7th September so he could strut around the G20 meeting on the 5/6th September in Russia to big note himself with world leaders. That is why he selected the 7th. I am sure he would liked to have gone earlier while his popularity was high but Rudd is like a peacock who likes to show off his feathers and that may well be his undoing.

He could have waited until as late as 21th September but by then his popularity would have dwindled even more.

Surely he is not going to be at the G20 meeting on the other side of the world the two days before the election leaving the field clear for Abbott to do all the last minute baby kissing, that would be political suicide!

What about the month of October, or November or December etc. etc. Believe me, having an election during footy finals in Victoria is annoying a lot of people.
Surely he is not going to be at the G20 meeting on the other side of the world the two days before the election leaving the field clear for Abbott to do all the last minute baby kissing, that would be political suicide!

What about the month of October, or November or December etc. etc. Believe me, having an election during footy finals in Victoria is annoying a lot of people.

If he had called an election after the 21st September, then he would have had to recall parliament under the constitution rules and I am sure he would not want that under any circumstances.

If Rudd delayed the call until October or November, his popularity would have plumited even further.
Then he should have acted sooner and had it in August or just left it at the 14th of September. Just seems weird to bring it forward a week :confused:
I would like to see all voters read the comments made by Henry Ergas and Judith Sloan about Kevin Rudd who once said he was a fiscal conservative. Read this before voting.

I received a cartoon today showing two tailban line up Kevin Rudd in the cross hairs of their rifle. One called to the other............"Stop wait!!!!!!!!!!.....This indifel is of use to us....... He is destroying their democracy and economy for us".

Can we really afford another 3 years of hard labour (Labor).

Peter Costello explains Rudds talents as a show pony. Rudd is very clever in deed but the average "Joe Blow" have the ability to see right through his tactics.
Then he should have acted sooner and had it in August or just left it at the 14th of September. Just seems weird to bring it forward a week :confused:

Rudd is only clever by half. He called the election on the 7th so he could mingle with the worlds greats before he is put out of office. The 5/6th of September G20 meeting is irrelevant for Rudd as by that time voters would have made up their minds which way they would want to vote any way.

It has been a long ambition of Rudd to either be nominated for a seat on the UN or better still to become the UN Secretary General and the way to do it is to try and become popular with world leaders. When he was "KNIFED IN THE BACK" by Juliar Gillard in 2010, he demamded the position of foreign Minister so he could strut around the world to visit every counrty he could. At the time Banki-Ki-Moon was to have retired at the end of 2012 and Rudd needed 18 months to establish himself, however Ki-Moon applied for another 5 years as UN Secretary General which ended Rudds endeavour to replace Ki-Moon untill December 2017. Ki-Moon, who is a south Korean, was an unknown quantity in 2005 but he struted the world for 18 months to become popular among world leaders and became successful in 2007. Rudd has mirrored his strategy.

It is only my own opinion, and most will probably disagree with me, but I have always believed the replacement of Rudd with Juliar Gillard in 2010 was engineered to release Rudd to become foreign Minister in 2010 to establish himself for the UN Secretay General's job at the end of 2012. He would not have been able to take up such a position while being Prime Minister but everything went 'belly up' and Rudd was the loser on both counts; as Prime Minister and as UN Secretary General. But things went from bad to worse as Gillard established herself with the Labor Party leadership and the rest is history.
Agree 100% and on top of it they are talking about another heap of spending on out of school care.
That will help with the babysitting, while couples are working, to pay stupid prices for houses.

Yes, I think Syd has written a great post.

Since 2000, there has been a massive run of $$$ from mining etc into housing etc. I think the worst thing was the cutting of marginal rates, and introduction of middle class welfare.

Then Labor came along and just blew even more money.

I think Australia needs a correction, and some miraculous leader who stops middle class welfare and offers incentives for people to work harder and smarter, not less.

This is one interview I should imagin David Bradury (assiatant Treasurer) would rather forget. I believe the pressure is starting take its toll on Bradbury who is normally a cool character.

I also read in yesterday's Courier Mail whereby Anna Bourke ( the parliamentry speaker) has wondered why she ever joined the Labor Party in the first place with the adverse events that have taken place in the Labor Party.