Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

2 December 2005
:mad: Off shore -now not on .

Get ready for the next invasion of economic refuges.
The cost will be immense both monetary & socially.

Bobby said:
:mad: Off shore -now not on .

Get ready for the next invasion of economic refuges.
The cost will be immense both monetary & socially.


Well if u cant take the heat get outta the kitchen. Rather get the hell out of Australia wont you. I am sick of you alarmist wimps whinging.
Oh dear. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is well... Ignorance.

Asylum seekers are not economic refugees.

Under the 1951 Geneva Convention for Asylum Seekers "an asylum seeker" is someone who has a well founded fear (which they have to be able to prove to the satisfaction of ther potential host government) of persecution because of their race, their religion, their nationality, their political beliefs, or by being a member of a social grouping (Gays of wives/women at risk)

AS the bulk of these are fleeing because they have been trying to oppose the existing regimes in their home countries they are probably Darwins fittest of the species. They are certainly those with get up and go.

Is this why so many mediocre Australians are frightened of them???
rubicon said:
Oh dear. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is well... Ignorance.

Asylum seekers are not economic refugees.

Under the 1951 Geneva Convention for Asylum Seekers "an asylum seeker" is someone who has a well founded fear (which they have to be able to prove to the satisfaction of ther potential host government) of persecution because of their race, their religion, their nationality, their political beliefs, or by being a member of a social grouping (Gays of wives/women at risk)

AS the bulk of these are fleeing because they have been trying to oppose the existing regimes in their home countries they are probably Darwins fittest of the species. They are certainly those with get up and go.

Is this why so many mediocre Australians are frightened of them???

People are not so frightened of asylum seekers as they are of those who are illegal immigrants and those who arrive and it is not possible to work out which country they come from.
I'm sure most will agree that to give genuine asylum seekers a chance to carry on a normal, productive life is a moral responsibility, but it's a short step from the sublime to the ridiculous.

I moved to Brissy from London nearly 3 years ago because I didn't want to bring my kids up in a place that was rapidly being over-run by economic migrants, spongers and downright criminals who's first and last words of English are 'Asylum' and 'Benefit'.

London is rapidly going down the pan because of a combination of ridiculous European legislation that opened the floodgates, and the fact that it is just plain bloody difficult to tell who is genuine and who is a crook.

I'm proud to have become an Australian citizen last week, and I would hate to see this fantastic country fall into the same trap. Better to be conservative with the nations compassion and go to whatever lengths are necessary to ensure the right people are getting the help they need, than to risk the whole country suffering because a few politicians don't want to be criticised for being harsh.
Bloveld said:
Well if u cant take the heat get outta the kitchen. Rather get the hell out of Australia wont you. I am sick of you alarmist wimps whinging.

Cultural cowards!


We have a right to stick up for what we have.
I'm sure most will agree that to give genuine asylum seekers a chance to carry on a normal, productive life is a moral responsibility, but it's a short step from the sublime to the ridiculous.

I moved to Brissy from London nearly 3 years ago because I didn't want to bring my kids up in a place that was rapidly being over-run by economic migrants, spongers and downright criminals who's first and last words of English are 'Asylum' and 'Benefit'.

London is rapidly going down the pan because of a combination of ridiculous European legislation that opened the floodgates, and the fact that it is just plain bloody difficult to tell who is genuine and who is a crook.

I'm proud to have become an Australian citizen last week, and I would hate to see this fantastic country fall into the same trap. Better to be conservative with the nations compassion and go to whatever lengths are necessary to ensure the right people are getting the help they need, than to risk the whole country suffering because a few politicians don't want to be criticised for being harsh.


A real worthwhile dummy spit - read this with honour.
This letter should be "a must read" by every politician and in every school in Australia
Why don't the politicians take letters like this to heart ----- Original This is very well said.
A Letter to the Editor (excellent letter)

So many letter writers have explained how this land is made up of immigrants. Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people why today's Australian is not willing to accept the new kind of immigrant any longer.

Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to Australia, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in Sydney and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new Australian households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home. They had waved good bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture.

Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labour laws to protect them. All they had were the skills, craftsmanship and desire they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity.

Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. Australians fought along side men whose parents had come straight over from Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Sweden, Poland and so many other places. None of these first generation Australians ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Australians fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan. They were defending the Freedom as one people. When we liberated France, no-one in those villages was looking for the Ukrainian-Australian or the German-Australian or the Irish-Australian. The people of France saw only Australians.

And we carried one flag that represented our country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an Australian.

And here we are in 2010 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges. Only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules, one that includes an Australian passport and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being an Australian is all about. Australians have been very open-hearted and open-minded regarding immigrants, whether they were fleeing poverty, dictatorship, persecution, or whatever else makes us think of those aforementioned immigrants who truly did ADOPT our country, and our flag and our morals and our customs. And left their wars, hatred, and divisions behind. I believe that the immigrants who landed in Australia in the early 1900s deserve better than that for the toil, hard work and sacrifice those legally searching for a better life. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags, fighting foreign battles on our soil, making Australians change to suit their religions and cultures, and wanting to change our country’s fabric by claiming discrimination when we do not give in to their demands.

Its about time we get real and stand up for our forefathers rights, we are AUSTRALIANS! Lest we forget it!!! I am a Native of this Country & proud of it! Join our country, join our culture, join our beliefs, join our schools, our armies, and join the line in giving not just taking the hand outs. If you are from another religion and don’t like ours, then go live yours somewhere else. If you are not happy with our rules and our culture, go live yours somewhere else. If you don’t like our lifestyle and our opinions, go live yours somewhere else. Stand up mates, lets tell ‘em straight. Australia for Aussies, join us, when you are dumping your own country, dump your trash there with it - come here and be one of us. We don’t need you, you need us, join in or p--s off.

NO MORE not saying CHRISTMAS in stores and our schools,
Seasonal Holiday be dammed!!!

I Want MY AUSTRALIA of birth BACK !!!

P. S. -- Please pass this on to everyone you know!!!
KEEP THIS LETTER MOVING!! Hope this letter is read by millions of people all across AUSTRALIA
Thank you, noco;
I have lifted the letter and sent it to my friends - with a personal intro I'd like to share:

Can’t tell where this letter had been first published; I found it blogged on a website that I sometimes visit for other topics.

But I do find it worth passing along to you: it’s resounding in my heart, although I was not born in this land.
We arrived in 1983 – with exactly the same attitude as the writer ascribes to those that came pre-WW I. We attended (advanced) English classes to adapt more easily. We took the first opportunity to apply for Citizenship, although it meant handing back our German passports with the application. Technically, we were “state-less” while being processed.

We decided NOT to join Rhine-Donau Clubs or similar associations that would have perpetuated a different ethnicity: an element of the past that we don't deny, not even regret - how could we? But we feel it is totally irrelevant to our now being Australian.

Instead, I was proud as Punch when I was invited to front a Bush band as their fiddler. That, and being invited to play the National Anthem at the Bicentennial Australia Day in Karratha, meant more to me than any job promotion.
Get ready for the next invasion of economic refuges.
The cost will be immense both monetary & socially.
The "stop the boats" mantra of both governments, combined with offshore processing, is actually the most expensive solution.

I dare say even if all 6,000 in detention are granted asylum, the number is so small it wont make a difference to overall Australian "culture" (whatever that is these days).

It must be awful to live in a state of perpetual fear.
The "stop the boats" mantra of both governments, combined with offshore processing, is actually the most expensive solution.

I dare say even if all 6,000 in detention are granted asylum, the number is so small it wont make a difference to overall Australian "culture" (whatever that is these days).

It must be awful to live in a state of perpetual fear.

The point is Mofra, they are entering Australia illegally. These asylim seekers destroy their passports and other identification so as not to be traced back to their place of origin. WHY? Is it not possible they could be criminals fleeing their own country or even terrorist?
The young males pretend to be teenagers; they all say they were born on the 31 December 1993. They are nothing more than rich queue jumpers, denying genuine refugees the opportunity to resettle. They should be sent packing back to Indonesia.
The point is Mofra, they are entering Australia illegally. These asylim seekers destroy their passports and other identification so as not to be traced back to their place of origin. WHY? Is it not possible they could be criminals fleeing their own country or even terrorist?
The young males pretend to be teenagers; they all say they were born on the 31 .December 1993. They are nothing more than rich queue jumpers, denying genuine refugees the opportunity to resettle. They should be sent packing back to Indonesia.
Well what do we have here, good old fashioned Australian jingoism, fear mongering and ignorant stererotyping masquerading as reasonable dialogue. And what of the thousands of vistors who over stay their visas, more criminals and terrorists no doubt (you forgot to demonize them to during your Aussie pride rant).

Ah those "rich queue jumpers" (as if there ever was a queue), the vast majority of whom hoc everything they own and risk their lives to escape living conditions that you know nothing of and are unsympathetic toward while living in your little island cocoon.

Would it surprise you to learn that the majority of those interned through the "pacific island solution" were eventually granted refugee status?

Any chance you're also in favor of a return to the white Australia policy, after all only WASPs really deserve to live here eh mate? Get a conscience and lose the hate filled jingoistic rhetoric that underlies everything you've said here.
Well what do we have here, good old fashioned Australian jingoism, fear mongering and ignorant stererotyping masquerading as reasonable dialogue. And what of the thousands of vistors who over stay their visas, more criminals and terrorists no doubt (you forgot to demonize them to during your Aussie pride rant).

Ah those "rich queue jumpers" (as if there ever was a queue), the vast majority of whom hoc everything they own and risk their lives to escape living conditions that you know nothing of and are unsympathetic toward while living in your little island cocoon.

Would it surprise you to learn that the majority of those interned through the "pacific island solution" were eventually granted refugee status?

Any chance you're also in favor of a return to the white Australia policy, after all only WASPs really deserve to live here eh mate? Get a conscience and lose the hate filled jingoistic rhetoric that underlies everything you've said here.

Woooo, I love the put down comments: "good old fashioned Australian jingoism, fear mongering and ignorant stereotyping masquerading as reasonable dialogue".

I can't see anything wrong with the statements by noco, which I would say are considered comments which are probably true.

Your statement that "the majority of those interned through "the Pacific Island Solution" were eventually granted refugee status is really of no import in this debate because the main point of difference with the Liberal and Labor approaches to this issue if that the Liberal policy STOPPED THE BOATS FROM COMING - 129 boats so far in 2010 carrying 6232 people!
I can't see anything wrong with the statements by noco, which I would say are considered comments which are probably true.
Well if you "can't see anything wrong" with the blatant fascist nationalism, fear mongering, aussie pride jingoistic drivel and barely concealed hatred of disadvantaged, desperate people engendered in noco's rant then welcome to the red neck brigade here.

... the Liberal policy STOPPED THE BOATS FROM COMING - 129 boats so far in 2010 carrying 6232 people!
Wow, 6,232 people! Dear god we're being overrun, bring on the gunships and lock them up in prison camps, that'll teach em eh mate. Make their already miserable lives even worse and show them just how inhumane we can really be, that's the answer. Using largely desperate, tramatized and victimized people as political fodder is just dispicable, contemptible conduct and you should be ashamed for buying into it.
Well if you "can't see anything wrong" with the blatant fascist nationalism, fear mongering, aussie pride jingoistic drivel and barely concealed hatred of disadvantaged, desperate people engendered in noco's rant then welcome to the red neck brigade here.

Wow, 6,232 people! Dear god we're being overrun, bring on the gunships and lock them up in prison camps, that'll teach em eh mate. Make their already miserable lives even worse and show them just how inhumane we can really be, that's the answer. Using largely desperate, tramatized and victimized people as political fodder is just dispicable, contemptible conduct and you should be ashamed for buying into it.

Wow! Sounds like you have a strong grip on the status of refugees trying to enter our country FX. I would think there are many on this forum that have great compassion for genuine refugees fleeing a lifestyle that is probably not all that flash. But I wonder what facts you have at hand that indicate they are "largely desperate, tramatized and victimized people"

I for one would like a system that truly weeds out those that are not genuine and send them back. I would rather my taxes support Australian residents in need of assistance as we clearly don't have a bottomless barrel of money to support every Mohammed, Ahmed & Karim that wants to drop in.
Wow! Sounds like you have a strong grip on the status of refugees trying to enter our country FX. I would think there are many on this forum that have great compassion for genuine refugees fleeing a lifestyle that is probably not all that flash. But I wonder what facts you have at hand that indicate they are "largely desperate, tramatized and victimized people"

I for one would like a system that truly weeds out those that are not genuine and send them back. I would rather my taxes support Australian residents in need of assistance as we clearly don't have a bottomless barrel of money to support every Mohammed, Ahmed & Karim that wants to drop in.

Fx is a typical leftest who is very naive of the basis of all these so called refugees infitrating into every Western Counrty whether by boat or air. There was a link on a previous post explaining the Muslim plot to convert the Western World into an Islamic state. There are some 1 billion Muslims through out the world and the previous post(I will search for it) gave the figures of the Muslim population in various Western Countries. I believe some 80% of refugees come from a Muslim Back ground.
Muslims are setting up there own communities and building their Islamic schools where the Koran is preached 5 times per day. You might say they are moderate now, but these children are being taught that if you are not a Muslim you an infidel and the Koran teaches in a devious way that infidels are not accepted in their society and must be eliminated. I believe we already have a Muslim in parliament.
So beware, watch as the plot thickens.
Fx is a typical leftest who is very naive of the basis of all these so called refugees infitrating into every Western Counrty whether by boat or air. There was a link on a previous post explaining the Muslim plot to convert the Western World into an Islamic state. There are some 1 billion Muslims through out the world and the previous post(I will search for it) gave the figures of the Muslim population in various Western Countries. I believe some 80% of refugees come from a Muslim Back ground.
Muslims are setting up there own communities and building their Islamic schools where the Koran is preached 5 times per day. You might say they are moderate now, but these children are being taught that if you are not a Muslim you an infidel and the Koran teaches in a devious way that infidels are not accepted in their society and must be eliminated. I believe we already have a Muslim in parliament.
So beware, watch as the plot thickens.

The link herewith gives some idea where the 1.5 billion Muslims are domiciled through out the World.
Well what do we have here, good old fashioned Australian jingoism, fear mongering and ignorant stererotyping masquerading as reasonable dialogue. And what of the thousands of vistors who over stay their visas,
Well, they did at least have an entry visa which assumes some sort of checking into their background.

Ah those "rich queue jumpers" (as if there ever was a queue)
We hear this all the time, i.e. "as if there ever was a queue".
There is indeed a queue, FX, and it constitutes those refugees who apply by official channels of UNHCR and have often been waiting patiently in camps , having been approved by UNHCR, only to have their potential places supplanted by those who arrive by boat.

Immigration have candidly admitted that those waiting in the camps, already checked and approved, are being pushed back in the queue as they are forced to first process the boat arrivals.

So perhaps somewhat moderate your criticism of those who want to see orderly migration to this country, rather than calling them jingoistic etc.

, the vast majority of whom hoc everything they own and risk their lives to escape living conditions that you know nothing of and are unsympathetic toward while living in your little island cocoon.
And you don't think those who have applied via official channels, and who are waiting in the camps are in similarly horrible situations?

Would it surprise you to learn that the majority of those interned through the "pacific island solution" were eventually granted refugee status?
That is not the point at issue in this particular discussion where we are discussing who is admitted to Australia and when.

Any chance you're also in favor of a return to the white Australia policy, after all only WASPs really deserve to live here eh mate? Get a conscience and lose the hate filled jingoistic rhetoric that underlies everything you've said here.

That seems to me to be unnecessarily vitriolic in the face of someone who simply sees a situation differently from the way you do. We should be able to have the discussion without the personal insults.