they are self serving twats perpetuating there own agenda for their own ends... usually power or profit... do yourself a favour... dont read bullsh*t propaganda written by self interest groups riding the carbon gravy train.
buy a bloody thermometer, go to your local library archives and check the temperature & weather patterns in the local paper back as far as their archives go and to get an understanding of local temerature fluctuations and weather patterns. hell if youve got time get on the net and do it for areas all around the bloody world! in our area there are definate cycles.. a 10yr & 50yr continuous overlapping cycle at least..
google the 'climategate' leaked emails and have a read of these 'peer reviewed' scientests who push the AGW theory... and thats all it is a see what an absolute self serving "i'll scatch your back if you scratch mine" joke they are! go and read some alternative viewpoints like MITs richard lidzen or australias own geology professor Ian plimer for an alternative viewpoint... believe me ive researched both sides before coming to my conclusion.... HAVE YOU???????????????????????
only sheep follow the leaders bleating blindly without ever questioning it![]()
hey bandicoot, i appreciate your point of view, but as you point out it is quite easy to access information on climate, eg website, and as I posted back a few pages, the data for cap cities in Aus shows a clear warming of around 0.3 degrees average between 1970 averages and 2000 averages. Obviously the big question that remains to be answered is whether this av temp rise is related to atm CO2 increases (325ppm to 370ppm in the same period).
With 2010 about to close, we'll be able to look at the last decade averages shortly, but I imagine given that about 5 of the hottest years on record were in the last 10, you'll be disappointed if you think there's going to be any drop. Even with some cold and wet weather in the last year or two.
Mann's temperature graph may be discredited, but the CO2 levels have definitely increased significantly since 1850 and at a rate faster than any time in history...whether this makes average temps increase is yet to be proven.