Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Media turns on Rudd

I think that those that got shonky work can, in the main, blame themselves for not choosing one of the many good operators. I shopped around for quotes along with checking out those quoting. We should stop looking for "someone else" to blame every time WE stuff up.
That though in isolation ignores the responsibility of government to set up a scheme where shonky operators don't flourish.

As for our economic wellbeing we should be doing OK when money is being thrown around like there is no tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Nobody is perfect, although one could get the impression that some who post here think they are. Rudd is getting the blame for the odd thing going wrong, usually through bureaucratic bungling, but getting no credit for the things that are going right.

"The odd thing going wrong":rolleyes::eek:
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Nobody is perfect, although one could get the impression that some who post here think they are. Rudd is getting the blame for the odd thing going wrong, usually through bureaucratic bungling, but getting no credit for the things that are going right. The main thing going right is the general wellbeing of our economy compared to all others.

I think that those that got shonky work can, in the main, blame themselves for not choosing one of the many good operators. I shopped around for quotes along with checking out those quoting. We should stop looking for "someone else" to blame every time WE stuff up.

But the general wellbeing of our economy is not due to Rudd - we can thank China for that. Every aspect of his stimulus package (which blind freddy knows wasn't needed here) was bungled up. Insulation, unnecessary school halls, wasted cash bribes (majority spent on imports), you name it!

We didn't need stimulus like the other Western nations because of our leverage to China (as we, unlike most other Western economies, still have some form of productive base, albeit a minimal one). Thanks to the panicking of Rudd, Swan & Co, all they have done is built up 20 years of debt in a wild 12 month spending spree. This is a real concern. I shouldn't have to pay for their incompetence.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

The main thing going right is the general wellbeing of our economy compared to all others.

This is the perception that Labor is trumpeting. "Look at us, look at us". Once again it took a teenager on Q&A to silence Lindsay Tanner on this issue. He was boasting of Australia's financial standing compared against the rest of the Western World leading to how well Labor has handled the crisis.

The question/comment from the audience: "Mr Tanner, Australia was best placed financially before the GFC - you have done nothing but maintain that position. It would be a bigger story if Australia WASN'T well placed compared to others".:D

Swan would do well to remember that also.

Re: Media turns on Rudd

Nobody is perfect, although one could get the impression that some who post here think they are. Rudd is getting the blame for the odd thing going wrong, usually through bureaucratic bungling, but getting no credit for the things that are going right. The main thing going right is the general wellbeing of our economy compared to all others.

Problem is we took a lot of CREDIT to buy ourselves this technically No Recession Status.

But the biggest problem is a lot of that money got wasted, but all of it has to be paid back plus interest.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

But the general wellbeing of our economy is not due to Rudd - we can thank China for that. Every aspect of his stimulus package (which blind freddy knows wasn't needed here) was bungled up. Insulation, unnecessary school halls, wasted cash bribes (majority spent on imports), you name it!

We didn't need stimulus like the other Western nations because of our leverage to China (as we, unlike most other Western economies, still have some form of productive base, albeit a minimal one). Thanks to the panicking of Rudd, Swan & Co, all they have done is built up 20 years of debt in a wild 12 month spending spree. This is a real concern. I shouldn't have to pay for their incompetence.
I agree entirely.
It's a further irritation that whenever the government are puffing out their hairy chests in pride about how they saved us from economic annihilation, they don't even give a mention to the Reserve Bank's action in rapidly reducing interest rates.

After wasting all that money on handouts just to stimulate a brief period of retail spending, we will into the future have to live with cutting of essential services as they attempt to bring the accounts back to surplus.:(:(:(

And now more tens of millions of our tax dollars will be spent to reduce the anger (completely justified) of the established insulation firms who will be going out of business unless the government props them up.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

I agree entirely.
It's a further irritation that whenever the government are puffing out their hairy chests in pride about how they saved us from economic annihilation, they don't even give a mention to the Reserve Bank's action in rapidly reducing interest rates.

After wasting all that money on handouts just to stimulate a brief period of retail spending, we will into the future have to live with cutting of essential services as they attempt to bring the accounts back to surplus.:(:(:(

And now more tens of millions of our tax dollars will be spent to reduce the anger (completely justified) of the established insulation firms who will be going out of business unless the government props them up.

Completely true. Check this out Julia:

That chart is a serious worry. There's no way we can get out of this debt! I hope that graph there is pasted all over the newspapers prior to the election.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

A chart can be presented to show what you want it to show.

For example a more realistic view of the Budget surplus/deficits chart would be as a proportion of GDP and over a longer time period.
Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

Does anyone else feel that Kevin07 is doing a great job of degrading the position of Prime Minister...

I mean, who really wants to see Leader of their country on a game show, on a breakfast show each week or for that matter outside of Parliament with a bloody notepad.....

How embarrassing !!
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

Does anyone else feel that Kevin07 is doing a great job of degrading the position of Prime Minister...

I mean, who really wants to see Leader of their country on a game show, on a breakfast show each week or for that matter outside of Parliament with a bloody notepad.....

How embarrassing !!

At last I agree with you about something!
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

Does anyone else feel that Kevin07 is doing a great job of degrading the position of Prime Minister...

I mean, who really wants to see Leader of their country on a game show, on a breakfast show each week or for that matter outside of Parliament with a bloody notepad.....

How embarrassing !!

Nothing wrong with the notepad, you jot down ideas and doodles for the next
wacky adventures of dog Jasper and cat Abbey.

Should be a good read.

I also think the cases on Deal or No Deal should be insullated.
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

In the end all washing machines have drama's with their spin cycle. The speed at which this government produces spin I can only hope they suffer a catastrophic mechanical failure and all that will be left will be a lot of drips.....
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

In the end all washing machines have drama's with their spin cycle. The speed at which this government produces spin I can only hope they suffer a catastrophic mechanical failure and all that will be left will be a lot of drips.....
Rudd's washing machine could do with a firm tap on the control knob. It seems to be permanently stuck on "spin" and hasn't managed to actually wash anything yet. All the dirt's still there, it's just that many can't see it due to the constant spinning.

At some future date the plug will be pulled and the spinning will stop. Then the mess will be clearly visible for all to see. :2twocents
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.

He really is becoming an embarrassment.

I have a mad aunt Gertie in the High Country who started off like this. She is still a godbotherer, but useless for anything else. She embarrasses everyone in the family.

Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

Rudd's washing machine could do with a firm tap on the control knob. It seems to be permanently stuck on "spin" and hasn't managed to actually wash anything yet. All the dirt's still there, it's just that many can't see it due to the constant spinning.

At some future date the plug will be pulled and the spinning will stop. Then the mess will be clearly visible for all to see. :2twocents
The load is becoming increasingly unbalanced and the banging louder.
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

Does anyone else feel that Kevin07 is doing a great job of degrading the position of Prime Minister...

Maybe, but degrading from what standard? His immediate predecessor? (I would beg to disagree with that conclusion). Or some other higher better standard in the past, or theoretical?

I mean, who really wants to see Leader of their country on a game show, on a breakfast show each week or for that matter outside of Parliament with a bloody notepad.....

That's the worst that can be said of him?

How embarrassing !!

Politicians are frequently an embarrassment. A slight defect with parliamentary democracy perhaps, but it's still the least worst system yet devised by civilization.

P. :2twocents
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

In the end all washing machines have drama's with their spin cycle. The speed at which this government produces spin I can only hope they suffer a catastrophic mechanical failure and all that will be left will be a lot of drips.....

Rudd is about to have a power surge on his washing machine which will blow up the mother board and the the machine will come to a sudden halt.

Rudd is so desperate to pick up his ratings, his spin machine is working overtime.

He'll soon need a new machine to wash his khaki underpants.