Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Media turns on Rudd

What was he like on GN Week, MoXJO?

Likeable...:sleeping: He came across as fairly relaxed, waffled on a bit (did not watch much of the show). GNW quickly shoved their nose up his behind though. I think the danger of this is the general public base decisions off these kinds of shows and not how he runs the country. The fact he avoids any serious questioning from the media, should be a bit of a give away that something ain't right though.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

I had to bang my head against the wall tonight to make sure I was not hearing things when Kerrie O'Brien grilled Kevin Rudd over the Home Insulation Debacle. Rudd was on the back foot during the whole interview. I would like to have been a fly on the wall after that interview as O'Brien probably got an ear full of wax from Rudd.

Will be interesting to watch INSIDERS on Sunday with the interview between Cassidy and Rudd. Let's hope Cassidy walks in O'Brien's shoes.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

HOLY smokes watch this! Rudd gets eviscerated by Kerry O'Brien of all people:

Rudd is just nowhere near as slippery as Howard was...

He comes of really, really badly here. Claiming to accept responsibility while naming other people / departments to blame... trying to hide behind bureau-babble & cliche, "step up to the plate" said about 5 times... ugh.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

I had to bang my head against the wall tonight to make sure I was not hearing things when Kerrie O'Brien grilled Kevin Rudd over the Home Insulation Debacle. Rudd was on the back foot during the whole interview. I would like to have been a fly on the wall after that interview as O'Brien probably got an ear full of wax from Rudd.

Will be interesting to watch INSIDERS on Sunday with the interview between Cassidy and Rudd. Let's hope Cassidy walks in O'Brien's shoes.
More comments on the Insulation Debacle thread indicate many of us were likewise astonished at Mr O'Brien finally acting like an impartial interviewer, Noco.

So Mr Rudd will be appearing on "The Insiders" this coming Sunday? That will be a first. He must indeed be desperate to improve the government's tarnished image.
I've never found Barrie Cassidy to be a particularly incisive interviewer, but perhaps he will be up to the task on this occasion.

I may not be able to watch, though, if he continues saying stuff like "step up to the plate", "the buck stops with me", "as PM I take full responsibility", and most hated of all "You know something?........."
Jeez, I hate all those. Why doesn't someone tell him to find some new expressions?
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Yes Julia, twas like on Kerry`s show tonight that he went through the `firstly may I say`, then the `secondly may I say`, through the third `may I say` only to say ` may I further add to this `. Good grief it`s no wonder we cry into our red wine or lemonade and feel let down and conned.:alcohol
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Kerry missed an opportunity at the end when after several attempts to get Rudd to say what went wrong, Rudd said that they didn't ask enough questions. O'Brien should have nailed him on that. They didn't need to ask more questions. They had all the answers the needed in front of them; the Minter Ellison report, the call link up with the states, etc. Asking enough questions wasn't the issue, it was ignoring the answers they already had.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

The bit that urks me about it is the way he has to keep saying "Well, plainly" and "plainly Kerry"

Why does he have to say plainly all the time? Is it so when he goes off into one of his tangeants we will all feel stupid because he has used the word plainly so he must be speaking very plainly for all the morons watching, but they have NFI what he's saying because he speaks in circles?

Krudds on his way out.... i HOPE!
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Rudd is what they call "Cargo Cult". So called after island tribes who watched US planes drop cargo onto their island for the army base stationed there. The tribes mimicked the radio equipment and runways, with coconut shells & fronds, thinking that the gods would drop more goods from the sky.

Rudd is not a person of merit. He did not rise in a system of merit to a position of merit. It is why he is in government like so many others like him, and not the CEO of a company. He is not a producer in the system but a parasite of it. He got where he is by doing just what he does in the interview: vague weasel words which mean nothing, but which most people don't REALIZE mean nothing. Up till lately, it has been enough. Rudd is just one of a hundred thousand Rudds all through the government. It is probably unsual that one so typical as him, and so lacking in personal charisma got to where he is (unlike say Keating who looked different but of course was just another Rudd inside.)

The other tools Rudd has, bullying and manipulating behind closed doors, won't achieve the impossible for him either.

Now that results are required, he is doing what he has always done and is probably amazed it isn't working. He is blathering and blathering and shuffling papers in imitation of someone competently managing, and probably believing that this IS competently managing (banging coconut shells together like the US servicemen did with their fancy radios the natives didn't understand. Why do no goods fall from the sky? thinks Rudd. CARGO CULT.)
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Did anyone else nearly vomit when they saw the footage of Rudd standing around the insulation workers with his sleeves rolled up and little notepad out, scribbling notes as the insulators shared their hard luck stories?

This is the problem when you create artificial demand for something - it will eventually fall over. More reason that governments should just leave markets alone. Not only has Kevin wasted ridiculous amounts of tax payer funds on this scheme, but he has royally screwed legitimate, long time running insulation businesses whose work has dried up thanks to Kevin destroying Australia's insulation market. As Atlas79 said on another thread, the smaller the government the better. Plenty of committies, reviews and audits, but nothing ever gets done. And when something does actually get done, it inevitably makes things worse.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Did anyone else nearly vomit when they saw the footage of Rudd standing around the insulation workers with his sleeves rolled up and little notepad out, scribbling notes as the insulators shared their hard luck stories?

This is the problem when you create artificial demand for something - it will eventually fall over. More reason that governments should just leave markets alone. Not only has Kevin wasted ridiculous amounts of tax payer funds on this scheme, but he has royally screwed legitimate, long time running insulation businesses whose work has dried up thanks to Kevin destroying Australia's insulation market. As Atlas79 said on another thread, the smaller the government the better. Plenty of committies, reviews and audits, but nothing ever gets done. And when something does actually get done, it inevitably makes things worse.

He never had organizing works on his resume!

No surprise here!
Re: Media turns on Rudd

More comments on the Insulation Debacle thread indicate many of us were likewise astonished at Mr O'Brien finally acting like an impartial interviewer, Noco.

So Mr Rudd will be appearing on "The Insiders" this coming Sunday? That will be a first. He must indeed be desperate to improve the government's tarnished image.
I've never found Barrie Cassidy to be a particularly incisive interviewer, but perhaps he will be up to the task on this occasion.

I may not be able to watch, though, if he continues saying stuff like "step up to the plate", "the buck stops with me", "as PM I take full responsibility", and most hated of all "You know something?........."
Jeez, I hate all those. Why doesn't someone tell him to find some new expressions?

Aha Julia. You've got it the cliche soundbites will make up for it all. :rolleyes:
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Rudd said last night; "I accept full responsibility".

He also said re the batt ballsup;

"It failed the high standards I set for the government".

i.e Rudd admits he is a failure.

Re: Media turns on Rudd

Rudd said last night; "I accept full responsibility".

He also said re the batt ballsup;

"It failed the high standards I set for the government".

i.e Rudd admits he is a failure.


Why there are no consequences yet regarding hospitals and now insulation?

Wander if somebody from families of killed workers will venture out to take Mr Rudd to court later when he has no immunity?
Wander if there is enough to make the case?
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Nobody is perfect, although one could get the impression that some who post here think they are. Rudd is getting the blame for the odd thing going wrong, usually through bureaucratic bungling, but getting no credit for the things that are going right. The main thing going right is the general wellbeing of our economy compared to all others.

I think that those that got shonky work can, in the main, blame themselves for not choosing one of the many good operators. I shopped around for quotes along with checking out those quoting. We should stop looking for "someone else" to blame every time WE stuff up.