Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Media turns on Rudd

Labor would do well to change leadership quickly under these circumstances.

Word is that Gillard will take over and promise to ensure major portfolios go to the Right.

I just find it funny (strange) how approaching the top of the market 3 years ago there were no whinny Labor threads every week rubbishing little Johnny, Costello and what is it about the right wing of the political spectrum that makes them want to constantly whine and carry on about every single thing Labor does or doesn't do.

I must admit that at the time i didn't understand why little Johnny didn't just step aside for of course its abundantly clear why the coalition self destructed, the right wing of the party decided it knew what was best and went willingly into opposition as a result.

So can one of you geniuses explain to me how the right wing of the coalition party/s, (you know the mob that made sure Costello never had the numbers) are going to miraculously appeal to the broad masses of the centre?

How are the architects of work choices going to distance themselves from there past? How do they sell a Govt funded greenhouse reduction plan that doesn't financially impact the biggest polluters? How do they sell themselves as a viable Govt with that idiot Bananby Petersen....or how do they get rid of him with out pissing off the Nationals?

Your mob simply don't have the well they were asked the question and the answer they came up with was Abbott....3 More years of bliss coming up fellas...get used to it. ;)
Re: Media turns on Rudd

:sleeping: Another week and yet another Rudd / Labor bashing thread at ASF. :cuckoo:

I just find it funny (strange) how approaching the top of the market 3 years ago there were no whinny Labor threads every week rubbishing little Johnny, Costello and Co..

LOL so true - and its the same people that were there 3 years ago, so whats going to be any different?

I think the public are sick of both parties at the moment
Re: Media turns on Rudd

LOL so true - and its the same people that were there 3 years ago, so whats going to be any different?

I think the public are sick of both parties at the moment
The reason why Rudd wants an ETS is that he feels it will mask the methane gas coming from all the BS he keeps emitting.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

so what is it about the right wing of the political spectrum that makes them want to constantly whine and carry on about every single thing Labor does or doesn't do?

3 More years of bliss coming up fellas...get used to it. ;)

That’s absolutely scary.

I’m good at forecasting and the way labor are going with their
socialist endeavours, Barnaby is probably right, and that the Labor party
will not even go close to paying off any of the debt.

Taxes will rise, spending will continue to increase and the debt will grow.

Unions will gain more of a foothold resulting in more strikes and their
demands for higher wages will hit productivity with a sledge hammer.

More companies will move offshore and government revenue will drop,
and the debt will continue to grow. And on it goes.

Until this Labor government changes their pollices and begins to
cut spending, drop taxes, and reduces the debt they need to be thrown
out at the next election.

I have no confidence in this government, simply because I can see what
they are doing, (not much), and I don’t believe in the spin.

It's bad, bad ,bad!!!!!! :mad:
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Work choices a step back:rolleyes: Labor has enacted a system that has thrown us back to the 80s and is costing millions in lost tax and lost profit. Fair work is a joke that can not even provide answers let alone stop illegal activity by unions. Its a throw back to the bad old days. And there is a lot to complain about with labors shoddy policy on just about everything
Re: Media turns on Rudd

That’s absolutely scary.

I’m good at forecasting and the way labor are going with their
socialist endeavours, Barnaby is probably right, and that the Labor party
will not even go close to paying off any of the debt.

Taxes will rise, spending will continue to increase and the debt will grow.

Unions will gain more of a foothold resulting in more strikes and their
demands for higher wages will hit productivity with a sledge hammer.

More companies will move offshore and government revenue will drop,
and the debt will continue to grow. And on it goes.

Until this Labor government changes their pollices and begins to
cut spending, drop taxes, and reduces the debt they need to be thrown
out at the next election.

I have no confidence in this government, simply because I can see what
they are doing, (not much), and I don’t believe in the spin.

It's bad, bad ,bad!!!!!! :mad:

This is the reality of the situation. Would have Libs done any better given the circumstances of the last two years, who knows and it doesn't matter, they weren't in power.

The blood is on Labors hands and no one elses.

They spent the savings in the bank, they then proceeded recklessly with a hug debt binge as a method of solving the problems with little understanding of the risks and consequences.

The debt must be paid pack, it will hurt.

It is not always beneficial for society to be wrapped in cotton wool, they build no resilience to big events world changing events which can no longer be sugar coated over by indebted govnuts.

Great time to be alive.

Re: Media turns on Rudd

What would any other govt have done?
Well I don't think they would be handing out $900 cheques to dead people.
I'm not concerned about the debt. It's what it's been spent on.
Rudd seems like he has an unlimited credit card in one hand and fistful of E's in the other and went on a wild shopping spree.
Laptops, batts, school buildings and of course his handouts to dead people and overseas visitors.
Of course the ones who appeal the most to Rudd are the youth vote.
Isn't it a coincidence that they both have the same spending patterns, buying crap.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

That’s absolutely scary.

I’m good at forecasting and the way labor are going with their
socialist endeavours, Barnaby is probably right, and that the Labor party
will not even go close to paying off any of the debt.

Taxes will rise, spending will continue to increase and the debt will grow.

Unions will gain more of a foothold resulting in more strikes and their
demands for higher wages will hit productivity with a sledge hammer.

More companies will move offshore and government revenue will drop,
and the debt will continue to grow. And on it goes.

Until this Labor government changes their pollices and begins to
cut spending, drop taxes, and reduces the debt they need to be thrown
out at the next election.

I have no confidence in this government, simply because I can see what
they are doing, (not much), and I don’t believe in the spin.

It's bad, bad ,bad!!!!!! :mad:

What would be scary is maverick Barney telling treasury how to run the economy, Tony Abbott as prime minister who is not interested and Hocky super light weight as treasurer.

The fact no one has laid a glove on Swan is testament to how this Liberal front bench is the weakest ever on things economic.

LOL so true - and its the same people that were there 3 years ago, so whats going to be any different?

I think the public are sick of both parties at the moment

Re: Media turns on Rudd

What would any other govt have done?
Well I don't think they would be handing out $900 cheques to dead people.
I'm not concerned about the debt. It's what it's been spent on.
Rudd seems like he has an unlimited credit card in one hand and fistful of E's in the other and went on a wild shopping spree.
Laptops, batts, school buildings and of course his handouts to dead people and overseas visitors.
Of course the ones who appeal the most to Rudd are the youth vote.
Isn't it a coincidence that they both have the same spending patterns, buying crap.

The Youth vote, I think by now he will have found out after his little run in with the youths in the old Parliament house that he has lost that vote as well:banghead:. What I am worried about is how much he will spend on buying votes come next election:eek:, God help the next lot that will have to clean up this mess.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

In 2006, referring to Howard and Downer, Rudd said;

How can Australia have a prime minister and a foreign minister who regard lying as the way in which you conduct the business of government?

He must have known at the time that he was disqualifying himself from the job of PM. Unless, of course he believes his own lies. That would brand him as a pathological liar.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Rudd and his party haven't stayed in front of the changing social dynamics since he was elected....

Rudd was elected at the top of a bull market (an all time high) when optimism is also at a peak. Social mood since starting in office has changed from one of extreme optimism to one of pessimism. Rudd's inaction on promises and ongoing push for bigger taxes (ETS) is a strategy heading for disaster.

In a recession/depression when social mood has fallen, people tend to demand: concise and effective action, a government that can be trusted, tax breaks, support of the nations citizens and the family unit, to name a few.

However, if for example, the bull market had continued for several years Rudd may have been successful with an ETS and his continued inaction over key policies, as the continued high optimism could have masked such undertakings (or lack of them).

If the downtrend continues (as I suspect it will) due to declining social mood, then I doubt Rudd can survive the political and social pressures cast upon him. Labor would do well to change leadership quickly under these circumstances.​

Insightful and realistic post, Ozwave.
It's good to see an actual analysis of the political situation instead of just the usual partisan party bashing of both sides.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

I just find it funny (strange) how approaching the top of the market 3 years ago there were no whinny Labor threads every week rubbishing little Johnny, Costello and what is it about the right wing of the political spectrum that makes them want to constantly whine and carry on about every single thing Labor does or doesn't do.

Tink and So_Cynical, as someone that has been a member here since 2005, I can assure you that there were PLENTY of threads and posts smashing Johnny and Costello!!:D

Typical Labour stunt - trying to re-write history!!!:p:



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Re: Media turns on Rudd

i feel sick after reading that.

Yeah? have a read of this and you will want to get a light plane and fly it into a building, :mad::mad::mad::mad:

The next time I spend eight hours waiting in emergency, I will be thinking of unused speeches, cancelled events and weeks of wasted organisation and research. I will be thinking of expensive television advertising campaigns and T-shirts and golf balls with little slogans. I will be thinking of websites and a consultation process driven by photography. I will be thinking of ''training''.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

i feel sick after reading that.

Yeah, ME TOO, Sam.

The problem is the little T*#d is still getting away with it. According to the polls, he could still win the next election. But who knows he might be replaced by Gillard before then, and perhaps that might be worse.

But this is typical of the Labor Party, when a leader starts to get on the nose, they change the leader on the pretext of new blood to give a better image and the naive fall for it hook, line and sinker. Look what has happened in all the states over the past years. The longer they serve, the bigger the mess.

Lets hope Abbott gives them what they deserve.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Those guys/gals in the ALP couldn't spot talent if it was staring them in the face. LOL

What a great read.

If Gillard does eventually topple Rudd, I'm going long SGH. ROTFLMAO

Wouldn't it be great to hear about a class-action suit based on solar-panels or dodgy-insulation from one of the best class-action firms in Australia?

As Mr.Kerrigan from The Castle would say "You're dreamin'." :rolleyes::D LOL
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Noticed Rudd was on Good News Week:rolleyes: Let the popularity contest begin.