Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

and it was at her poll, that news showed shots of union members...I mean thugs, bullying the locals in how to vote...a couple of truckloads or buses rolled up...then the silence was just as interesting

the PM is not a nerd... he is a calculating, deceitful con artist.....same as his deputies
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

does Peter need to lodge his intentions by 30.06.09...
Malcom is hopeless...and Abbott needs his head read
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Dunno, Malcolm might lift his game, hope so the election is totally winable, Rudd is getting on the nose fast.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Dunno, Malcolm might lift his game, hope so the election is totally winable, Rudd is getting on the nose fast.

He can't lift his game. He is too far to the left to lead the Coalition to victory,
and the blue rinse and doctors' wives sets in Wentworth would drop him like a hot potato if he belatedly tried to become a "big L" Liberal.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

He can't lift his game. He is too far to the left to lead the Coalition to victory,
and the blue rinse and doctors' wives sets in Wentworth would drop him like a hot potato if he belatedly tried to become a "big L" Liberal.

He's got too much money to have the killer instinct, i get the feeling that he'll just shrug his shoulders and go back to counting his money if it doesnt go his way, he's not driven, you need to be passionate , driven, and he just isn't.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Turnbull just announced Costello will not be running for Higgins....
damn it....stuffed now
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Turnbull just announced Costello will not be running for Higgins....
damn it....stuffed now

Costello is/was disappointing, Hockey is ok but doesn't really come across as a leader.

Turnbull had better get some mongrel into himself and fast.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

He's got too much money to have the killer instinct, i get the feeling that he'll just shrug his shoulders and go back to counting his money if it doesnt go his way, he's not driven, you need to be passionate , driven, and he just isn't.
I'm not sure that's right. Throughout his career he has more often than not got what he has wanted. Leading the country would be the ultimate power play for him.

I actually quite like him and think he's gaining confidence and effectiveness.
Hopefully this will increase now that he knows Costello is no longer a threat.

Expect his relief at Costello's announcement would only be equalled by the joy of the government.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'm not sure that's right. Throughout his career he has more often than not got what he has wanted. Leading the country would be the ultimate power play for him.

I actually quite like him and think he's gaining confidence and effectiveness.
Hopefully this will increase now that he knows Costello is no longer a threat.

Expect his relief at Costello's announcement would only be equalled by the joy of the government.

I quite like him too and think he knows what he's doing but just doesnt come across with enough passion.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I quite like him too and think he knows what he's doing but just doesnt come across with enough passion.
I know what you mean, but I don't think it's something you can force.
His style is more laid back, sophisticated.

One thing I reckon he needs to stop is the amused attitude he takes at the commencement of an interview with Kerry O'Brien. It comes across as patronising and is really offputting. Anyone else noticed this?

Remember when Kim Beazley finally secured the leadership of the Opposition.
He was just bursting out all over the place about how fired up he was, that he knew he was what the country needed, he had the passion and the fire in the belly etc etc., and it just sounded all wrong. He's just not that kind of bloke.

Let's see if Mr Turnbull can make some progress now that the Costello monkey is off his back.

I'm hopeful Malcolm Turnbull will
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd handling economic crisis well: poll
15th June 2009, 14:45 WST

A growing number of voters believe the Rudd government is handling the global financial crisis well and that economic conditions will improve over the next year, a survey shows.

The weekly Essential Research online poll found 63 per cent of respondents believe the government is handling the crisis well, up from 56 per cent when the question was asked in April.

:D blessim :D
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Newspoll suggests Labor's lead crumbling

The latest Newspoll shows Labor's lead over the coalition is crumbling, with the government's primary vote just one percentage point ahead of the opposition.

The Newspoll, published in The Australian newspaper on Tuesday, shows Labor's primary vote slipped two points to 41 per cent, compared to 40 per cent for the coalition, up two points from two weeks ago.

It is the worst poll for Labor since October last year and below its election primary result, when it had 43.3 per cent of the vote, the paper reported.
05:52 AEST Tue Jun 16 2009
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I can't see Rudd losing the next election. Australians rarely vote out govts after one term and Rudd seems a master at playing the media. The GFC was the wildcard in the pack and when Rudd announced his ridiculous stimilus packages back in Feb when the world was almost falling off the economic cliff I thought he would lose if things continued to get worse. However as its turned out 6 months later the world economy has recovered and we are now facing a reccession rather than economic armageddon. This means that most voters will never appreciate the folly of Rudd's actions on the stimilus package or the FHSA and I expect he will be returned. It maybe also be why Costello decided to give up the chase.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Taltan, realistic comments. Thanks.
Plenty of time for much to change before the election.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This means that most voters will never appreciate the folly of Rudd's actions on the stimilus package or the FHSA and I expect he will be returned. It maybe also be why Costello decided to give up the chase.

I think you are right. It is unfortunate, but a fact of life, Rudd will be PM for as long as he wants the job. His popularity in the polls has never faltered. Yes, Costello could see the writing on the wall. The last great hope has vanished in a puff of smoke.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Oh I would not be so confident...the polls are 41% labor and 40% libs....
note...* labor losing ground and libs regaining it....thats how they say they would vote the popularity is disappearing very fast now...

polls need less than 3% change for the libs to win...I posted the link yesterday
you dont really believe the silly polls that say the krudd is the preferred pm do you ? 57 to Turnbull 28....or whatever...not many like Turnbull....but lets see what we find in Higgins....Costello's old seat

the media finally waking up to the 'spin'....voters dont like being conned...

ps I did not like Howard....but I do prefer the Libs record compared to the Labs....which is full of union thugs