Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

You might be right. I've noticed he has been putting himself out in the public eye much more lately, i.e. interviews on ABC Radio and TV, appearance on Q. & A,etc.
I'd thought it was in aid of selling his book which he mentions in every second sentence, but perhaps there is indeed an underlying political motive.

I'm really disappointed in Malcolm Turnbull. Had expected better.

Wayne Swan has been performing much better than I'd expected.
All up, it would be hard to find any objective and reasonable criticism of the way the government is handling this very difficult situation.

Yes was watching him on Q & A the other night. Came across a touch arrogant, but a lot more likeable the more I see him. Possible he is shining up his image before he walks in to save the economy. Probably just before it turns bullish by itself. This might just coincide within earshot of an election year.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hooray! [size=+1]$uperKrudd[/size] and his sidekick [size=+1]Boy $wanDiver[/size] are going to SAVE THE WORLD from the nasty [size=+2]Stay Puft Marshmallow Man[/size] terrorising the NYSE!!!! :horse:

REJOICE! :jump:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Six months ago Krudd and his (Rooster) sorry Swan complained about what they had inherited from the Howard/Costello Government and how bad they had left the economy.

Yesterday, they are now saying our country and its economy is in very good shape. I wonder why? Are they worried that the Aussie people might go into their shells with the threat of recession and not spend. So ramp it up a bit Kevvie but don't forget to thank John and Peter for the excellant shape of our economy that was handed to you.

Last month Swan pointed his finger at the Bank Johnnies and insisted they pass on all of any interest rate cuts. This month they have back-flipped and said , well fellows, we don't mind if you kept a bit for yourselves.

Does Rudd inspire me; you have got to be kiding!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

So, in you opinion, we can blame those stupid labor voters for crashing the economy of the USA. What would Turnbull, with his merchant bank history do now. Probably talk to a hedge fund and do some margin borrowing to fund our future maybe. Give it a break. Rudd is doing as much as anyone can expect. If you can do better then run for a seat in parliament or at least offer some constructive practical suggestions. What do YOU think should and could be done.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

So, in you opinion, we can blame those stupid labor voters for crashing the economy of the USA. What would Turnbull, with his merchant bank history do now. Probably talk to a hedge fund and do some margin borrowing to fund our future maybe. Give it a break. Rudd is doing as much as anyone can expect. If you can do better then run for a seat in parliament or at least offer some constructive practical suggestions. What do YOU think should and could be done.

I think the carbon tax 2010 might be a big issue if the financial world markets drag for too long. I mentioned this in another thread somewhere.Seems libs are jumping on it as well.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

So, in you opinion, we can blame those stupid labor voters for crashing the economy of the USA. What would Turnbull, with his merchant bank history do now. Probably talk to a hedge fund and do some margin borrowing to fund our future maybe. Give it a break. Rudd is doing as much as anyone can expect. If you can do better then run for a seat in parliament or at least offer some constructive practical suggestions. What do YOU think should and could be done.

Nioka, the thread is titled "Does Rudd inspire confidence?

How can any one have confidence in this man if he is not consistant and that was my point?

I did not pass an opinion as you suggest, that is your own assumption.

What I believe he should be doing is being honest with the Australian people.
If Rudd won't sit down and discuss these problems with Turnbull, I doubt whether he would listen to me LOL.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

how can one have confidence in someone that chooses Julia Gillard (former union heavyweight) as a deputy!!!
what a great time to have a weak government at the helm!!:rolleyes:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Like the majority of Australians I have complete faith in Kevin Rudd. Those of little faith doubt his ability to achieve his stated goals which are many, however world leaders are continually waiting on Mr Rudd for further guidance on running their affairs.

He is now going to tell them on how to separate greed from capitalism.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Its ok Turnbull thinks he is PM. He is already addressing the nation. In fact I think I have noticed him around with much more to say to the public then Rudd. Turnbull seems to have a slightly stronger stance in what to do. But Rudd and Tbull at times change their tune pretty quick about what is happening.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Like the majority of Australians I have complete faith in Kevin Rudd. Those of little faith doubt his ability to achieve his stated goals which are many, however world leaders are continually waiting on Mr Rudd for further guidance on running their affairs.

He is now going to tell them on how to separate greed from capitalism.

That is classic!!! Sometimes you just find little gems on ASF.:D:D
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

You just beat me to it, Duckman.

Just beautiful, Calliope!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I must say ive lost confidence in Kevin since the economic stimulus joke,
hes very much a politician...u know taking soft easy options that look
good on the surface and are easy to sell...but actually do very little.

I cant believe he pissed 10 billion up against a wall....and the media let
him get away with it.

I voted Labor
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Kev07 is doing what John Howard would have done. Its good to have a Liberal PM still in Canberra.

Lindsay Tanner is impressive.

It would be interesting to see how he would go as a real Labor PM.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

oft little is less , expand mate.


in Wednesday's carnage NDZ almost hit the bottom seen last Friday, while the financials heavy SPZ did not even come close. That action suggests that hedge funds have been in complete purge mode - indeed Citadel's largest hedge fund, Kensington Global Strategies Fund, is down more than 30% this year. These are glaring examples of forced selling and thus what bottoms are made of - perhaps any purchases of SPZ or NDZ here, will yield significant gains well before year end. ;)
now if Kev came out with something intelligent like that instead of his obtuse, pontificating, politically motivated non-statements suggesting that the world should listen to his ... or was it Big Mals... theory on fixing the worlds financial ills, I might sit up and take notice... but hey, if we buy it, they will keep on selling it, ad nauseum... or maybe ad nauseous..

Cheers expanded Kauri
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Julia agreeing with and praising Callidope and Duckman!!

Holy cow, well, these are strange days indeed.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Julia agreeing with and praising Callidope and Duckman!!

Holy cow, well, these are strange days indeed.
This strange remark indicates that you have some misguided idea about me, Nashez. I can think of very few instances where I wouldn't have shown interest in, and respect for, the views of both Calliope and Duckman.

I'd appreciate your clarifying what you mean.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Look I'm drunk so you can forgive/pardon whatever I say as drunken ravings but Duckman and Calliope have produced some of the more raving/less lucid posts in my experience. Despite your 'new-found' aversion to Rudd, surprised you can see either of them as being funny or relevant. Just my thoughts - no doubt you have your valid reasons.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Look I'm drunk so you can forgive/pardon whatever I say as drunken ravings but Duckman and Calliope have produced some of the more raving/less lucid posts in my experience. Despite your 'new-found' aversion to Rudd, surprised you can see either of them as being funny or relevant. Just my thoughts - no doubt you have your valid reasons.

Thanks Nashezz. It's good to know that I can always rely on you to let me know when I'm on target.