Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I'm glad to see you at least admit you are blind to his total inadequacy for the job.

Wake up Monty, you cant blame Rudd for the global credit crisis.

Is this what you want Rudd to say -

"I am afraid people, we are at the mercy of these multi-national monsters called "banks". If we stop feeding them the weak and frail, they will start coming after the fit and healthy. In fact, they are already coming after the fit and healthy. So pep up and bulk up for the fight of your lives. And may I add, that I did not create this inequitable financial system whereby private banks control the issue of our money. The only role of the Reserve Bank is to make it look like the government controls our currency."
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Macquack;345837]Wake up Monty, you cant blame Rudd for the global credit crisis.

No I dont blame Rudd he doesn't even know what a global crisis is.

That's the problem you need to be a lot smarter then Rudd to see us through this.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Any suggestions, Charlie?

I was thinking the same.......Europe and the US looking into the Abyss and BTW the Abyss is coming to Asian soon the Government only have a couple of levers to pull and push, pity the brainless Liberals have the foot on the brake blocking efforts to build a bigger surplus while playing populist politics.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I was thinking the same.......Europe and the US looking into the Abyss and BTW the Abyss is coming to Asian soon the Government only have a couple of levers to pull and push, pity the brainless Liberals have the foot on the brake blocking efforts to build a bigger surplus while playing populist politics.

No point arguing with labor voters you're clueless otherwise Rudd wouldn't be in power now.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

No point arguing with labor voters you're clueless otherwise Rudd wouldn't be in power now.

I didn't think that brains were altered according to the way you vote. Ah well you learn something every day.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

What a load of dogmatic dribble coming from the right in this thread! I do believe your so called 'communist' Labour party now receives more funding and support from big business then from the unions. So please those of you on here who bash Rudd thinking they are realists please get real and keep your hysterical ranting to yourselves.
What exactly would you have been expecting on a thread entitled "Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?"
A forum is a place for exchange of views, not for limiting views just to those which happen to agree with your thoughts.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

And Julie Bishop is simply poor - quite out of her depth.

Bitterly disappointed with her, she was a bright spark while Euducation and Science Minister. These days she's nothing but a flop. I wonder how long they'll give her before they send her packing to the backbench...
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

No point arguing with labor voters you're clueless otherwise Rudd wouldn't be in power now.

What exactly would you have been expecting on a thread entitled "Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?"
A forum is a place for exchange of views, not for limiting views just to those which happen to agree with your thoughts.

It's not the blind dogma thats as annoying as the straight out insults - one minute left voters are chardonnay sipping intellectual 'elitists', the next we are clueless idiots hell bent on destroying society. That is, of course, if you can believe Burns, who has given us lucky few the benefit of his insight.

I am sure, as Burns suggests, Malcolm would be able to stop the global financial crisis on his own - why hasn't the world asked him to yet?
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I am sure, as Burns suggests, Malcolm would be able to stop the global financial crisis on his own - why hasn't the world asked him to yet?

Well he did help start the mess with his buddy Hank Paulson as part of Team America (Goldman Sachs). Thing is we want to know how to fix it, not how to wreck it for parts.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

It's not the blind dogma thats as annoying as the straight out insults - one minute left voters are chardonnay sipping intellectual 'elitists', the next we are clueless idiots hell bent on destroying society. That is, of course, if you can believe Burns, who has given us lucky few the benefit of his insight.

But Nash mate, you are all those things, and Mr.Burns is a certified genius. Everywhere you go people point at you and say "Thats Nashezz, the chardonnay sipping intellectual 'elitist'. On the bus, in the newsagent, at the servo and when you are buying your tickets for some left wing play about a one legged gay nun who discovers Brecht.

Mr. Burns on the other hand has carers who wheel him about, show his certificate of genius to him frequently and take him to reruns of the Sound of Music.

This is the heavy cross you both bear.

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Well he did help start the mess with his buddy Hank Paulson as part of Team America (Goldman Sachs). Thing is we want to know how to fix it, not how to wreck it for parts.

Grow up, get a job, stop blaming others for the chip on your shoulder.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I can't work out Mr Burns yet. Is he either John Howard or Peter Costello filling in idle time this last month and still can't work out why he/they weren't wanted.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Grow up, get a job, stop blaming others for the chip on your shoulder.

Burnsy? Quacky's point was a good one. You will find that the 'CDO' emanated from a Goldman Sachs country retreat. Also, one day when you have taken your Paulsen poster down from your bedroom wall, have a look if Goldman actually went 'short' CDO's over the last twelve-months?

Who better to save the building than the builder hey.

A bit more research, a bit less venting there good buddy. We are all friends here after all :D
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Burnsy? Quacky's point was a good one. You will find that the 'CDO' emanated from a Goldman Sachs country retreat. Also, one day when you have taken your Paulsen poster down from your bedroom wall, have a look if Goldman actually went 'short' CDO's over the last twelve-months?

Who better to save the building than the builder hey.

A bit more research, a bit less venting there good buddy. We are all friends here after all :D

Pish posh, if it was illegal charge them otherwise charge those who let it happen, the regulators.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Pish posh, if it was illegal charge them otherwise charge those who let it happen, the regulators.

Goldman's will escape scrutiny. We all love a winner after all.

Agree with the bit about the regulators. The failure is theirs. It is the 'role' of the investment bank to find, exploit and profit from gaps in regulation after all.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Goldman's will escape scrutiny. We all love a winner after all.

Agree with the bit about the regulators. The failure is theirs. It is the 'role' of the investment bank to find, exploit and profit from gaps in regulation after all.

Goldmans are bad but they're only taking advantage of what the regulators let them do, same with tax minimization, people say it's bad but it's only tax AVOIDANCE thats against the law, a big difference.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

It's not the blind dogma thats as annoying as the straight out insults - one minute left voters are chardonnay sipping intellectual 'elitists', the next we are clueless idiots hell bent on destroying society. That is, of course, if you can believe Burns, who has given us lucky few the benefit of his insight.

I am sure, as Burns suggests, Malcolm would be able to stop the global financial crisis on his own - why hasn't the world asked him to yet?

And yet you still bite.:nono:
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

And yet you still bite.:nono:

The name's really Wayne Swan, I'm in here to try to work out whats going on, when I took this job I was told it would be a piece of cake now we have a crisis and I have to actually WORK, no fair.

I call Kev and he says Swanny mate don't ask me , I called the wife but she's at the travel agent AGAIN

I was told when I get called into a press conference they will expect me to know something so the answer to any question is 'our banking system is one of the most highly regulated in the world and we're safe" then politely walk away so they done ask me to explain any economic terms, geez I've read Costellos book cover to cover looking for clues but no luck, anyway I'll just keep poking around here to see if I can pick up anything useful.