Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

I guess that explains why he he plans to pull government oversight from the teamsters union so that they can go back to their old mafia ways and he wants to do away with secret voting in union elections so that union members will vote (pressured) out in the open on a show of hands. He was pictured with Hoffa arm in arm with Hoffa the other day after this undertaking was given. This is just like the corrupt political machine politics that "nurtured" Obama in Chicago where he was groomed ((see Ryzko ( who financed Obama's home) trial for seedy details of Chicago's corruption)). He joined Rev Wrights "Church" twenty years ago to get the voter support of his congregation (probably over twenty thousand votes there when he ran for State office). Wright practices Liberation theology which teaches us that the black gods will kill the white gods (if u do not believe me then do some research on the web). When he ran for the U.S. senate he managed to get secret/ sealed transcripts from his Senate opponents divorce case and spill their contents all over the Chicago press just before the elections and his opponent went down in flames. He has been meddling in Kenyan politics for some time, he supported a Muslim Marxist named Odinga who lost in the December elections, his supporters then went on a rampage and burned about sixty Christians to death in a Kenyan Church in January. Do u want me to continue? there is a lot more of this stuff??

Can we have some substantiation of these claims please... links?

These are fairly serious allegations to not back up with some evidence.

Re: Barack 2008!

I guess that explains why he he plans to pull government oversight from the teamsters union so that they can go back to their old mafia ways

Teamsters union defends its endorsement of Obama

By Steven Greenhouse
Published: May 5, 2008

The Teamsters union vigorously denied on Monday that its decision to endorse Senator Barack Obama in the presidential race was in any way tied to Obama's statement that federal supervision of the union had run its course.

The union also noted that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton suggested that she might also support ending the union's consent decree with the federal government when she spoke to the Teamsters' general executive board last year.

"You can't go around dragging the ball and the chain of the past," Clinton said on that occasion — the March 27, 2007, meeting of the board... "And I think that's true for anybody, any organization, any individual," she continued. "And so I would be very open to looking at that, and to saying, 'What are we trying to accomplish here?' and see what the answers were. At some point, you turn the page and go on."

Bret Caldwell, the communications director for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, said there was "no link whatsoever" between his union's endorsement of Obama and the candidate's statements about federal supervision.

The decree is a 19-year-old agreement between the union and the federal government, under which government-appointed monitors have worked to root out mob influence from the union, which has 1.4 million members.

Caldwell was reacting to an article in The Wall Street Journal on Monday, which said that Obama won the Teamsters' endorsement after he privately told the Teamsters, according to campaign and union officials, that he supported ending the federal oversight.

"Obama has indicated his support of the Teamsters' position to end their consent decree," Caldwell said. "That's a whole lot different from saying he would end the consent decree. No candidate would ever say that. It makes no sense that anybody would go there with that."

Caldwell added, "We believe there's only a judicial end to this process. It's not a political end to this process."

The official who has the power to end the consent decree is Judge Loretta Presca of the Federal District Court in Manhattan, who officially oversees the consent decree. Caldwell said that the question of whether to petition Judge Presca to end the decree would be decided by career anticorruption officials in the Justice Department, not the White House.

Appearing on the ABC program "Good Morning America" on Monday, Obama denied that he had committed himself to ending the consent decree.

"I wouldn't make any blanket commitments," he said.

He added: "The union has done a terrific job cleaning itself in-house, and the question is whether they're going to be able to get treated just like every other union, whether the time has come. That's something I will absolutely examine when I'm president of the United States."

Caldwell said that the consent decree was no longer such an important issue for the Teamsters because there was little mob influence or corruption in the union and because federal monitors had done little in the way of prosecuting such corruption in recent years.

In 2001, soon after Bush became president, James P. Hoffa, the president of the Teamsters, urged the Bush administration to move to lift the decree, saying that it was costing his union millions of dollars and that it was redundant in light of the union's own anticorruption efforts.

Caldwell said that if lifting the consent decree were so vital to his union, then the Teamsters would have endorsed Obama last summer when he originally made his remark about the supervision having "run its course." The Teamsters did not endorse Obama until February of this year.
Re: Barack 2008!

Well done Doris
very polite of you to answer the unsubstatiated claims of those who would have the rest of us "open our eye's" ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

He has been meddling in Kenyan politics for some time, he supported a Muslim Marxist named Odinga who lost in the December elections, his supporters then went on a rampage and burned about sixty Christians to death in a Kenyan Church in January. Do u want me to continue? there is a lot more of this stuff??

The carnage in Kenya in January was truly heartbreaking... but it was ethnic, not religious based.

The Kikuyu, Kenya’s largest ethnic group, are accused of turning their dominance of politics and business to the detriment of others.
Odinga is from the Luo tribe, a smaller but still major tribe that says it has been marginalized.

There are more than 40 tribes in Kenya, and political leaders have often used unemployed and uneducated young men to intimidate opponents. While Kibaki and Odinga have support from across the tribal spectrum, the youth responsible for the violence tend to see politics in strictly ethnic terms.

Obama's 'meddling' was to try to get Kibaki and Odinga to TALK and thus stop the carnage!

The European Union and the United States have refused to congratulate Kibaki, and the EU and four top Kenyan election officials have called for an independent inquiry. In Britain, Kenya’s former colonial ruler, Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged Kibaki and Odinga to hold talks.–2008_Kenyan_crisis

The 2007–2008 Kenyan crisis refers to a political, economic, and humanitarian crisis that erupted in Kenya after incumbent President Mwai Kibaki was declared the winner of the presidential election held on December 27, 2007. Supporters of Kibaki's opponent, Raila Odinga of the Orange Democratic Movement, alleged electoral manipulation, a notion widely confirmed by international observers.[7]

In addition to staging several nonviolent protests, they went on a violent rampage in several parts of the country. Police shot a number of demonstrators, causing more violence directed toward the police. Violence escalated and at first was directed mainly against Kikuyu people – the community of which Kibaki is a member – living outside their traditional settlement areas, especially in the Rift Valley Province.

Some of the Kikuyu also engaged in violence against groups supportive of Odinga, primarily Luos and Kalenjin.

On February 28, 2008, Kibaki and Odinga signed a power-sharing agreement called the National Accord and Reconciliation Act, which establishes the office of prime minister and creates a coalition government.[1] The power-sharing Cabinet, headed by Odinga as Prime Minister, was eventually named on April 13, after lengthy negotiations over its composition;[8] it was sworn in on April 17.

If Obama's meddling helped achieve this, then perhaps he should meddle elsewhere too!
Re: Barack 2008!

Well done Doris
very polite of you to answer the unsubstantiated claims of those who would have the rest of us "open our eye's" ;)

2020... I so value other people's informed opinions!

The posts on this forum are often subjective but are usually information based.
The best IMHO is the 'world food shortage' thread.

Obama once said he will not tell you what to think but will tell you what he thinks you should think about... and... he listens to what others think!

Can't help defending the man. The world is a mess!

Did you hear there were bomb scares in three of Obama's campaign offices in Indiana on Tuesday their time?,4670,ObamaBombThreats,00.html

As Michelle said last weekend, Barack is a black man. He can get shot going to the local gas station!
But it must have hit home that people associated with him are targets of 'loose-cannons'.
Re: Barack 2008!

Well done Doris
very polite of you to answer the unsubstatiated claims of those who would have the rest of us "open our eye's" ;)

I will answer each comment that i made with references. For the current state of Union Corruption in the Teamsters Union please go to the National Legal and Policy Center / Union Corruption Update at
/artindx.asp#ibt. This lists all of the current criminal cases or reports of confirmed criminal activity from 2000-2008 for all unions in the USA. U will see that the teamsters renmain the most criminally active and corrupt union in the USA, there are over several hundred reported current cases from its members and management from all over the USA. The mere fact that Obama needs to be photographed arm in arm and smiling with their management tells u that he is totally clueless. All he is after their money and support.
Re: Barack 2008!

The mere fact that Obama needs to be photographed arm in arm and smiling with their management tells u that he is totally clueless. All he is after their money and support.

I don't know about clueless, sydneysider.

After all he is a politician and don't they do what they have to do, to get votes wherever they can. :cautious:

I've no idea about his sentiments toward the teamsters, but from a political perspective it may be one of his master-strokes, eh. ;)

Didn't Bush do something similar with the religious right... er, well maybe he is religious right! :rolleyes:
Re: Barack 2008!

... Did you hear there were bomb scares in three of Obama's campaign offices in Indiana on Tuesday their time?
so these bomb scares, - would they be by Moslim terrorists maybe? - or redneck terrorists? or racist terrorists? etc etc :eek:

Couldn't be Moslim terrorists, because according to noirua, they want him to win ;)
(post #44 on the John McCain thread) :2twocents

and couldn't be the mafia, because according to sydneysider, he's "their sleeper"
Re: Barack 2008!

I notice that Barack Obama's book "Audacity of hope", was taken from a sermon by Rev Jeremiah A Wright. The McCain camp are probably building up a campaign plan that heavily relies on extending the damage. Obama's article "A politics of Conscience" asks as many questions as it answers.
Re: Barack 2008!

another (couple) for roy zimmerman fans :)

"Eine Kleine Barackmusik" by Roy Zimmerman

"My TV" by Roy Zimmerman

words and music by Roy Zimmerman
© 2004 (From "Homeland")

My TV used to sit in my living room
Where it had sat for over 200 years
Through big family fights
Long, chilly nights
And days full of heartache and tears

My TV was the focal point of my living room
It could inform and entertain and inspire
'Til one fateful day
It was stolen away
By your brother, and your lover, and Reba McEntire

You can steal my TV
You can watch my TV
But it's still my TV

Well, I can see the metaphor is lost on some of you. And I don't wanna come off like some kind of elitist intellectual. So, at the risk of dumbin' it down for you, I'm gonna sign it again. And I'm gonna interpret for you all the deep poetical significance of each and every line.

My TV (the presidency of the United States)
Use to sit (be reposed)
In my living room (in the trust of the American people)
Where it had sat for over 200 years (Makes sense now, don't it?)

Through big family fights (the civil war)
Long, chilly nights (the cold war)
And days full of heartache and tears (my own puberty)

My TV (the presidency)
Was the focal point (focal point)
Of my living room (of the world's attention)
It could inform (Abraham Lincoln)
And entertain (Bill Clinton)
And inspire (Gerald Ford)

'Til one fateful day (December 12, 2000)
It was stolen (arrested from democratic control by means of media manipulation, voter intimidation, judicial activism, collusion, nepotism and outright fraud) away
By your brother (Jeb Bush)
And your lover (Katherine Harris)
And Reba McEntire (Sandra Day O'Connor)

You can steal my TV
You can watch my TV
But it's still my TV

Yeah, you can steal it
You can even watch it
But it's still my (belonging to the American people, many of whom have fought in grisly foreign wars, presumably to preserve the right to vote) TV
Re: Barack 2008!

I notice that Barack Obama's book "Audacity of hope", was taken from a sermon by Rev Jeremiah A Wright. The McCain camp are probably building up a campaign plan that heavily relies on extending the damage. Obama's article "A politics of Conscience" asks as many questions as it answers.

The TITLE of his book was the TITLE of the first Wright sermon Obama heard.

Obama had been trying to unite and help the poor and unemployed in Chicago and he needed organised groups to work with to achieve his goals. These groups were churches.

Obama's speech was in June last year. The following site offers an unbiased review of it:

... some pastors I was working with came up to me and asked if I was a member of a church. “If you’re organizing churches,” they said, “it might be helpful if you went to church once in a while.” And I thought, “Well, I guess that makes sense.”

Obama's intention was to put religious attitudes on the table.
...To provoke conversation to promote a vision of unity, not division.

Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and started being used to drive us apart. It got hijacked. Part of it’s because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, who’ve been all too eager to exploit what divides us. At every opportunity, they’ve told evangelical Christians that Democrats disrespect their values and dislike their Church, while suggesting to the rest of the country that religious Americans care only about issues like abortion and gay marriage; school prayer and intelligent design. There was even a time when the Christian Coalition determined that its number one legislative priority was tax cuts for the rich. I don’t know what Bible they’re reading, but it doesn’t jibe with my version.

I'm sure Richard Dawkins would be the first to agree that amiable unity amongst religious groups in the US would be preferable to the status quo of the current alignment... or rather... misalignment.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people claim to be religious yet carry and project such animosity and ill-will in their attitudes and actions towards others.

Respect and tolerance are sorely needed in all aspects of life, in all parts of the world.
Re: Barack 2008!

I don't know about clueless, sydneysider.

After all he is a politician and don't they do what they have to do, to get votes wherever they can. :cautious:

I've no idea about his sentiments toward the teamsters, but from a political perspective it may be one of his master-strokes, eh. ;)

Didn't Bush do something similar with the religious right... er, well maybe he is religious right! :rolleyes:

West Virginia votes/caucuses to-day. This State has two Democratic Senators and a Democratic Governor. How this state votes, and it is considered a bellweather state will determine Obama's fate in the coming elections. Current polls have Obama (v Hilary) in distant last place in a State that is very heavily Democratic. I suspect that he is toast.
Re: Barack 2008!

West Virginia votes/caucuses to-day. This State has two Democratic Senators and a Democratic Governor. How this state votes, and it is considered a bellweather state will determine Obama's fate in the coming elections. Current polls have Obama (v Hilary) in distant last place in a State that is very heavily Democratic. I suspect that he is toast.
As they said on PM
West Virginia is the whitest state.
It is also one of the least educated states.
Hardly likely that Obama would do well there.:2twocents

Having said that he remains frontrunner in the gambling.

sydneysider , Your idea of "toast" is the market's idea of an odds-on favourite.
If you're putting your money where your mouth is, you're either gonna be broke or real rich.

PS sad state of affairs if Hillary only does well (or rather, does best) where the level of education is down. :2twocents
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama lost by 30 points. He expected to win only 20!

28 delegates were at stake... He won 10 she won 23... 5 not allocated.

Obama: Total 1881... pledged: 1599... supers: 282
Clinton: Total 1713... pledged: 1440... supers: 273

* He has 144 to go
* She has 312 to go

Obama is 168 ahead.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
By Leonard Doyle in Washington

"The White House is won in the swing states, and I am winning the swing states."

Clinton won impressively in a swing state, but Obama crushed her in the swing states of Colorado, Minnesota, and Virginia.

Mrs Clinton is expected to make the case to the superdelegates that her success among working-class whites makes her indispensable to Democrats.

He left the state before the results came out last night to campaign in Missouri, an important election battleground. Then he will turn his attention to Florida and Michigan, two states where he did not campaign because of a dispute over the primary calendar. He will spend three days in Florida next week, trying to soothe the feeling of party activists who found their votes for Mrs Clinton disallowed.

189 delegates left. Oregon and Kentucky vote next Tuesday, while Puerto Rico votes on 1 June and Montana and South Dakota on 3 June.

* He needs 144
* She needs 312
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama lost by 30 points. He expected to win only 20!

28 delegates were at stake... He won 10 she won 23... 5 not allocated.

Obama: Total 1881... pledged: 1599... supers: 282
Clinton: Total 1713... pledged: 1440... supers: 273

* He has 144 to go
* She has 312 to go

Obama is 168 ahead.

Dear Doris,

Many of the states that Obama won with great margins were very early in the primaries (when he was being touted as the second coming of the Messiah) and before Reverend Wright (and Michelle, Weathermen etc etc) were exposed to the public. Many of these early primaries were true cauceses where he was selected by small groups of activists which he stacked with students and collected many delegates. Hilary completely missed this opportunity because she thought that her coronation was coming and was ill prepared. There is a lot more stuff coming down the pike about Obama's connections with nefarious groups. This morning there was a report out of Canada that his internet fundraising was taking in funds from overseas groups, which is illegal and connections to various muslim Marxist groups out of Africa and the Middle East. Reference was made to the fact that the Marxist Odinga used the same Obama slogans for change in his recent campaign (see Canada Free Press). I am looking for more press coverage on these issues. Obama continues to perform poorly in recent appearences, several days ago he told his audience that he had visited all of 57 US States in his campaign and yesterday he gave an off the cuff speech about the use of interpreters in Iraq and Afghanistan and was totally clueless about the various languages and dialects spoken in these areas. To-day he addressed a female reporter as "sweetie" before he refused to answer here question at a factory (very presidential). Dan Quayle was marked for life over his one potato remark, Obama has a steady litany of daily and silly comments.
Re: Barack 2008!

Silly me! Back in February I thought Dodd might be the VP...

From: Barack Obama []
Sent: Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:50 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: John Edwards

Doris --

I have some very exciting news.

My good friend John Edwards is endorsing our campaign and joining our movement for change.

We're here in Grand Rapids, Michigan -- and if you receive this message in time, you can probably turn on your TV and be part of the moment.

I'm deeply honored by John's support. He is a true leader who dedicated his career to improving the lives of ordinary Americans.

John ran a strong, principled campaign for president, focusing on a number of important issues where we share common ground -- universal health care, bringing our troops home from Iraq, and eliminating poverty in America.

The way he ran his campaign was also important. He ran in a way that reflected our shared conviction that we need to fundamentally change politics.

Like our campaign, John's campaign never accepted donations from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs.

Let's welcome John Edwards to the campaign with an outpouring of the kind of grassroots support that is bringing our political process back to the people.

Thank you for all that you're doing,


Paid for by Obama for America
This email was sent to: doris.*******
Re: Barack 2008!

Silly me! Back in February I thought Dodd might be the VP...
From: Barack Obama []
Sent: Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:50 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: John Edwards

Doris --
I have some very exciting news.
My good friend John Edwards is endorsing our campaign and joining our movement for change.

Wow - spot on Doris
Looking at the odds for a VP IF it's a democratic win .... (see jpeg)

Edwards has gone from 20-1 to 3-1 (new favourite VP ahead of Hillary).
You'd have to think that Hillary has been just a tad too negative in her campaigning - (even ads with Osama Bin Laden etc) to get the nod, despite the alleged "dream team".


  • vp odds.jpg
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Re: Barack 2008!

It is so nice to 'know' nice people. What a team they'd make!

Maybe Edwards could factor in including all adults in Obama's health plan?
... Edwards would attract white, working-class voters for him.

Edwards... still holds 19 pledged delegates who are not required to now back Obama, but many of them may do so.

Last night, Joshua Denton, a Democratic Party delegate from New Hampshire who had supported Edwards, said he will support Obama following Edwards's endorsement, the Associated Press reported.

What a nice, diplomatic guy Edwards is:

Edwards made a point of praising Clinton last night before explaining his reasons for picking Obama. "We are a stronger party because Hillary Clinton is a Democrat, we are a stronger country because of her years of service, and we're going to have a stronger nominee in the fall because of her work," he said.,0,3965798.story

During his run for the presidency, Edwards had criticized Obama for not being tough enough to challenge the special interests in Washington and for proposing a health-care expansion plan that he said was not truly universal.

At the same time, Edwards had been critical of Clinton's acceptance of campaign donations from federal lobbyists—donations that Obama rejected in his presidential campaign.

On CNN, Clinton said she agreed with one of her close friends and supporters, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), who said that Clinton's use of the term "hard-working Americans, white Americans" to describe a key demographic that has been rallying to her side was the "dumbest thing" she could have said.

I read that if/when Clinton drops out she will no longer be able to raise funds to clear her $20+ million campaign debt...
including the $11.5 million of her own loan to it.

Obama's camp is able to raise money to provide for her debt... precedents set.
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris - these might give you a smile to start the day .. ;)

John Edwards endorses Barack Obama

Obama Speech after John Edwards Endorsement


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