Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

good on you Doris.
As I mentioned once before - I hope he thanks you if he wins ;)

but then again ... maybe the old proverb will prove true.. "when two fall out, the third wins" :eek:

Analysis: The Wright effect on presidential race:
Questions the electability of Barack Obama as Hillary Clinton sees an opportunity. Latest CNN Poll shows a 6% drop in support for Barrack Obama, but no increase in support for Hillary Clinton as the undecided numbers increase.

noi, Actually there are a half dozen or so comments after that article, all pro Obama (and anti CNN) - You'd have to assume that Obama would be a breath of fresh air to the USA, starting with the press. :2twocents
Re: Barack 2008!

good on you Doris.
As I mentioned once before - I hope he thanks you if he wins ;)

but then again ... maybe the old proverb will prove true.. "when two fall out, the third wins" :eek:

2020... another old proverb states that it is not having fallen down that counts. What matters is how you get up!

There is no debating that this arduous process peels off the superficial layers of its candidates revealing their true natures. Barack has been challenged and shown to be human, but always stands up tall again and retains his innate dignity in being objective. His inherent resilience strengthens his resolve to shake off the petty denigrating distractions as people 'throw elbows' at him.

Barack is a great role model for young and old.

A lesser candidate might come out abusive and nasty.

Hillary continues to show her claws as she claws her way along. Not a warm nurturing example of womanhood IMO. He is comfortable with people and ready for conversation, whilst she is fiery-eyed and belligerent, even when she smiles. She loves to fight. He likes to resolve.

A good company promotes its own product without focusing on deviations in the opposition's.

BTW... why is it that most Australian journos continue to pronounce his name rhyming with BACK... when he was Christened to rhyme with ARK?! All US releases pronounce his name Bah-rark. It reminds me of an old aunt who used to read a lot. One day she mentioned tuber-col-o-sis and I had to laugh.
Re: Barack 2008!

1 . another old proverb states that it is not having fallen down that counts. What matters is how you get up!

2. why is it that most Australian journos continue to pronounce his name rhyming with BACK... when he was Christened to rhyme with ARK?!

3. It reminds me of an old aunt who used to read a lot. One day she mentioned tuber-col-o-sis and I had to laugh.

1. well I like the idea of someone telling the truth!
and here's another proverb for you ... "a man who speaks the truth is better than a hundred liars"

2. don't know - you don't have to be Rhode Scholar to be a journo maybe? ;)

3. :topic lol - I sat opposite a lady with similar Maloprop-like tendencies in train once - long journey - I remember one comment she came out with ... ''and then there's this "marry-jew-arna" business! they say it makes you stupid!"
Re: Barack 2008!

1. well I like the idea of someone telling the truth!
and here's another proverb for you ... "a man who speaks the truth is better than a hundred liars"

2. don't know - you don't have to be Rhode Scholar to be a journo maybe? ;)

3. :topic lol - I sat opposite a lady with similar Maloprop-like tendencies in train once - long journey - I remember one comment she came out with ... ''and then there's this "marry-jew-arna" business! they say it makes you stupid!"

Was she talking from experience? ;)

But seriously... Why DO Aussie journos mispronounce his name?
They say windshields... we say windscreens;
They say sidewalk... we say footpath;

They say Ir-ack... we say Ir...ark.
They say Bar-ark... we say Bar-ack... go figure! :confused:

Give me an honest person any day. When someone lies to you once, it's their fault. If they lie to you a second time, it's your fault... because you let them. I can still see GWB trying to quote that in his inimitable way!

Well I have to say people who believe the 'Summer holiday' from a gas tax in the US is a good thing, may have succumbed to the weed!

The tax pays for road and bridge maintenance. Take away the tax and individuals don't save much (30c a day quoted) but tens of thousands will lose their road maintenance jobs!

The press have not challenged Hillary as to IF and WHERE money will come from for repairs! The gas tax issue is a big one for Hillary's low-income supporters. I read Barack's comments about the jobs hidden away in ONE of a dozen items I read on the topic yesterday. The press are simply quoting him as saying it's not a long-term solution but a political ploy. Immediate gratification would be in many minds. Even if Hillary did win, it's a year away from her first summer to apply it! But she wants them to think this is the start of her being their saviour! Politics...

A new Hillary proverb: Fill their bellies today and they won't care if they're hungry tomorrow!
Re: Barack 2008!

Will the poll in two days reflect this one?

CBS Poll: Support For Obama Rebounds

In Wake Of Controversy Over Former Pastor, Illinois Senator Builds Lead Over McCain, Clinton

1 hour ago:

(CBS) Democrat Barack Obama appears to have rebounded from some of the damage caused by the controversy surrounding his former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll.

On one key measure, Obama has seen a big reversal since his denunciation of Wright’s remarks on Tuesday. He now leads presumptive Republican nominee John McCain in the hypothetical fall contest by eleven points, 51 percent to 40 percent. That compares to a tied match-up in a CBS News/New York Times poll that was released last Wednesday.

Positive assessments of how Obama has handled the situation with Wright are also reflected by a continued lead over fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton in his battle for their party’s nomination. Among Democratic primary voters (those who have voted or plan to vote in a Democratic primary) Obama’s lead over Clinton has increased -- he now leads Clinton by twelve points, 50 percent to 38 percent. That’s up from his eight point lead in the poll released just a few days ago.

However, some perceptions of Obama’s qualities have shifted in the last few weeks, and he has lost his edge over Clinton on some past strengths. He is behind both Clinton and McCain on the question of who is tough enough to make the hard decisions a president must. Seven in 10 think both Clinton and McCain are tough enough to make the right decisions a President has to make. Fifty-eight percent say this about Obama.

But more voters, 52 percent, view Obama as the candidate who would unite the country. Slightly fewer now say this about Clinton and McCain is the weakest on this characteristic. Obama has gone down in this measure from February when 67 percent said he would unite the country.

The poll also asked voters about their opinion of lifting the federal gas tax over the summer, a proposal supported by McCain and Clinton, but not by Obama. Forty-nine percent think lifting the tax is a bad idea, while 45 percent approve of the plan.

Americans making under $30,000 a year approve of a gas tax “holiday” for the summer, but most Americans making more do not.

The poll also found that many are skeptical of the motives of the public figures that support the idea of a temporary lifting of the federal gasoline tax: seven in 10 think they support the measure mostly to help themselves politically. Even most Americans who approve of the idea think so.

In this poll, Clinton is the candidate most viewed as pandering: Just 34 percent think she says what she believes, while nearly two in three believe she says what people want to hear. For both Obama and McCain, just over half say they say what he believes and four in 10 think they say what voters want to hear.
Re: Barack 2008!

If the Democratic vote was under Republican rules then Hillary Clinton would already be the Democratic nominee.
Much now depends on the voting in Indiana where Hillary Clinton just has to win. Latest polls showed her position was improving, and she had levelled and could be a few points ahead going into the polls.
North Carolina polls showed Barack Obama is still well in the lead but the 11% lead of a few weeks ago had come down to 8% last week. IF the movement continues Clinton could go into the vote just 5% behind with the gap narrowing.
My feelings are that Hillary Clinton will win Indiana by about 3 -5% and sneak North Carolina by a narrow margin.
Re: Barack 2008!

He has sat in the same church for 20 years and hear this preacher and, separates himself from the preacher when convenient. Politicians... :rolleyes:
See no evil... hear no evil...
The Rev Wright married the Obamas and baptized their children. Barack Obama is now having problems distancing himself from him.

Hillary Clinton is now ahead in Indiana, according to CNBC, and the gap is still closing in North Carolina. Barack Obama, having praised Rev Wright for years it is not seem credible to dump him now, and many don't believe he's genuine.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama inching closer to Democratic presidential nomination

Democratic results as of 11:55 p.m. yesterday US time:

Barack Obama - Hillary Clinton

North Carolina (115 delegates) 58% - 42%

Indiana (72 delegates) 49% - 51%,0,5694474.story?page=2

It was a decisive win as expected in NC... but the double digit lead in Indiana shrank! :)

Obama has 1836 delegates... (1584 pledged, 252 superdelegates)
Clinton has 1681 delegates... (1415 pledged, 266 superdelegates)

Obama leads by 155 total delegates.

Clinton leads by 14 amongst superdelegates but these can change their vote any time until the August convention.

Obama email:
"Here's where we stand.

As of Tuesday morning, we needed just 273 delegates to clinch the nomination. When the votes are fully counted Wednesday morning, we will have gained more than a third of them in a single day.",0,3827521.story

"You know, there are those who were saying that North Carolina would be a game-changer in this election," Obama told a roaring crowd in Raleigh, N.C., on Tuesday night, referring to Clinton's hope that an upset there would recast the race in her favor.

"But today what North Carolina decided is that the only game that needs changing is the one in Washington, D.C."

At the moment Obama needs 188 to win the nomination.
Clinton needs 343 to win.

Obama sits on 1724
Clinton has 1589

He has 233 superdelegates to 256 for Hillary.

He now has 300 to go to win the nomination.
Hillary needs 435 to win.

May the best man win next week in West Virginia! ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

Gees, one would have thought this would have been decided by now.

How long ago is it since the nomination race went to the last vote?

It looks like it will come down to the superdelegates.

Assuming that all Democrat voters will support Hilary or Barack... which they may not necessairly... I suppose logically it will come down to having to decide which canidate is more likely to steal some votes from Cain.

Has any surveys been done along those lines?
Re: Barack 2008!

Gees, one would have thought this would have been decided by now.

How long ago is it since the nomination race went to the last vote?

It looks like it will come down to the superdelegates.

Assuming that all Democrat voters will support Hilary or Barack... which they may not necessairly... I suppose logically it will come down to having to decide which canidate is more likely to steal some votes from Cain.

Has any surveys been done along those lines?
I think it's all over bar the shouting, so yes indeed that is the next question.

Can the US overcome it's inherent racism and elect a black man with (tenuous) muslim connections.

I hope so, because from an outsiders perspective, that seems to be the best choice.

I hope he has his security sorted. :2twocents
Re: Barack 2008!

FYI 2020...

Dissect the three nominees' stands on eight major issues!

Abortion, Climate change, Economy/taxes, Health care, Housing, Immigration, Iran, Iraq.
(Links on the site below)

Stance on Global Warming and America's Role:

The Iran issue is interesting:

Who sounds egotistical? Power hungry? Like GWB?
Who would you want as president influencing the world?

Direct diplomacy without preconditions; use economic sanctions; would not meet with the Iranian president; military option not off the table, but would not consider without congressional approval.

"I will use a lot of high-level presidential envoys to test the waters, to feel the way. But certainly, we're not going to just have our president meet with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez and, you know, the president of North Korea, Iran and Syria until we know better what the way forward would be."

Engage in direct diplomacy; tighten economic sanctions with international cooperation; would meet with the Iranian president with no preconditions; military option not off the table.

"I would [be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of my administration ... with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea]. And the reason is this, that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them -- which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration -- is ridiculous."

Form an alliance with European countries to put economic and diplomatic pressure on Iran; no unconditional diplomacy; military option not off the table, but would consult with leaders of Congress.

"The answer is not to enter into unconditional dialogues with these two dictatorships [Iran and Syria] from a position of weakness. The answer is for the international community to apply real pressure to Syria and Iran to change their behavior. The United States must also bolster its regional military posture to make clear to Iran our determination to protect our forces in Iraq and to deter Iranian
Re: Barack 2008!

Here's the maths 2020!

Obama will meet with undecided super delegates in Washington tomorrow!

From: David Plouffe, []
Sent: Thursday, 8 May 2008 6:57 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: In sight

Doris --

News broke this morning that Senator Clinton made three separate loans to her campaign in the past 30 days -- including one as recently as Monday.

These loans total more than $6.4 million, which combined with her previous personal loans, add up to at least $11.4 million she's loaned her campaign since February.

A spokesman said she may continue to "loan the campaign additional money out of her jointly-held assets" -- which include more than $100 million in income since her husband left the White House.

Meanwhile, by winning a double-digit victory in North Carolina and closing the gap in Indiana, Barack won another 100 delegates.

Barack Obama is now just 169 delegates away from winning the Democratic nomination. It's within sight.

This is a decisive moment in this race.

Barack has already won more votes, more delegates, and more than twice as many states as Senator Clinton, whose path to the nomination has grown extremely narrow. But these loans show that her campaign will continue to contest the remaining primaries vigorously.

We need to show that the voices of more than 1.5 million ordinary people donating whatever they can afford are more powerful than one person giving more than $11 million to their own campaign.

Here's the math of where we stand ...

There are only six contests remaining on the Democratic primary calendar and only 217 pledged delegates left to be awarded. Only 7% of the pledged delegates remain on the table. There are 253 remaining undeclared superdelegates, for a total of 470 delegates left to be awarded.

With North Carolina and Indiana complete, Barack Obama only needs 169 total delegates to capture the Democratic nomination. This is only 36% of the total remaining delegates.

Conversely, Senator Clinton needs 326 delegates to reach the Democratic nomination, which represents a startling 69% of the remaining delegates.

With the Clinton path to the nomination getting even narrower, we expect new and wildly creative scenarios to emerge in the coming days.

While those scenarios may be entertaining, they are not legitimate and will not be considered legitimate by this campaign or its millions of supporters, volunteers, and donors.

We want to be clear -- we believe that the winner of a majority of pledged delegates will be and should be the nominee of our party.

And we estimate that after the Oregon and Kentucky primaries on May 20th, we will have won a majority of the overall pledged delegates.

Evidently, the Clinton campaign agrees. According to a recent news report, by even their most optimistic estimates the Clinton campaign expects to trail by more than 100 pledged delegates and will then ask the superdelegates to overturn the will of the voters.

But we have our own case to make: that millions of Americans volunteering their time and donating in small amounts have built a campaign that has won the most delegates, the most states, and the most votes.

And this campaign -- your campaign -- will be the one that wins the presidency in November and delivers a wave of support for Democrats at every level of office.

We'll be in touch as the situation evolves.

Thank you,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America
This email was sent to: doris.*******
Re: Barack 2008!

Although Barack was born in Hawaii and later in his adolescence grew up there with his maternal grandparents, he wasn't considered by many Blacks as African American or Black enough since his family history did not extend as far back as the slavery years.

It's remarkable that probably the two best known and successful black males in the USA are Obama and former general Colin Powell and neither has a slave heritage (Powell's parents are from the West Indies).

This unhappy factor seems deeply embedded in the African-American psyche. Condoleeza Rice is an extraordinary and inspiring exception. :)
Re: Barack 2008!

... The Iran issue is interesting:

Direct diplomacy without preconditions; use economic sanctions; would not meet with the Iranian president;

Engage in direct diplomacy; tighten economic sanctions with international cooperation; would meet with the Iranian president with no preconditions;

Form an alliance with European countries to put economic and diplomatic pressure on Iran; no unconditional diplomacy

Could be worse I guess, we could have Giuliani still in the running :(
In 1995, Giuliani had late Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat ejected from a concert at the Lincoln Center in New York
THE U.N. AT 50: ARAFAT; White House Condemns Giuliani for Ejecting Arafat From Concert
Published: October 25, 1995
A day after Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani expelled Yasir Arafat from a concert for world leaders at Lincoln Center, the Clinton Administration sharply criticized the Mayor yesterday for what Washington officials called an embarrassing breach of international diplomacy.

Mr. Giuliani, clearly relishing the controversy, insisted that he could never forgive and play host to Mr. Arafat even though the Palestinian leader has been embraced as a peacemaker by the Israeli and United States Governments.

A spokesman for the United States Mission to the United Nations said the Administration made it clear to the city that Mr. Arafat, the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, could be invited to local events. Mr. Clinton invited him to a White House reception on Sunday.

"We regard the incident as unfortunate in light of the constructive role that Chairman Arafat has played in the Mideast peace process," said the spokesman, James P. Rubin. A senior Administration official in Washington, who insisted on not being identified, went even further, saying the incident on Monday night was "an embarrassment to everyone associated with diplomacy."

The period after the expulsion from Lebanon was a low time for Arafat and the PLO. Then the intifada (shaking) protest movement strengthened Arafat by directing world attention to the difficult plight of the Palestinians. In 1988 came a change of policy. In a speech at a special United Nations session held in Geneva, Switzerland, Arafat declared that the PLO renounced terrorism and supported "the right of all parties concerned in the Middle East conflict to live in peace and security, including the state of Palestine, Israel and other neighbours".

The prospects for a peace agreement with Israel now brightened. After a setback when the PLO supported Iraq in the Persian Gulf War of 1991, the peace process began in earnest, leading to the Oslo Accords of 1993.

This agreement included provision for the Palestinian elections which took place in early 1996, and Arafat was elected President of the Palestine Authority. Like other Arab regimes in the area, however, Arafat's governing style tended to be more dictatorial than democratic. When the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu came to power in Israel in 1996, the peace process slowed down considerably. ....


  • arafat1.jpg
    27.1 KB · Views: 80
Re: Barack 2008!

I think it's all over bar the shouting, so yes indeed that is the next question.

Can the US overcome it's inherent racism and elect a black man with (tenuous) muslim connections.
I hope so, because from an outsiders perspective, that seems to be the best choice.

I hope he has his security sorted. :2twocents

Well since it appears the USA is suffering a bit of Stockholm syndrome re the distortion and over-reaction to the war on terrorism, it's probably the best choice and a good tactic.

And aparently if he's not decended from slavery and actually 'Hawain', not really considered black, it's probably easier for them to accept him than a woman as president.

The so called home of democracy, freedom and free speach will just about be the last to have a woman head of state.
Re: Barack 2008!

2020... another old proverb states that it is not having fallen down that counts. What matters is how you get up!

There is no debating that this arduous process peels off the superficial layers of its candidates revealing their true natures. Barack has been challenged and shown to be human, but always stands up tall again and retains his innate dignity in being objective. His inherent resilience strengthens his resolve to shake off the petty denigrating distractions as people 'throw elbows' at him.

Barack is a great role model for young and old.

A lesser candidate might come out abusive and nasty.

Hillary continues to show her claws as she claws her way along. Not a warm nurturing example of womanhood IMO. He is comfortable with people and ready for conversation, whilst she is fiery-eyed and belligerent, even when she smiles. She loves to fight. He likes to resolve.

A good company promotes its own product without focusing on deviations in the opposition's.

BTW... why is it that most Australian journos continue to pronounce his name rhyming with BACK... when he was Christened to rhyme with ARK?! All US releases pronounce his name Bah-rark. It reminds me of an old aunt who used to read a lot. One day she mentioned tuber-col-o-sis and I had to laugh.

I guess that explains why he he plans to pull government oversight from the teamsters union so that they can go back to their old mafia ways and he wants to do away with secret voting in union elections so that union members will vote (pressured) out in the open on a show of hands. He was pictured with Hoffa arm in arm with Hoffa the other day after this undertaking was given. This is just like the corrupt political machine politics that "nurtured" Obama in Chicago where he was groomed ((see Ryzko ( who financed Obama's home) trial for seedy details of Chicago's corruption)). He joined Rev Wrights "Church" twenty years ago to get the voter support of his congregation (probably over twenty thousand votes there when he ran for State office). Wright practices Liberation theology which teaches us that the black gods will kill the white gods (if u do not believe me then do some research on the web). When he ran for the U.S. senate he managed to get secret/ sealed transcripts from his Senate opponents divorce case and spill their contents all over the Chicago press just before the elections and his opponent went down in flames. He has been meddling in Kenyan politics for some time, he supported a Muslim Marxist named Odinga who lost in the December elections, his supporters then went on a rampage and burned about sixty Christians to death in a Kenyan Church in January. Do u want me to continue? there is a lot more of this stuff??
Re: Barack 2008!

I guess that explains why he he plans to pull government oversight from the teamsters union so that they can go back to their old mafia ways and he wants to do away with secret voting in union elections so that union members will vote (pressured) out in the open on a show of hands. He was pictured with Hoffa arm in arm with Hoffa the other day after this undertaking was given. This is just like the corrupt political machine politics that "nurtured" Obama in Chicago where he was groomed ((see Ryzko ( who financed Obama's home) trial for seedy details of Chicago's corruption)). He joined Rev Wrights "Church" twenty years ago to get the voter support of his congregation (probably over twenty thousand votes there when he ran for State office). Wright practices Liberation theology which teaches us that the black gods will kill the white gods (if u do not believe me then do some research on the web). When he ran for the U.S. senate he managed to get secret/ sealed transcripts from his Senate opponents divorce case and spill their contents all over the Chicago press just before the elections and his opponent went down in flames. He has been meddling in Kenyan politics for some time, he supported a Muslim Marxist named Odinga who lost in the December elections, his supporters then went on a rampage and burned about sixty Christians to death in a Kenyan Church in January. Do u want me to continue? there is a lot more of this stuff??

Great post... hopefully will open a few eye's....
Re: Barack 2008!

When he ran for the U.S. senate he managed to get secret/ sealed transcripts from his Senate opponents divorce case and spill their contents all over the Chicago press just before the elections and his opponent went down in flames.,_2004

The Illinois United States Senate election of 2004 was held on November 2, 2004. Democratic candidate Barack Obama defeated Republican candidate Alan Keyes by 70% to 27%. The 43% margin was the largest in Illinois history in a U.S. Senate election. The election was the first in which both major party candidates were African Americans. Obama succeeded Republican incumbent Sen. Peter Fitzgerald who announced on April 15, 2003 that he would retire upon the end of his first term in 2005.

The Democratic and Republic primary elections held on March 16, 2004 were contested by a total of 15 candidates who combined to spend a record total of over $60 million. The Democratic primary election, contested by 7 candidates who combined to spend over $46 million, was the most expensive U.S. Senate primary election in history.

Obama won the crowded Democratic primary with a clear majority of votes by a landslide margin of 29% over his closest Democratic rival and with a vote total that equaled that of all 8 candidates in the Republican primary combined. The victory made Obama the brightest new star of the Democratic Party and led to him giving the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention on July 27, 2004.

Jack Ryan won the crowded Republican primary with a plurality of votes by a substantial margin of 12% over his closest Republican rival, but three months later, on June 25, 2004 announced his withdrawal from the race -- four days after the court-ordered release of previously sealed divorce records containing embarrassing allegations by his ex-wife.

Six weeks later, on August 4, 2004, the Illinois Republican State Central Committee asked Alan Keyes of Maryland to replace Ryan as the Republican candidate. Keyes accepted four days later and moved into an apartment in Illinois four days after that, less than 3 months before the general election.