Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

John McCain

just posting on behalf of the many posters who have contributed to the discussion on the many threads about US politics around here - despite the fact we can't vote (including you I guess) ;)

Incidentally US politics is arguably (surely?) more important than Zimbabwe - given the way we follow them from warzone to warzone these days. :2twocents
I'm sure if the many posters needed you to speak on their behalf, they would have asked you. They didn't. Most are aware that we have no bearing on US elections and hold the zealotry over for their own elections.

Now that's enough on the matter, if folks can keep on topic, that would be good.

McCain getting some "help" from an "allied" evangelist..
be interesting to see if McCain can talk his way out of this as well as Obama has (or seems to have) been able to do with "his Pastor" :2twocents

Then again, you never know with America which way the voters will jump.

McCain-allied preacher apologises over 'Catholic *****' comments
Posted 2 hours 46 minutes ago
Updated 2 hours 47 minutes ago

A popular US televangelist who backs Republican presidential candidate John McCain has apologised for calling the Catholic church "a great *****".

"I want to express my deep regret for any comments that Catholics have found hurtful," Texas-based preacher John Hagee wrote to Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights president William Donahue, who made the letter public.

Mr Hagee, 68, said that after speaking with Catholic friends and officials, "I now have an improved understanding of the Catholic Church, its relation to the Jewish faith, and the history of anti-Catholicism."

A staunch supporter of Israel, Mr Hagee, leader of John Hagee Ministries, has in the past accused the Catholic Church of being anti-Semitic, in addition to branding it "the great *****".

"In my zeal to oppose anti-Semitism and bigotry in all its ugly forms, I have often emphasised the darkest chapters in the history of Catholics and Protestant relations with the Jews," he wrote.

"In the process, I may have contributed to the mistaken impression that the anti-Jewish violence of the Crusades and the Inquisition defines the Catholic church. It most certainly does not."

Mr Donahue's response was positive. "The tone of Hagee's letter is sincere," he said.
m8 - if you go to the link it's all there .
Sufficient to say
a) it's poilitically incorrect
b) starts with "who" and rhymes with "ore" :eek:
"Is this the kind of gaff that can cripple a campaign ? ......... "
"Mccain admits Iraq War really about OIL!"

John '100 years' Mccain admits Iraq War really about OIL!!!

McCain decided to toss in a plug for his upcoming energy policy rollout. But in the midst of decrying the dangers of Americans reliance on foreign oil, McCain seemed to suggest that this reliance caused the current struggle in Iraq. "My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will -- that will then prevent us -- that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East," McCain said.

Keith Olbermann slams John Mccain - BLOOD for OIL (Iraq war)
"Is this the kind of gaff that can cripple a campaign ? ......... "
"Mccain admits Iraq War really about OIL!"

John '100 years' Mccain admits Iraq War really about OIL!!!

At the very end I notice the following words "paid for by the Democratic National Committee". Probably, why not much notice was taken of it and anyway, John McCain is known for his straight from the shoulder comments.

Chance to elect a great Commander in Chief:
We can go on fighting them for centuries, or we can try to sort out the problems. Not that it's gonna be easy.

Could you describe what you see as "the problems"?

Could you make some suggestions as to how we can try to sort out the problems and with whom?

I have a vague recollection of Osama bin Laden offering a 'truce' a few years ago. Can't remember the details now and have no idea how genuine any such offer might have been.
Could you describe what you see as "the problems"?

Could you make some suggestions as to how we can try to sort out the problems and with whom?

I have a vague recollection of Osama bin Laden offering a 'truce' a few years ago. Can't remember the details now and have no idea how genuine any such offer might have been.

Julia, gee 64K dollar questions
Palestinian question has gotta be #1.
Likewise the fact that we are in Iraq - again a self perpetuating problem.

Bush currently trying to broker a Peace Settlement in Palestine - yeah right. his chance and Buckley's. (if you ask me).

Not so much interested in a truce with AQ, more a way to starve him of conscripts. - As I said, not that it's gonna be easy.

But putting it round the other way, I'm 100% convinced that we have gone backwards under Bush. And when McCain is asked "do you see Iraq going on for 50 years?" and he answers immediately "100 years, why not?" - I ask myself, I sure as hell hope that someone better than him gets the top job. :2twocents
The McCain-Obama Double Standard

Keith Olberman illustrates the media's double standard when it comes to Barack Obama's preacher (Jeremiah Wright)and John McCain's preachers (John Hagee, Jerry Falwell and Rod Parsely).

PS Hagee and Falwell are seriously deluded idiots. :2twocents
Could you describe what you see as "the problems"?

Could you make some suggestions as to how we can try to sort out the problems and with whom?
Another problem is religious fanaticism / extremism on all sides ...
Actually Julia, if you watch that video in the last post , you'll hear a couple of classics ...

a) Hagee saying that New Orleans (Katrina) was God acting to prevent a gay mardi gras (Gay Pride Parade) that they planned for the next week - it was published in the paper, ok .... and , mmm , God must have read about it, ok ... and , hey! - no way Jose was he gonna let that happen - so he sends in Katrina ....

"I believe that New Orleans had a level oid sin that was offensive to God ... etc "

b) Falwell saying that WTC 9/11 was God angry at the gays etc
"Those who died on 9/11 probably deserved it" - this statement made on national TV WHILST firefighters were still searching through the rubble for their dead comrades. :confused:

and, lol -
McCain staking hands / embracing these idiots. :eek:

I find it hard to believe that a person who made it to grade 5 would believe any of the stuff these blokes say.

PS I wonder if God also screwed up the pathetic rescue effort in New Orleans. :(

PS SHinbone !! - Just as well God didn't read the Sydney Morning Herald when they announced Sydney's Mardi Gras . :eek:
Hagee, in 'NYT' This Sunday, Says McCain Sought His Endorsement
By Greg Mitchell
Published: March 20, 2008 5:35 PM ET

NEW YORK In an interview that will appear in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine, controversial televangelist Rev. John Hagee declares, "It's true that [John] McCain's campaign sought my endorsement."

McCain has attempted to distance himself from some of Hagee's views, much as Barack Obama is doing in relation to Rev. Jeremiah Wright. But unlike McCain, Obama has not stood on stage with Wright and accepted his accolades this year.

Hell, he reckons Obama would make "the major leagues" in the "ministry" - news for Hagee - that's exactly what he will do if he gets into the White House - but a damned site more sensible and relevant "ministry" that you've ever been involved with. :2twocents
Asked what he thinks of Obama, he answers, "He is going to be difficult to beat, because the man is a master of communication. If he were in the ministry, he would make it in the major leagues overnight".
McCain Admits Hagee Endorsement Was A Mistake
Share April 20, 2008 12:42 PM

ABC News' Mary Bruce Reports: Presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., admitted this morning that it was a mistake to accept the endorsement of Evangelical pastor Rev. John Hagee. When asked in an exclusive "This Week" interview with George Stephanopoulos if it was "a mistake to solicit and accept his endorsement", McCain replied "oh, probably, sure." Despite admitting his error, McCain made clear he's still "glad to have his endorsement."

McCain spoke out against Hagee's "condemning of the Catholic church," but added that "I admire and respect Dr. Hagee's leadership... I admire and appreciate his advocacy for the state of Israel, the independence of the state of Israel." McCain has previously admitted to soliciting Rev. Hagee's endorsement.


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I'm a bit at sea with this McCain guy.

Is he related to the mob that make McCain's (Tm) prepared meals?

No! But he is related to a Scottish King, Robert de Bruce and his father was a Full Admiral in the American Fleet in World War 11.
No! But he is related to a Scottish King, Robert de Bruce and his father was a Full Admiral in the American Fleet in World War 11.

I hope if he is elected President he won't continue the policy of ABJECT APPEASEMENT shown towards the Juntas of North Korea and Burma that his predecessor has shown.

Maybe we can hope they strike BIG oil in those countries so President-to-be McCain can do his dooty....


I hope if he is elected President he won't continue the policy of ABJECT APPEASEMENT shown towards the Juntas of North Korea and Burma that his predecessor has shown.
Maybe we can hope they strike BIG oil in those countries so President-to-be McCain can do his dooty.... :confused:
Hi AJ, this link shows why China supports the Junta in Burma and about the gas field found there. If America makes a move they would find the Burmese Junta receiving even more weapons and support from China and India, more that is than they receive already.
A very sad situation which may take 30 years or more to solve:
I hope if he is elected President he won't continue the policy of ABJECT APPEASEMENT shown towards the Juntas of North Korea and Burma that his predecessor has shown.

Maybe we can hope they strike BIG oil in those countries so President-to-be McCain can do his dooty....



There is a type of wooly argument, illustrated in this post, that all the ills of the world are due to inaction by the West.

Korea, Cambodia and Burma have a long history of mad and bad rulers which their populations have followed through monarchial, democratic and communist rule since recorded time.

The American people are aware of this and will vote for John McCain precisely to keep the holders of this argument at arms length from any real power in the great USA.

McCain is a conman - I swear it !! -
one shallow conman...
the more I see of him , the less I like him.

e.g. How's this for a classic Ad hominem ....

Barack Obama/Jim Webb vs John Mccain - Veteran GI Bill

Ad hominem
A Latin phrase which has come to mean attacking your opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments

well for mine I sure hope that it's an Obama / Webb ticket (not that Webb has put his hand up yet for the VP position)

Jim Webb Rips Lindsey Graham on Meet the Press

(Only) 35% of the US military agree with the policy of this President

Jim Webb on Hardball 2/7/07

JIM WEBB: Iraq Questions for Petraeus, Crocker
Back to that lady who challenged him on the disclosure of records of POW /MIA personnel..

If these quotes are true, the man doesn't deserve to be a Senator, let alone a President.

John McCain Cursing


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