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Re: XAO Analysis

today made me rethink my trading strategy. i guess its all a learning curve, bt paying a heavy price for it, losing over 2mths worth of profit over the last 3 days...
Re: XAO Analysis

Would some one please be able to post how long it has been since the XAO fell 198 points in one day please !

So the markets closed at 5989 points. wow what a day! its been quite interesting and sad for me.
Re: XAO Analysis

Would some one please be able to post how long it has been since the XAO fell 198 points in one day please !

So the markets closed at 5989 points. wow what a day! its been quite interesting and sad for me.

More to the point...when was the last time XAO fell this much in percentage terms?
Re: XAO Analysis

No fun for me either. I pretty much brought my at the top and have no control over it because they are all in managed funds. So much for a long term portfolio while I continue my trading studies. The good thing is only 35% of my portfolio is in Aussie equities and dollar wises, I didn't invest much in the first place.

I do feel really bad for those who are heavily long and with a much much larger portfolio though...

So 10-15% technical correction is on its way after all.
Re: XAO Analysis

I kept buying on the way down hoping for a bounce that never came .. will sleep uneasy tonight if the DOW falls yet again.
Re: XAO Analysis

Why is it fear?
Why is it not common sense business,taking notice of Fundamental catalysts?

Agree with that Tech/a. Some over reliance of technical support levels etc. can be dangerous. The party may be over so watch the fundamentals eg liquidity and debt.
There is a time for technical analysis, but I'm not sure it is now?
Re: XAO Analysis

even with the surge in metal prices overnite, it didnt do the resource stocks any good, i think tonite the metal price might drop a lil, wont do good to tomorrow's market... or am i js being a pessimist?
Re: XAO Analysis

even with the surge in metal prices overnite, it didnt do the resource stocks any good, i think tonite the metal price might drop a lil, wont do good to tomorrow's market... or am i js being a pessimist?

Time to become BEAR.
Seems that the jitters goes all the way to ASIA.
Nikkei lost 377 point
Kospi lost 4%
I think it seems hard to see any green side in Europe today, and it won't be green as well in DOW. Only if bargain hunters jump on board, but I doubt it.
Re: XAO Analysis

only have 2 positions open now. these two will have to weather the storm. exited one long term stock only 15% off its highs so not to bad, closed another position at break even.

just have to grin and bear it for other positions now.
Re: XAO Analysis

u better check the aussie dollar temjin it took another smashing this afternoon as well against the us$
Re: XAO Analysis

I think we are going to get to about or just above 5800 on the XJO and XAO. I think this was said elsewhere.

It's a 38.2% retrace off the high, from the june 2006 low. It also represents the bottom of a possible ABC correction. IFF it turns out to be a quick downturn. If it fails at this level I will close all my open positions, irrespective of stops.

I am fortunate in having half of my portfolio free carried, and wont sell them. But still, it's pretty bad out there. And I'm used to watching terrible displays, being a Freo supporter and all. Good training for this I suppose.

Just time to watch, wait and find those stocks that really aren't being sold off despite those Grizzlies. And get them on the rebound. Bam.

Chins up people.
Re: XAO Analysis

Great post chops,

On the topic of shares holding out I notice CSL is holding up very well for a top 20.

it's made the news papers time to get long ha ha.
Sharemarket plunges on US fears. the age


  • Chart_ CSL .pdf
    30.2 KB · Views: 14
Re: XAO Analysis

More to the point...when was the last time XAO fell this much in percentage terms?

Percentage is the important one.

September 17th, 2001 - 5.02%
previous to this: September 12th, 2001 - 4.32%

At the moment we are down 7.11% from high of 24th July.

Not all is terrible at the moment, after September 11, we've had higher cyclical falls, they just have been spread out further over weeks & months.
Re: XAO Analysis

Anyone tell me how much the market lost with the collapse of Enron, Worldcom and the like? My apologies but was not much interested in the share market back then. As an aside, Enron cost the firm I was working for at the time everything (poor old Arthur Andersen - talk about a house of cards).

I cannot see how anyone can compare a shock like September 11 (ie attack on the US mainland) to a shock/correction of a credit crunch due to a bunch of NINJA ('now income, no job, awesome) loans going bust and a few naughty hedge funds being caught with their fingers in the cookie jar? Or is that just me being stupid?

Anyway if anyone has some info, let me know. If you are all doom and gloomed analysed out, I understand too.

Thinking of adopting the classic ostrich trading strategy and burying my chops in the sand for 3 months. I've done my research, have my timeframe in place (CGT bless its cotton socks), have my longer term view on the global economy and will live or die by this stubborness. Man if I survive this there might even be a book out of this. 'Ostrich Manoeuvres in the Stock Market Correction'.

Oh ****e....its hard to bear, no bull!
Re: XAO Analysis

Why is it fear?
Why is it not common sense business,taking notice of Fundamental catalysts?

I think it's fear that finally market participants are taking notice of Fundamental catalysts Seriously.
Re: XAO Analysis

Not all is terrible at the moment, after September 11, we've had higher cyclical falls, they just have been spread out further over weeks & months.

I don't think that comparison puts this into adequate context. Sept 11 occured after one and a half years of a bear market in the US. This has occured after 4+ years of bull markets globally. A better comparison might be Oct '87 or '97. I'm not suggesting this is where we are again...but the contexts are more comparible.
Re: XAO Analysis

There is an old saying that "The Bull is hard one to ride, and with it's wild bucks and spins, it carries only the bravest and most skillful of riders." Mabey its not that old, however you know what I talking about. The queastion we have all got to ask ourselves is has the credit cycle (liquidity, appetite for risk) really imploded? If so what will be the wash out over the next 3 months, 6 months, ...... 2 years etc. How will this effect the commodity super-cycle, interest rates, exchange rates, the gold market etc.

The run has been very good for a while, this mess is going to shake out the highly geared investor, and those that panic. I used to get all tied up in knots over events like this. Wait for the dust to settle and choose wisely. I have never failed to make money long buying quality during a correction, however I have purchased too early before.

Good luck

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