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Would you go to war?

I'm not sure that I would be happy to go to war to defend the country and its way of life. Sure, where we are at the moment is the greatest place on earth, but countries, homes, and way of lives all change eventually. If I am really really sick of the country, I'd seriously just consider moving. Until that day, I will contribute to the community in a positive manner.

I will definately go to war, though, if family members are threatened. No hesitation there.
Let Us Pray
Prayer of the Royal Australian Regiment

O God, We who have served in the Royal Australian Regiment, consecrate
ourselves to you by giving ourselves,body and spirit to your service and to
the service of our fellow man.

Cleanse from us everything that could mar this srvice
Grant that we may live our lives that at all times we put our duty first.
Help us to think wisely,to speak rightly,to resolve bravely,to act kindly
and to live purely.

Give us the courage to defend the causeof justice, freedom,truth and
the right to liberty.

this we ask through Christ our Lord


Who after reading this would not have the courage to defend this land that we are able to safely call HOME


Who after reading this would not have the courage to defend this land that we are able to safely call HOME
Me, for one, if for no other reason than the invocation of religion amongst the call to arms.
Sure Id go.

Just imagine if (for example) the ways of life in Iran (especially for women) and their religion were to be forced upon us....I'd fight against that for sure!

If the Islamic states decided to invade us, I couldn't hold it against them since we're trying to steal oil/resource from Iraq and have always thought we got off very lightly for killing people (non combatants)

Are you serious??
Are you Australian?

I must be miss reading that idiotic statement.

Are you serious??
Are you Australian?

I must be miss reading that idiotic statement.

I had to close the laptop on that one. I was either going nuts, or I was going to punch the screen.

I guess according to your definition I'm un-Australian?
Yes I'm very serious...I don't agree with a lot of the crap that happens in Islam along with other countries and including my own. But at the end of the day I fully accept the responsibility of being Australian and supporting and following America into Iraq and killing Iraq's for oil. I'm not going to hide behind the delusion of WMD's I may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but I’m not that stupid or gullible. I acknowledge we did it for oil, for a lot of cheap oil, at the time I believe the quote was in the order of $3-$4trillion priced at $25/barrel with a $1production cost/per barrel. That’s $3-$4trillion profit.
So as an Australian I don’t have a moral leg to stand on if the Islamic countries decide to join together to attack the west in retaliation (even if they use that as an excuse). I’ve lived in Sydney for the past 8 years or so expecting retaliation in one form or another and feel very thankful that my country gets to go to war while I have yet to experience what living through a war is like. And I acknowledge that we voted the same government in while we were supporting the killing of Iraqi citizens. There is no way in hell I would raise arms against them after what I as an Australia have done to them through the greatness of democracy.
Oh and that’s no dig at democracy, I find it rather poetic and can look at it in a philosophical kind of way, I’m part of a nation that did nothing when it could to stop the government from being part of the blood for oil scheme in Iraq. I’ve profited from our dealings in Iraq. But I can’t defend my countries actions, we’re crims. I guess not much has changed in 200 years
I had to close the laptop on that one. I was either going nuts, or I was going to punch the screen.

thats what is so wonderful, and special about freedom of speach. you may not agree with may even despise it. but you must defend someones right to say it....for whom do we trust to chose what is right for us to say, and what to hear?

Well, im sorry. I'm just dumbfounded that anyone living here would sit back with our country being invaded and say "nope, I'm not doing anything to stop them...let them come"

In my mind it just doesn't sound Australian

Oh I totally agree with the oil/Iraq thing. I dont support that and never did. It was clear what all that was about.
I was just looking at the question posed as if Australian had to go to war because of a foreign invaders.

Would I go to war to save my country..yes ..of course.
Would I go to war because someone like George Bush says

(Mind you, you dont have the choice if your already in the military now do you )

Do you not have any respect. Even by now you must know that some aussie ha laid down his life to try and protect islamic nutcases from themselves all for nothing if people like yo are here talking the way that you do.

I posted that prayer last nite for a reason that most of you would not have understood at the time. Julia I hope you now understand the reason behind it. It was not to b taken as you did but as a tribute to a brave man who approx 5 hrs earlier gave up his life to try to enable others to live some form of a decent life. At the time of publishing the prayer I wa unable to comment why.

But today of all days PLEASE show some RESPECT for a brave man who will not be coming home to life as we all know it.



mary gilmore..
Wouldn't it be good if all the kids out this weekend enjoying a drink and a good time thought of this man who died in the service of their country.
Do you not have any respect. Even by now you must know that some aussie ha laid down his life to try and protect islamic nutcases from themselves all for nothing if people like yo are here talking the way that you do.
Why is it up to us to protect Islamic people from themselves, as you put it?
Would we find it A-OK for the Islamic armies to invade Australia to similarly protect us from ourselves? If not, why not? What is the difference?

I posted that prayer last nite for a reason that most of you would not have understood at the time. Julia I hope you now understand the reason behind it.
I'm sincerely sorry about the soldier who was killed, just as I'm sorry about any human being who loses his/her life while engaged in any endeavour they believe in.

But I resent religion being involved, either by our 'side' or the so called enemy.
It is usually invoked in an attempt to confer rightness on whichever side is making the call. I remember George Bush saying that God told him it was right to attack Iraq, ditto presumably Afghanistan.

Imo we have no business being in either of these wars and I will not be part of the emotive business of asking any God to protect either side. Even if I held with religion, which I don't, I couldn't think of anything more hypocritical.
I have 4 sons that I know of, and I have served in the ADF. One of my sons is a digger and I worry that he may one day be in harms way.

I believe the following.

These overseas godbotherers are bloody dangerous and need to be extinguished.

I don't agree with women going to war unless they are going as nurses.

Australia has not quite lost the ability to pick its fights and win.

Our soldiers need our support.

Anyone who denigrates or opposes our soldiers in battle is a mongrel dog.

Imo we have no business being in either of these wars and I will not be part of the emotive business of asking any God to protect either side.

So whilst Saddam was killing hundreds of thousands, we should have just sat back and done nothing because it didnt affect us?

Just don't read the Age mate, its a left wing rag, and on its circulation levels probably will go the way of the Bulletin.

So whilst Saddam was killing hundreds of thousands, we should have just sat back and done nothing because it didnt affect us?

Wow. Even when there are no WMD, people continue to twist history to justify the war. Saddam reigned with the help of the US. And the later famine that killed those hundreds of thousands was a direct result of sanctions imposed by the US.
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