Money can't buy Poverty
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I did time in Beerwar that was enough for me..My Farther told me he screwed a Jap in 44 .....shot him between the eyes
My Great Uncle died at Gallipoli. (Artillery division)
My Great Grandfather was wounded in France but remained a Drill Sargeant here in Australia until the war ended.
My Grandfather and his six brothers went to WWII and three of them returned. He also had a sister that joined as a nurse, got involved with Military Intelligence where her war records were sealed for six months and afterwards promptly married an American Major (Doctor) and returned with him to California when the war ended.
I have to say that they probably don't want my soft podgy slightly over the hill body - but if they did and there was fighting on our soil or the definate possibility of fighting on our soil, I'd join up.
Sir O
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Basically, why not let each citizen defend their own property, join malitia's etc?
kennas. have you actually read the story of les darcy? are you aware what was done to him? why they did it? whom the players were? and do you think anything has changed?
All I know is that he dodged conscription by moving to the States.
What if other young Aussies were on a front line across Brissie prawn defending us southerners? I suppose it's hard to imagine, but that's part of my 'defend the territory no question' position.
Agree GG...
Nyden re: Women at war. Not trying to put you offside here but I believe women should really only be made to do medical stuff etc. The fact that women are not as physically strong as men is a standout point to me; coupled with the fact that when it came to the crunch I don't think (IMO and generic statement here) that women could actually go through with the required mental state to commit to war and its doings.
Nyden, I haven't expressed my case very well obviously. The backyard thing was a metaphor for the country border. Obviously if we're ever attacked, you'll be long gone, so no grenades over the fence for you.Kennas,
Well, as Talleyrand said "Treason is a matter of dates." I guess what I'm saying, is that if the war had progressed to the point of grenades being thrown into my house ... well, it's a pretty sure bet we've lost the war. I'd attempt to defect and join the enemy at that pointMy life is far more important than way of life, and as I've repeatedly stated - patriotism is simply a form of brainwashing. However, for arguments sake - I would have never been in that position to start with. I'd be on the first plane out of here with a suitcase of cash in the event of war.
What if other young Aussies were on a front line across Brissie prawn defending us southerners? I suppose it's hard to imagine, but that's part of my 'defend the territory no question' position.
because the invaders would roll through the suburbs one at a time and the defenders would have no chance of defending themselves against a professial pre-planned combined arms attack.
picture a city like sydney, if the defenders were spread right across the region, the defence would be spread so thinly that when a concentrated force of infantry and armour, backed by air support and artillery advance using skilled tactics they would roll through the suburbs like a hot knife through butter.
They can organize collectively. There would be private defence agencies. If every citizen is armed and hostile, they're going to have ALOT of trouble occupying especially when they're fighting Australians. Everyone suddenly becomes an enemy, lol.
The Myth of National Defence by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
or The Anarchist Society vs. the Military State: The Insignificance of the Free Rider by Vedrun Vuk (audio)
Very interesting.![]()
Offcourse if every citizen was "armed" then they can put up resitence, But my comment was in regards to someone saying it would be better if everyone just stayed in their own small area and defended it rather than uniting in one big push to drive out the attackers.
Picture a large pub filled with over a hundred normal aussies, suddenly 10 highly trained ninjas turned up an started attacking one group of aussie pub goers at a time, it might take them a while but these ninjas will easily work there way through the pub one table at a time bashing groups of 2 or 3 people, this is how an invader would work. the best option would be for the whole pub to unite and fight of the ninjas at once since they would out number them 10 to 1.
If you let the attackers choose when and where to fight, they will divide your forces and smash small groups one at a time with concentrated fire.
That's just sexist, and a generalization that no longer fits what a 'man' is in this day and age. Evolution may have originally set specific roles for specific genders, but society has re-defined those roles.
Not as physically strong? I know quite a few women that are quite strong, and extremely fit. Lack of mental state? Ah, yes; because I'm sure men have no issues with putting a bullet through the head of another man. I know I couldn't do it, and quite frankly; I'm too much of a latte-sipping metro sexual pretty-boy to ever survive out there:
Like I said, if women are strong enough in mind and body as to make it in the corporate world, and to have equal rights in all facets of life, then they must embrace equal responsibilities as well. It is simply unjust to have it any other way.
Nyden, tell me honestly...most women wouldn't even be able to hold a candle to most mens physical capabilities. Of course it's a generalization...cause it's the truth. If women are so equal with men how come they can't run faster, jump higher, throw longer, lift more etc etc? Just the way it is sweetcheeks...and why I believe men should be on the frontline and most women couldn't handle it. AGAIN so you don't cut loose I know there are women out there who could destroy men at some things...but as a whole and on zi bell curve...Men > Women in physicality etc.
I didn't say men have a pre-determined gene etc in their brains to be able to pull the trigger...there was actually an interesting UK doco about whether people in today's society could actually go through with the act of shooting...results were surprising. It's just I believe men are more desensitized to violence and the acts of committing it; hence my conclusion that they again would be more suited to combat aspect of war. You would have to have a screw loose to actually want to maim another human...but when it comes to the crunch...if someone wants to take you down...survival of the fittest.
air show in melbourne recruiting air force cadets.......17 navy destroyers in sydney recruiting sailors....
this topic may require more thought that some here realise....
And all women are beautiful amazonian tatiana like specimens who can leap tall buildings in a single bound?Ah, how true. Most of us men are just pure specimens of physical strength. Wait, what's the current obesity rate? Half of us blokes (excluding myself) are beer-bellied, diabetic, cardiovascular-patients-to-be; half of which probably can't even walk 1km, let alone run it.
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