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Would you go to war?

In ideal circumstances - yes.

But they are never ideal are they , look at Vietnam for instance.

No - to going to war OS but if we're even invaded of course.

With the weapons around today there's hardly a need for foot soldiers, just nuke the bastards.

I wonder if Kev would dust off the old Brisbane Line file considering it is his home town. With today's capabilities we would be hard pressed to defend Tasmania against an all out invasion. Once an invasion force was capable and able to land a force of sufficent size anyone north of the qld border should stick there head between thier legs and kiss their **** goodbye

You George W Bush ? Mission accomplished !

Well it's not mission accomplished, But once the enemy is established them selves enough that they feel comfortable occupying the streets, then it is a sign that they have a large fighting force, with all the nessasary logistical streams to sustain long term operations.

and it would probally mean we have lost a massive amount of our fighting force and logistical streams.

You brought up a good example, when george bush said "mission accomplished", to large extent americans had destroyed the conventional army.

The USA had destroyed the Iraq Airforce and dominanted the sky, And the was no Tanks, Artillery or soldiers left to fight a conventional battle because they had all fled or been killed or captured.

Once the defence force is in such a state of devastation all that was left was groups of insurgents operating in nuisance attacks, But the insurgents have no hope of mounting a large enough resistance to drive the USA out.

So the insurgents can resist the occupation, but the main chance of winning the "War" and driving out the enemy quickly is lost.
On the OP's post, I'd rather die here myself than go to a foreign country to kill another on their own soil. I'd certainly take up arms if my country of residence was being invaded.
In a situation such as WW2 where ocupation of my country of residence was on the warmonger's agenda, I would strongly consider leaving home to help curb their advancement.

Re: Would you go to war...

My Grandfather was an engineer in WW1 in France, tough gig, Dad related how the engineers were the ones to clear the area of ordnance, lay planking and cut through the barb wire for the troops to follow sounded dangerous to me.

Unfortunately never met my Grandfather he died early 50's, he was the only survivor out of 15 others after a shell landed in their trench, he lost a leg to gangrene laying around in a field hospital waiting for treatment.

Funny thing was he never received a cent for the wounds or disability.

Would I go to war? If the mainland was threaten I guess I wouldn't have a choice.

My brother in law went to Vietnam I have seen the damage to him and his mates, I didn't think it was worth it.
Re:without question i would defend my country

In the blink of an eye i would stand up to defend my country

as for cowards in the face of enemy remember in time of war you dont even get a kangaroo court.

you get dealt with to the back of the head...
Hmm interesting question.

My Great Uncle died at Gallipoli. (Artillery division)
My Great Grandfather was wounded in France but remained a Drill Sargeant here in Australia until the war ended.

My Grandfather and his six brothers went to WWII and three of them returned. He also had a sister that joined as a nurse, got involved with Military Intelligence where her war records were sealed for six months and afterwards promptly married an American Major (Doctor) and returned with him to California when the war ended.

I have to say that they probably don't want my soft podgy slightly over the hill body - but if they did and there was fighting on our soil or the definate possibility of fighting on our soil, I'd join up.

Sir O
If we were being liberated from the Rudd Regime, i might be tempted to defect.

air show in melbourne recruiting air force cadets.......17 navy destroyers in sydney recruiting sailors....

this topic may require more thought that some here realise...

completion dates of public works , havent changed....

what were the completion dates of the sydney harbour bridge and the story bridge in brisbane?

What IF the economy tanks and we are down and out then the Muslims move in with a heap of $$$$$$$$$$...what happend's then?
Re: Would you go to war...

Well Im going to go against the trend and say No. It would be very hard to convince me to go and fight.
What if other young Aussies were on a front line across Brissie prawn defending us southerners? I suppose it's hard to imagine, but that's part of my 'defend the territory no question' position.

Maybe you should ask whether mothers would be prepared to let their sons go!
There's some American Indian tribe whose tribal laws say only men can go to war, but it's only the women that choose to go. Nice one.

No, I would never go to war - nor would I die for any cause. The 'ownership' of countries is ever changing, so why should I stand in the way of history, and to a better point; why the heck would I die for it?
You don't have a fence up around your house and if the neighbours starting tossing handgrenades over you'd just lie back and think 'ah, the serenity!'
No, I would never go to war - nor would I die for any cause. The 'ownership' of countries is ever changing, so why should I stand in the way of history, and to a better point; why the heck would I die for it?

good point. but im sure enough of the 'right fervor' will be whipped up to ensure you concience weighs heavily.

there'll be no more les darcys thank you....we're gonna make a profit from this war, and no peasant is gonna distract the rest of the peasants!!

Damn I wish we had more like you in this country metric.
kennas. have you actually read the story of les darcy? are you aware what was done to him? why they did it? whom the players were? and do you think anything has changed?


I'd fight to defend the nation but NOT the nation-state. I would fight to defend MY PROPERTY and those of my neighbors.

The war would have to be JUST.

If it doesn't past muster as far as I'm concerned... The draft?

The STATE does not OWN my body. I do. It is my property. The draft = tyranny.

I will dodge or go to goal rather than fight a unjustified, immoral, pointless, destructive war. Conscientious objector for sure.

Basically, why not let each citizen defend their own property, join malitia's etc?

I don't get why the US is so paranoid. Who on earth is going to attack them and try occupy? I wonder what would happen... say the Chinese try to take over the 5 Boroughs... (The Bronx etc.) Yeaaaah, lol... good luck
Subject to the same qualifications as kennas, in a heartbeat.
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