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Who thinks there will be a slump?

I don't think the DOW tanking itself will trigger a crash.
Too many bears around imo

I thank we have had the crash but only need the Dow crash to let everyone else know about it.

Benanke is finding green shoots down black six foot holes.
Who thinks the DOW will tank and will it cause a crash ?

More to the point.... Who doesn't think the DOW will crash ? I would say it's more than likely.
If crash = 20% fall; I'd say dow would be sooner up 20 than down 20.

We are down about 10% from our recent peak another 10%will take us to 4200, thats on the back of a supposed strong economy. The U.S is down about 4% on the back of a struggling economy that is running out of tricks and ink for money printing.
We are down about 10% from our recent peak another 10%will take us to 4200, thats on the back of a supposed strong economy. The U.S is down about 4% on the back of a struggling economy that is running out of tricks and ink for money printing.

DOW down 176 pts or almost 1.5% last night. A few more like that and the pressure will be really on for QE3
The DoW dropped again last night Big Ben us waiting for all to come back crying for QE 3 because the other two didn't work this one will
If they bring in QE3 the public will start and ask the question
"Why put up my taxes? Why not just print more money to cover the shortfall".
"Why should my standard of living keep going down when I had nothing to do with the problem".
" If you can print money to bail out the failed banks and companies, why not print more and give me a pay rise to pay my mortage"
It's only a matter of time before confidence in the money system falters then trouble really starts.
Is there any wonder the price of gold is climbing.
Colarado closing down another 1000 jobs gone. The Retravision store near me is closing at the end of the month after 20years. The owner reckons it isn't worth keeping it open.
So the unemployment figures are going to start ratcheting up.
The slump appears to be gaining momentum.
Don't want to be a prophet of doom, but a recession is looking to be on the cards. I guess it's just one of those recessions you have to have when Labor are in. LOL
By the way I bought something in the sale, asked what the price was and what I could get it for, 90% under sticker price.

This is going to get really nasty, obviously they were having to "jack up" prices to cover their overheads.
The domino effect is going to really kick in for the immediate future and the fall out will be wide spread.
I think there is a huge case for holding your nerve, sit on cash and watch what unfolds.
Really scary times, which requires more grey matter than Labor can muster. Maybe Labor can get Costello to help Swan out on an I.A
This man is worried :

Maybe you mean need this type of slump:

CHICAGO (AFP) – A Texas man died while raping a 77-year-old woman, local media reported.

Isabel Chavelo Gutierrez, 53, broke into the woman's rural home armed with a knife and attacked her.

But in the midst of the rape he complained he wasn't feeling well and "stopped having sex with her so he could rest," the Corpus Christi Caller reported citing the local sheriff's office.

The registered sex offender continued to fondle her, however, then rolled over and died.

The woman initially thought he had passed out drunk because she smelled alcohol on his breath. She fled her home in her car and called her daughter for help.

Investigators believe Gutierrez died of a heart attack after riding his bicycle two miles to the woman's home on a hot summer day but are awaiting the results of an autopsy.

He was on parole for sex crimes including indecency with a child in 1986 and had been released from prison in 2008.

The Refugio County Sheriff's Office was not immediately available for comment.
The problem is, Glen, they can't tell Greece to pull it's head in because it has overspent. Then say to the U.S it's o.k to just print money to cover its overspending, the two are mutually exclusive. BIG PROBLEM.

Yeah had to laugh. The woman later claimed in her report
"he died while having a stroke"


Red kabayo
His nick name was Victa ...2 stroke .

Looks like China's property bubble has about as much pressure it can take and claimed to be much bigger than USA sub prime , Greece has riots, India has 9% inflation, RBA ready to raise rates, USA need to make decision soon if it should print or not and Japan, UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Portugal all over their GDP limits with JAPAN X 5.
There is 100 times more Gold sold on the market than there is above ground.
Dow on the skids for now.

Gold is predicted to double in 8 months there has to be enough bad news there to indicate a slump and more bad news soon.

Glen48, you're beginning to sound like an optimist! So tell me, all optimism aside, what's your realistic assessment of the situation?
The western economy's looking totally fornicated at the moment, wouldn't you agree?
I think coffee, chocolate, cigarettes and pharmaceuticals (such as statins, palliatives etc.) are likely to become highly tradeable in the foreseeable future. Gold whilst convenient as a trading medium, might be okay in the short term, whilst humanity's still in shock. Once they come to the harsh realisation that it doesn't directly address needs for physical survival, it will surely fall out of fashion as more urgent priorities come to the fore.

You will still need a medium for value exchange ie have something that somebody else knows has value thet they can also use as a medium for value exchange? If things go the way I think they will go, you won't be able to get cash from the bank (bank runs), so cash will be useful? So, small denomination gold, cash storable foodstuffs, any medicines, and unfortunately something to defend yourself with??

Your wits are the best defence.

Old wise saying says "Keep your wits about you".

Don't let the gummint twits in white coats come and drag your wits off....

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