Hi Julia,
I think part of the depression is caused by the slant of the media.
10 - 15 years ago the media mainly reported the news (except for The Mirror and the Globe
Now we seem to get opinions disguised as news, with gross exaggerations accepted as normal.
Simple things which in the past would be described as sad are now TRAGIC
, good deeds done are all HEROS !!! someone manages to beat some other poor sod twice they are CHAMPIONS !!! BEST EVER !!!
Lines from page 32 of a report are taken out of context and become SYDNEY WILL BE FLOODED .......... etc etc ........
All this BS does cause underlying stress in the average person, most do not have the time or experience to sort through the biased spin and try to get a balanced view.
In the long term people will stop watching the news and buying the papers because it is all too depressing, so they only hear it third hand and just get more depressed.
Especially the people becoming adults in the last 5 - 10 years, they have never had the opportunity to read a balanced news report and form their own opinion, news is all dramatised to shock and it is usually the follow up article 3-4 days later that is closest to the truth but no one reads it as it is on page 27.
The world will always change because each generation likes to make changes to improve it
, every generation knows more than all the previous generations put together, at least they think they do