Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Whale wars

Whale wars

  • Support the protesters activities

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Protesters are acting irresponsibly

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Mmmm Sushi

    Votes: 14 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I take it from your continued aggressive posture that you hate the Shepard crew and Captain based on extensive research of.............

Based on their obnoxious behaviour.

Exactly what is your position on Whaling and its effects on Australian business's involved with the tourist industry?

Like most people in the world of my generation my main interest is my own survival. I have no desire to take on extra emotional baggage worrying about whales, eco-tourism or your silly questions.:shake:
Like most people in the world of my generation my main interest is my own survival. I have no desire to take on extra emotional baggage worrying about whales, eco-tourism or your silly questions.:shake:

If your not interested in this topic, I suggest you butt out as you don't need to have an opinion on f*cking everything.
If your not interested in this topic, I suggest you butt out as you don't need to have an opinion on f*cking everything.

The topic is "Whale Wars". I am interested in why you and you mate IFocus are so upset;

. because I don't share your obsessional belief that whales are sacred.

. because I don't consider Watson and his gang of hoons to be heroes.

. that your need to stoop to abuse and gutter language to get your point across.
... The only argument for a ban on whaling is the cuddly one. Whales are a massive resource. They are a top predator, so overfishing will wipe them out more quickly than smaller fish...

I am only just working my way through this thread, and so maybe someone else has already said this, yet a "top predator". You have got to be kidding me, or making it up, either way its good to see that the emotive language is not just for the fools on the catamaran.
I am only just working my way through this thread, and so maybe someone else has already said this, yet a "top predator". You have got to be kidding me, or making it up, either way its good to see that the emotive language is not just for the fools on the catamaran.

I refer you to my post #52

Minke Whales are known to eat a wide range of fish species including krill, capeline, herring, sand lance, mackerel, gadoids, cod, saithe and haddock (Haug et al, 1996). Minke Whales are estimated to consume 633,000 tons of Atlantic herring per year in part of Northeast Atlantic (Folkow et al, 1997). In the Barents Sea, it is estimated that a net economic loss of five tons of cod and herring per fishery results from every additional Minke Whale in the population due the fish consumption of the single whale (Schweder, et al, 2000).

If that's not a predator, it will do until one comes along.

The most efficient sea predator is the Killer Whale (orca). It feeds on fish, seals and larger whales.


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Watson has just given up, gone home.

What an absolute muppet. Greens, Seashepherds etc. have no bottle imho.

If we had done this with the Japs during WW2, we would be eating Whaleburger Meals in the Sushihut now.

We can thank the Yanks for saving our butts in WW2. The British packed their collective tails between their legs and said, "Well, good luck Aussies, you're on your own!'. If the Yanks hadnt come through, well yeah, SushiHut it would be!
The topic is "Whale Wars". I am interested in why you and you mate IFocus are so upset;

. because I don't share your obsessional belief that whales are sacred.

. because I don't consider Watson and his gang of hoons to be heroes.

. that your need to stoop to abuse and gutter language to get your point across.

I find it hard to have a rational debate with most greenies. Maybe it is because there is not much between the ears. Usually if they cant win a debate they resort to abuse and illegal or terror tactics. (sabotage logging machinery, spike trees, block public highways, etc.). Democracy is only OK for them if they get what they want.

In this area they are passionate about flying foxes, our biggest pest. Flying foxes are pretty dumb. Did you know that if they get caught in a fruit net that the bang their head against a hammer until they stop kicking?.

Start a new thread "Flying fox wars" The whaling season has finished.
I find it hard to have a rational debate with most greenies. Maybe it is because there is not much between the ears.

I think its unfortunate you feel that way towards me

Usually if they cant win a debate they resort to abuse and illegal or terror tactics. (sabotage logging machinery, spike trees, block public highways, etc.). Democracy is only OK for them if they get what they want.

Unlike those that continually break international agreements that they signed up to and plunder accordingly.

In this area they are passionate about flying foxes, our biggest pest. Flying foxes are pretty dumb. Did you know that if they get caught in a fruit net that the bang their head against a hammer until they stop kicking?.

From experience, only inexperienced use hammers unfortunately its a pretty slow way to put an animal down but what ever turns you on ..............
I find it hard to have a rational debate with most greenies. Maybe it is because there is not much between the ears. Usually if they cant win a debate they resort to abuse and illegal or terror tactics. (sabotage logging machinery, spike trees, block public highways, etc.). Democracy is only OK for them if they get what they want.

In this area they are passionate about flying foxes, our biggest pest. Flying foxes are pretty dumb. Did you know that if they get caught in a fruit net that the bang their head against a hammer until they stop kicking?.

Start a new thread "Flying fox wars" The whaling season has finished.

You have any evidence that greenies are stupid?
Well if you dont I guess thats an irrational statement you made.
Where I am from, saying someone doesnt have much between their ears is pretty much abuse.
Looks like you showed yourself to be a hypocrite in your first paragraph. Not the sort of mistake an intelligent person would make.

I guess you have a few rational debates with your mates, when you are out torturing bats.

I bet London to a brick that the sheep round your way have stomach ulcers.
You have any evidence that greenies are stupid?


Example 1. Forrestry. By the persistant opposition to forestry in general they have forced the forestry industry away from sustainable native forest harvesting into monoculture. This means clear felling and the growing of sterile enviroments. Ask anyone who actually WORKS in the industry.

Example 2. Who but a complete idiot would place others at risk by having them act so dangerously in antartic waters as they have done with the anti whale crusade.

Example 3. Who in their right mind would want to place flying foxes above all other residents when they make themselves such a pest. Flying foxes are in plague numbers right now and it is illegal to even make a noise to disturb them.

Example 4. Have you seen some of their feeble efforts at "living with nature".

Sorry that is all I have time for now.

P.S. There are no sheep in this area so I can't comment there but I'm sure some of the hippies in the hills have some.
You have any evidence that greenies are stupid?
Well if you dont I guess thats an irrational statement you made.
Where I am from, saying someone doesnt have much between their ears is pretty much abuse.
Looks like you showed yourself to be a hypocrite in your first paragraph. Not the sort of mistake an intelligent person would make.

I guess you have a few rational debates with your mates, when you are out torturing bats.

I bet London to a brick that the sheep round your way have stomach ulcers.

Interesting your defending greenies when you have a fishing picture in your avatar? care to explain?
Empirical evidence. Not just a bunch of half assed opinions.

A person can want to protect whales without being a vegan, pushbike riding hippie.
We can thank the Yanks for saving our butts in WW2. The British packed their collective tails between their legs and said, "Well, good luck Aussies, you're on your own!'. If the Yanks hadnt come through, well yeah, SushiHut it would be!

Might be true if it weren't for the fact that the Japanese did not have the logistical capability to invade and occupy Australia. There would be some sort of peace arrangement, which I doubt would include whaling rights or including it on our menus.
Tag and release;)

So ripping the fish's throat to reel him in is more humane than killing a whale humanely?

lolol P.S i love fishing but im trying to understand the (whale protesters point of view). Is it the killing? what is it that frustrates people about whaling?